Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who are you to change this world, silly girl? (Tarissa)

Galina smiled, almost a little affectionately. She was actually starting to get comfortable around Tarissa, and was starting to really like her. Having someone who was supportive of her quest to reclaim her world and throne was wonderful and felt so good to the redhead. "Thank you, Tarissa." She said politely.

Walking somewhat gracefully, or at least it was Galina's attempt to do so, she headed over to the couch to sit down, her legs getting tired at this point. "I can see your point. And it certainly makes sense to me."

Galina then sighed, "If I'm being absolutely honest, any faith I had left in any higher power was long taken by that island. And I didn't have that much to begin with. Sigma took most of it, that island just finished it." The girl shrugged, then frowned as she rubbed at her forehead. "Because what power, would actually allow someone to go through such heartbreaking agony, alone without any kind of aid or assistance? How could they possibly care and yet allow such things to happen?" Those questions had truly bothered Galina for a long, long time. They were something she actually wanted an answer to, needed an answer to. But she was unlikely to get those any time soon.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Tarissa got up from the chair and walked over to the couch. "There is great evil in this world. Unconscionable suffering. We all ask ourselves: How can this be? How can a loving Goddess let this happen? Does this mean she is uncaring? Or weak? No," she spoke.

"You went through terrible tribulations, things a child should never experience. But have you considered that the Goddess might've also protected you all these years? Reason would've dictated that you perish in the killing fields of Sigma, on that crash that claimed your guardians' lives when they reached Kaeshana. Just as it would've dictated that you die on that island instead of being able to survive for so long."

She paused and raised her hand. "I am not discounting your own skills or determination. You forged your own destiny. You were put through hell, but I wholeheartedly believe that her hand kept Death's Scythe from you." Then Tarissa did something very, very uncharacteristic: She gave the redhead an awkward hug. What the feth, Tar?
Galina listened to Tarissa, looking to Tar as she sat down on the couch with her. An audible sigh pass her lips, unable to help it really. Religion and faith as it were had long slipped from her mind and had become something she no longer held any belief in.

"I'm not sure about that, if I'm being truthful. These things, who's to say they weren't sheer luck? Or a series of unrelated events that coalesced to change the outcome of those events and my life. Random chance, as it were."

She paused when Tarissa lifted her hand, giving her room to finish what she had to say. Her eyes widened slightly, a little surprised at the hug. After the briefest of moments, Galina wrapped her arms around Tarissa and pulled her closer before letting go. "I just don't know. A lot of things had to fall in precisely the right place for me to have survived this long, alone and without much for protection all these years. I'm just not quite ready to attribute it to a Goddess. Not when my own personal faith is so shattered and broken. And feth if I've a clue how to put that back together."

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Tarissa felt a bit sad about the fact that Galina would not open her eyes to the true faith yet. Ah, well, the girl was still young! Sooner or later the little firemane would realise that she had been chosen by Ashira. Then all of Sigma would submit to Her. Galina was her instrument, though she knew it not. "You're still young and I don't expect you to recognise her beauty immediately. Not after what you went through. But no matter what force you may attribute it to, all these events cannot purely be the result of chance. You were protected for a reason. Be prepared for others to see you in the same light."

In other words, even if Galina didn't believe that she was the chosen one destined to save Sigma, she might have to go through the motions because the plebs were convinced she was. "I can give you some books to read. They describe the tenets of our faith and the miracles of Ashira." were an unsympathetic queen in the last thread. Did you get a brain upgrade?

Err, moving on with the plot. "Pardon me, Your Grace, but if I may, perhaps the Lady Kerrigan could gain some practical administrative experience by working in the occupation authority we will be setting up after the Xioquo's subjugation," Cyraea suddenly interjected.
Galina shrugged a bit, as everything her Auntie had said began to sink in. "I don't know, Tarissa." The redhead said so quietly, that it almost couldn't be heard. "There's a part of me that wants to belief in some higher power having a hand in my destiny. Logically, I just can't work it out. And I can't wrap m mind around how much I've had to suffer through alone. And maybe, the can't be explained by chance."

