Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Wicked Game



Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau

A blast of hot, dry air immediately greeted him upon leaving the relative comfort of his Santhe Challenger. Judah had forgotten how hot the planet was, how dry. How his son had spent a good number of his childhood excursions on the planet was beyond him. Lots of balms, creams, and water from what he could remember, and going out in the early mornings before the suns were merciless. As for him, it probably didn't help that he was wearing a suit with one arm in a bulky shoulder brace underneath. It made everything hotter, with limited range of motion, and he felt stiff.

At least it wasn't a sling. Bacta dips after his surgery had seen to that.

'Good arm' grabbed a fine bantha-leather messenger bag and slung it over his good shoulder. He had come to see Danger for two reasons ; one to clear the air. Two, to hammer out details regarding their granddaughter. Both of them were going to do what they saw fit on that front, but Judah was curious how hard Danger would encourage the very first granddaughter to follow her steps in the hyper lanes. Of course their granddaughter would be mentored by the two of them, and only time would tell where the girl would find an interest. Inheritance, trust funds, investments, holdings....all were already being lined up to be bestowed.

Granddaughter, that was the easy part. Clearing the air? Might as well be brokering peace between the Sith and Jedi. Makai had made it very clear, however, that things would need to be figured out and figured out quickly.

"No, you'll need to settle whatever petty argument you and Danger have going on. Don't say anything either, because you seem to forget I was on that flight back from Naboo."

Annoyance crossed his features.Danger had already been addressed at this point and that had just gone swimmingly. His mother informed. All three of them just seemed oblivious to the problem in his opinion. From what he could tell, his parents were getting on fine, that was good. Dad and Danger? Not at all. He had never seen his mother and Danger interact at length, so right now everything was falling back on his father and Danger.

"Ellie and I have jokingly discussed tossing both of you in a room and letting you kill one another or figure it out. Its getting to the point of its less of a joke and a real possibility. This is grating to my nerves, I can only imagine what the future will be like."

"I'd never act out in front of the grandkid, you know this."

"Sure, but what happens when said kid is eight, nine years old and starts to realize her grandparents can't stand one another? It will happen Dad. I was that kid, by that age things can be pieced together. After today though, I'm done, this is all I've got to say. The three of you don't come to me in ten years wondering why the kid won't spend time with you guys as a group."

Judah sighed.

"I'll see what I can do...."

A deep sigh as he approached the desert hideaway of the Trade Queen. Now or never.


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"A Salacia Vessel has set down; looks like you've got company, boss."

Danger glanced up from the holographic desk full of designs and plans the Queen of Trade was preparing for discussing with John Locke John Locke regarding his Intersteller Trade Network connected to the Hypergate network. She was thrilled at the prospect of not only having mutually beneficial ties with Locke and Key, but also at the notion of getting one of those gates to be set by Tatooine. As the main trade headquarters of Arceneau Trade Company, as well as the largest Southern System Trade Expo station, it would be beneficial to have easy access for not only trade but for future expos as well.

A slight puzzled frown would draw over Danger's face. Salacia? The only person who'd come would be Makai, but he rarely came to Tatooine nowadays. He was too busy trying to wrap up as much as he could with Aina Holdings and the issues regarding the recent political turmoil with Lothal.

Assuming it was Makai, and that it hadn't been important enough to warrant a direct holocall, Danger gave a small gesture of her hand.

"It's fine. Lead 'em up here." Anyone would have been hard-pressed to locate the Jungland Wastes enclave Danger had set herself up with decades ago. It took several days speeder ride and an intimate knowledge of the shifting desert to get here. With how the natural geographic location made it impossible to use communication devices or location identifiers, one also had to know the exact coordinates.

"Get some fresh water with ice. He'll likely be parched as soon as he steps out into this dry air." Sitting back on her chair, Danger returned to focusing on the proposal's details. Unknowing that it wasn't Makai who came knocking at her door looking to stir up a Krayt Dragon's nest.


Heat broiled him as he took the dusty trek towards the hideaway, thankful once he entered the shade of the building. Thick stone and stucco in design, it was always thankful to step inside. Climate control systems didn't work overtime due to the architecture, and it remained cool inside despite the insistence of the sun to roast the hell out of the planet.

Greeted and allowed to enter, Judah walked along the interior hallway, making small talk with his escort. He hadn't been on Tatooine long? Much less Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau 's personal getaway. Before she had married Alric, it had served as her home base, a place where he and Makai came often. The Farm had quickly taken on that role once Myra had been added into the mix. It looked much the same as he remembered with a similar welcoming feel.

