Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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First Reply Whispers of the Wind



In the cool darkness of the Lothal night, Braze found solace in the solitude. He laid in the tall, swaying grasses, a sea of silver under the glowing moonlight, the taste of tranquillity on his tongue. The wind whispered through the blades of grass, creating a chorus of hushes and rustles that felt like the planet itself was speaking to him.

The loamy scent of the earth beneath him, the soft rustle of the grass, and the infinite stars above seemed to merge in a single moment of peace. Braze felt as though he was one with the universe, his body just another element amidst the dance of matter and energy. With a soft smile, he outstretched his hand towards the sky, his fingers curling as if trying to grasp the twinkling stars. Closing his eyes, he called upon the Force, feeling it flow through him, around him, connecting him to every living thing. In response to his gentle command, the Force ebbed and surged, stirring the air into a soft breeze. The tall grasses rippled around him, swaying and bowing as though in a choreographed dance.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Peace in the white noise of the world. Wind, grass, leaves rustling. It was a bliss that I have not felt in what seemed like forever. Working around machines, droids, and in a void of space, it was either deafening silence, or boisterous humming, and crackling. I sat alone. Glancing up to the stars to only feel their dull glimmer that they once were for me.

As a child, I remember laying in my bed, the holes in the thatched roof breaking way for a sight of deep sky of stars. Glowing and shining brightly then, now mute and deceitful. I had seen what the galaxy offers, and its horrors. Yet, I found peace here on my own. Just able to feel the wind in my hair. Yet from a small measure away, I felt something move. A ripple in the force. The sight of a hand reaching up to the stars. Furrowed brow for a moment, I felt their presence. Young, controlled, yearning. A smile replaced whatever I had before.

Closing the distance, I stayed a bit away, surely they could hear my footfalls in the grass, but still spoke to grab attention.

"Enjoying the night?"

Braze Braze


Kaleleon Kaleleon
Braze sat up and looked over letting his effort at toying with the wind faded softly. Green eyes looked over curiously so. " Ah... It's a nice night. " He offered softly moving to stand up and dust off his pants. The winds around him became more focused briefly as he drew them close and there was a swirling slow and soft vortex that ripples through the grasses around them.

Searching green eyes swept over the man with curiosity. "Come here often?"

Good Men Don't Need Rules
A nice night. Yes. blissful, and filled with a natural peace of the world. As if time stood still and the outside conflicts were no longer there. Even with the great galactic war over, it had been... a while since I have been able to just relax. However, I did not expect company to be here. From the look of it, nor did this individual. However, the question posed to me of my ventures here, I kept a small smirk while shaking my head. Turning my attention to the stars above as I answered more precisely.

"No, I find solace in quite places wherever I go. This is just... one of many."

My attention returned to the individual. A sharp intake of breath as though I had stubbed my toe on metal furniture escaped me.

"Apologies, I'm Kale. Do you mind my presence, or shall I leave you to your devices?"

Braze Braze


Kaleleon Kaleleon

A gentle smile graced Braze's lips as he extended his hand, a subtle command that seemed to stir the very air around him. The tall grasses danced in harmonious waves, bending and swaying in response to the invisible currents he summoned forth. The rustling whispers of nature's collaboration became an elegant display for his affinity for the Force.

With a cascade of windswept ripples, Braze's introduction was punctuated by a display of his abilities. The snowy-haired youth harnessed the power of the Force, shaping the very elements to his will. It was as if the breeze itself had taken on a life of its own, embodying the essence of his presence.

"I'm Braze," his voice carried a warmth that mirrored his welcoming smile, a stark contrast to the briskness of the wind he commanded. His extended hand, a bridge between two individuals. It was a silent invitation, an unspoken promise of connection.

His words followed suit, spoken with a softness that resonated with genuine acceptance. "I don't mind your presence at all," he reassured, his chirpy tone reflecting a genuine sense of ease.

As the winds played around them, Braze stood as a conduit amidst nature's winds and the living Force wind he was practicing.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Braze. Not the most unique name I have heard, but its still different from typical names. Following suit in shaking their hand, I nodded lightly with the acceptance of my presence with them. It was clear, they were one for dramatic entrances with the shift in wind around them. A small chuckle escaped my lips. The younger man still had quite a ways to go, but was clearly gifted. I could feel it. Tapping into their potential, but not quite there. Almost as though their own actions prevented them from reaching true enlightenment. No real fault of theirs, but more so, a limitation they needed to break through.

