Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Wicked Game

"What the feth are you doin' in my kitchen?" she asked, her tone hovering somewhere between disbelief and incredulity.

In the middle of carefully spacing out his filling, Judah didn't even bother to look up, applying pressing on a makeshift piping bag for even portions. He had planned to be done by now by the hearty gourd took awhile to cook down and soften and he made the soft cheese from scratch from local bantha milk that was in the cooling system.

His tone relayed an edge of stating the obvious. "You should wear your glasses more."

Judah didn't know if the glasses were for correcting blurry vision or more like Makai's ; to assist in seeing in low light conditions. Either way, perhaps Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau needed to slip them on after a long day in front of screens and dealing with the hassles that came with Arceneau Trade. Head remained down as he finished up, squeezing the last of the filling onto the long rolled out sheet of dough. Another sheet was nearby to cover and create the ravioli itself.

"I am slightly behind. Take a seat it shouldn't be much longer, fresh pasta is a breeze to cook through and I already have the brown butter sauce simmering. Just wine for me if you're inclined to grab the drinks. Not sure how the kids go through so much, definitely not for me."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger stood in the doorway, blinking in disbelief as the scene in front of her registered. Judah Dashiell -- standing in her kitchen, covered in flour, cooking up a storm. Of all the things she might have expected to see at this hour, this wasn't one of them.

"Well, no chit, you're cookin'," she muttered, too tired for the usual layer of cordial charm. She eyed the chaos in her kitchen with a raised brow, arms now crossing over her chest. The smell was good -- really good -- but still, this was peculiar.

Not that Judah cooking was unheard of; he'd done his fair share of meals at the Farm for the kids. But nothing quite like this, nothing so elaborate that Danger could recall. Her exhaustion only made the whole scene more bewildering, and it showed plain on her face.

"And with that shoulder of yours?" she continued, the disbelief thick in her tone. "You've got no business bein' in here whipping up a meal, not when you're still healin'."

A hand gestured to the rows of cupboards and the conservator as she added, "There's plenty of ready-made food in the conservator if you're hungry."

She wasn't annoyed, not really. More concerned, if anything. But Danger being Danger, she masked it with a blend of exasperation and practicality, her voice still carrying that soft lilt despite her weariness.


He was quick to brush away Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau 's concerns.

"Shoulder is just regaining strength. Its good to use it. Physical therapy if you like to think of it that way."

That was his goal anyways - pushing himself while it was all but healed to regain the strength lost. Arthritis had settled in the first time and he was now eager to get back on the right track. Besides still being weaker than normal and sore, Judah felt he was on the right track. Another month or so and he felt it would be good enough to go and start deep-sea fishing once again. Maybe another trip with Azula Tindara Azula Tindara so she could stare at him in bewilderment once again.

"I'm sure the food in your conservator is....adequate. However, I do distinctly remember owing you an apology dinner. I haven't had a chance to deliver on that promise and I do not like breaking promises. So I have been presented with an opportunity and have taken it. Nothing fancy, but it will be better than anything prepared."

The second sheet of pasta was added on top of the perfect line of filling, creating the little pasta pillows, sealing around them before carefully cutting. Realizing Danger was still staring at him, he looked up from his work. Curiosity colored his features.

"Don't worry, I'll clean up your kitchen...why don't you go and sit down. Probably have, roughly ten to twelve minutes before dinner is served. If you want to join me...that is....otherwise I can just plate your portion and you will be free to enjoy your evening."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger couldn't help but roll her eyes at Judah's insistence that he was 'fine' and his shoulder was gaining strength. Well, if he wanted to be stubborn about it, she wasn't going to argue further. He could be as bullheaded as a Rancor as he liked, but she had no plans to indulge it any longer.

Uncrossing her arms with a quiet sigh, Danger made her way to the conservator, determined to find something to drink that wasn't alcohol. At this late hour, she knew it'd only aggravate her stomach -- though, truth be told, seeing Judah in her kitchen was having just about the same effect.

She was halfway to pouring a glass when Judah mentioned this little culinary adventure was an apology dinner. Her auburn brow arched high as she paused, hand on the conservator door, before taking out a bottle of enhanced water.

"There's no need for an apology dinner," she replied, her tone polite but distant. In her mind, it was an odd gesture, unnecessary even. A sincere apology for his attitude would've sufficed far better than any meal. For Danger, considering Judah's previous defensive attitude, cooking a meal in apology was likely just Judah's way of making himself feel better, not her.

