Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Discussion What Factions Would You Like to See?


Nightmare fuel bowser
The only reason for the Jedi being the focus is that is where all my RP contacts were playing. The Sith were on the list for a focus when I burned out trying to get it going. The story had developed from terrorist activities to much more than that. Even having warriors equipped to fight on level playing fields with Jedi or Sith Knights.

Theory. SW is primarily, a fairly back and white, good vs bad sort of story space. I know this has been developed over the years. But when SW was at its most unified and popular it was BAD vs GOOD. Which meant SITH vs JEDI in SW shorthand. So there is a lot less cognitive load to roll up another Sith or Jedi character.

You know what you are working with. You know who is 'good' and who is 'bad'. As there is no Anti Force faction prominent in the most popular aspects of SW, it does not come with preloaded attitudes, outlooks, world views and such for us to easily slip into and write a quick post late on a Friday night. Keeping the story consistent, and your anti-Force character consistent, is a lot more work.
I'd argue that. SW has much more to offer than Sith vs Jedi thing, it's more people who are reluctant to try out new things which leads to RP being repetitive and eventually not interesting anymore.
I'd argue that. SW has much more to offer than Sith vs Jedi thing, it's more people who are reluctant to try out new things which leads to RP being repetitive and eventually not interesting anymore.

I have avoided the Sith vs Jedi stories during my entire time here thus far. And still I have enjoyed myself. Although it is difficult to pull people away from those kinds of stories. Very, very much so. But I am here in the case that people are looking for something different. :)


OOC Writer Account
Earlier in the year I tried to create a House Harkonnen themed small faction in character as Alicia Drey Alicia Drey through the Convocation of Sojourn thread but I feel like the idea fell through because I never spoke to the writers out of character about it, and it's an idea I haven't re-visited as I have been caught up with the EotL and Fifth Wing stuff.

It is something that I would like to revisit later on because I feel like thematically the idea fits very well in Star Wars and the current themes of the website.
Factions I'd like to see more of, that I think would be neat:
  • Smuggler/Criminal Underworld Types.
  • Alien factions. Bryn'adul, Yuuzhan Vong, Chiss, etc.
  • Matriarchal factions, a'la take the Hapes Consortium/Amazon idea and blow it up.
  • Crusader/Viking type faction that doesn't care about Sith/Jedi/Mando/etc. but just wants to obtain riches and colonize the galaxy, mold it to fit their ideal.
  • User created factions that are specific/unique to Chaos without an anchor in Star Wars lore. A'la The Fringe from back in the day.
I had an idea for a criminal faction one time and I just called it “The Underworld” instead of trying to break it into one niche. Basically the idea was it was open to anybody who wanted to play in the Underworld.

But I feel like it might be hard to do a sandbox style faction.

I think another issue is that the Force users are really OP on this board. In the shows and movies criminals are able to fight Force Users. It might be difficult but how many times did Cade Bane trick the Jedi in the Clone Wars?

But the last time I wrote a criminal full time they went up against a Jedi who could literally teleport himself to the moon. Now granted this was on a different board but I mean how do you fight Superman?
Find their kryptonite and use it generously.

Lightsabers malfunction using specific metals, the Force can be suppressed by various creatures/materials. I know under Yasha's Mandalorian Empire that the Mandalorians carried Ysalamari backpacks. Slugs can't be stopped by the Force. One character shot Briana with bullets made from void stone that nullified the force in her until she had the shards removed later.

If your plan with your character is to engage in PVP with Force user characters and they are a NFU, they should have a repitor of gadgets at their disposal. Jedi and Sith are rampant on the board, it seems like it would make sense for NFU characters to know how to arm themselves against them.

Not everyone is always going to play fair, true, but in the case where it's clear someone just wants to 'win' and they don't care about being respectful to both of your characters - nope out, because it's not worth it.
I've always been partial to the idea of a very grounded rebel faction, based on asymmetric power imbalances and a risk to their existence if discovered. They would operate in cells and strike larger factions in small raids. There are lots of really great examples in newer Star Wars media (think Andor, The Clone Wars) of the fractious, often desparate groups who fight an ongoing, seemingly fruitless struggle against tyranny.

There are a couple of barriers conceptually though.

Firstly, it relies primarily on NFUs and particularly disenfranchised, desparate characters who are low on the power scale. This is actually a pretty uncommon character type on chaos.

Second, if this kind of faction gains enough traction, it naturally evolves into a Rebellion, and then a Republic, and there's already a huge faction on the board that fits the latter. This could be addressed by purposely keeping the faction low to the ground and relatively weak, but idk that people would take to that.

Finally, this kind of faction needs a big baddie. Preferably, a big Imperial baddie who hunts and persecutes the rebels. If this dries up, which in the past it has, there goes your activity. I think that there's a possibility that you can sidestep this by making basically every major board player an enemy (e.g. the Sith are enemies IC because of course, but also so are the Alliance, because the faction sees them as a politically bankrupt war machine). I have no idea whether that would work in practice anyway.

Regardless, as mentioned above it's a concept that lends itself to having a small, really dedicated cast of people's mains, and I need to become a wayyy faster poster if that's gonna be me.
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Saw some one mention Maw and Brin. As someone who tried to get in the brin but I was too human (I actually had a character in the brin but Tegan did want to get in) and as someone who was a in maw and one of the ic leaders for a time. The part there is knowing that both factions were meant to be flash in the pan and not live on forever there is an exasperation date included. Not everyone can get behind that the Maw for example was out to destroy the galaxy and then rebuild it in there image (of sorts it was a little more philosophical then that) it's not IC achievable goal so the faction eventually has to end.

But at the moment I think there are enough darkside groups and something like the maw wouldn't gain traction at the moment. The Maw lucked out with the fall of many of the darkside factions and a need for a darkside bad guy to terrorize the galaxy. That and at the moment what they achieved I don't think is achievable also with the size of some factions. Its a good idea just not the right time yet for something like that.
but also so are the Alliance, because they are a politically bankrupt war machine

I'd like to see something more slice of life civilian too. I was just thinking about making a biologist character but I'm not sure where I'd put it to find stories you know?

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