Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What kind of Faction would you like to see?

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Factions rise and fall constantly on Chaos, with a few that remain constant and continue to thrive; and though while I've had my fair share (many of which flounder and few that limp on), I've always found the Faction system on this site to be superior and more enjoyable than on similar Star Wars based sites.

I've always thought that it is a good system, and it helps bring like minded characters together; however at the same time, Factions are often either taken directly from Wookieepedia or they're the umpteenth reiteration of another faction. This can be seen as more and more factions are created, many fall back upon older ideas, or they dig up ideas that didn't work in the past, though may work now.

I have on multiple occasions accepted my own role and part in how I've created ideas and abandoned them (often due to inactivity or the being unable to garner the needed member base; even now my longest living faction is still limping along). I've found that being an inclusive faction that caters to everyone can be difficult though not impossible; while at the same time, exclusive factions often have more difficult as you focus upon one aspect or group and often enough it isnt a large enough group of individuals or your exclusive focus is not as widely desired.

Factions that seem to focus on Force Users always burst at the seems, while Factions that focus on Non-Force Users seem to squander or limp along (I understand that the Force is the big draw for Star Wars; though its a draw that has been abused).

With ideas constantly on the rise though, its difficult to find something concrete, that one great breakout hit that doesnt fizzle a month in and whose members stick with the faction.

And while I've my own ideas, and interest, I've always found myself wondering what kind of factions do other members want to see on the board?

I'm not talking about dragging up some older faction, I'm talking about ideas that people would like to see attempted and built upon.

What kind of faction would you like to see?
I know for a while i've wanted to see a faction consisting of Kings & Queens. Kind of like a faction of royalty who have a lot of push and pull in the galaxy. Fun little thing and what not i thought might be cool.
I am an admin for my kind I wanted. It is growing nice and steady and I love that. Fringers ftw!

In seriousness, i like neutral and non radical groups. And find too narrow a focus to NFU or FU boring. I'd still love to see an Alchemy/Force Crafting faction, minor, someday. But that is my pipe-dream, lol!

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
I dunno any more about factions I would like to see.

I feel like there is far too much fickle drifting between factions or I see people who are in several major factions at the same time.

One of the big draws of Star Wars is because it has a set theme.

Which is why that there are reiterations of what has been in the past.

In essence mirrors real history.

The Czars of Russia believe themselves to hold the mandate because of some ancient empire from long before (SPQR).

While a distinct culture grew from that just.

Its why there are constantly the boom and bust Dark sider factions that crop up, and every few months someone wants to bring back an Imperial faction for fun.

What is quite the drag is the fact that a lot of thematic factions that make Star Wars, well Star Wars, either crumple up cause of sudden vacuum of interest or far too much OOC drama between old wounds and such.

We've had factions who are bascially space religious zealots (moross crusade and primeval come to mind). To me the issue isn't a faction I would like to see, the issue is longevity of these factions that spring up seem to crumple quickly and get insta wiped from. Like hell! The Hutt Cartel has been around for like 20000 years of history and somehow just over night boom they be broken.

Watching the Primeval fall apart I feel was done right. The Hutt Cartel was simply clearing space on the map game.

Plus arguably a lot of things have been tried. Hell simply looking through the faction directory we see dozens of pirates and criminal organizations that went know where.
Smuggler groups that don't do much other than just exist.

There are so many force user cults and groups that come together and disband fairly quickly too.

I get that its chaos but man either things move to fast OOC that some times the IC stuff seemingly doesn't matter in the face of the site events that actually move the "date" forward.

Sorry for just ranting,

[member="Queen Sovereign"] as suggested, a holy roman empire esque faction would be kinda cool to see. Inter cine fighting and such. Arguably though there are a ridiculously vast number of monarchy style systems and governments that exist that this can be easily done and wouldn't have to be a major faction.

What would be cool is if criminal factions kinda simply stayed minor and just fueled dominions into rebellions and such to keep their strangleholds on those spaces. Other than, historically speaking the Hutt Cartel, other crime organizations that go major seem to collapse (Ie Red Ravens, Black Sun Syndicate, and others).

