I LOVED BOTH GAMES! KOTOR 1 was amazing because of how diverse it was to me. You went to so many places, got to choose what you say and choose your own path, and you got to have a romance with Carth! Couldn't be better.
Then, KOTOR 2 came out! More selection! Better graphics! TWO love interests! A deep, meaningful story! I loved Kreia and Atton the MOST! The only things I didn't like about the game was the fact that it was SOOOOOOO LOOOOOOONNNG, the ending disappointed me. Seriously, it took me, like, 2 DAYS just to get off of Peragus! Then, it was four days for Telos, three for Korriban and Dantooine, three and a half for Dxun, FIVE for Nar Shaddaa, and one for Malachor V. After all that time and effort, I was ready to finish my romance with Atton and confront Darth Treya. Unfortunately, The romance never finished, Kreia's death made me sad, and the ending make me want more. This was my face at the end..... :mellow: