Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What's still Unwritten

[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

"There is a lot of gardens and ponds... but this si a big place and each garden can serve a diferent purpose. These lower ones near the back aren't in the sun as often so they are cooler, able to let some of the animals that are here relax." She said it but standing in the garden she looked out upon the back of the palace and the forest. Going to a small overlook area for meditation when she motioned for her padawan. "Now just be careful with it and don't fall off, people rarely come out here so it is perfect for privacy and you can construct your own saber my padawan." She said it standing there and had some of the kits and equipment brought out so that she might be able to give him some options. She had some fo the clau brougt up fpor herself so that she could work with it in another area of the garden and allow them both a chance to meditate.
Tana contuined to nod and Ike's words, there own house here on Atrisia was quite roomy, more so then needed for a 4 family, though not comparable to the palace in any way, more so since such a complex housed hundreds if not a few thousands people, workers etc. "That makes sense, like different holo games that one may have even if the are similar people like variety, though such gardens probably have more practical use and all". He continued to follow the master Jedi to the area overlooking the haunted forest, "Don't worry master, I won't fall, besides, I could survive such a high if I went about it carefully... not that I'm going to try". Tana observed the creating kit provided bu Junko, a large array of devices and hilt ornaments, much larger then anything he could have found on his own, "Besides the hilt design, what do you suggest master"?

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

"The tri-phase switch, being able to switch so you can handle an ion paddle beamer is invaluable as is the custom setting for it to really be your blade." She said it and was pointing out some parts of it. "WIth the right materials and crystals though your blade could be as powerful as anyone that has been created or stronger." Junko was looking at her little sections and there was an area she could be, where it was peaceful and despite what was below one could find relaxation here... Plus it was shaded and a lot more private. So she knew tthey could anything here nd not be bothered by the staff. Same as the back garden behind her room. A small section with a watcher statue and aside from the guard who was able to peer down and see... No one else eally ever saw it.
Tana looked through the array of items like a child in a candy store, well maybe more like an exotic pop up shop considering the location, the young boy listening intently to Ike as she explained each part and device one could add to a sabre, "Well will definitely use the tri-piece part is a must for me, perhaps will also do the thing to make it more powerful,what else can be added, you know without making the thing explode? From what he knew about sabres where no different from other energy based weapons, so much power and modification, and boom, hand exploded, "Oh, is there something I can use for cortosis, I know from... experience, that it can rather annoying to deal with".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

"Yes there is, the duel chamber power cell is designed for the saber to make it stronger and for handling cortosis wel the mon diametris circuits are important as they are the part that overloads when it comes itno contact with cortosis. Get them changed out and you blade will easily be able to handle cortosis with little effort." She said it sitting there when some of the clay was being brought up for her to look at. Where she wanted to check parts of it, seeing one of the others from the village coming to the garden to model for it. Standing on one of the stone circles so she was in the light and Junko could look over at her while starting to work the clay.
Tana honestly did not know the reasoning behind cortosis causing a blade to short out but is all it took was simply changing some small item then it was okay with him, lest having to repair some complicated circuity when the thing broke for whatever reason in the future. "Well that seems like a good mix, protection against most attack and really powerful, would there be anything else worth improving on it, you know without making it to unstable or complicated"? He knew certain crystals could be used as well as hilt modification like his sister plain looking blade that activated on grip and sort of hand print, only allowing her to use the saber, as well as focusing lenses and other small enhancements. Looking back at Ike he cock his head to the side a little, looking at the clay she was handling, "Is that the force clay stuff from before? you practicing your technique of just messing around"? he asked in a quizzical tone.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