However, the time they spend here, was a place to rest, relax and recuperate their mind and spirit. I knew this, for I had done the very same for a long time. Releasing the hold of the handshake, I had come to notice that my scars seemed to be highlighted in the starry-light of the night. The darker skin compared to my natural tone. My hand balled up a moment before releasing it and paying attention again to the individual in front of me.

"Now to return the question, You come here often? or is this a new thing of yours?"

Braze Braze


Kaleleon Kaleleon

"This is new for me; This is all uncharted territory for me," Braze confessed, the wind playing with his hair as he spoke. The unfamiliar landscape of Lolthal seemed to match his uncertainty. "I'm not used to Lolthal. Not accustomed to this planet. My master, Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el , and I have come here to assist in containing the Sithspawn outbreaks. I chose this field as my training ground since it's close to his ship. I wanted to practice a little more alone, I thought a bit of solitude would help me practice more effectively, but..."

He paused, his thoughts drifting to instances when his eagerness had led him astray, tempting him to push himself too far in pursuit of perfection. He had previously done some not-so-smart things to further his own training. This... this was different. This endeavor felt different, like a conscious effort to approach his training from a more balanced perspective.

"I'm attempting a more relaxed approach, I suppose,"
he continued, a wistful note in his voice. "I'm trying to restrain my usual desier to exceed my limits and instead focus on something... simpler." With a playful gesture, he waved his hand before him, fingers dancing through the air as if conducting an invisible orchestra. The wind responded, surging forth in a serpentine pattern, weaving among the tall grasses like a fluid river flowing through.

"I think this is safer;
It feels safer this way," he mused as if sharing a secret with the wind itself. But then he shifted as if realizing he should reveal more. "I... I have this new ability – I tend to project my emotions without meaning to on others, or pick up on others' emotions, so I don't really like being near others when I'm practicing. I can't focus on what I'm doing and keeping my mental shields up at the same time... I feel rather... exposed to having my emotions projected. It's kind of scary and new. It's not something I'm used to, so it's been a bit of a struggle to learn to just 'deal with it,' I guess. Maintaining my mental shields and focusing on my training simultaneously is... daunting."

A soft sigh escaped him, the winds carrying it away. "I appreciate the solitude out here. Makes it easier for me to work through these... challenges. And, well, there's something oddly freeing about sharing all this with a stranger. Guess it's one of my quirks – more willing to lay it all out for someone unfamiliar rather than those I know well."

Braze shrugged. It was odd. He seemed much more willing to word vomit his unfiltered thoughts to people he didn't know, rather than those he was more acquainted with. Just one of his nervous habits.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
All of this confiding to me. A stranger, was strange, but not unexpected. The young man wore his heart on his sleeve. Speak no ill of the young man, projecting emotions to others, and feeling the same in return is a difficult thing to deal with. Braze was an Empath. Emotions ruled and dominated them to such a degree, a natural choice was to find a place of peace, one in which they knew it wouldn't affect others, or produce undesirable effects upon themselves. Having fought Mental Manipulators before, I knew how to keep my own emotions and thoughts shielded to a near unconscious level. However, I decided that in this moment, I would open myself up. Exposing wounds to air, exposing trauma of warfare and strife.

"Emotions, no matter how deeply hidden or contained, are powerful. A lack of such, can kill a man just as easily as letting them control him. Its through the pursuit of controlling said emotions, that forms him into a formidable being."

Looking around quite haphazardly I just came to drop my head slightly in front, finding a fascination in my boots peeking through the waving grasses. Speaking with a hushed tone.

"Yes, being safe, and cautious will help to control your own emotions. However, it will never be a real test of your capacity. In order to feel another's emotions, you must open yourself up to them as well. There is no other way. It is very... daunting, scary even, to expose yourself in a galaxy like this. However, that is what makes you, yourself. Hiding emotions, bottling them will only lead to a suffering no ailment can cure. You worry your emotions would harm friends, mentors, allies."

Looking up, I directly looked into Braze's eyes. Making sure I made the connection with my words.

"Use the emotions to your, and your allies benefits. Learn to use emotions like a sword, just as easily as wielding a pen, and only then, will you be able to truly control them."

