Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What's still Unwritten

[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko stood there with a look on her face before she spoke. "The next step is to find a place you can work for yourself. So you can focus and construct your lightsaber and then test it out. All jedi need to be able to do this even if they will not be using the blade ever again." it was simple and letting them be able to understand how the blade worked and what functions it could serve was even more important. She also knew there was a few things they could do afterwards to celebrate but also to ensure the training with the blade gained her padawan the respect for the blade. To not harm himself.
Tana examined the crystal in his hand as Junko explained the next step of crafting a sabre, "A specific spot where I can create my blade... I know, the balcony overlooking the forest filled with the dammed souls, something about it just just seems right". He turned back around to his master, a confident smile and look on his face, "But first, you said something about attaining the items to make the hilt did you not? I suppose such materials are back at the palace"? Tana had in mind what his sabre would look like, not from imagining it, not from seeing what would be practical, but allowing the force to provide an image in his mind during the small event before searching for the crystal, it only made sense to allow the force to once again aid him in creating the blade hilt.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko bowed her head when she was looking at him. "We do have supplies. There is an artisan's lab at the palace where they experiment with different materials for a hilt." Junko gave a smile though on her face when she started walking and patted her padawan on the back. "You have done very very well. I know it took some out of you but there is some water in your pack with enhancer to give vitamins and everything else you might need to keep functioning." Water was good and all but sometimes you needed the extra things that would let you stay alert and functioning. Junko clasped her hands behind her back with a nod of her head ready to go.
"I gathered as much, making such a hilt as I described may be a bi difficult, even for me", that was not really an overestimation, Tana was quite skilled in metal work, having learned the basics at a young age, using said skills to craft his blade and help around the families ships in keeping them up to shape. "Yer, thanks,that was a bit tiring, first time I have done something with that level of concentration, never really used the force also for that period of time, elder sister was always the more attuned on in the force". It showed that he was still very inexperienced in the ways of the force, and would need much training to catch up with his sister. Tana sat down, taking a small swig from his cantina from the supply pack,glad he had brought the small but useful item along.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko continued to walk and she had a look around. Leading the way up as they were in the forest and she pointed towards the standing markers. Like stone lanterns with crystals in them before she was walking and staying on the one side of it. "Come along." They could get through the entire forest safely if they followed the trail she knew but sometimes you might have to take a risk until she was waiting to see what her padawan was doing. "It is like that in my family as well, some of them are more intune with the force but I had the skills others didn't. I joined the atrisian military to protect my father and learned skills with the fallanassi and the witches of dathomir."
Tana quickly pack up the supply bag, placing the crew crystal in a safe and secure zip section as he quickly strode up behind Ike, "Where going through the forest, oh scary, but also exciting". He wondered if seeing some of these dammed souls would be a possibly, but at the same time knew such an event might not be the most healthy of choices, unless ghosts and vampires got along well, 'hmm, I wonder if I can drain the energy of a spirit'?. It was an odd though, but at the some time something that may come in handy if it turned out to be true, not that he really wanted to try, ghost probably did not taste nice anyways.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko looked at him as they were walking, with everything going on... well going through the forest was something they could do as in the distance there was the mountains. The palace could be seen and the side fo the cliff was sheer, bleached white rock that had been cut to look like part of the palace. She knew it opened up into the forest with a back way in that was mostly protected. Junko was walking and stayed near the markers though that she could see and there was more. THey had a longer walk back towards the mountain and she could hear the river where they came out. Standing there while she pointed her finger. "There is an abandoned orphanage that way, a village not far beyond it. Some of the places here in the forest were thriving long ago before whatever happened happened and we have seen the remains of a massive amusement type area and hotel on the other sides of the mountain. They are just wihtin the forest and subject to the spirits."
The forest was kind of creepy, and if Sukai was here both of them would probably be making jokes about making some sort of scary horror walk, and taking part in the attraction as well as vampires, even more so with the talk of abandoned areas, the orphanage being at the top of the list. "Yeeeer, not really one to get to close to children places, for some reason kids make the scariest ghost, just so creepy and small, hard to spot as well", assuming that spirits cold be sen anyways, Tana did not know much about the un-dead, aside from zombie Sith spawn. "Amusement centers, perfect place for murders I have learned, maybe give that a miss as well, not about to be on the receiving end of a serial killers knife".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko looked at him with a nod of her head but she was sticking around before she stopped and held her hand up. Pointing and directing the attention to the edge of the markers as something moved. "THey are called Don-Gai by the locals of the world. Wraiths and spirits trapped here but there is more to it. While they can't pass the markers they are drawn to force users it is why the palace is there with a fortress to protect the forest... both what is within it and from others getting into the forest itself. They were mistreated in life, they were wronged but now they have become something of anger and hate that harms others... but destroying them is not easy."
Tana kept close to Ike as she pointed out the soulless looking creatures, no doubt drawn to the master and the apprentice as they wandered close by, 'this is what is must feel like when I stalk my prey for energy, but this is different'. When Vampires went after a target they where the more scary silent type, never knowing where they would strike from next, being ones with the shadows, quick with only the pitta patta of their feet. These though, their look and unnatural way of moving, the fear they caused was more shock value then paranoia, "Yes, I do not wish to get close to those things, though I feel a little sad for them... my mother is still the scariest being I know".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko looked at her padawan and spoke with a small grin being hidden. "Mine as well." in truth Unaga was scary but in different ways... her father was seen as the leader of the family, the household but she is the one who wielded the power in actuality.. and she was not cruel but she was very prime and proper trying to not show what might actually be happening... and she made sure you earned every bit of what you had. No freeloading within her household. So Junko understood while she was looking at the creature that moved around and she continued to walk. THinking for a moment about the vicious cycle... they hated darksiders and to a leser extent force users but they needed to use that darkside to manifest and attack... so they used what they hated and just seemed to get more and more angry... not very good while she walked and looked at some fo the lush forest and trees. "The forst itself though, it is virgin, and seems almost untouched except where you might see the overgrown buildings and someone placed these markers. We have a few hundred meters to go but we should reach the mountain and the entrance to the palace and then you can work on your saber or your sword should you wish."
Tana gave a slightly chuckle to his master response, the fact of having something in common as well as the joke at hand, but he could tell that they were probably scary in different way. Kurneai his mother was more the death glare person, someone that could make a rancor piss its pants, not to mention being able to kill you in more ways that you could imagine and over all being disturbingly good with almost any weapon.