I guess my issue is that as writers we tend to have multiple characters that can span different groups and factions. Thus overstretch becomes a real phenomena as peeps tend to be wherever activity is high and not where it is low and then those factions suffer as of consequence.

Space crusading has pretty much been a tried and done aspect.
Evil sith lords doing things, check
Every possible iteration of jedi, been done and check
Every possible criminal organization? done and check
Existential groups? Check?
Smuggler groups? Check?
Rebel esque groups? Check?
Imperial groups check?
Old pubs check
new pubs check
new new pubs check
space hippies check
space rednecks check
space mongol style horde empires check
zealous group of religious nuts check
corporate groups check
anti corporate groups check
anarchists check
communists in space, check
explorers check

List could go on and on.
Weirdly enough we've pretty much done just about everything that happened from the last century RL in span of 15 years IC in the last three years OOC.
Yup the romans are a big inspiration in what I do for the legions I dev :D

I'd like a good solid, stable Dark Jedi Exclusive Faction. Nobility. Kings Queens etc.
Darker Leanings but aiming for nobility.
Most of my sith are based around old greek or roman gods, or monarchs.

Though I think you are better off at least at first working as a sub faction within an existing one, gaining interest and then if you get enough momentum to get past your one or two month slump as you point out, going major. If not you can stay as a sub faction forever if needs be, and your work was not wasted!
[member="Queen Sovereign"]

I would be but at present I am committed to where I am. Put a lot of time in and I don't switch factions easily.

If you go sub in either the ssc or os though I'll be game to support you, both could hold a DJ faction of nobles quite easily.
A faction that isn't a star wars rip-off of a real world or other mainstream media idea.

So, while the Holy Roman Empire sounds great in space, writing that will always feel out of place.

Vanity projects (putting a character at the leadership or making a character for a faction) are also a no-no. If you can't work the faction in to a character's existing rp, chances are that nobody else will.

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
[member="Lily Kuhn"]

How does anything feel out of place?

We have literal space samurai knights running hitting each other with laser swords over a split set of religious ideologies analogous to the division among Abrahamic religions?

Storm Troopers are Fascists wet dream of unwavering loyal shock troops to enforce their will.

We have a warrior culture thats a cross between vikings and mongols, basically Cossacks, that run around looting and knocking over everyones sand castles as either individual mercenaries or horde mode

We have EWOKS!

Star Wars has essentially everything in it. Why would HRE in space feel any more out of place than space japan (Atrisia)?

[member="Queen Sovereign"]

Essentially would be a game of thrones of Force Users

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
[member="Queen Sovereign"]

Arguably on this site we have a good number of noble houses all competing for power as it stands. A great idea for a faction would be a reference or simply a spot to collectively coalesce them and where they are at. Essentially the influence of the numerous noble houses.

Ya got the Fels

List can go on and and on!
Game of Thrones in a Star Wars setting would be so cool. If that faction ever exists I'm joining (once I've completed my rise to power that is).

[member="Queen Sovereign"] [member="Caius Flavian"]
[member="Queen Sovereign"]

I just need a dragon and I'm set. But it seems like the Sovereign family is already a Star Wars Game of Thrones, so at least you've got that going.

Caius Flavian

Faction Admin - The Galactic Republic
Werah Unon said:
An alien faction. I know it would restrict creativity in character creation, but it would be cool to see more pure alien factions/tribes/clans/empires.

I actually don't see how this restricts creativity?

I mean there are like hundreds of Alien species.

Peeps play human predominately I guess cause easy to relate.

I know there are decent number of Kaleesh on the site. Although since dredge destroyed Kalee's habitability the world is essential a death planet.

Xenos centric leagues though would be pretty sweet.

Of course minors are pretty only good for rebellions and somehow becoming a major in order to safely ensure that their planets/systems are getting wrecked (says this while being a member of such a faction now Xp )

Xenos racism toward Humans isn't explored that often I feel around here.

Or just a straight focus of stories around one species.

I guess the only exception is the Chiss PCs that get together around here once in awhile to try and redo the ascendency
[member="Mara Sedaya"]

The Sovereign family is just a bit more complicated than normal royal families. Plus, the four sisters are kind of feuding and what not...or at least Winter is with her three siblings because of drama xD.

Ya know, every royal family has their...issues LOL

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