Braze Braze


Kaleleon Kaleleon
Braze frowned briefly hearing some of his words and contemplated them in several ways. " I'm not used to feeling these kinds of things... and now I'm overwhelmed with these feelings... Things are different now. It wasn't always like this. " Braze expressed. " You remind me of someone else I've met. " Braze offered turning about then falling back into the grass splaying either arm out beside himself and looking up at the stars. "Except he was apparently a bad man... " Braze trailed softly resting in the tall grasses. " Everything changes... everything... nothing seems to stay the same as time goes on. " he trailed softly. " How do you take that first step in opening up? I don't really ... know how to make myself do that... it's just so much harder to commit when it's someone I look up to ya know?"

Good Men Don't Need Rules
Oh the feeling of not being able to open up. The fear of judgement, or repercussions for exposing one's self. You made yourself venerable for someone who you think you trust, and hope that they don't use it against you. A feeling I knew very well. However, it was also not just that. He had been told similar things by someone else they knew. Realizing that I had spoken the same way, I continued to stand. Just turning to look up at the stars with my answer.

"While I cannot speak of this individual you knew before, I am not the same. I speak from personal strife, not from a stance of manipulation."

The stars seemed to become a little more brighter as I spoke. The wind whipping around the both of us. Sending the grasses into a frenzy of waves.

"You are hard on yourself. Worried that exposing yourself would only injure you. I do know of what you speak. Allowing your emotions to be shown, to wear your heart on your sleeve, even more so to someone you respect, or even love, is a fear not just you have gone through."

Breathing in, letting the words hang for a moment, I decided to open up to this stranger.

"I have a sister. Long lost, we found one another and I had confided much into her. Hoping that we could... That we might... ahhhh. I wanted to have someone I could trust. And she shattered it. I.... She is no longer with us because of her actions."

Allowing myself to sit in the grass, I kept looking up. Craning my head up.

"I say this not to dissuade you, but to share that I know how you feel. Its difficult to let your emotions become part of someone else. But... but, if you truly do care, and trust this person you are worried about sharing with, then just come to them. Openly. State plainly, and openly. Otherwise, miscommunication will be your destruction."

Braze Braze


Kaleleon Kaleleon
"No, you are very different in your own right in many ways. " Braze assured with a nod. He was quiet and listened to the man before sitting up in the grass and glancing over curiously. " I think... what you say holds quite a bit of truth... I'll keep that in mind, thanks." Braze chirped.

"Maybe I can even figure out how to be something more... and step out of his shadow and be my own thing." he trailed considering what he briefly expressed to Nir Si Nir Si in the hidden graveyard. "I didn't think this day would ever come and it kind of blind-sided me. I never considered the things I'm struggling with to be problems. But maybe I'm just focusing way too much on little things and not paying attention to what I should be paying attention to. " Braze trailed. " Then again I think perhaps sometimes I just think too much ya know?" He asked yet again going on a strange tangent as he word vomited his thoughts unfettered and un filtered.

He considered the man for a time falling silent. "What brings you to Lolthal?" Braze asked curiously. " Know anything about sith spawn by chance? That's why we're here. "
Good Men Don't Need Rules
They were getting it slowly. At the very least, understanding and questioning their previous way of thinking. More so, that they were over thinking the situation, and how they may have dreaded the interaction, when that is not at all the way it would end up. Honestly, this made me lightly proud of myself. Even after all of this time being away from the Jedi, dealing with chit on my own, I could still hold a conversation about the more minutia details and complexities of the force, and its philosophy. I didn't want to continue this conversation, and end up me just throwing random ideology's, theories and niceties in their face. So I opted to leave silence in the air.

Yet, it was broken by a question. One that was more light hearted, simple, and just small talk. Asking why I was here, and if I knew anything of Sith spawn. The lightest of chuckles escaped me. Breathing in deeply I answered him honestly.

"I wanted to get away. Been spending way too much time running and hiding. Here, I know is a quite place that I can just... relax."

Silence gathered when I had forgotten to answer the secondary question.

"Yes and no. I know they can be difficult to hunt, kill, or capture. If you seek a specific one, then its easier to understand how they operate, hunt, and feed. However, there are so many of them, that going in blindly would be... extremely dangerous. Use caution as a weapon against them. Wait for the right moment to strike them, and you will do alright."