Thankfully, sweat was starting to cool as he made his way to Danger's office. Wouldn't look right to show up a complete sweaty mess. Shown her office door, he thanked the worker he had been making small talk with before entering.

"Danger, hard at work I see. Sadly, I bring more."

Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Well, that wasn't the voice Danger was expecting.

So much so that she froze before concealing her surprise and settling her expression into a blank, curious expression. She then lifted her gaze, her face lighting up by the pale blue holoscreens in front of her.

Mild concern would subtly furrow her gaze at the sight of the brace, but as she hadn't heard word of anything serious from Myra, she figured it had likely been some mild injury at a mining site or refinery. Or, a fish too big for Judah's rod that ended up sacrificing his arm for the bite.

Either way, Danger bit back her inclination to inquire about his health, but she told herself it wasn't her problem probe. He'd made it clear he didn't want any of her fretting. However, his ridiculous suit in the blasted Tatooine heat was enough for her to shake her head mentally. She remained at her desk, giving a friendly, poised greeting. Certainly not the hug and kiss on the cheek she'd given him before. If anything, one of the more telling examples of how Danger kept her distance while indicating a measure of cordial hospitality with the man she'd known for nearly two decades.

"What work requires the busy Judah Dashiell to come in person? Reckon a holomail would have sufficed," Danger would reply, her throaty voice as cordially calm and sweet as ever. In her mind, however, she was already bracing herself for what sort of talk would bring the Old Salvager in person. Certainly, nothing has to do with Myra or Makai. If it had been serious, a holocall would have been faster to deliver the news.

The Rodian attendant that had ushered Judah in would pause, waiting for instruction. Danger caught his gaze and nodded with a gesture, "Please pour Mistah Dashiell a glass of water." she figured, much like Makai, although not as extreme, the walk from the shuttle to the enclave would have dried up his mouth like salt on leather.

"Feel free to have a seat."
She gestured to the accelerator chair in front of her desk, drawing her attention back to the notes she'd been reviewing. There was no sense in not multitasking.

Water was poured and offered to Judah, and with a nod from Danger, the attendant left them to their devices.

"I have a busy schedule today and a few holocalls to go over, so if we could make this quick, I would be much obliged." It wasn't a lie; she had to get things ready for this Interstellar Trade Network bid. Besides, the chances of Judah making this a lengthy discussion were low. Much like Alric, few ever had the desire to spend a lengthy time in the hot, sandy, desert world Danger loved.


Judah noted the lack of normal greeting and raised an eyebrow. Apparently they were still playing this game, the one where apparently they hadn't been close for the last two decades. Either way, he wasn't going to say anything, no need to stir the pot further for something of such a small nature. More like an observation on how potentially this meeting was going.

"Thank you."

Sitting down on the accelerator chair, Judah took few sips of water before speaking. Throat already felt scratchy, last thing he needed was for it to conk out in the middle of trying to speak. Plus, dehydrating and getting weak at the desk of one Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau was not wise for anyone. At least she wasn't paying attention to him, allowed time to get settled.

"My apologies for arriving with no notice then. Unfortunately this won't be a quick visit but..."

Judah opened his nerf-leather bag and procured several holotablets. All emblazed with the lawfirms of Curie, Fide, and Pharrow out of Anaxes. The same firm he was working with for Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell 's trust fund, recommended for all financial law issues by Casteel Mer'taal Casteel Mer'taal .So far their work had been excellent, so he was contracting with them for everything related to the impending grandchild.

Holotablets were placed on a corner of a desk.

" regards to the newest addition. I need you to review our joint holdings, if you want to give up any stake to this and future grandchildren at this time or save it for your final will and testament. Entirely on you, I just need to know for my own portion. Might be good to be on the same page so we aren't overlapping too much on trust funds and investments. However, feel free look at your leisure, I have no where to be."=

A small pause.

"The second order of business is in regards to a lecture I received. However, since you are pressed for time, I can retire to my vessel until you have a moment."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Dress x | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Judah's words had certainly caught Danger's attention, but probably not in the way he expected. Her brow furrowed ever so slightly, and she tilted her head, the picture of polite but puzzled intrigue.

Danger blinked slowly, processing the peculiar turn of the conversation before a perfectly arched brow lifted in response. She leaned back, letting the silence linger just a moment longer.

Joint holdings? Final will and testament? Overlappin' trust funds?

"I beg your pardon, but I reckon I'm gonna need a bit more clarity on what exactly you're suggestin' here." she finally drawled, her tone puzzled with just the slightest hint of incredulity.