Setting down her bottle, Danger grabbed a few plates from the cabinet and handed them to him, her manner cordial, even if her heart wasn't exactly in it. She wasn't in the mood for this dinner, but the gracious hostess in her couldn't let him stand there apologizing alone.

"I'm sure you'll clean up fine," she added, giving a small smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. It was the kind of smile that said she'd tolerate this, but only because it was the polite thing to do.


"Thank you."

Taking the plates from her, Judah noticed the look Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau had written behind her facade. The polite smile that didn't quite reach her eyes. A distant tone overall, from voice pitch to body language. Despite the fact he wanted to sit, eat, and talk it seemed that Danger wasn't on the same page just yet. Maybe she never would be.

It was unfair to her to force something that wasn't there. As he mentioned, he would be there in any capacity she wanted. Right now that capacity seemed limited.

Back turned to her, Judah carefully plated he portion and turned back around, her plate out before him. An usual act, normally he would have placed it down where she sat. He wasn't completely stupid, sometimes it was best not to push a situation. Tended to make people irritated which in the long run would just make things worse.

"Uh...just go ahead and eat. No need to distress you with my presence. You probably want some alone time anyway, especially after a long day. I'll say goodbye to you in the morning before I go."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
Danger's auburn brow arched high at the unusual gesture from Judah, extending the plate out for her to grab. It wasn't his typical way of doing things, and that made her pause. Still, she took it, though the thought of wanting some alone time was right on the mark.

Yet, she could already hear her mama's voice ringing in her ears -- Colette Arceneau wouldn't have let her get away with being anything less than the lady she was raised to be. Keep it together, Dangeruese Rose, she could almost hear. I raised you better.

With a small, polite smile, Danger set the plate down on a nearby table, not letting her feelings show.

"It's fine. You took the time to make it," she replied graciously, glancing back up at him.

"What would you like to drink?" she asked, her tone as cordial as ever, offering him the same hospitality she was known for, no matter how awkward the moment might be.


"Oh just because I made it doesn't mean you are obligated. I can always put it in a container for you to enjoy at your leisure. This should reheat just fine in a pan."

His plan was going south quickly. There had been no accounting for Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau not to sit and join him once their initial awkward talk was out out of the way. Judah wasn't expecting normal, but he hadn't been expecting this either. It was throwing him for a loop and righting the boat so to speak wasn't working.

Nor did he want her to feel uncomfortable during their entire meal. It wouldn't accomplish anything. Might even push her further away from the goal of returning to a more normal relationship. It was dark, choppy territory and he didn't have a lighthouse to keep him from hitting the shore.

Sliding some on a plate for himself, Judah shook his shaggy head, back turned to her as he worked for a moment. Despite the fact if Danger was joining him or not, he was starving and he wasn't going to let his hard work go to waste. After all, he made the soft cheese himself and wanted to see how well - or not - it turned out.

"I can get my own. Thank you though."

He had already disturbed her enough, no sense in making Danger get him a glass of water on top of it.


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"I'm hungry enough as it is. It's fine," Danger drawled, her voice carrying that warm, southern charm, though she could tell Judah was trying to tread lightly now. She glanced at him, noticing the way he hinted at getting his own drink, which drew a faint scowl across her face.

"I'm right here, and you made dinner. Gettin' you a drink ain't gonna put me out none," she replied, the words slipping out before she could reel in the pushback. She knew he'd told her to stop fussing over him, but it was hard to quiet the hostess in her, especially when she was this tired.

With a softer tone, she added, "But if you want to get your own, alright."


"No, I got it. Sit before everything gets cold. I got this, I think we've known each other long enough for you not to treat me like a brand new house guest."

Judah placed his plate down across the way from hers before moving back to grab a glass and fill it with water. He would have gotten everything at once but he didn't want to risk potentially dropping something due to a weak moment with his shoulder.

That would just create a lecture from Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau about his health and recovery. It wasn't something he wanted to deal with in this moment. He was doing fine enough, more or less eager to finally have any of the lingering trouble it had been giving him for years fixed.

All took was a random attempt.

Taking his glass over to his spot, Judah glanced to Danger. Eyebrow perked.

"Can you sit so I can sit?"


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"Can you sit so I can sit?"

Danger arched a perfectly sculpted brow, her lips curling up in mild amusement. Judah had a point -- they weren't strangers, not after all the years they'd known each other. But it was him who'd been acting different ever since Life Day. Trying to guess what might set him off felt like a roll of the dice. Sure, he'd mentioned going through some things, but slipping back into the old rhythm? That wasn't as simple as it sounded. For Danger, it was easier to play the role of hostess than to pretend nothing had changed when it clearly had.

"Well, alright then, suit yourself,"
she drawled, picking up her own glass and plate, settling into her seat. She wasn't about to push it further -- she could read the room well enough.

"There's plenty to drink in the conservator -- so go on and pick your poison," she added with a little wave of her hand. Water, something a little stronger -- it didn't matter. Their stock was well-varied, and she figured he'd find what he needed.

Now came the tricky part -- what to talk about to avoid that heavy, awkward silence between them. Before, conversation had come easy, flowing naturally between talk of the kids or business matters. It had been comfortable.

Maybe that was the way to ease back in.

"So," she said, her voice soft but with a curious edge, "tell me more about this lost son of yours, then."


Pouring a cold glass of water, Judah listened as she finally settled into her chair - he could tell by the gentle scraping along the floor. He was thankful, wanting to eat and not play some type of childish standoff game. By the time he turned back around he could see the wheels turning as her fork was picked up. It didn't take long for Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau to voice what she was thinking.

"So," she said, her voice soft but with a curious edge, "tell me more about this lost son of yours, then."

It was no surprise to him she had chose that subject. One doesn't drop such a bomb and then not come back to explore the fallout. It was only natural Danger would be curious. Much how he had been curious about the existence of one Rue Arceneau Rue Arceneau and how the little clone came to be. Only his story was much more embarrassing.

Drink down, he carefully sat, mulling over her question.

"You mean how he came to be? Blackout drunk, I don't remember much beyond it being the time I finalized the divorce. I was drinking a lot then. No idea on who the mother is, beyond apparently just leaving him in some Jedi orphanage. Balun seems....he seems like an alright kid. My biggest regret is he isn't younger and I can't mold him into the man I want him to become - much like I did with Makai. He's seventeen and thinks he knows it all. Doesn't every seventeen year old?"

Judah shook his head. He cut into one of his raviolis to check the inside before popping a piece in his mouth. Eyebrows lifted in surprise, he didn't do half-bad.

"I wish he'd drop this bleeding heart Jedi act and go to university. I mean....I don't think he had a chance to be a kid, which Makai didn't much either. You see being away and being around his fraternity helped him quite a bit. I can't say much, I've been an absentee father, which if I had known sooner I wouldn't have been."

Another ravioli half as he thought a moment.

"Never been big on...uh....preventative its really my own fault."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
The details Judah was laying out -- again -- about his youngest's conception weren't exactly the kind of conversation Danger was itching to hear. He'd already given her the rundown once, and now he was circling back to it. Not too keen on preventative measures, clearly.

What Danger had meant was the overall impression and information after the fact once Judah met him --but, aware at Judah's tendencies to be defensive, Danger kept her thoughts to herself, choosing instead to stab a piece of ravioli and pop it into her mouth. Not bad, she thought, giving a subtle nod of approval. Fresh pasta on Tatooine was a rare luxury, and she was famished, which only made it taste that much better.

Still, she couldn't help the slight lift of her brows when Judah dropped the news that his son was a Jedi. Of course, it had to be some Jedi woman he'd gotten tangled up with if they'd left the boy at the temple. That was Judah's type, alright. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree, as they say.

"Well," she drawled, setting her fork down, "can't do much about what he's been raised to believe now. Whether he was young or not, what's done is done. Pushin' it is only gonna stir up more trouble."

Danger gave a slight shrug, her mind wandering briefly to her own daughter. "Myra was no different, and we adopted her young. Her past... it still clings to her, comes up in unexpected ways. And that pressure she feels, tryin' to live up to the Arceneau name, only makes things harder. Sometimes, there's no outrunnin' what's already in you."


"This is true. I only have myself to blame, not the boy. Balun cannot help he was raised by Jedi, not like he had much of a choice in the matter. Add in the fact he has the typical seventeen year old boy attitude and well, of course he thinks he is right. Has the young, idealistic bleeding heart attitude, that he can set out and change the universe."

Judah paused to eat another half of his pasta. For being on Tatooine, it wasn't half bad. There could have been improvements, for example the hard cheese he finely grated wasn't the typical one used in such a dish. Yet it wasn't as if there was a specialty grocery around the corner with rows upon rows of goods. Not his worst considering the limitations of the pantry.

"I think Myra's case is slightly different. She remembers how her presence came to be in the Arceneau family. Seeing what happened to her biological parents....a different kind of trauma. At least, as horrible as it sounds, Balun had a stable place and was cared for with a vast number of resources. Myra came from literal nothing. The biggest trauma for Balun right now is knowing he was abandoned and not being in my care for the last seventeen years."

