Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What would you like the first event of SWRP 2016 to be? virus to wipe out our endless Force user base and such?


But a virus that mutates would be fun, come on.

We ain't talking zombies, we talking you die until you dead.

Connor Harrison

We don't need to have Light vs Dark, Jedi vs Sith and all that, but something without the threat of the undead, or a mutant virus, or something from a PS4 videogame or Walking Dead. Let's see if we can keep it SW based in context, as I think that will appeal to more - that's what we are here for in general anyway when it comes down to it.

Simplicity works and gives more freedom for people to find their place and not get lost in something they may feel is beyond them. A supervirus sounds a good idea - we've had space stations that destroy planets, and planets that destroy star systems, so how about there is now a chemical weapon about to be used that would spread like wildfire.

An Omega virus, so to speak - something from the Bond movies almost; wiping out all living beings on a planet or in a system so a new world of specially selected inhabitants can be populated by some power-crazed visionary to fulfill their vision of "peaceful" beings? No mutants or zombies or side-effects, just something to eradicate living creatures but everything else remains for new beings to follow.
If next event will be involving current map and its major factions here is my suggestion.

Information brokers go nuts!

I would lke to see a story circling around information/intel as crucial for success in a coming story.
Let the secret agents be the central characters of it all. With intel moving in between major factions offering advantages or disadvantages in an unseen war without grand armies. But maybe it leads to an assassinstionof a VIP (PC or NPC).
Pull out dirty secrets, find top secret schematics or defence plans. Stuff that will lead the agents closer and closer to learning some really good stuff about the major factions.

To spice it the plot could award factions that manage well an advantage in future invasions on a system (decided by staff). Hence the plot would be felt with an aftermath in the coming invasions.
An alternative with less tension could be that the goal for the plot is to gain insight about a specific planet (currently neutral) that will be given to the faction that learns the ultimate secret about said planet.

Writers who have characters outside of the major factions only? Well, information is power. Who will learn the great secret, maybe the biggest bidder...
I'll just go ahead and confirm there won't be another map wipe. We said Netherworld would be the only one, Netherworld will be the only one. The only thing that can override me on that is the community majority.

Again, just making general statements, nobody's really suggesting another map wipe.
What if, in the spirit of Star Wars, it's not just a natural plague that happens to show up, but a rare version natural plague that was taken advantage of by "insert bad guys of any sort that we would happen to decide on here" to take over the Galaxy by eliminating all who oppose them using "insert virus/ disease name here". Then, everyone else would have to team up to take down whoever these bad guys would be. (A new Empire, dark siders, out of Galaxy or dimension invaders, evil scientists, anything really) It would have the classic good vs evil dark vs light type thing of the Star Wars we know and love which [member="Connor Harrison"] was mentioning earlier, as well as having a new spin on it with this "controlled" (maybe not for long because life finds a way and stuff?) plague taking the life of nearly anyone who contracts it. I don't know. Just some food for thought.
Looking back at a lot of the ideas shown here, [member="Jack Sparrow"] 's (Captain. You forgot captain ;-) ) idea sounds like it could be really cool. Something from way back like that could be cool. Again, just more food for thought.
What about a darker harvest, with 95% cocoa powder instead of 86%?

History loves to repeat itself, despite the better attempts of us peasants. So another Dark Harvest, with a slight twist and perhaps a different ending would be interesting. Or, going back even further in the EU/AU timeline, why not pick something major that happened and tweak it to our needs, or take a planetary thing and make it happen on a galactic-wide scale. I can't think of anything right now, unless you want a horde of Yuuzhan Vong on a dealership coming in.

With that, here's what you could do: the seedship was thought lost before the Vong even entered the galaxy. A wrong turn made or something. Anyway, they've finally found their way to the galaxy, where they caught signs of their brethren's descendants living. But guess what! While these old-new Vong are still fresh in their intolerance of infidels and the likes, the other, already-been-here Vong are fairly relaxed about things now...or are they?

Meanwhile, individuals like the Sith are trying to persuade these guys to help them with galactic domination, whilst everyone else is trying to either convince the new Vong to not attack or to try and get rid of them.

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