Of course, when he dove into the second topic, a recent lecture, that was when she gave a faint roll of her eyes. Ah, so Makai had given that same lovely and tactful commentary to his pa? Not surprising, but not the sort of conversation she rather have. In her mind, it was more a product of Makai's imagination due to his childhood drama and years of therapy. It is more of a perceived potentiality of agreements that had no foundation.

If anything, Danger had done her best to ensure all matters of civilities were attended to. There was no need to discuss things.


Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau

"If we want our joint holdings - Maramere and Celestia Station - to fully go to this grandchild and all future ones in the event of our untimely death. Or, further, if we want them to get any percentage of profits funneled into trust funds. Now, if we don't come to an agreement or you don't want to make a joint decision with myself, that is fine. I can merely just fraction my portion of our joint holdings. I thought you may prefer the option."

Judah paused and noticed the eyeroll with a small chuckle.

"I take it by your reaction you also received a lecture. I'm sure yours was better than mine."

He leaned back into the accelerator chair, curious. He was going to ask his question, odd as it may be, because he really didn't have much to lose. It would either ruffle her feathers further or just brush it off.

"What? You don't want to be close friends anymore? Don't say we are because clearly after Naboo we haven't been. We also haven't been ornery asses towards one another like Makai thinks, but the dynamic has changed and not for the better."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

Now, Danger was even more incredulous regarding the matter.

"Reckon you're jumpin' the slugthower there. Wait until the girl is born and then see what happens would be my recommendation," Danger would reply back in all seriousness. She buried two babies before they could take a breath; there was no use in prepping, only to end up with heartbreak, until one knew for sure that all went well with the pregnancy.

Besides, one didn't know what would happen between the birth of the child into adulthood. Preferences and desires regarding lifestyles would change. Made more sense to keep things situated as they were until things settled and one had more of an understanding regarding the scene.

"I'll work on whatever is needed then on my end once things are more settled -- but don't stop your plannin' on my account." Danger would relay, speaking in a no-nonsense tone. Salacia was Judah's company and his assets were his to distribute. The same went with Makai with Aina Holdings. Before their marriage, Makai and she had an understanding, and that was all that had to be said on that end. Going into the weeds off the get-go was only inviting expectations like those that Myra gave herself and potential arguments that were best avoided until things were more certain.

"Makai is just projectin' his worst-case scenario fears in light of his upbringin' and what he saw with his parents." From what the younger version of Makai told her regarding his ma and the situation, tie in how Judah had told her to mind her business and not discuss his marriage or his wife, Danger could only imagine the worse. Especially when she'd been told the woman had left her husband and son twice without a word.

Of course, Judah had to pursue the other topic with a casual query about the feasibility of close friendship, to which Danger simply replied, "Dynamics change. I simply am followin' your requests and mindin' myself."

The last thing she needed was another reminder that she was getting involved in unwanted business. It was best to just leave it how it was and move forward.

"As we both mind ourselves just fine, it won't be an issue." Danger would state with the seeming air of pleasant cordiality with that husky molassas-like sweetness that could potentially grate the Old Salvager if taken the wrong way.


"I'll leave holotablets for you either way, just in case. I have a few copies, so I can continue with my plans then."

Judah was merely forward thinking to setting up things now while he wasn't too distracted. The baby wasn't here. Makai didn't need him for the business just yet, so it was getting things in order. Of course, he should have realized Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau would have been more cautious on this front. Yet with the language he was using, it was broad enough for grandchildren, not just the one so far.

"I fully agree. My fault, obviously being the parent. I don't think he's looking at all sides of the situation, but can't say I fault him. Given what transpired and how young and impressionable he was. Different if might have been a little older, a little more life experience under his belt. Yet, thats for him to deal with, word is he's back therapy so."

Picking up the glass of water again, Judah took a sip, observing the Trade Queen carefully.

"Mindin' ourselves." He considered that word. "You don't want to be close ever again? Seems a bit...extreme, to toss away two decades of friendship over one argument. Before you disagree, "minding ourselves" is not the same as "friendship" in my eyes. You may have a different definition, of course."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

Danger gave a nod towards the holotables. It would be wise to see what would be on Judah's mind regarding trust funds and division of assets, but at the end of the day, what he decided to provide was his to determine. At this point Arceneau Trade was a beast of a conglomerate, and unless someone truly wanted to run it with the same passion Danger did, it wouldn't be feasible to set aside specific holdings. A blanket trust, how it was now, would at least ensure Myra would properly oversee ATC's legacy, with the clause that if she so desired to hand it off elsewhere, well then, a particular set of redundancies had been set. She had to see how Rue would grow and where her interests lay as she got older. If worse came to worse... well, the running of the companies could be left to her Human Replica Droid in the event of Danger's untimely death.

