Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler
You know who gets my vote? Exar fething Kun. The man learns from Naga Sadow, then destroys him; subverts a good chunk of the Jedi Order; learns from Freedon Nadd, then destroys him; kills his age's equivalent of Yoda, and convinces the Order that the guy had promoted him to Jedi Master; busts into the Senate to rescue his Apprentice, mind-controlls them all, murders the Chancellor and kills his age's OTHER equivalent of Yoda on the way out; stages mass murder of Jedi Masters; then, when driven back to his homeworld by the treachery of his Apprentice and the combined forces of the galaxy, drains the life from his remaining servants and binds his soul to his home for four thousand years. Then he possesses Skywalker's greatest student and has him use a superweapon to wipe out a few little worlds. He also kills Luke Skywalker.
You don't screw with Exar fething Kun.
You don't screw with Exar fething Kun.