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Who is the most evil/most powerful Sith/Jedi?

I feel like I am the only person that ever advocates for this guy we go.

Darth Krayt. Dude is just flat out awesome. Manages to survive the purge, escapes from Vong captivity, and learns under XoXaan. While plenty of Jedi did survive the purge it is still something of an achievement. He then went back to Tatooine and did what his father did and bring back the Tuskens to glory. If not for Obi-Wan protecting Luke, he likely would have succeeded in bringing all of Tatooine under Tusken control. It is a rather virtuous task. He then went out and did his thing in the far reaches of the galaxy where he was one of the first to encounter Vong (outside of the whole Vergere and Anakin thing in that one book). He is captured by them and spends a ton of time under their control where he is then also implanted with tons of parasites that ultimately will kill him. He encounters Vergere, who actually wants to add him into her plan but he dismisses it. Not until he is on Korriban does he gain the attention of XoXaan who then teaches him. Then the best part ever is that he flips the entire thought process of the Sith on their head. He turns them from being about individual power to collective power. Forging the Rule of One he builds this truly interesting Sith Order where while people are rivals they do not kill one another to gain more power. But they do kill each other in the case of a master giving up their position to an apprentice, which is the sickest thing ever. He was able to lead the entire Order while in Stasis for much of the time. Typically Sith would kill that leader, but he commanded such respect and changed the fabric of the Sith so much that they would not do so. He played a role in the defeat of Aboleth (stupid story line, but whatever, without him it'd have been difficult). His winning the balance in the future freaked out Jacen enough to become a Sith. Darth Krayt was only betrayed because Wyyyrlok III believed in Krayt's mission but not in his ability to live it out. It had little to do with Wyyyrlok directly wanting power, it was that he believed in the mission of Krayt so much that when Krayt started to be distracted by his impending death that Wyyyrlok saw him as losing focus. It was great stuff. BUT THEN. Krayt brings himself back to life. Dead as dead can be, but comes back to life by some crazy means. Likely would have again BUT Cade threw his body into a star...

Regardless... Krayt owns. In terms of turning the galaxy on its head he can only really be rivaled by Palpatine. In terms of power, I think he has to be at least on the level with Palpatine. Aside from those two... everyone is just fighting to be as awesome as they.
As a massive fan of the EU, I've always been a Palpatine fan boy. This guy just played the entire Galaxy for several decades, forming the grand plan to take over the Galaxy with himself as the sole ruler.

He just oozes evil, and has always been the greatest threat the Jedi and the Galaxy had to face in my opinion.

Ludo Dorian

Palpatine is the most powerful Sith, in my opinion. Possibly the most powerful Force-user.

Consider that Luke Skywalker was basically the most powerful Jedi to have ever lived, since according to canon he inherited all the potential of his father. So he's basically the Chosen One. Taking that into account, we actually see Palpatine surpass Luke on a number of occasions. He was initially able to go toe-to-toe with Luke, but I do recall something in Dark Empire about how every time Palpatine "died", he grew even more powerful. Eventually even Luke couldn't stop him.

Jaxton Ravos

Mindwalker of the Outer Rim
Sith-wise in my opinion it really comes down to "Do you think thing is more or less OP than that ridiculously OP thing." Palpatine had Force Storms, Naga Sadow blew up stars, Exar Kun sacrified and entire people and came back, Nihilus ate planets through the Force, Sion literally could not die unless he wanted to, Caedus while not as OP as some of the above, was still ridiculously good at a ton of different things. Then you've got newer things like Abeloth and the Sith Emperor of TOR doing crazy things as well. Sith have some seriously BA dudes.

Jedi-wise has a lot less of the "Gods amongst Gods" type of guys, but Luke Skywalker, Thon, and Nomi Sunrider were all up pretty dang up there, with Luke Skywalker seeming to get a new trick every few months to add to arsenal. As much as like Revan, he's not quite up in this category, but he's pretty close. I wouldn't be surprised if there are some others I'm forgetting, but if you get into EU things can get pretty ridiculous pretty quickly.