The girl sighed heavily, her shoulders slumping as she leaned forward to rest her elbows on her knees. "I'm just not ready to accept it. Not ready to look to something else when my faith, hopes and dreams have all been shattered over the years. I'm only now just picking up the pieces."

She gave a soft smile, "Books would be nice I suppose. I do like to read, after all."

Her attention then turned to the servant, "Occupation Authority?" She'd heard it mentioned around but knew so little about what the plans and ideas for it were.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Tarissa did not like her conversion attempt being interrupted, but Cyraea had said something useful. Perhaps she should just take the human to church a few times. "Once the Xioquo are conquered, they'll need new leadership. Liavondra, our 'noble' drow, will be queen. But she'll need guidance since we can hardly trust their old nobility," she said airily.

"It will be our solemn duty to civilise, educate and uplift our lost cousins. They must be guided away from their rulers' evil ways. Former slaves will have to be clothed, fed, educated and given work. War criminals will have to be brought to justice. The Eldorai will be setting up an administration to deal with this. I imagine your mother will have a say in it. Not the most glamorous of tasks, but we shall bear the torch of civilisation and lead these poor souls out of the darkest abyss into the light." Truly, it was the Eldorai Woman's Burden.
Galina listened carefully. The Occupation Authority seemed like a good idea for a starting place for her. And it was something she believed her mothers would actually support. After all, Firemane Industries would eventually fall into her hands to manage when her mothers passed on. She was going to have serious responsibilities in business and politics on her own world, and here on Tygara. Two worlds, two homes, and so much responsibility. "I suppose that makes a certain kind of sense. They have to be taught proper social protocols and slaves have to be freed and given some kind of education and all of it takes time. It's not something that can be done all at once."

Though, the term civilize, Galina wasn't fond of. However, she'd seen first hand what they did to even their own kind in the outpost. So, there was a need to alter their behavior and pull them away from those ideals. "I can understand why you'd want to help guide them away from the wrong they've been doing for so long. I saw first hand what they were doing to themselves, others. It wasn't pretty. Frankly, it reminded me of Sigma," Galina took in a quick breath and held it for a moment as her brow knitted together and a small flash of pain and anger washed over her face. The girl quickly regained her composure, or at least tried to. Thinking back to those moments, those bodies, treated as they were hurt so much. Though it felt like these days she was getting more numb to the horrors of her planet and her past.

"It all reminds me a little too much of Sigma. And in some ways, I think the Rahls are more cruel than even the Xioquo dare to be." Her shoulders slumped and her posture slackened as she sighed heavily. Her emotions, this time she couldn't quite keep in check as she felt tears welling up in her eyes, and she felt an overwhelming urge to leave the room. She did manage to at least resist that urge and stay on the couch. Though she couldn't help but feel a little sick, and so pained. "They can't win. They can't stay in power." She said as she struggled to keep her breathing under control.

For a moment, she shut her eyes tightly, doing all she could to push the memories away. To rid herself of that pain, but it didn't seem to want to budge. So, the redhead decided to shift back to the topic, she'd pulled them away from. "Sorry ...." Galina said quietly, "I didn't mean to ramble and get off topic. Anyway, I'm sure my mother wouldn't mind me helping with such things. And glamorous? I hardly care about that. It's needed, so it doesn't matter."

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Giving comfort was not something Tarissa was used to. She was a prideful woman and reacted poorly to unwanted affection, so she generally expected other people to react in the same way. Drawing attention to Galina's discomfort seemed inappropriate to her. "It's alright, dear. Nothing to apologise for," she spoke softly. For a moment she reached out to gently stroke the younger woman's cheek, as if trying to reassure her. That was as far as she got though.

"You have a noble spirit and a good heart. I believe you could make quite an impact and that it would be a good learning experience for you. A position on Lia's advisory staff would be ideal for you. It should give you the chance to learn about different aspects of government. I could suggest it to your mothers myself, but I believe it would be best if the initiative came from you."
Galina opened her eyes and sighed. She nodded, grateful for the small amount of comfort that Tarissa's simple touch offered her. It was enough to remind her that things were different and she could change Sigma, be rid of the Rahls and all they caused. A tiny hint of a smile returned as she was pulled away from her thoughts and back into the room.

