Shifting Coryth onto her shoulder, Elayne held the woman tightly trying to support her as best she could. Though she did feel mildly unnerved by not having a weapon in hand. There certainly wasn't the option of letting Coryth go to pull something out. With some effort, she repositioned her fellow Firemane as they entered the temple. She managed to hold her with a single arm, leaving her at least with one hand freak to use her Sciia. It wasn't ideal but it was going to have to do.
As they marched along, Elayne stayed in the middle of the pack, trying to ensure as many people were between Coryth and harm as possible. Precious cargo that she was, one couldn't afford to take risks with her.
Sensing the danger coming, Elayne threw up a protective bubble of the force to protect the tiny redhead from what was coming. Her eyes locked with the storm beast, and cringed as it opened it's jaws wide, roaring at the group with it's powerful sonic like shockwave. Her sensitive ears, painfully ringing as the beast attacked. It was all she could do to hold her concentration and keep the focus needed to keep Coryth resting and unharmed. Such harsh sound, certainly something the Angelii did not want to have to deal with today. Alas, Kaida had trained her well if not quite harshly with such matters. Pain was temporary, she just had to outlast. Breathing a sigh of relief as Siobhan made quick work of the monster, they could move on.
Or so she thought. When she felt more than she heard the grinding of stone upon stone as the massive doors slide open in front of and behind them. Stone, always seemed to carry a voice of it's own around her and her gifts. And while the stone here was quite sickly, tainted terribly by the dark malignant powers that once reigned supreme on the planet, it still spoke to her giving her a little warning before the beasts marched out. Turning, and seeing the green rancor beast, was a little shocking. Never having seen such a creature nor felt something so steeped in darkness. This planet certainly seemed full of old Sith experiments and evils.
There was no time to be afraid, or concerned. Not when the creature scooped up one of the Firemane troopers with ease and ate the poor woman wholesale. With a wave of her only free hand, pulling upon the invisible strands of power she reached into the earth, and ripped hard upon her kindred element sending a massive ripple through the stone towards the beast, throwing it from it's feet.
With an angered roar, it sprang to it's feet and leaped towards the two redheads in the center of the crowd as the soldiers unleashed a volley of bolter shots trying to help end the beast's life quickly. Elayne once more reached into her kindred element, lifting a couple hundred tiny fragments of rock as. With a flick of her wrist she hurled them towards the creature at a massive speed. The fragments tore through the creature leaving behind an hundreds of impressive wounds.
The beast screamed out in agony, and faltered in its next step towards the group. Alas, Elayne was far from done. Closing her eyes, and sinking deeply into her gifts the earth soon split opened beneath the creature. As the earth below seemed to simply swallow the creature up as she pulled the soil back together burying the beast once and for all. That was one monster down, one to go. Though she had no doubts that Siobhan, Kaida and the others could handle themselves just fine.
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] | [member="Phylis Alince"] | [member="Kaida Taldir"]