It wouldn't mean, of course, that Myra, Rue, and any potential grandchildren wouldn't have a trust fund set aside for their security and comfort.

Another incline of her head would agree to Judah's assessment regarding Makai's young impressionable mind. Nothing more needed to be said regarding that matter. Makai would worry however he would worry. Only showing that there would be no hard feelings and that things would remain amicable would pave the path of making him realize that his fears were just in his mind.

Danger certainly wouldn't dare cause any strife with her family or any measure of uncomfortableness.

Now as towards the changing dynamics -- Danger paused from her holoscreen and then settled back in her chair. She leveled a calm, but contemplative look upon the Old Salvager. To a degree, it was a shame things had gone so, but then again, in the back of Danger's mind, perhaps she wasn't surprised. It was just how things had a tendency to go with her.

Although Judah's review of a close friendship sent a subtle amused twitch over Danger's lips. Close? Perhaps. Intimate. No, Judah made that clear. In the wake of Alric's death the one man who had stepped up to ensure things were handled and Danger and the girls had everything they needed had been Makai.

These past few months had given her a sense of perspective ever since Naboo. Judah was just too stuck in his ways to ever truly have the sort of relationship Danger thought they had. In hindsight, the man had never done much beyond to share regarding the kids or business, while Danger had done more to express herself and her vulnerabilities. It wasn't his fault, just how he was and the wretched wake he found himself in after Thessa left and he had his divorce. That he had pinned over her for decades until he finally decided to date that Jedi meant he was slow to change and even harder to crack.

Men were fools for the woman they love and while Danger could admire the tenacity, she didn't have to put herself out there anymore for someone who rather she not bother. With word being that Judah was now seen escorting his ex-wife on public venues, she knew all too well how the Sabaac cards lay. It was no different than how she had compartamalized herself back when Alric had been with Silara the first time.

With a gentle tap of her finger along the armrest, Danger gave an exhale and seemingly provided a calm cant of her head and mild gesture with her hand in a general direction into the air.

"If we are talkin' about specifics, I see no reason why our exchanges can't remain the same as they have always been regardin' our friendship. If one really looks into it, we talked about the kids and the latest business gossip -- with all the appropriate cordial pleasentries. Even our monthly lunchen's were solely set on those subjects." He wouldn't be able to disagree with her regarding their previous topics of discussion. At least on his end, he hadn't put in much else, from Danger's perspective. Oh sure, the cordial pleasantries of how one's doing and general health were always there; but Judah Dashiell would be damned if he gave anything more than that.

In any case, those luncheons had been canceled due to his defensive, grumpy demeanor after how he acted at the Farm upon his recovery, only to then get into a fight with Makai and leave abruptly without saying a word when Danger and the girls had gone out for ice cream. At one point, she would have called him out on his bantha shit, and she had to a degree, through their holomail exchanges, reminding him to clear the air with Makai sooner rather than later, but after Naboo, she wasn't going to prod any further.

Having a dire need for a cigarillo, the woman leaned forward to grab a small silver case. Opening it with a flick of her thumb, she plucked a white vice and placed it between her lips. She offered him one in turn. Had to be a good hostess after all.

"The only difference bein' is I'm makin' sure I stick to those established parameters you've so kindly reminded me to stay in." Wouldn't want him to start depending on folk after all, and getting too close.

He had his ex-wife and that Jedi for that.


Judah waved the cigarillo away. A rare gesture.

"So this is it unless I want to share more personal things with you? Alright."

Shifting in his chair, he adjusted his tie, loosening the garment. It was clear he was becoming more comfortable and settling in to weave his tale to Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau . Another sip of his water before setting the glass back on the desk, not wanting to slosh the liquid around in case he started to get overly animated with his hands.

"Let's begin."

A clearing of his throat.

"Let's establish why I never felt the need to get too personal, to not depend on you. One, I was trying to sort out my own floundering marriage. Understandable, I think. Thessa leaves, life continues on best it can. A new normal. You enter into that new normal, great. Makai loves you, I absolutely trust you to keep an eye over him. It grows more complicated. Can't deny a man sees a woman dote over his child as her own and his mind leads him down the what-ifs and maybes if he asks that woman to get a little closer. It has a certain appeal, add in the fact you're drop dead gorgeous and I develop a schoolboy crush. Too stupid, too scared to act on it. Almost did twice - once on Maramere and once on that yacht. Anyways... So I don't. Then you get married. Shut that door on me before I could sort myself out. Now I'm staring down a married woman who I have a crush on, who takes care of my boy, who I'm close to. Naturally, I put some distance between us for my own sanity. To keep us being friends and I not try anything foolish."