Darren Onyx

@[member="Selena Halcyon"]

I love Krayt. He is my personal favorite. But I still think the strongest is Revan. He is just amazing.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
I think the question comes down to what you define as 'power' in the Force. There are multiple candidates, including:

- Naga Sadow had the most potent Sith magic in history; he could do more than Palpatine ever could. While we see Palps' displays of lesser power, such as Force Lightning, things like Force Storm are easily under Sadow's purview - he's just not in as much media to portray such. I honestly think he'd outstrip Palps in terms of pure power.

- In terms of learning power to devour completely different Force abilities and skills? Revan. He could learn and unlearn everything so incredibly quickly, plus survived the Sith Emperor. Nobody else was that multi-talented, even if Revan didn't really do much planet-blasting.

- The Sith Emperor does deserve a mention; he devoured the power of hundreds of Sith Lords, which is something only the Thought Bomb could accomplish, which required multiple people to achieve. His immortality stretched longer than almost every other recorded Sith and he had the means to continuously transfer his spirit, which Palps eventually failed at. He mind-controlled thousands simultaneously and had essentially battle meditation, without the Sith Meditation Sphere, that he used at great distances.

It depends how you view power. Krayt's feats are notable, I agree, but in the above categories he doesn't fare as well. Palps is similar.

You want to know what I ultimately think? Those who dabble in Sith sorcery are the strongest in the Force - even if they lead to their own destruction. Those who master it stand head and shoulders above the rest. It's a time-proven fact, even in SW RPing.

Darren Onyx

Selena Halcyon said:
I just can't view Reven as a legitimate character.
The man could have easily taken down the entire Republic if he wanted to. Of course he had his memory wiped by the Jedi and it stopped him from doing just that. Had his memory not been wiped he would have taken them down and the Sith would at least rule as long as Plapatine did.
I guess I should explain. I have a hard time allowing a character that the player played in a video game be viewed as a legitimate character, because people loved Reven solely because he was their character and they made him epic. So logically, it becomes hard to make an actual canon character for books or comics or whatever that to encompass the entire masses thoughts on who exactly that character is. As a result, they Mary Sue'd him and made him everything and the most powerful. Shoot, even in the games I never vibed him as being all that powerful.

His apprentice beat him through betrayel. He was captured by the Jedi and then had his mind wiped. Clearly shows he wasn't all that. He had to have the aid of Bastila Shan (one of the strongest Jedi) and others to then take down Malak. And that's just game story, which is about the only aspect of Reven I can take seriously because post game he got super Mary Sue'd.

I dislike the TOR stuff because it elevates him to absurd tier, and the only reason for that is to appease the fact that he was a billion different characters via what the fans made him. So in order to envelope that they had to make him "uber godlike". Which to me... is boring. I mean, he's not even all that in the comics (KotOR ones where you see him a handful of times).
Aye, I enjoyed playing as him, but I can't get into the whole fandom around him.

lol. I about gagged when I ran into the Revanites in TOR. I truly believe Bioware put them in there to show how silly a lot of people treat Reven :p

Darren Onyx

The cannon version of Revan is the Light Side playthrough. Just fyi. Outside of Revan I have to say Krayt was my favorite. Dude was crazy.
I'm a huge Krayt fanboy lol.

And yeah, I know that is the canon playthrough version, but the writers still have to do some kind of... appeal and make him awesome. I mean I played lightside but I still facerolled with a combination that involved Force lightning, a very Sith skill. Sooo I mean... it is a game. I just can't get behind the uberness of Revan. Kind of the case for Starkiller.

Darren Onyx

Ok I see your point. Well done @[member="Selena Halcyon"]. I do love Krayt though. He is a boss.
Let me just say, I loved A'Sheraad Hett back in the day. I mean just so much. When they had the Republic comic where Anakin told him about when he slaughtered the Tuskens and Hett forgave him... loved it. And then, I loved Krayt, and when the reveal happened and they were the same guy. Seriously, it was like the marriage of two personal favorites from EU (outside of Quinlen Vos and Asajj Ventress... and to a lesser extent K'kruhk) characters. Ah, it was wonderful.

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