"Untouched, I can clearly see why, I doubt even a galaxy wide powerful Hutt crime or Sith Lord would try and disturb this place, even if there some some item of absolute power inside, not with those things wandering about... give me zombies and vampires any day". His eyes lingered on the spirits once more before turning at the task at hand, reaching the cliff face and getting back to the palace, "I believe that my sabre would com first, it would only be right to find a home for this crystal as soon as possible".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

She gave a bow of her head. "As you wish." Saying it but looking at the cliff face when they approached. She was a mix of disappointed and glad. There was nothing waiting for them in the forest, some creatures but that was to be expected. They were careful and exploring it how they did was easy enough. THe guards at the entrance to the cave stood at the ready inside and out of view but were able to see them approaching when they came out to look at them. Junko motioned with her hand and they were letting her past so she could enter the lower levels of the palace and they looked much the same. The processing areas for laundry, waste and everything but the halls were just as ornate before she was coming into one of the lower rooms to see a sunken floor holding a rock garden to meditate in and a lift.
Tana felt a little bad for rushing the whole lightsabre creation, but he was just so eager to complete it and show his family, his sister and mother probably still had no idea that he was on Atsrisa, or now a Jedi Padawan, he wanted to surprise them, and show mother he had left the life of an assassin behind for a better cause. Soon the two had reached the cave entrance, guarded yet again by the samurai looking people, said garuds coming to attention, but quickly moving to the side at a simple hand wave from Junko, was going on little field trip away from the palace common for her? Entering the lower level of the palace Tana was greet back to the exotic design of the structure, no part of the massive royal family house seemed to lack even the smallest amount of decoration, a elaborate rock garden catching the young mans eye, "ooh, that looks pretty".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko looked at it and she gave a nod of her head. She didn't come down here as often as she could but the mountain was massive where they were all looking. She stood there in it and could see one fo the atrisian servants here tending it. The crystals that were hanging around were beautiful before she was walking around. "It is, a beautiful place and I don't come down here as often." She said it but there were a few other things that they might be able to find, she had a room she went through and there was a large kiln. "Hmmm there is some clay down here, we keep it damp and out of the sun so it doesn't dry out. In case there is ever a chance to sculpt some of the other jedi beauties. I find it peaceful." Junko said it while she was walking towards the lift to take them up. There were more paintings, statues she had worked on and she could see they had been processing some of the clay. Solari crystal enriched clay that made it so the statues of different jedi could radiate the lightside of the force.
Tana gave her a puzzled but understanding look, the palace was a massive place, and even though such a room garden was very pretty it was also kind of out of the way, a place where one would have to make a pretty big detour in order to enjoy. "I would imagine though with visitors and more family members around that such a place gets more visitors", that and probably not putting it near the entrance to a haunted forest full of force eating spirits.