Judah shook his head.

"A single man depending on a married woman? Leaning on her? Even in the metaphorical sense? As a previously married man, I would have been highly suspicious and I would never, ever break up a happy home. I figure I'm happy enough having you around even at arms distance. Makai is happy, by this point Myra is his best friend and the kid didn't exactly have many, so the new status quo it is."

Hand ran through shaggy hair, thinking a moment.

"So you want personal? You want to be filled in? What's been going on....Oh, I have another son. Got black out drunk around the time Makai was eight. Don't even remember having sex. Found this out when I went for genetic testing at Makai's urging because of the eye thing. Poor kid is some Jedi. Stubborn. Brainwashed by their as a whip when it comes to agriculture and horticulture - think like how Makai is with mining and geology. Kid is so brainwashed he doesn't even see his potential in the company, in the family. I'm dealing with the fact I wasn't there to take care of him or mold him into what my vision for a son would be. He's seventeen. Practically a man, I can't force him to change like I did with Makai."

"What else? Went on a working trip with Azula, I'm in this weird dating....friends with benefits type situation. Not sure what to call it. Either way, got in a speeder crash piloted by of all things, a fucking droid. Messed up the shoulder that's been messed up since Thessa left. Never got the nerve damage taken care of then. Had surgery, been doing bacta dips and recovering on my own on Joiol. Its given me plenty time to work on legalities, as you can see."

Judah nodded to the holotablets.

"....hmmm....bought a penthouse in the Centrality region. Been doing energy work there. Plus, I'm sure none of you want to see my face around constantly after how I've treated the lot of you, so at least I can slink away out there....What else personal? Been talking to Thessa off and on, helping her out. Contrary to what you may think, I'm trying not to end up a bitter old man, so I can at least learn to be friendly on that front..."

A pause.

"Questions or clarifications so far?"


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
There was a pointed glance in Judah's direction when he waved off the cigarillo -- curious but fine.

"Suit yourself," Danger murmured, closing the silver case with a snap before setting it back down onto the polished bodywood desk. She would have ignited the tip and taken a satisfying deep draw -- had not the elder Dashiell decided to proverbially dump a metric feth ton of personal on her then.

By the time Judah got through midway his whole tirade, Danger had barely managed to light her vice and take a deep, long drag. The cherry tip flared a bright red, and even despite the supposed confessional Judah provided -- all now fueled by Makai likely telling him to fix it -- a visible relaxation came to the woman as that spicy smoke streamed down her lungs and hit her with that narcotic goodness.

Oh, her Medic encouraged her to stick to the vaporizer with its little vial of liquid nicotine that would smooth over the ruffled nerves. But there ain't anything that could really replace that sweet satisfaction lighting up a hand-rolled cigarillo gave. It was just like sex. Ain't nuthin' run on batteries as good as the real thing.

Course, Judah's declarations only continued...and that sense of relaxation would wane into incredulity.

Danger's emerald-green eyes widened, not because she was surprised to hear Judah spill his personal business, but because she hadn't expected him to go about it in quite such a dramatic fashion. She'd had her fair share of jaw-dropping moments where she had to keep her cool and maintain that calm, unruffled expression, but this? Well, this was just getting more bizarre the more he talked.

Part of her wanted to laugh at his claim of having a schoolboy crush on her. She knew better. There had only ever been one woman in his heart, and it sure wasn't her. What he felt back then was probably just gratitude -- gratitude that someone had looked out for his boy, tried to be there when he couldn't. Could affection and admiration bloom from that? Sure. Maybe, on some level, she was the kind of mother Judah had wished his ex-wife had been. But from Maramere to the yacht, there wasn't a single moment where she'd sensed anything improper. That's why she'd always seen Judah as the kind of man you could put on a pedestal -- the kind of man any woman would want as a husband and father. Loyal, hardworking, committed.

Hearing Judah insist he'd kept his distance out of respect for her marriage was almost laughable. Considering how closely their families were intertwined, with Judah and Makai moving onto the farm to help care for Myra during her illness, the idea that letting someone look after you when you were hurt or sharing your life like friends do could somehow be seen as crossing a line? Well, that just seemed a bit silly.

Danger wasn't sure if Judah was trying to convince her or himself.

He'd been faithful in his marriage, and even after, she was certain that broken heart of his still held onto Thessa Dashiell for years.

