Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Why Wait for Darwinism? [Fel Dominion of Kad V]

  • 11/30+ sith apprentices are dead.
  • Research Base 1: Taken
  • Moon Base: Yet To Be Taken

Astrian grabbed the darth by his hood, dragging across the hangar bay floor towards the ship he had previously tried to run to. "This is going to send a message to the empire." Astrian threw the sith onboard the small shuttle. Activating the shuttle's engines, ship began to lift up into the air, the sith lying helpless in the corridor of the ship. Astrian was flying to the top of the building, and as he did. He got a good view of the battle that extended throughout the facility. War waged below them as he reached the top of the building, there was a sniper tower at the top of the building, the tower looked down upon the oper research facility factories. The Fel were winning thus far; however he felt something as he descended upon the top of the building. Then, he spotted six sith standing about, ordering sith troopers about to ready a defence on the top of the building; however. This was not what Astrian had felt, the darth charged him from behind, pulling his one arm around his neck and drowning Astrian in force lightning, the ship lost control as the lightning collided with the controls, the ship spiralled out of control and slammed into the roof tops of the base.


Atlas Kane

Everything was so ... strange. There was no blaster fire, no explosions, no shouts, no trooper, no anything, except for the endless corridor Yasuo was trapped in. It was unlike anything he had ever experienced. It was as if he was caught in a dream, unable to wake up again. Something or someone was messing with his mind or doing something similar and Yasuo didn't want it to continue any longer. He sat down and started meditating, to find the cause of this problem and eliminate it as quickly as possible.
The research facility on the surface, where everything that needed to have happened already happened, saw the arrival of Voroll and a small group of other Imperial Cadets. They had walked to the entrance of the facility, which was lined with bits of bodies and scorch marks in almost every area. They had missed the battle, it seemed. All because their transport to the surface had an engine malfunction and had to make an emergency landing some way away, unfortunately they crashed and the pilot was killed. All calls for aid were lost due to odd atmospheric interference in the area they crashed.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
Ronin's blade swung in every which direction, blocking the blaster bolts that shot across the hanger's space and toward the the Fel Imperator. The blaster bolts of the imperial Stormtroopers were easily caste aside by the blade that worked tirelessly to block them. Building up little he knew of the force, Ronin struck out at the stormtroopers with a force push that sent the Sith soldiers tumbling across the deck. Ronin's Praetorian did the same, striking their lightsabers out towards the troopers and cutting them down as the Royal Stormtroopers fired at their Imperial counterparts.
Astrian woke, his robe was torn and ripped, with what little armour the robe had on the upper chest piece. He was survived his injuries had not been more severe, however as Astrians senses returned to him. He became aware of his surroundings; he was in the seat of the crashed ship. There was a crack in the window, which actually lead to a large hole. The ship had crashed head first into the rooftops, giving Astrian a clear view of what was ahead. The Darth lay on the ground outside the ship; he had been thrown outside by the force of the impact. However, he was not alone. Four of the six Sith he had seen earlier stood over him, so where were the other two?
The warriors senses returned to him, and he leap from the chair, narrowly dodging a crimson blade. He landed opposite the Sith, reaching for his saber but finding none. He would have to do it the only fashioned way, Astrian was faster and stronger than this Sith before him. He was able to grab the Sith by his arm and clenched hard, breaking bone and causing the blade to drop into a referee grip in Astrians hand, siths force imbued swing. He cut through the Sith and his body flew across the room and fell discharged aside, here were more Sith to come. The other Sith, had now just entered the crashed ship. Astrian was ready for him.
The other Sith was getting closer, he had bull rushed Astrian; using the force to throw him ruggedly against a wall. Astrian brought his blade in defence, clashing with the siths blade. He pushed him back, throwing him off of the offensive, Astrian followed up with a force embued kick, right into the siths unarmoured chest. Rib cracked, lungs were punctured and blood exploded from the siths mouth. His body rocketed across the haul of the ship, landing in a mess a few metres from Astrian. The red blade in hand, he wiped his lips with his free wrist. Blood now stained his robes as well. But, there were more Sith to kill.
Astrian rushed for the exit to the ship, finding that the ship had crashed into the entrance to the rooftops, outside lay wreckage with three more blissfully unaware Sith climbing it. It was a steep climb, Asrian smiled. Leaping down the wreckage, he landed right beside one of the Sith, he stumbled his blade at his belt as he was unprepared whist using two hands for climbing. Astrian grabbed him by his throat, lifting him up into the air, the Sith had reached for his saber but was too late as he was impaled upon the blade. The other two however now had their sabers active. Astrian threw the body of the dead apprentice at the two, both were going to dodge, but this was what Astrian wanted.