Braze Braze


Kaleleon Kaleleon
Braze's nod was contemplative, his gaze drifting upward to the sky as if seeking answers among the clouds. His hand rose as if to touch the very essence of his thoughts, his fingers almost reaching for the wisps of memories left by his encounter with the dragon. "I can understand the allure of wanting to escape," he began softly, his voice carrying a touch of vulnerability. "To find solitude in the tranquility of the wilderness... But then, that solitude sometimes turns into loneliness, doesn't it?"

His eyes returned to Gwen's, and there was a thoughtful glint within them. "It's like... a constant cycle. The grass always seems greener on the other side, but once you get there, you find another yearning. There's this perpetual feeling that something is missing, that true contentment is just beyond reach." A wistful half-smile touched his lips, an echo of the complexity he felt within himself.

Braze's somber jade-green eyes held a depth of understanding, as if he were grappling with these philosophical notions in real-time. "I guess we're always in pursuit of that ultimate satisfaction, that final moment of peace, but maybe that's just not how life works. Maybe it's about finding solace in the journey itself, in the moments of connection and camaraderie that we encounter along the way." He let out a quiet sigh, as if he had just uncovered a truth that had eluded him for a long time.

The wind rustled through the trees, carrying with it a sense of introspection. "I don't know," he concluded with a gentle shrug. "Maybe I'm just rambling now. But your point about the cycle of longing and solitude... it really resonates with me.... do you ever feel like maybe... you're bad? Even though you didn't mean to be?"
Good Men Don't Need Rules
I had really struck something with Braze. They started to really open up about themselves and their inner thoughts. Speaking quite intelligently of the pursuit of finding that other side. Even contemplating the idea of finding said thing in the journey to reach it, instead of reaching the destination. it was with this, I responded very clearly my own thoughts to sum it up.

"Not entirely. Such a goal of reaching perfection is impossible, but along the way, you will obtain something far greater than not attempting at all."

But the subject was broached of if I had ever thought I was bad. Even if that may not have been the intention. I smiled lightly. While I had thought about not sharing, Braze was right. There was something cathartic about sharing your history, past, qualms, and problems with some stranger who you might never meet again. So, opened up, I did.

"I never had a feeling of being bad. I... It was a feeling of not being enough. Did I have a right to be with the people I was with. Was I doing enough to be considered of my rank or placement. If I wasn't then what would be considered enough? I had been taught by a mentor who expected much of me because of how quickly I learned. I had seen combat before I had ever been on a date. I had killed a man before learning to dance. This feeling of lacking pervaded me and perplexed me for years. It was only when I learned that my mentor was hard on me, because she wanted me to learn how to critique myself, she wanted me to push myself. if I could just get one more second longer, one more repetition of an exercise, or one more hour of training. That was enough. Just knowing I could push myself, was what was needed."

Looking over to the man, we poured our hearts out to one another. Smiling a little, I reached into my poncho. Unclasping something from within, I simply asked.

"Would it be okay if I were to give you something?"

Braze Braze


Kaleleon Kaleleon
Braze's attention was fully captured by Kaleleon's words as he spoke, resonating deeply with the sentiments being shared. There was a certain kinship in the experiences recounted, and Braze found himself reflecting on how much he could relate to the emotions being described. He let the ideas Kaleleon presented settle in his mind, silently envisioning the kind of life that had shaped the man before him. The contemplative atmosphere hung between them as Braze absorbed the stories and perspectives shared. " I could see all of that... And understand it. " He offered slowly thinking it over.

His gaze shifted from the intense conversation to Kaleleon's face, and he perked up as he caught the offer extended his way. A small smile tugged at his lips, and he couldn't help but inject a touch of humor. "Oh, well, as long as it's not something like a punch in the face," he quipped with a playful smirk, the lighthearted comment.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
A punch in the face? Why would I do that? A furrowed brow with a shake of the head was sent his way. Just overall confused about why that was the first notion of what a gift was going to be when we have pontificating our own feelings and strife. I had released what I had been holding onto just so I could face them proper as we sat in the grass. Leaning forward just a hair and squinting my eyes like I was disappointed by their reaction.

"When has it ever been a thing where two strangers, Profoundly speak of their inner source of difficulties, then just whips out a knuckle duster and swings for the far line?"

In honest, it was not a legitimate question for Braze. More so just making it apparent that it was not what I had intended for this gift to be about. Instead, I just let it go and reached into my satchel. Pulling out a rather long sheath that had a metal rod on one side of it, a small pouch on the front that was closed, and then held within, was a knife. One that was fairly large, easily wielded for combat, but also as a utility.