At least, that's what she'd thought. Right up until he let slip about an illegitimate son from some drunken, heartbroken haze after the divorce. That bit of news earned him a slow blink from Danger, her cigarette frozen mid-air as a curl of blue-white smoke drifted lazily upwards.

Well, wasn't that something.

Men had needs, sure enough -- even if they were deep in their cups. She'd seen it before; Noxu had been more than eager to share her bed even after shredding his own company to bits. A man pining over a lost love could still find comfort in someone willing to offer it, even if it was just a temporary balm. Maybe Judah had felt that same fierce pull -- though he'd clammed up tighter than an Imperial trade decree when it came to recalling the details of how that other son came about.

The news that he believed the Jedi had brainwashed the kid - considering he'd dated Azula not long ago, a Jedi Master at that -- sounded rather hypocritical. Then again, men rarely saw clearly past the juicy little powercoil they were charging -- which, ironies of ironies, lead to the knowledge that he was with that Jedi again - see itch scratching and potential ex-wife substitute -- the accident, and, of course, Thessa. It always came back to her.

I'm sure you're looking to be friendly just fine.

In the end, Danger just stared at him for a few long seconds, trying to process everything. Finally, she took another drag of her cigarette and said, "Well... you've been busy."

She had plenty of questions, but none she cared to ask. This felt like Judah's way of trying to meet Makai's expectation to 'fix things,' spilling personal secrets he'd kept close before. If it smoothed over any awkwardness for future grandchildren, Judah would do it.


Judah blinked a moment. He wasn't sure what type of reaction he was expecting. Or wanted. Yet her statement was it. No follow up questions. A fairly neutral look on her face he knew was just a facade. Something had to be churning under there.Wouldn’t be Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau if there wasn’t.

“Little bit.”

Busy was fine. He was always busy in one fashion or another.In fact, part of him thrived on being busy, to be in the thick of it.Despite a little shock, Judah was finding a renewed sense of having a fire underneath with the impending family expansion. A desire to get things right in his business realm and elevate the company higher. To be fair, he had plateaued a few years and sit back while Makai was in university. A little lost.

Things were looking better for him on most fronts - granted some shaky relationships with some but he was looking to correct that.

Danger was on that list despite being, from his perspective, a little resistant.

“Either way, as a certain redhead once said, I’ll be here for whatever you need, in whatever manner you can be in my life. I’ll take what I can get.”

As much as it was awkward and a little painful, if Danger felt as if they couldn’t be as close as they once were then maybe that was just the season they were in.

“I’m not giving up on two decades of friendship. If relations are just difficult then I suppose that is the reality for a spell or two."

Shoulder shrugged and he regretted that, wincing a moment before picking up his water glass once again. He was in no rush to move, Danger would kick him out when she grew tired of his presence.


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger wasn't the only one quietly musing over what was said or going over every reaction. The two decades they spent not only as business associates but also as close friends, often attending each other's family events, meant that the other knew a few more cues and clues than they would care to admit.

Well, at least Danger had thought she did -- for almost the better part of the last year, she wasn't sure. Judah's inscrutability had always been a challenge, but now it seemed even more impenetrable. She maintained a fierce grip on her inclination to pry, even though he'd just laid out more in five minutes than he had in the last twenty years.

It still left a bitter taste in her mouth, knowing he'd only opened up because Makai had told him to. That was the thing about Judah -- his dedication to family was both admirable and infuriating. He'd charge through hyperspace to put them first, except when he was too busy licking his own wounds and hiding away in his den, barking out gruffly or getting defensive over everything over that midlife crisis of his.

So when he tossed her own words back at her, the ones she'd once said on Persephone,' I'll be there for you in any way you'll have me.' she felt her lips tighten, just slightly, even as her free hand lifted her cigarillo for another deep, soothing drag. She let the familiar spice hit her lungs, easing the sting of frustration.

Not giving up on two decades of friendship? Well he was the one who wanted to set lines on the sand first. Nevermind that he'd given her his supposed reasons why. If anything, now that he was dating that Jedi of his and his ex-wife was back in orbit, then the so-called reasons for keeping their distance were the same. More so now that their kids were married.

In the end, it seemed that both would only know enough of what the other wanted them to know. Words could heal, but they could cut just as deep, and whatever mending needed to happen between them was going to take more than a handful of half-truths shared in a fleeting moment fueled by Makai's trauma-induced insistence. Danger wasn't sure what to make of Judah anymore; it felt like her once-reliable compass to him was broke.

Catching sight of Judah's grimace, Danger let out a sigh, exhaling a stream of blue-white smoke that curled up towards the ceiling.

