Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who is the Dark Lord of the Sith?


People can dispute all they want, but a non-negligible portion of Sith recognize, or would recognize if pressured, Kaine as DLOTS.

Those who disagree can be categorized into several groups:

(1) Lone Wolves - may be strong enough to beat Kaine, but do not have the political clout to make a play.
(2) Philosophical Dissidents - such as the Rule of 2ers. Not strong enough to beat Kaine, but
(3) Just Don't Give a Kark - those who might be able to beat Kaine, but don't because there's no reason to try and oust him from the alleged title.

[member="Reverance"] undoubtedly had a solid claim to the title when heading up OS, but chose the nomen of Wrath of the Dark Lord. While he may possibly be strong enough to beat Kaine, it is doubtful he has the political backing to do so in any meaningful way.

If someone doesn't think Kaine is worthy, then Sith up and fight him. Otherwise it's all just hot air.


Disney's Princess
[member="Darth Ferox"]

What is there to gain from calling yourself the Dark Lord of the Sith? We have no empire, we have no unified Sith order - the title, at this point, is meaningless.

Kaine can call himself Dark Lord and nobody will bat an eye, not just because he's powerful, but he essentially rules a handful of planets and that's about it.
[member="Darth Vitium"]

The title absolutely matters, especially in the context of Kaine or Revereance

If Kaine starts calling himself the Dark Lord you're right at this point nobody would really care that much, but if he keeps the title, and those that do follow him(Let's face it there are quite a few) do so as well he builds a following. That following grows and thus his legitimacy grows as well. It's the same for Reverence, though he doesn't have the Political clout now(as [member="Thengil Ri'Shajirr"] pointed out) he could easily gain it with a few simple threads of recruiting Sith he already knows(Matsu, other OS oldies). The Title doesn't "matter" so much now, but it matters in a sense of growth.

If you see someone calling themselves the Dark Lord of the Sith and other Sith Lords, Knights, and Apprentices agree you automatically think "Oh well this guy must be hot shit" and thus fall in line behind him. The Title matters because of what it denotes in the Universe of Star Wars. Even if there is no strong Sith Faction right now.

Most people understand this, and it's why when an Apprentice calls himself the Dark Lord about 5 people pop up to beat him down.
End of the day, having one person step up to the plate and hold the title means there is a banner to rally behind. [member="Darth Carnifex"] holds that title by the agreement of a fair majority of those Sith Lords who might otherwise step up (individually or as a group) to challenge him for it - and in so doing, he has not only the legitimacy of the title, but also serves as that banner which will enable us to come together (if we wish) and rally behind our Dark Lord. Once we do that, then the Sith will return as a force to be reckoned with, as we have been before.

It's realistically what's been missing for a while: we've had lesser Emperors and those who dared to aspire to claim such a lofty title, but a claimant who has both the strength and the capability to hold onto it and put it to good use... Well, we have that now.

As [member="Valkyrien Aurelios"] said, if anyone wishes to question or challenge it, step up the plate. Otherwise practice kneeling. You'll have plenty of that to do in the coming days.
In the Darkness there is Truth
I'm utterly indifferent to the question of who's 'Dark Lord' or who claims to be 'legitimate'. I don't see a Sith Empire. Or even a unified Sith order. :D

One might as well try to figure out who's the 'legitimate' monarch of France.

* continues doing her own thing *
I think my involvement in the discussion is being confused. I agree with [member="Darth Vitium"], in terms of the Sith in their current form (being a shadow of what power was held). Rev would be more likely to challenge Kaine just to prove that there is, in fact, no true Dark Lord of the Sith, as he has no interest in the title itself. But I don't see that happening as he doesn't really care about the situation as it currently stands and I'm entirely without the free time to pursue this further.

I was merely responding to the "Well I've called myself a Dark Lord of the Sith and no one has argued with me" argument ([member="Darth Abyss"] highlighted, pretty succinctly, the issue with this) -The epitome of an echochamber. I don't see the Sith as being a major part of the current universal arena and as such, I see the title of Dark Lord as something that is entirely pointless. A five star general in a time of peace.

Nevertheless, this isn't just hot air but discussion, which I think should be fine given that this is roleplay discussion.
Thengil Ri'Shajirr said:
People can dispute all they want, but a non-negligible portion of Sith recognize, or would recognize if pressured, Kaine as DLOTS.

Those who disagree can be categorized into several groups:

(1) Lone Wolves - may be strong enough to beat Kaine, but do not have the political clout to make a play.
(2) Philosophical Dissidents - such as the Rule of 2ers. Not strong enough to beat Kaine, but
(3) Just Don't Give a Kark - those who might be able to beat Kaine, but don't because there's no reason to try and oust him from the alleged title.

[member="Reverance"] undoubtedly had a solid claim to the title when heading up OS, but chose the nomen of Wrath of the Dark Lord. While he may possibly be strong enough to beat Kaine, it is doubtful he has the political backing to do so in any meaningful way.

If someone doesn't think Kaine is worthy, then Sith up and fight him. Otherwise it's all just hot air.
I offer a 4th option. People who don't give a kark and would rather die than recognize Kaine as anything much less DLoTS. Not because they believe themselves stronger, more powerful, or more worthy than Kaine but just out of a plain old dislike for him.

I only bring this up because it applies to Vengeance IC.

OOC Kaine or Rev could be considered Dark Lord even though I am aware of 2 other Lords who have claimed the title and during a period of craziness a dozen Acolytes who claimed to be the next Dark Lord.

In a place like Chaos it is a largely pointless endeavor as on a fundamental level kills story and thus kills factions. It encourages people to focus on destroying and claiming each others position than focusing on "enemies" such as Jedi, Republic, etc etc. Which is why even if such a thing could be legitimately possible you will never see Vengeance or any other Sith I write claim such a thing.
Anyone can declare himself the Dark Lord of the Sith. Who cares, really? The Sith are not united, neither in ideals nor under one banner - therefore the Dark Lord of the Sith title means nothing now. Yes, most Sith factions attempt to standardize the Sith and unite them in some way, but even then, there are so many rogue elements and infighting that it is unlikely the title will mean anything outside of the faction. How could it, with all the different Sith ideologies and interpretations roaming around? You have the traditionalists who look up to the ancient Sith, the other traditionalists who were inspired by another portrayal of the ancient Sith, Sith that follow Palpatine's example, Sith in name only, One Sith fanatics,...

It's like Sidious, Krayt, Marka Ragnos, Vitiate, Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh being alive at the same time, all backed by their supporters and competing for the title.

Yeah, good luck being the Dark Lord.

Plus there is the entire OOC layer to it, which renders the title even more pointless :lol:

I counter you!

All examples of Dark Lords have them not only being able to deal with Jedi, but rivals. There is no DL on Chaos because there is no Sith that has been successfully able to do both.
Darth Ferox said:

I counter you!

All examples of Dark Lords have them not only being able to deal with Jedi, but rivals. There is no DL on Chaos because there is no Sith that has been successfully able to do both.
I don't quite understand what you are trying to say but sure.

All the examples you gave of Dark Lords killed their rivals. In their time, claiming to be a Dark Lord was often met by them flat out killing you for it.

Well, the people [member="Darth Veles"] mentioned. In the clone wars series Palpatine went out of his way to beat on Maul because of him taking on an apprentice.

Chaos has no dark lord because there is no Sith Lord killing the others who claim it.

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