Astrian leaped down from the wreckage just as he threw the corpse, slamming down on the Sith with great speed, they had just dodged the body on the narrow wreckage pile they were climbing, niether were prepared for Astrians arrival so quickly, one if then was smaller and more acrobatic, having an easier time dodging the body than the other, however it tired out this was a girl. She didn't look a day older than 18, however this didn't shake Astrian's focus as the red blade he carried slammed through her unprotected back as she had turned to see if her fellow Sith had been alright. She tensed and screamed as the blade entered her and cut through her spinal cord and other essentials.
With that, the final Sith was strapped in a fit of rage, he leaped into the air; his blade raised high. Astrian couldn't shake the blade from the body, so. He let go, delving into the force to speed up his movements, he caught the Sith by his saber arm on the wrist with his left hand and by the neck with the right. He had no time for this amateur, swinging his blade angrily in the limited movement Astriabs iron grip gave him. Astrian looked into his eyes, he was but a boy. "Sith scum.." He sneered, snapping the neck of the apprentice and allowing his body to fall from the rooftops, unfortunately; he no longer had any weapons. A final Sith and the Darth lay on past the wreckage however; and he had no saber. Maybe it was time to do things the old fashioned way.
Astrian could feel the wreckage begin to slide. The whole play from shook for a moment, but Astrian regained balance; leaping from the wreckage to the unaffected platform. The whole of the wreckage began to slid, however. That didn't phase him, he charged forward. However, what lay ahead was more powerful, a Sith knight stood over the wounded Darth, his hand raised. Pieces if debris flew in the direction of Astrian, the knight was a practice in telekenisis. Cute, the debris smacked Astrian around a little, unbalancing him enough to allow the knight enough time to throw a rather large piece of debris at him. Astrian blasted the debris aside with a wave of force energy. The Sith knight growled; igniting Astrians blade in his hand. Astrian narrowed his eyes, the knight took his saber. Where was his own?
The knight charged forward, however Astrian already was in a defensive stance, he tucked and rowed under the first blow. Narrowly missing the attack, he came to a stop and used the for e to throw the once again running knight off. He then, charged the knight. Grabbing the Sith knight by his hand, as he pulled away it was the only thing he could possibly grab. "Give me that back..." He howled, the Sith remained silent, but his strength was outmatched by Astrians, however even as he relinquished the blade; be used Astrians body against him; kicking him back with his own force. Then the Sith smiled, and revealed a double ended blade from his back, throwing his cloak aside. Astrians eyes widened. He was in trouble now.
Astrian felt better with his own blade in his two hands. But whatever comfort he had felt was cut short by the charge of the double blade wielding Sith. His attacks were strange and hard to keep up with, Astrian was barely able to rely on his manoeuvrability to stay alive. He had to rely heavily on Djem So, following up every parry with a counter attack, the Sith spin'd with his blade, knocking Astian's attack of course, retreating his pulled back a few metres. It as obvious his target was more advanced than he was. Astrian had to rely on the force. Reaching, he charged up his attack. The Sith charged, and by the time he reached Astrian, the blast hit him. Knocking the Sith off his feet and into the air; it was then. Astrian took his chance throwing himself at he Sith, his saber cut through the Sith. However the blade was knocked away by the double blade. However, both landed shifty on the ground. Ready to continue fighting.
They charged each other, however this time the Sith knight was wounded; his strikes sluggish and weak, he was slowing down as blood slipped from the slightly carbonised wound, this allowed Astrian to land a precise enough stroke to cut the siths blade in half; and send him onto his behind, with that the Sith knight yelped his last as the orange blade cut through his chest. The with knight jumped a little at first, but slowly and gently slumped down the blade and died. Astrian, had defeated he Sith defenders, how many storm troopers had the ship crushed? All of them. The only thing left was the Darth, and only now was he waking up.
Astrian was tired of Sith today, and the sooner he killed the Darth the better. Grabbing the Sith by his armour plated vest, he dragged him toward the sniper tower, there was a balcony connected to it, this would give everyone a good view of the Sith. Dragging the Sith to the frameless and fenceless balcony, he put the Sith to his knee's. but as the battle waged on, Astrian roared. "THIS, THIS IS WHAT WILL HAPPEN TO ALL SITH SCUM THOSE WHO FOLLOW!" Astrian declared, many more had stopped and looked his way than he thought would. Then, he let go of the Sith. Taking his blade into a full two handed swing. He brought the blade across in one mighty sweep, separating the Darths head from the body, the body slumped over limp; and the head fell to the battlefield below. "This is what the Sith have brought upon us! Death and suffering, now..put down your weapons begins you suffer the same fate!" There was a moment of silence as the orange blade pointed to the Sith and storm troopers fighting for the Sith Empire, the looked to each other. Then began to put down their weapons one after another. Astrian had secured he facility.

