[member="Miss Blonde"]
[member="Aerin The Lost"]
Hand him over to me, I am a madman who believes he is a god of justice. I may be psycho in that regard, however, there is no doubt that Ardgal will unerringly give justice.
To Udin:
I noticed you are following this thread so I will not tag you. Here's the cheese: You got a choice here. You have the opportunity to change. There have been several new people come in and make similar mistakes. Some learn, some leave, some are hated until they leave. One hit my alt, James Justice and all of the PCs who roll with him. His bounty reached over 5 million for war crimes, crossing EVERY faction on the board in less than a month, and getting captured and such. Several dueled him but he was a real dickbutt about things and refused to play fair. When he was finally captured, I killed him IC-ly for assaulting my IC daughter, attempted murder, and attempted grand larsony.
I tell you all this because I don't want you to become that guy. My advice? Learn from this. Let this character go, make a new one, and DON'T do this again. Here is hoping you take this advice.