"Tell me at least that you're taking your pain stims?" she asked, her tone a mix of genuine concern and that classic, no-nonsense edge. She shot him a sharp glance, knowing full well that getting Judah to take his meds was like wrangling a stubborn bantha. Odds were, he was avoiding them like the Rakghoul plague.

If he wanted something of what they had before, fine -- but she wasn't going to give it her all as she had before.

Some things require time and consistent action -- the sort Danger wasn't sure Judah was keen on continuing if it meant putting out more than what he was willing or comfortable to give.


"Tell me at least that you're taking your pain stims?" she asked, her tone a mix of genuine concern and that classic, no-nonsense edge

Of all the things he said, of course that would be what she had latched into.

His recovery was going fine, maybe pushing himself a little hard. Much of the pain now was coming from doing too much and feeling sore by the end of it. Despite the bacta dips, his body would only heal so quickly. Judah was intent to do it right this time. That meant it was slower going than he would appreciate at times.

"No, why would I be? They make me fatigued and I've got quite a bit to accomplish. I can't push any work off on Makai, he seems to be in waist deep with concerns. I never properly got the shoulder fixed after the crash on Etti IV because I was taking care of Makai. Now I'm trying to do things right. Maybe the pain will remind me of what an idiot I am so I don't slack off on recovery."

Not that he would. He didn't want to go through this again in fifteen years when he was older and less apt to push through quickly.

"Doing fine without them I think."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
At that, Danger rolled her eyes. Figured. It was no different than back at the Gala or any other previous iteration where the Old Salvager was just too damn blasted stubborn to do what needed to be done for his health.

For all his rumblings about doing things right this time around, that he was not keen on taking his pain stims only confirmed that he was being just as stubborn and foolish as normal.

Her thoughts were apparent as the soft scoff and shake of her head. However, she didn't say any more on it -- again, just like he had told her before not to fret over his wellbeing. That he could take care of himself. Not to mention, he now had that Jedi and his ex-wife to be the ones to try and put some sense into him, if they could at all.

"I'm sure Makai will do fine. That's why he hired those two assistants. I've heard things run rather smoothly even on the days or weeks he's gone." Okay, maybe that would be the only snark she'll give him to indicate he was being an idiot. Either way, seemed their conversation was done.

"I'll have my lawyers look over the documents you sent me. If any changes or a need for our combined assets we have together need to be relayed to your firm, I'll let you know."

As she wasn't one to not be the best hostess possible, she shot Judah a slow blink as she took another inhale of her vice.

"You are welcomed to stay to recuperate before you head out. I can have Pak show you a room until you are ready to go." if he was so busy needing to work, he likely wouldn't stay. He'd done his best to avoid her before and make himself scarce, so that is what Danger was expecting.


"Wait, Makai is absent from Aina at weeks at a time?"

There was a small frown as he became aware of this small tidbit. His daughter-in-law was pregnant - it was one of the reasons he traveled this far after all, but he couldn't see why Makai was becoming absent from the company. Unless something was medically wrong with one of them. He would most likely be one of the last to know if that was the case.

Mouth opened to inquire if Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau knew why Makai would be absent for longer stretches than normal but he quickly shut it once again. Given he was already on shaky ground with the Trade Queen, he wasn't about to start a line of inquiry that would lead to more heartache. Best to adopt a wait-and-see attitude on the Aina front.

"Sure, I didn't come all this way to turn around and leave. I can spend a day or two."

Judah set down his water glass and stood, rebuttoning his suit jacket as he did so. He hadn't spent any real time on Tatooine in ages, that was always Makai's thing to come and stay. Always amusing that he had a half-aquatic son that spend time on the dry dustball for lengths of time. The assistant, Pak, was summoned to see him out and to his room.

"Until later. I'll be around."

Doing what, he wasn't quite sure. Maybe some work in his room? He would have to trek back out to his ship to get some clothing for the evening eventually. Once the suns went down or started to set though. There was no reason to roast himself to death again for a change of clothing. The old salvager turned to the assistant who was escorting him.

"So how long have you worked for Miss Arceneau? Has she been treating you right?"


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger wasn't sure if Judah was serious or not, so she gave him a perplexed furrow of her brows.

"He left for two weeks for their honeymoon, " she reminded him. It had been a completely hands-off, do-not-disturb two weeks to ensure they had time to enjoy themselves in newlywedded bliss.

"I'm sure it would have been more if they both wanted to. Comes from being able to project manage and delegate accordingly." to which she was glad Makai had taken her recommendations seriously on that aspect.

