*Leaves forum*
*Get linked this thread.*
*Log in, laugh.*
DLOTS doesn't work on Chaos because everyone and their mother thinks they are the best Sith writer, and fuck anyone that disagrees. Doesn't matter if you do everything legitimately to claim the title. Unless you pander to folks OOC and write smut with the right people you will never unanimously hold the title. Meph killed 3 Sith Lords in fair fights to gain the title, an NPC DL, and had 4 Lords of the Sith sacrifice themselves in his service. Even still, in the weeks before I left, my writing was being shat upon by influential people whom I had never spoken to a day in my life because I 'did not write a real Sith', whatever the fuck that means.
The Dark Lord title is irrelevant. If you want it, go be as edgy as you possibly can and remove any consequence from your writing. Get a few friends behind you and shit talk anyone else that you might think is a rival. It's better to destroy their reputation OOC rather than work together on crafting a story, as is the usual Chaos' prerogative. Or just dogpile an open thread that makes absolutely no sense for you to be present and go 'hah, just as planned.'
I don't know why I felt the need to post to this. I would normally stop myself before I burned some bridges, but for once, I feel justified in my rants. My entire tenure as 'self-proclaimed' Dark Lord sucked, and every time I tried to work with the other big Sith writers, they would extend an open hand whilst trying to sabotage my reputation and destroy my friendships at the same time. I was as nice and courteous as humanly possible, and when folks wanted to fight me for the title, I accepted every contest. I tried to reach out to whomever I possibly could and learn from my mistakes, even the ones I felt were the right decision, so that no one felt they were being trodden over for the sake of my story, or that of my friends.
Darth Vitium said:
And if killing people makes you Jen'ari, I killed my master and would have killed Mephirium if not for his decision to exit the thread, and forum, via becoming one with the force.
I probably would have let you kill him, because I was hoping for an emotional pay-off. I would not say it was a certainty that you would have won, though that's rather irrelevant now. The OOC shenanigans, as per the usual, are the reason I chose to exit.
My off-topic tangents aside, I would argue that no one has the claim. If you want it, start spilling blood. Don't make in-character sacrifices though, people don't give a shit about that. Don't make the mistake I made and try to be friendly. Be an nerf herder. Fuck folks over. Ruin their experience to heighten that of yourself and your friends. Don't be mature about issues, throw tantrums, and make sure you tell everyone that does not agree with you that they're simply ignorant on the subject at hand.
Also, prepare for every little action you make both IC and OOC to be picked apart. IC is fine, sure, but when they realize that attacking your character's decisions does not work, they will attack you. Not to your face, of course, well, unless all their friends are around. Then they'll go nuts, and unless you get on your knees and beg they will hear no compromise. The writing community on Chaos is especially volatile, but the Sith have been the worst contenders since the days when the OS bullied their way to fifteen invasion victories.
Go be Dark Lord. Maybe ally with the established Sith so you aren't beholden to their shit attitudes. Doesn't matter, you're gonna have a bad time either way unless you're the aggressor on an OOC level. Better yet, wait until your rivals leave the forum due to your shenanigans so you don't have to fight them, then claim the title. It's a legitimate strategy.
Goodbye for the foreseeable future, and I wish whomever tries for the position a much better time than I had, but remember kids...