Delyna Karthoys Haymire
The Oracle of Reflections
Objective: A) Clear out the sith tombs.
Location: Within the first tomb-complex
Allies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
Enemies: The inhabitants of Korriban.
The death screams of the monsters and the warcries of the agents filled the large tomb-room. Blaster fire flew left and right as the monsters were kept at bay and people moved around with haste, like ants working on a new hive. Delyna straightened out her robes as she walked down towards the sealed off entrance, and she looked back to the skulls which the Hutt was working on. Letting out a soft hum, the oracle let her hands run across the ancient mechanism, while sending many quick gazes back up to the hutt. Gingerly, she started spinning the wheels - it clearly had something to do with the location of the skulls. More hssiss emerged as the slug removed the skulls, as if awakened by their presence and actions in the crypt. It seemed like the group lost ground in the back of the room, where at least one agent was flanked and pinned down by one of the lizard beings, its sharp fangs digging deep into his flesh. Suddenly she had stopped spinning the wheels, and she looked at the numbers, then back at the skull-pillars. Yes, indeed, it seemed to make a bit of sense. The first number matched the position of the first skull; and so on.
She pulled the small lever next to the wheels and the door screeched as it slowly opened, revealing a new pathway. A long tunnel lit by weird electric machines near the ceiling, and with multiple branch tunnels. It all seemed like a dimly lit maze. Along the walls, small holes with coffins darted the entire span of the tunnel. Decoration was scarce and vines ran down the tall walls, intruding into the tomb from small cracks here and there. A little bit of water, collected in small ponds, was all over the floor and the sound of constant droplets echoed through the hallowed halls. Delyna looked up as the group fought the monstrous lizard beings, and she sighed.
Location: Within the first tomb-complex
Allies: [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
Enemies: The inhabitants of Korriban.
The death screams of the monsters and the warcries of the agents filled the large tomb-room. Blaster fire flew left and right as the monsters were kept at bay and people moved around with haste, like ants working on a new hive. Delyna straightened out her robes as she walked down towards the sealed off entrance, and she looked back to the skulls which the Hutt was working on. Letting out a soft hum, the oracle let her hands run across the ancient mechanism, while sending many quick gazes back up to the hutt. Gingerly, she started spinning the wheels - it clearly had something to do with the location of the skulls. More hssiss emerged as the slug removed the skulls, as if awakened by their presence and actions in the crypt. It seemed like the group lost ground in the back of the room, where at least one agent was flanked and pinned down by one of the lizard beings, its sharp fangs digging deep into his flesh. Suddenly she had stopped spinning the wheels, and she looked at the numbers, then back at the skull-pillars. Yes, indeed, it seemed to make a bit of sense. The first number matched the position of the first skull; and so on.

She pulled the small lever next to the wheels and the door screeched as it slowly opened, revealing a new pathway. A long tunnel lit by weird electric machines near the ceiling, and with multiple branch tunnels. It all seemed like a dimly lit maze. Along the walls, small holes with coffins darted the entire span of the tunnel. Decoration was scarce and vines ran down the tall walls, intruding into the tomb from small cracks here and there. A little bit of water, collected in small ponds, was all over the floor and the sound of constant droplets echoed through the hallowed halls. Delyna looked up as the group fought the monstrous lizard beings, and she sighed.