When the elder Dashiell relayed he'd say a day or two, Ash was flicked over to a nearby ashtray. Color her surprised again, unable help double blink in his direction. Why would he bother? It was Tatooine.

Oh, right. This would likely show Makai that he was serious about his endeavor to fix things. It would be best to make it seem as if he stayed a couple of days.

"Suit yourself. Don't go wandering outside the enclave and at night -- the Sarlacc pit is in the front atrium so the last thing I need is to find out you stumbled your way into it." It had been one of the reasons they had built this enclave where they were now; a juvenile Sarlacc pit had allowed for quick clean-ups if needed.

Without further ado Pak came and led Judah away, Danger watching the pair with a thoughtful expression before she shook her head. It was time to get back to work on these Hypergate proposals.

Meanwhile, Pak quietly led him out of Danger's office down through the dark lit pour stone carved stairs that would lead to another round enclave room. The man swiveled his head, black beady eyes staring up at the Old Salvager before stating in a high-pitched basic, " Long while now. Almost fifteen years."

"Boss always treats us fair."
he replied, not offering much beyond that. He wasn't paid to gossip about the boss.

"I can get anything you need brought from your ship if you like?" Pak offered, moving towards the residential quarters of the enclave. There were only a few to spare for guests, seeing as Danger rarely had any this deep in the Jungland Wastes.


Judah wasn't sure if she was joking about the sarlacc pit or not. Could just be a way to keep him contained to a small area. Or, like any Tatooine girl, Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau decided to get a sarlacc as a pet. He wasn't going to find out, especially since he couldn't remember if the sarlacc had always been present. He hadn't been to the structure often.

Walking with Pak, the salvager had just been joking, making a bit of 'dad-humor' small talk with the other. Gossip? Dirt on Danger? It had never interested him to get the 'dirty details' as it was. Perhaps knowing her for so long he knew most rumors were baseless and far out of her character to even remotely entertain. Not that he paid attention to any rumor mills.

"I have a bag sitting in the main cabin on the bed, can't be missed. If you could grab that for me, I would do it myself but I prefer not to fall into a sarlacc pit."

Shown to his quarters, Judah pulled out his datapad and decided to get a little bit of work in.

He didn't stay in his quarters for long. Judah wandered off and found the kitchen, knowing he owed the Trade Queen an apology dinner. Even if she didn't want to accept his apology, she had to eat. Besides, he couldn't sit in front of a datapad for hours anymore, not without getting overly stiff.

After surveying the ingredients and finding out the Trade Queen didn't own a pasta drying rack, Judah settled on homemade ravioli filled with soft cheese and a local gourd puree, along with some type of browned butter sauce. Fairly easy considering his cookery skills but it looked impressive - not that he suspected the Trade Queen would be blown away.

Maybe a little alarmed by the amount of flour coating the countertops, however. He had to roll out the pasta dough after all.


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger Arceneau spent hours hunched over her desk, her mind buzzing as she worked out the finer points of the proposal. There was a lot to juggle, especially with the new regional governments springing up all around the nearby sectors, stretching all the way out to the Tingel Arm. It felt like a delicate dance, one wrong step and she could throw off the balance. She needed to navigate these shifting alliances carefully to keep Arceneau Trade and her other subsidiaries running smoothly, maintaining good relations with her business associates and government entities alike.

Locke and Key's hypergates were a game changer. They'd not only cut down on delivery times, but they'd give her a leg up on any government looking to tighten its grip with a heavy hand. Totalitarian control? Well, not if Danger could help it.

As she finally stepped out of her office, her usual confident swagger was softened by exhaustion, her slow steps guiding her toward bed. Or they would have, if her stomach hadn't growled in protest, reminding her that she hadn't eaten all day.

Sighing, she decided to make a pit stop in the kitchen. Nothing fancy, of course. They didn't keep much fresh stock, mostly non-perishables that could last through any lean times. Anything fresh came in when she visited, either hunted or traded from the locals. She wasn't picky -- just something to stave off the hunger and help her sleep.

But when the door gave a silent hiss into the kitchen, what she found was nothing short of shocking. The whole room was dusted with flour, like a thin layer of snow had settled on every surface. And there, standing in the middle of it all, was Judah Dashiell.

Danger blinked once, then twice, trying to shake off her fatigue and make sense of what she was seeing. But no, there he was, in the flesh.

Finally, after taking in the scene, she managed to find her voice. Her drawl came out low and laced with exasperation as she stood there, on hand on her hip.

"What the feth are you doin' in my kitchen?"
she asked, her tone hovering somewhere between disbelief and incredulity.


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