Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What were the biggest barriers to you getting involved in Chaos RP as a new member?

I didn't know what things like godmodding and metagaming were. I was also not aware of any kind of roleplay etiquette.

This resulted in me coming pretty close to getting a healthy stack of warning points in my first week :p
I think I was one of the lucky people who was guided along from the get-go by a few responsible members of the community.

[member="Spencer Varanin"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] etc. Without them, I am pretty sure my time on Chaos would have looked way different. (Thank you for that!)

So I didn't really have much difficulty getting into, but my advice to anyone just starting out: find a group of active people, be that a minor or major faction and just write. Show initiative. Drive the stories. Let the experienced ones guide you and you will learn everything you need to learn in no time.

That worked for me, at least.


Well-Known Member
[member="The Gray Assassin"], same here on the Warning point part. I'm going to have to say, adapting to the rules.
I was not new to creative writing or roleplay, the hardest part for me, and still the hardest is creating good characters that I want to write for/as. I'm very picky, and if I don't love the character I quickly lose the muse to roleplay as them. So, I guess creating my first character was the hardest part. Although she has been scrapped and I am currently in pursuit of an even greater character. Another small but notably thing was learning the ways of star wars and the deep lore. Also talking to the people ooc was difficult as I was shy and nervous I would not be liked.

Connor Harrison

Just the whole scale and size of the RP community and the threads going on.

Lots of Open Threads, loads of Private, loads of established members cracking wise and making private jokes and in really expansive stories, and not many "welcomes" on my New Member post, all went to make me feel really out of my depth.

But as this was my first ever RP venture, I just had to watch, and learn and try to ease myself into things with similar characters to gel with others and go from there really, just like real life social interaction.

Thankfully I had amazing support from [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] and [member="Coci Heavenshield"] and [member="Kyra Sol"] to help me along the way and I wouldn't be still here without them. So good support and friendship makes things SO much easier to newbies.

But also...have faith and confidence in yourself and your ability and know you're NOT second best to anyone.


Well-Known Member
Finding a faction, also realizing how serious some people take it. Came from a place where nothing ever hit, which this better than, but no one took things too seriously ether.


Well-Known Member
Honestly? Not much. I spoke with [member="Eldoc Quasat"] within a few hours, became his apprentice, then from there was Hand to Ashin within the week. From there Ashin assisted me in getting to know everyone. Pretty simple start up really.
My first week here the size and scope of Chaos was almost overwhelming. I wasn't used to such massive sites and back in 2013 we were still huge, there was so much going on. Thankfully I had buddies in [member="Darth Carnifex"] who helped me get my bearings and figure things out, get settled in, etc.


Purveyor of Fine Weaponry
Getting involved in stories of real consequence. If you don't sign up with a major faction who happens to need bodies for an invasion or dominion, breaking free of the kiddie corner is like trying to ice skate uphill.
I think fear of the unknown is what tried and held me back,when I was still new I pretty much had no idea what I was doing,I thought about just abandoning the site,but then a found an interesting,open,RP and I jumped right in.
I think, for me, it was trying to be cohesive with other people Most of members here have been so for many years / months. They've been able to create relationships with one another. It kind of feels like you're the new kid in school, and people invite you over to their table You like everyone there, feel awkward and shy because here they are having great chemistry, and you don't know where you fit. Still don't know exactly. I still feel rather shy around folks here. ^^;
For me it was a combination of two things.

1. My First character was a Fleeter and I joined during a time period when Fleeting was not even a consideration much less a focus.

2. Getting used to the lack of an unbiased PvP outcome system. I cam to Chaos from communities that used a dice system to determine things like Hit, Misses, damage dealt, and the such.
sabrina said:
Finding a faction, also realizing how serious some people take it.
Really my only struggle, I've been role playing for quite a time before coming to chaos but meeting people and making those connections was the biggest struggle for me. I thought that joining skype chats would ease communication difficulties but it did the complete opposite and made me realize how nasty people could be. I've been able to distance myself from it since but it's also taken a massive portion of my prior motivations and incentive for Role-playing here.

I'm doing my best to hang onto what I can grab at however, I love Chaos and I guess I simply had bad luck with those I got hooked up with. I'm now working on two characters mostly, and getting established in The Kathol Outback (you guys are awesome!). Having a bounty has also helped expand my contact base a bit and open the door for some exciting RP's xD It's not always a bad thing to have a price on your head.
The lack of a rigid pvp system. I'm used to registering abilities, drawing out battle maps, determining movement speeds and whatnot...honestly was shocked that the pvp guidelines here amounted to "don't be a butthole". But now I've come to appreciate the sheer amount of creative freedom Chaos affords, and I don't really miss the numbers game when it comes to combat :)
I joined when the site was basically bare bones, in fact I remember the day factions were first announced and the map was introduced.

The only thing that really threw me for a loop was that I didn't have to apply for a character and wait for him to get picked over by a judge.
Well-Known Member
[member="Darth Carnifex"] *Founder Fist Bump*

I remember unknowingly creating what would be considered now a days a "godawan", an overly powerful padawan level character.

The no character approval was as glorious as it was surprising way back when :p

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