"It is." She was looking at the clay and working with it more. "As to what I am going to make, maybe play around with it or just do something to sell off. It could go a long way if we are lucky." She was also thinking about things that might be used by her padawan and there were a number of crystals that they might be able to do. She knew a few crystals they had access to and with the metal they could offer for the hilt then she was already giving a solari and pontite style weave within the metal that her padawan could use. "Giving you the inth metal to fashion your hilt will allow a solari and pontite crystal weave to calm and focus your mind while the solari allows the lightside of rht force to bathe you in its energy."
Though keeping his eyes on Ike Tana hand rummaged through the array of sabre parts, feeling around for the hilt and other parts he would need for constructing his blade. "Your thinking of selling the cay to other Jedi and it's orders? well I guess I should have expected that the Ike family and Saori does seem to be able to make literately anything force related". As for the hilt he would use, "wow, that is a very elaborate way to make a lightsabre, my sister blade uses a crystal that can do that, fitting really, ooooh I can't wait to make it, I am probably the luckiest Padawan ever, but talking about the hilt, would I have to work the metal into shape"? One thing Riben-Jin were good at was metal working and blade crafting, making a sabre hilt then should not be as hard.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

She looked at him "Well doin't have to sell it, we have always offered freely that which is needed. Credits only serve to help make sure things can be done. YOu still need to be able to pay for fuel, pay for services outside fo the order where people need them to survive and feed their families." She smiled though while staying with it so that they might make other force related and enhanced things. "Though we do try to make the force into something that can benefit everyone. Hording the knowledge of it, using it only to benefit the order is how many came to view the order as elitist and something to be feared." She wanted to protect many more things but also offer plenty and that was why it was helpful for them to roam around and do good deeds with credits and equipment.
Tana rubbed the back of his neck slightly, "Ah well yes I can see, but it was more supposed to be a joke and all, since Saori has quite a large range of goods, some that seem a little odd, though seemingly useful, just saying is all". Though Ike did have a point about knowledge and power, protecting and sharing it, such a view being not do dissimilar from Sukai and his fathers own view, "I can see why one would want that, if everyone can benefit as a whole, but still, one must be careful not to let such power into the hands of those that would misuse it". It was a never constant problem, and in his mind one of the things which constantly allowed the dark side to come back over and over again.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

"Yes it can be but how do you know who will misuse knowledge until you have given it to them?" She was looking there while woprking the clay. "If we spend all of our time thinking of how someone will misuse teachings, information and knowledge then we will neglect the fact that there is a difference between someone who does something for a reason and someone who does it because they want to. A jedi will kill under the right situation but that doesn't mean the jedi is a killer who does it all the time. Some might never lift their blade, might never see battle but they are stil trained for it, they still have the ability to handle it." She was looking at it and working slowly to get the clay work proper
Tana gave a small, 'oh' look, realizing what he had just said, "Yes you do have a point about that, in the whole scheme of things I guess its better to deal with the problems that may arise with giving everyone access, then hording it to yourself and everyone suffering". "A bad bunch of apples and we are seeking to pick the least rotten of them all, at the end of the bad things will always happen, our job it to right the wrongs that come out of it and protect those we can". .... wow he was starting to sound more like his sister everyday, perhaps making a smart persona would be in order, acting all wise and such was starting to do his head in, very weird. "Anyways master I believe I am-ready to make my sabre, where was that hilt you spoke of again"?

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko bowed her head where he was working and gave it a moment, allowing the force to reach out and she lifted the hilt from the kit. The silver hilt was made to be a masterwork of craftsmenshipo and could be altered however you needed it to with a little skill and imagination for the surface. The inside of it was the components that would be much the same. She turned over the hilt with a grin on her face when she kept it with the tri-phase switch and other pieces. Junko was leaving it for him to root around the kit and make his saber how he wanted to. She could be over here and quiet as she focused on the clay.
Tana's eye shone with delight as she handed over the hilt, it's shape being just as he would have expected, a white and red hilt similar to a katana, though at this point still missing the cross guard, something easily fixed. It was a good length, and seemed to already have the different components already in it, "So this hilt already has several components in it, and a trap grin I am guessing since there is no button, all I have to do is add mister crystal, the tri-piece part and, what was the other thing again, oh yes the duel power cell, am I right"? He was more then eager to start making the blade, but wanted to make sure everything was ay okay, messing up because he forgot one detail would be rather embarrassing.

