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What is a Sith to you


Well-Known Member
This not determine whether or not sith are evil, it`s figure out what you think sith do.

Me personally

Sith is an Apex predator. No matter what sith faction you play. As such are part of natural order of things.

Also all sith should be lawful, yes they believe in rules and obey them.

Swtor sith empire to me, was like the roman empire.

What your thoughts on this, but refrain from using the word evil, or good.
Sith are preemptive forces of nature, working to create a world/environment that is absent the need for response (as opposed to the Jedi and Republic, who are primarily respondent). Their resolve and dedication goes beyond what would considered right or wrong, implying that all actions committed towards their goals are a means to an end, and thus justified. Sith are lawful, but only to what they deem appropriately as law. Whether that be the natural laws, man made laws, or laws that they have concocted themselves.

The only time I would use the word good or evil to define sith would be to note that, if written properly, neither would apply to them. They go where they need to go, do what they need to do, and are limited only by their ambition and imagination.

I'm writing this in the tense of it being factual but of course, it's just my opinion and from this specific mindset is how Reverance is written.
A person who is willing to abide by laws set not by others, but by themselves for the cause that they fight for. And yet is willing to break them to surpass others, as well as themselves for their cause. And because it is for that, they feel that it is justified for them to do so. Even when other people, as much as I hate to say this word, believe that their actions are evil. More so their actions put others in danger, harms way, or even die.
Sith are (or rather, should be) pragmatists. Instead of being evil stereotypes who do evil for no reason, they should do both good and evil, depending on what furthers and advances their goals. Why kill innocents for fun when it is ultimately a waste of energy and resources? They should not be overly concerned with well-being of their subjects, but on the other hand, they should not treat them like dirt either. As long as the subject is loyal and productive, he should never starve or fear losing the roof above his head, as broken subjects are useless and do not help the Sith. In a way, the Sith could be seen as farmers. Taking good care of the animals, but also expecting the animals to give something in return, such as milk, flesh, eggs...

Being a Sith is also very much about survival, in my opinion, as they need to evolve and adapt to the changes around them. Unlike the Jedi, who are unwilling to change, the Sith should not be traditionalists and rather embrace new ways if needed. Use both Light Side and Dark Side, as using only one means they restrict themselves.


Victory is mine!
Ok. Actual Sith are power hungry, self centered, selfish, traitorous, backstabbing, homicidal, sociopathic lunatics, bent on the destruction of everything and everyone who do not agree with delusional vision of themselves a gods who need to be served by all beings they consider to be lesser than them. Which is everyone. This opinion is supported by the innumerable canon examples we see in the movies, games, and books, as well as their own code. Sith are about as lawful at best, as pirates with their pirate code.
VlPER said:
Ok. Actual Sith are power hungry, self centered, selfish, traitorous, backstabbing, homicidal, sociopathic lunatics, bent on the destruction of everything and everyone who do not agree with delusional vision of themselves a gods who need to be served by all beings they consider to be lesser than them. Which is everyone. This opinion is supported by the innumerable canon examples we see in the movies, games, and books, as well as their own code. Sith are about as lawful at best, as pirates with their pirate code.
Nah, that sounds more like Dark Jedi to me. The only reason why Sith act the way you wrote in books is because the writer was lazy, so they put in the most obvious and stereotypical villain possible. That means a Sith with no redeeming qualities and someone who is nothing more than the main antagonist for the hero to defeat.
[member="Darth Veles"] Completely agree. The description given by [member="VlPER"] is the result of vapid and flat methods of writing (as there are canon examples of sith like this), writers unwilling to delve into the true purpose of things. Look to Darth Krayt for what I think the Sith were truly meant to be, someone motivated by true and good purpose eventually corrupted by the taking of too many wrong turns.


Well-Known Member

Emperor palpatine when he finished taking over the galaxy, craved order. He was no fool, nor was he insane. He took all steps necessary for his survival, thats why he made sure the jedi was extinguished.


Victory is mine!
Please explain the movies, games and code then which also support this. Lol palpatine had one of his own apprentices killed. He tried to have a second one killed. He killed his own master. All to maintain his own power. That one example covers just about everything I said. And there are many more examples. Lol and he was Sith. He was Sith as the creator who first came up with their concept said they are to be. I think people simply want to be Sith cuz they think its cool, and can't work out in their minds how truly sick and dare I say, "evil" haha they really are. Sith are sick twisted bastards. Plain and simple. :) but again. I am talking about actual Sith. Not the watered down and lovable versions that are in abundance today.


Well-Known Member
He killed duko to make room for a stronger apprentice, animals in nature do the same to their offspring. If they're too weak they would abandon them, if there's not enough food one chick will eat the other.

That`s not evil, it mother nature at work. [member="VlPER"]


Victory is mine!
And [member="Reverance"] and [member="Darth Veles"] I agree with you completely. It is lazy writing that makes them that way. But that is unfortunately what it means to be a real Sith.


Victory is mine!
[member="sabrina"] , you are only supporting my comment. Haha people aren't animals. They are supposed to be above the simplistic natural way of things. That is what makes us different "above" non sentient life. And if you find someone better, you fire the old guy and hire a new guy. You don't kill him. Palpatine has to kill people he wishes to discard because of the vengeful murderous nature of the Sith. It's a self preservation tactic to continue his rise to dominence over everyone else. Again right in line with what I said.

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