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What is a Sith to you


Victory is mine!
Ayden Cater, on 08 Nov 2014 - 5:05 PM, said:
Ayden Cater said:
Cody Weadge

And yet we continue to view those things as canon on the board. Unless you mean to say that 90% of the board's force powers are no longer canon and valid for use.
Cody Weadge, on 08 Nov 2014 - 5:10 PM, said:
Cody Weadge said:
To my knowledge none of the 9 or so Empire like factions on this board have been sexist or expressly xenophobic.

And to be fair, Force powers can be pretty ridiculous on this board compared to anything in the movies OR Expanded universe.

Ayden Cater
I am actually fine with dumping all these weird force powers. So many of them seem like they belong in airbender, NOT star wars. Some are ridiculously OP. I tried fighting one character, and i couldn't touch 'em. They'd just make a dirt wall spring up, or harden their body somehow that made it like hitting a durasteel wall. And the were barely at their midteens as a master.... >.> It was a nonsense fight. I came to this board and had to take a doubletake and make sure i wasn't watching avatar. lol

In regards to the remark about the empires not being sexists or xenophobic. Other than OS, they don't have Sith in charge of them. At least not to my knowledge.

But this is getting off topic. People that play Sith, and think they are just like everyone else and not evil, have been drinking to much of the cool-aid. lol way to many example to show otherwise. And Sabrina. Pretty much all your examples are people who weren't associated with the jedi as mentioned. And besides, Jedi aren't perfect. Why does everyone seem to damn them to hell because of one or two mistakes over the course of hundreds of years? I mean seriously. You'll condemn the jedi for their very few mistakes but still defend a people whose whole ideology is death, destruction, and self advancement? That's funny.
[member="Togashi Yokuni"]
That is also subjective. A sith's love can become obsessive and unhealthy, to the point of being completely invested in a twisted love that has become hate. It has been said before that Love and Hate are the same feelings on the opposite end of the same spectrum. I believe that once you reach a certain point, even hate becomes love. A tainted, twisted, and cruel kind, but you get that "feeling" of not quite remorse, but an obsessive and dark sadism that makes you want to relent just enough so that you can continue on with your obsession another day.

Well that also describes me as a person to some people, but I digress.
Oh, I totally agree that they are evil as sin, but there are also those people who believe that morality is subjective and that you can't judge people at all - that there are "shades of gray", not "black and white", but they forget that the opposite ends of this "gray" spectrum are white and black, no matter how big or small the spectrum is. The sith reside in the darkest depths of this "gray", and the Jedi are a slightly more white. Hence why they are called the Light side and the Dark side.

I agree that they are evil, but chaotic and lawful poodoo is based on the singular character - this is a notice to all whom are seeing this thread, as I am tired of the "You aren't a true sith if -". No two Sith are wholly identical, and while that is the case, they are certainly not good by any sense of the word. As I have said millions of times before in every single one of these threads, when you do "good things" for terrible reasons, you are committing the greatest of evils by distorting the two in order to fool those whom are lesser than you (i.e; civilians, etc) that you are the greatest good and that even that end result is "better" than "what could have happened". It is a very manipulative act, and manipulation for the sake of doing terrible things, or even for the intent of malice, is a greater evil than telling them you are doing it to do it for that actual reason.
VlPER said:
I am actually fine with dumping all these weird force powers. So many of them seem like they belong in airbender, NOT star wars. Some are ridiculously OP. I tried fighting one character, and i couldn't touch 'em. They'd just make a dirt wall spring up, or harden their body somehow that made it like hitting a durasteel wall. And the were barely at their midteens as a master.... >.> It was a nonsense fight. I came to this board and had to take a doubletake and make sure i wasn't watching avatar. lol



Victory is mine!
[member="sabrina"] yes, this person needed to read that article. My characters get injured all the time. I swear, half the missions my characters go on usually end with them in a hospital, or at least with a bandaged something or other. haha
Sith are what happens when the force happens. It's what happens to everyone when they get a power. Some people will use it for good. Some people will use it for evil. Eventually, the people that use it for good, are just fighting the people that use it for bad.

It's a sad, vicious cycle.


Victory is mine!
Heh. Yup. True Sith love! First he lied to her when she confronted him about his actions, the he refused to simply leave the troubles behind and go with his "love", then he nearly strangled her to death when he got upset. *headdesk* With true love like that, who needs crappy relationships. :p


Well-Known Member
VlPER said:
[member="sabrina"] yes, this person needed to read that article. My characters get injured all the time. I swear, half the missions my characters go on usually end with them in a hospital, or at least with a bandaged something or other. haha
Then may I suggest send it to them and consider the rpj button

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