"Thank you." She finally said quietly. For a moment after those words, she grew quiet again. This time, she was running her mind over the possibilities and did ponder her mothers' reaction to her taking on a task like this. Hopefully they wouldn't resist the idea too much. "I believe you are right. It needs to come from me. My mothers have been a little, how shall I say?" The girl bit at her lip briefly, "Uncomfortable with outside influences since Hans came with the news. They resist the idea of me going back to Sigma to chase the throne. I do understand their reasoning. But anyway, I don't think they'd react as well, as they would if I was the one raising the issue. Plus I think, it would help to show them that I want to learn, and am interested in things like this. Rather than solely be doing it to prepare for Sigma. Even if that is my purpose and intention."

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"Your mothers are very protective," Tarissa said enigmatically. Her mask might have slipped for just a moment, revealing a flicker of something on her face. Perhaps regret or bitterness about her own relationship with her mother?

Mikela Cadalthor had been a firm proponent of the saying "She who spares the rod hates her daughter, but she who loves her is careful to discipline her." Harsh punishment had been meted out to discipline her daughters, for it was the Goddess Ardarvia's tool to reveal their sins so that they might better themselves. Young Tarissa had been a rather rebellious girl. There had been a time when she was afraid of her mother.

"Every bird must leave the nest one day and you answer to a higher calling than most. I do not know Tegaea well, but Siobhan responds better to frank speech than being evasive. Be respectful, but stand your ground. Empathise that she was the one who said you needed all the leadership training you could get, and that it would help you one day assume responsibility in Firemane. Buttering her up with flattery is also a good way to initiate conversation." Tarissa knew Siobhan well.
"They are." Galina knew it. Given what the redhead had experienced so far in her life, she didn't really blame them for that. That protection had given Galina a safe space to work out a few things about the galaxy, society and her place in it. It had given her that without all the pressures that came from outside sources. The time had come where they couldn't protect her from everything any more.

Galina nodded, "I suppose you are right. And I think you have some good points about my mum. I just have to figure out the way to word it. But I'm sure I'll figure that out soon enough. I can't be the girl that doesn't speak for herself anymore. If I'm to take the reigns of my life, it's something I need to do any way. I've got to learn not to be passive in my own life, like I've been for a while. I had an excuse before, not having lived in society at all, and having to learn what this whole galaxy outside Sigma was about. I let others guide my way. And that was okay. It's not anymore."

"Everything changed when my past walked right into this house. Things I let go, didn't do or bother with, yeah ... I can't anymore. So, asserting myself a little with my own mothers, is just part of that. It's a place to begin. Rambling, I know." She said with a sigh. "I just want to find my place, and be the person Sigma needs, while being someone I can be happy with." If she only knew how many rulers had to do without joy and happiness in their lives, when they took on the burdens of carrying nations on their shoulders. "Just, trying to figure it all out along the way."

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

"Uneasy is the head that wears the crown. Idle hands are the daemon's workshop." Tarissa liked philosophically sounding phrases. "You cannot be passive anymore, but you recognise that. Leadership is a burden few can shoulder, but I believe you can. You'd be welcome to spend some time at my estate. I'm certain it would be illuminating for you. House Cadalthor is very well-connected."

Eldorai nobility was not feudalist since nominally absolute power was vested in the Star Queen, but powerful noble families such as the Cadalthors had their own patronage networks of clients and vassals. "Among other things, it will give you networking opportunities if you want to seek broader Eldorai support for your crusade. To that end, I'd also encourage you to spend time at Her Majesty's Court and get more actively involved in Firemane business. Accompanying your mothers on business trips or attending board meetings is a good start. Running a corporation is different from ruling, but there's a lot of overlap."

Especially since Siobhan and Tegaea ran Firemane as their private fiefdom. There was a Board of Control, but very few of its members were in control of anything. The corporation was completely privately owned, so outsiders could not gain influence by puchasing shares. It also did not allow trade union membership. "Don't try it all in one go. Consider these stepping stones."
Philosophical phrases weren't exactly Galina's thing, but she could appreciate the value in them. They didn't spring up from no where. Such phrases came from experiences that people in the past endured. "I must ask, and I do truly want an honest answer. You scarcely know me. What is it that makes you believe that I can take this on?" It wasn't something she was asking in any cheeky manner. No, she actually wanted to know what made Tarissa think the way she did about her.