(OOC: All I'm saying is, one can get bored lying in bed.)
Captain Zaruan stood at the head of the bridge and looked out over the battle. "Bring the Legacy into the atmosphere. We have troops on the planet, they may need help." He said aloud. The ship had already begun to go into orbit of the planet and was descending through the atmosphere. He saw the colour of orange flickering over the shields before he turned away and sat in his command chair as he had several times before. He was restless in times of battle. He felt there was some things he could prevent, loss of Imperial life.

The cloud formations broke and the Chiss Legacy remained in the air and prepared to fire down upon the planet. "The Legacy is in position to fire upon the planet. Awaiting confirmation." All he needed was confirmation and gunships and a hail of fire would descend upon this planet.
@[member="Astrian Callus"]
@[member="Ronin Fel"]@[member="Yasuo"]
@[member="Voroll Dey Astaar"]
With the go ahead of the Imperator, the Archmaster first rendered a fitting bow. After all, despite the fact that Josiah was a native of Nar Shaddaa, he had enough common sense to show respect where it was due; especially in the face of royalty. Once the gesture was rendered, the young Master righted himself and turned upon his heel, headed for the hangar bay of the ship. The voyage there was brief, yet full of the pleasantries that came with his position. Soldiers regarded him with nods of respect, fellow Imperial Knights rendered empassioned saluted, etc etc. This was all quite new for the Archmaster, however, and he found himself returning some of the gestures afforded to him almost half-heartedly. He arrived, promptly at the hangar and straightway made for one of the many dropships scattered about, before waving to its pilot to open the rearmost doors.

"Well, let's get ready to head down. Anyone joining us?"

@[member="Ronin Fel"].

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
"Push forward!" Ronin screamed as he and his bordering party pushed through the lines of the Sith hanger. One by one the Sith fell easily with a swing of a lightsaber here or the burning bolts from a blaster there. It wasn't long until the light show of the hanger had died down and the Sith were cut down either by the gunship's lasers or by the swinging blades of the Praetorian and their leader. Taking a few deep breathes, Ronin lowered his blade and put a nearby Imperial trooper out of his misery with a thrust of his blade. Withdrawing his weapon from the imperial's body, Ronin moved to the nearest hanger door and hit the control panel only to find that the door had been locked down after their arrival.

"Someone place an explosive on this door, we will not let a slab of metal stop our victory."

@[member="Josiah Denko"]
Apparently there would not be anyone joining him on the flight down, so with a shrug Josiah entered the dropship and seated himself within. The cushion was...not what he was accustomed to. It actually felt soft...and memory-foam-y. These were the luxuries of serving within the Fel Imperium, supposedly. In any case, he shook himself from the random train of thought and signaled the pilot to begin the takeoff procedures. The doors were shut, the engines were ignited, and the dropship soon hovered into the air within the hangar. There was a radio transmission to have the doors of the Rebirth opened, and then the dropship surged forth out of the hangar with immense speed...or, at least Josiah registered it as immense speed. In actuality, they were plugging along in comparison to what the starfighters could do.

Darth Vulcanus

Better than other-other space Kaiden
"three...two...detonation!" were the thrilling words that were spoken by the explosives expert as he squeezed the trigger and caused a massive explosion to blow in the metal door in Ronin's path. Smoke and fire shot inward and the shrapnel cut down everyone on the other side, the heat of the blast finish off any of those pesky enough to survive the metal storm. With precession fit for commandos, the Imperator and his stormtroopers rushed into the hallways of the Sith Star Destroyer and were met with only the bodies of those unlucky enough to be caught in the blast. After taking a short look around and becoming satisfied that they were safe for now, Ronin turned to his men and spoke

"I and my Praetorian will attempt to take the bridge from the Sith Lord and his counterparts while you troopers clear this ship from top to bottom. I want every Sith soldier captured or dead by the time the bridge is taken."

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