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

"yes the duel power cell." She said it and moved a finger detailing and defining the clay of the smaller statue. it wasn't a massive one, more something you would keep o a shelf but it would work never the less. If she was cetain of it working on the six arms for it. Small swords that would appear when she started pulling out small tools to shape and get a better angle. Where she was looking to go, water to moisten and smooth it out. Her eyes darting around to catch just the right amount of light while she was project it through the force or at least the idea of what she wanted the statue to look like for herself. Atrisian gods were one thing but it was a small matter.
Tana soon had all the acquired pieces together, quickly but carefully going through the list in his mind several times over as prepared to craft his sabre, Ike being preoccupied with her own little project, though for a supposed first time it was coming along nicely. 'Okay Tanasuki, focus, don't want to blow up this part of the palace', sitting down, over looking the hunted forest Tana let the force flow through him, making it guide his action in this time of need, his arms moving almost by themselves. Slowly the sabre pieces started to levitate, circling around the young Jin, one by one coming into place, the crystal slowly changing colour from blue to green as part of Tana's force signature was infused into it, the ends of the hilt opening up, the components sliding in snugly one by one.

What felt like an eternity finally came to a close as a defiant clicking sound came from the sabre, the force suddenly leaving him, the hilt landing in the palm of his hand. Tana's finger slowly gripping it tightly, activating the blade, a seeming to be curved green blade springing from the now cross guarded hilt, "I, I did it, this blade feels powerful".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko ha spent the time in silence, not realy moving beyond where she was and allowing the force to flow through herself. Into the clay when she worked with it. Several times shaping and reshaping it into the perfect piece as she went limb by limb, area by area smoothing, getting the flow of the clothing just right, getting the shape to resemble a humanoid at the least. With the grey skin she needed a little work and that came from the small dyes and pigments she could use to tinge the clothing just a little more darker while she was using some fo the whitening agents to bleach the clay for the skin. Hair got its own darker dyes until she was coming to the eyes to work on them.
Tana stood up from his spot, over looking the forest, swinging the sabre a few times, getting a feel for it's weight, motion, revealing in the siring sound it made with each swing, 'so light, but its feeling, so powerful... I could get used to this, but first, have to make sure not to slice my arm off, that is not going to regenerate". Turning around he made his way back to Ike, noting that the woman had also finished, or was close to finishing her force clay model, "Master, I have finished constructing my blade, does it look good, or does it look good"? With this trail out of the way the boy once again returned to his chirpy way of sounding, a large smile planted across his feminine face, "so, how the modeling going, it looks nice".

[member="Junko Ike"]
[member="Tanaski Yumi"]

Junko looked up from working with the clay and her hands were covered in it as it dried and caked. Crackling with the movement until she looked at her padawan and his saber. Looking at every bit of it when she strode forward wiping her hands off. She had changed only a little getting into something more comfortable. She was still wearing a kimono but it was skylar and less formal. More something for lounging before she cleaned her hands off. "Beautiful work padawan." Where she was looking at it though she touched it. "With your saber we will be able to work on it and your skills with the saber itself."
Tana gave a low respectful bow at his masters comment she she examined the blade, happy that she found it nice, and that he used the materials provided well enough. "Thank you again master, not just for this but everything you have done for me so far, I cannot express my thanks, I will spend the next 200 years repaying you for this, it is the least I can do". He once again took the sabre in hand, spinning it around, taking a Niman style stance, shifting his weight to and fro, a sort of mock battle preperation. "I cannot wait until we start sabre practice, though I can wait if you a busy, I am sure a princess like yourself has much work to do, many meeting to attend, a planet to rule and all".

[member="Junko Ike"]

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