She gave a nod, "Perhaps time spent at your home would be of great benefit to me. I hadn't really considered the possibility until now. Seeking further Eldorai support, hadn't actually crossed my mind. I'm not sure why. Well, I do know why I hadn't. I never expected there to be any interest in my world and home and getting involved in a war that isn't yours." Broader support, Galina just never really considered. Somehow between her few contacts, and her parents company and private army, she perhaps naively thought that alone would be enough.

Now the business had been in her mind. Firemane she'd one day take over. "My mum suggested similar with regards to Firemane, not so long ago. That was before I learned who's blood runs in my veins. And, I do believe I need to go back to them, and take up the opportunity."

Somehow she had a feeling her life was about to turn into a highly scheduled routine, from lessons and training, to courtly etiquette, to board meetings. business meetings, and much more. She was fast going to have to turn into an adult. "Of course not. To try it all at once, wouldn't be wise. My attention would be far too divided and subtle lessons not learned that would have otherwise been clear. Not to mention, I'd like to not overwhelm Siobhan and Tegaea with what I'm taking on. I know me growing up, hasn't been the easiest on them. So, I agree. One step at a time.Though, being honest ... It's Court life that I know the least about. Business has seemed easier and more natural to me. Which is why I wanted to start with it."

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Tarissa looked thoughtful, as if pondering for a moment whether this was a serious question. "I've looked at all you went through. You experienced hell and were tried and tested again and again. A lesser person would've shattered. Or spent their entire life whining about how everyone has wronged them." Or, you know, taken their baby to a bloody war zone.

"You may not see that way, but your life has been a miracle. The portents are clear. Goddess has given you the tools to fulfil your destiny. You must merely make use of them." Tarissa was certainly not lacking in confidence. If there was one thing she had, then it was faith.

"Make no mistake, getting broader Eldorai support will require work. I can introduce you to a number of more farseeing nobles and clerics, but you will have to take the initiative from then on. My people are inherently isolationist and given the sorry state of the Galaxy one cannot blame them. Even this absurd, poorly led Silver Coalition is not worth our time, though it would benefit from our guidance. But if you make your case well, you should be able to attract support. The fact that Sigma is being oppressed by patriarchal tyrants should be a strong motivator. An endorsement from the Church will be helpful to get nobles on board. Start by attending a few ceremonies. You do not have to believe, appearances are what count." For someone so devout, Tarissa could be terribly cynical about matters of faith. At least whenever they overlapped with power politics.

"Firemane has substantial resources and a professional army, but as a megacorporation it has many commitments. Taking the initiative will also show your independence to your mothers." She left out the fact that it would also make her less dependent on them. Perhaps also more amenable to the right Eldorai influence. At least this was what Tarissa hoped. On the practical side, the Eldorai had lots of soldiers who needed something to do.
Galina thought sadly back at all the events that had brought her here to this very point. They'd almost killed her time and again and yet here she still stood taking in the very breaths that the Rahls wanted to stop. She'd never have thought any of it a miracle really. If anything she had to wonder just how lucky she was. If she admitted luck... That came with another problem, if she was lucky now? Then wouldn't that mean she was unlucky for an extremely long time?

"There was never any time." The girl grew quiet, any trace of happiness faded away from her expression. For a long while she said nothing more. Then she finally felt the need to clarify. "There wasn't any time to whine about the situation. There never was time for it. There was little time beyond doing all that it took to stay alive. From hunting, laying traps, seeking out berries and fruits, most importantly keeping the fire going. Letting the fire go out would have been my doom. There wasn't time to do anything but the most basic of things. After a while instincts and muscle memory take over and do these things regardless of whether you think to or not. Senses grew keener to alarm you of danger." She shrugged, "Point is, there wasn't a time for me ever to stop and think about it. And there was no one to whine to either. Not for a long while. Now, I have a second chance at a live worth living. Scant few people get such a chance. I'm not about to complain about it, or just toss away such a chance by allowing bitterness to seep into my soul. No. That's not me."

