Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What is your Character's dirty little secret?


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Nyx craves social contact, in any and all forms.
Due to her abusive caretakers in her orphanage, Nyx spent most of her childhood completely alone, and one of her biggest fears is having no one in her life. Even if she acts like she hates people.

Briar Thorn

Life is a game, so why not enjoy yourself?
[member="Braith Achlys"] I don't think that was a secret there girly!

Briar has an air of sophistication about him, but he was just a farm boy from Dantoonie who didn't know nothin' 'bout' nothin'!
Atin Is afraid and dislikes most force users. They make him uneasy, as does anything that can enter your mind.

The more worried he is, the more he jokes to mitigate the situation, and make it appear less dangerous.

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