"Its a Utility or a Survival knife. Has a ferro rod to make spark for a flame, and a whet stone to sharpen and hone the edge. I just figured, you are... much younger than I, yet have a lot on your plate. Sometimes, the only thing you can do is rely on yourself. So maybe this can help."

Handing it over to them, indicating it was fine to take it, and that I really did mean, that this was a gift for them. Without expecting anything else back.

Braze Braze


Kaleleon Kaleleon
Braze's lips curled into a playful smirk as he responded to the rhetorical question. "Isn't that what Mandalorians do? Like a tradition for them, right?" His words were accompanied by a faint chuckle, his gaze meeting Kale's with a mixture of amusement and curiosity.

As Kaleleon drew the knife from its sheath, Braze's attention was immediately captured. His eyes lit up with excitement, and he sat up in the tall grasses, his focus entirely on the intriguing blade before him. "Oh! That's super-nova-stellar!" he exclaimed with enthusiasm, clearly impressed by the sight of the weapon.

"No way, you're kidding, right? You actually want to give me that?"
His curiosity was bursting at the seams, as he looked at Kaleleon.

"Can you show me all its uses?"
Braze's question spilled out in a breathless rush, his anticipation growing by the moment. He shifted slightly, leaning in slightly as if drawn to the knife.

Good Men Don't Need Rules
I let the other comment of the Mandalorians slide. Having already been around them, and fought one, I wasn't keen on keeping that going. However, I instead kept my mind on Braze as he used... really weird lingo as though he had never done it before. I'd let it slide just because I didn't know if that was actually how he talked. What drew my attention away from that, was the question of what he could do with the knife. I smiled a little and sat the sheath down.

"Well, the spine of the knife has these serrations so you can use it to saw wood in a pinch. Its a good durable knife. The sheath for it though, holds a whet stone. A piece of like rock that can be used to sharpen the Knife blade. And the metal rod here is called a Ferro rod. Here."

Reaching down to the rod, I pulled it out, held it over my lap, then used the back of the blade where the serrations had a break between the guard. Holding it there and indicating for Braze to watch.

"Place the back of the blade right here, Hold both of them tight, then slide the knife down the length of the ferro rod. Like this."

Doing what I had told Blaze, sparks flew from the rod. Landing safely into my lap as to not catch anything aflame. Putting the rod away, I then flipped the knife around. Holding the knife by the blade. Fingers pinching the face of the knife so that the edge was facing down to the ground. A safe direction. Then handed it towards Braze handle first. So that he could get a good grip.

"Quick thing though, when someone hands a knife to you like I am, After you get your hold on the knife, you HAVE to say 'Thank you' as like a signal that you have a good hold of the knife and you won't drop it."

Indicating for Braze to grab for the knife, I just waited. Glad I was able to share this knowledge I had.

Braze Braze


Kaleleon Kaleleon

Braze's expression transformed into one of genuine fascination, his eyes fixed on Kaleleon as she demonstrated the various features of the knife. He was almost too engrossed in the lesson. His attention was fully captured by the knife and its practical uses.

As the man deftly showcased how to use the ferro rod, sparks flying in a controlled manner, Braze's eyes widened in appreciation. He was clearly impressed by the capabilities of the tool. And when he flipped the knife around, presenting it to him handle first, Braze's curiosity was piqued even further. He carefully took hold of the knife's handle, his gloved hand wrapping around it securely.

Braze nodded in understanding, his lips curving into a wry smile. "Aye? Okay, I guess that makes sense," he responded, his tone light-hearted yet genuine. "Thank you. " With the knife securely in his hand, he gave it a slight test, feeling its weight and balance. His eagerness to learn and master new skills was evident, and he appreciated Kaleleon taking the time to share his knowledge with him.
Good Men Don't Need Rules
Braze took a hold of the knife. I made sure to not let go before he had stated thank you. Once done, I released my hold in the blade itself. Watching as he felt the weight, fondled it to his content. Almost admiring it. While he continued, I spoke.

"The blade has some other things going for it. Has a special edge so it cuts much easier than a normal blade's edge. Its also coated in a material so it can pierce through energy shielding. All good things if you are in a survival scenario."

For now, I just stayed in the silence. Letting Braze continue to go over his gift.

Braze Braze

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