He followed the princess further into the room, the pottery equipment and ceramic crafting items being very apparent, "Interesting, have not really done anything poetry wise before, though it looks rather fun... is there anything special about the clay"? At this point he had come to just assume everything had a secondary usage of some sort, more so with a feeling of the force coming from the array of art decorating the place

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko looked at him. "I would love to be talented enough to know poetry.. but also pottery and ceramics." She said it while going and looked at the clay. "It is special, made with solari crystal and kyber dust that is left over from its use. It is infused into the clay and when I am working with it, molding it into a statue I can connect with it. Infuse it with energy and make it into something different. At least when I am within some proximity, the statues can serve as watchers for me and alert me to people being around my garden." She said it though while walking to some of it and she had the small wire to slice of a little and it was mostly kept damp but not overly wet. Junko was watching and she could use the statues how she wanted to. Showing some fo the ones that she had worked on in the kiln. The edges smooth, the robes flowing and the features were almost perfect to look like a few of the older jedi.
Tana, well he was really impressed with the statutes and their use, often in many cultures ornamentation and different figures where seen as protectors, ones that watched over someone as they went to battle or slept, something that was a big part of Jin, Atriasian, Jedi and so many others. In this case though, these statues where guardians, force ones, and probably a very nice security system against darksiders trying to assassinate, oh lest say a Jedi princess. "Woah, that neat, I can see the use of these for a lot of things, I'll have to start increasing my pottery skills then if I want to make my own". How hard could it be anyways, Tana was a skillful person with his hand, as such the young Jin was confident that he would be able to potter quite well with a little training. "Is there a master potter of something at the palace? I would very much like to try my hands at making something in the future".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

"No no masters of the skil. Some old texts from a je'daii master who used pottery and at the time in ANil Kesh alchemy to make statues that were meant to last several lifetimes." She said it and had read the je'daii texts but there was not a lot of it. Something that ancient was well worn down and the information lost of the centuries but the sculptures were something she liked the idea of doing any of it. Looking at her padawan who seemed to be wanting to try it and as a bonding experience she could teach him a good deal about the force itself for them. She was heading up towards the garden to lead them and would be able to work on her own while he was meditating and constructing his saber.. or a katana... Really he was talented and she was more then happy to aid with either aspect. "We shall see and there will be the garden for you Tana to explore and do as you want once we get up the lift."
He felt a little disappointed at the fact there was no one to pass on any hands personal experience, but learning form a book was not always bad, would not be the first time Tana had spent hours with his noise buried in some old text. "That's to bad, still it is better then losing all of it to time, though I could say with 100% certainty that if my elder sister was here she would make it priority number one to save what information was loss... then rewrite the re-wrtie thing herself once leaning this alchemy pottery art". Sukai could be a bit fanatical about lost arts and skills, but with the extra long life gifted to them both it was a physically reachable goal.

He continued to follow the princess through the sculpting area, each step increasing the excitement in his body as the time for constructing his... light Katana came closer, a climactic point in his life for becoming a Jedi, and perhaps more in the future if the Force willed it. "The amount oc gardens in the place never ceases to amaze me, the water bill must be very high around here", he joked stepping onto the turbo lift.

[member="Junko Ike"]

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