The redhead nodded again, "Right now, I don't see it honestly. It feels a lot like luck, even if I don't believe in luck either. It's still a lot to wrap my mind around. But I survived and I suppose that is what matters most." It was definitely going to take time for Galina to come around to the religious aspects that Tarissa introduced.

Now Galina did listen, taking in what her Aunt was saying. "I didn't believe it would be an easy task. Doing the work behind it, isn't going to bother me." She gave a small snort at the mention of the Coalition. She was hardly the fondest of them. "Any support would be wonderful." Ah, the men. She suspected that would be a useful fact to help garner the support she so desperately needed. "Attend a few ceremonies?" Galina didn't sound too happily about that. "I suppose, it won't be so bad if its what is required of me to gain further support."

"That's true. It's a busy corporation. I can hope that in doing so, that it might show them I can handle a few things on my own and am capable. At least I hope so."

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

One day Galina would realise that Providence guided her. Tarissa looked upon the girl and saw that the hand of the divine had steered her. The Goddess had a plan for her. A destiny. One day Galina would see Ashira's beauty. "Keep an open mind and attend them enough, and you may find that you enjoy it." Of course, it was very doubtful that Tarissa would have been open-minded about attending a ceremony held in the honour of say the Corellian Gods. After all, there was only one true faith!

"I would also advise you to take some lessons to improve your Eldarai. I do not mind conversing in Basic, but most nobles will refuse to speak it on principle. Use our language when in their presence. It will show that you are making an effort to fit into our society and not alter it by choosing to pick up our language and use it. Also remember this: They are speaking in Eldarai, but listening in Basic, so mind your words."
Galina's focus had been pulled away from the conversation for a moment as her eyes wandered over the walls around them. She had heard Tarissa but wasn't fully paying attention. "I suppose, I can try for the sake of appearances. I highly doubt I'll enjoy though. It's just not exactly my kind of thing." Not anymore at least. Maybe if she was still a child, and still on Sigma her thoughts might have been different.

Galina sighed, "That does seem rather practical. I'll make the arrangements for further lessons and see what I can do about quickly picking it up. Languages and their nuances do present a bit of a challenge to me, but I've no doubt I can obtain enough knowledge of it to get by." It certainly was worth the attempt.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Tarissa actually smiled. "Good girl. You have a long road to walk, but you're making progress. As long as you have faith, there's nothing you cannot accomplish. The night is dark and full of terrors, but you shall be the candle in the dark."

It was at this moment that they heard noise coming from outside. Hestia, one of Siobhan's 'maidens', suddenly appeared in the room. The young woman immediately made a polite curtsey. Somehow, she always went deeper than all the other servant girls. "My Lady Baroness, Your Grace," she spoke demurely, addressing Galina and Tarissa respectively and keeping her chin low, "Countess Kerrigan has just landed."
Galina smiled in return. "Thank you, Tarissa. You're so kind." If only she really knew. Though her innocence kept the redhead from thinking that the Duchess might have an agenda of her own.

Galina's attention turned to the sounds outside. Seeing Hestia, the young redhead got a little nervous. It had to be one of her mothers that had landed. And well, she wasn't sure what the reaction was going to be. Crap. That wasn't a normal thought about being well dressed and looking lovely, was it? The girl glanced quickly from left to right, looking for an escape. Though it didn't seem like she'd have time to slip from the room before Siobhan entered.

[member="Tarissa Cadalthor"]
[member="Galina Kerrigan-Alcori"]

Speak of the Lady, and she shall appear. Siobhan was still wearing her battered beskar armour when she entered, though she'd taken off the helmet. The armour looked like it needed repairs, her hair was a mess and she looked tired. Moreover, she was walking with a limp and looked pissed.

"Siobhan, welcome home. Are you...," Tarissa did not get far before Siobhan cut her off.

"I'm fine," she said flatly. Pissed was an understatement. Her eyes darted towards Galina. "You two playing dressup?" Apparently she was in a foul mood about something.

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