A small shake of his shaggy head.

"Nothing I can do about that now though..."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

Danger took another bite, chewing slowly as she listened to Judah's words. There was a bittersweetness in the air, a subtle tension that hadn't been there before. Once upon a time, conversations about their kids had flowed easily, but now it felt like walking on eggshells -- both of them trying, but not quite finding that same ease.

When Judah started talking about blaming himself for what happened with Balun, Danger couldn't help but think it didn't make much sense. Sure, she could understand if he was referring to getting blackout drunk and not using protection. But even then, it wasn't entirely his fault. The mother had made her own choices too.

Still, Danger held her tongue. She knew Judah well enough by now to realize he was set in his ways. No matter how she spun it, he'd still see it as his fault. Some arguments just weren't worth having, especially when the ground beneath them already felt shaky. She wasn't about to poke at a sore spot, not when she wasn't sure when his defensiveness might flare up again.

"Only thing you can do is move forward," Danger finally said, her voice soft but firm, a quiet resolve threading through her words. She took another sip of water, feeling the nourishment settle her more than she expected.

"Take it day by day," she added, offering him a small, knowing nod of her head. It wasn't much, but sometimes that was all you could do -- just keep going, one step at a time.


"This is true. I am focused on just moving in a forward direction. There's nothing I can do now about the past or any choices that were made. Just dealing with what is right in front of me."

Judah was taking each interaction with Balun Dashiell Balun Dashiell slowly. In his opinion, the kid was a little skittish yet impressionable by what he said, even if Balun didn't want to admit it to himself. Baby steps to build trust was the gameplan now. Giving the teenager enough space while also trying to navigate him in other directions. Perhaps not navigate but open the door to show Balun other directions in life. It was what any father would do regardless the situation. It was what he had done in a way with Makai.

"Things will work out, I think."

He wasn't so sure about the entire 'Jedi' stint Balun was sticking to but he would be as supportive as possible in the mean time. Judah was hoping influence and relationship building would eventually turn the tide. Not only for personal reasons but business - he didn't want another Thessa situation. Judah wanted Balun to appear in the same society circles he ran in, not hide the boy.

"How is Rue doing without her best friend around?" He was referring to Makai, the two seemed as thick as thieves. "Is she adjusting well still to being....well, being Rue?"


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
There's nothing I can do now about the past or any choices that were made. Just dealing with what is right in front of me.

"Now ain't that the truth," Danger thought to herself, the corners of her lips curling slightly as she savored another bite of her meal. With a subtle nod, she silently agreed with Judah's sentiments, her fork dipping back into the pasta.

"This ain't bad," she finally said aloud, her southern drawl making the compliment feel even warmer as she polished off another mouthful. The food was surprisingly good, and considering her expectations for a meal out here, she found herself pleasantly surprised.

When Judah inquired about Rue, Danger took a moment, her expression softening a touch. "She's doin' about as well as one could expect," she began, her voice thoughtful. "If you think on it, she's only been around folk for just over a year. We're takin' things slow, introducin' her to more people, public events -- just tryin' to ease her into things."

There was a slight pause, her mind reflecting on Rue's delicate nature. "A little more cautious than we were with Myra," she admitted. Even with Rue's unique imprinting, her personality was still unfolding, as well as her ability to make bonds. If she couldn't.. well.. that was a problem.

"Her ability to make emotional connections, to figure out her own moral compass -- it's a delicate process. We're takin' it step by step, lettin' her figure out the world at her own pace."


"This ain't bad," she finally said aloud, her southern drawl making the compliment feel even warmer as she polished off another mouthful.

"The highest compliment in all the land, 'this ain't bad'. I hope it wouldn't be. Could be better though."

For Tatooine though, Judah thought he had done fairly well. It wasn't as if he was in the Inner Rim with unlimited ingredients. Tatooine for the most part was still a rightfully underpopulated dustball. One had to really love the planet to actually want to spend time out on it.

As for Rue, such a thing was to be expected. Judah didn't anticipate many problems but given the nature of the child anything could happen. For the most part, Rue was quite different than Myra and even Makai. The young girl was allowed to be more 'kid like' whereas the other two were already attending business meetings and criss-crossing the galaxy together at that age. Indeed, the progression and introduction to the galaxy at large.

"I'm sure she will do just fine. She's got a good group of folks around her, already got a good start. I hear she's excited about the baby so I good sign , I would think? Eager to make new connections."

Fork was set down and looked at Danger, oceanic eyes boring into her.

"Speaking of, I assume we're on the same page to at least spoil her senseless. I'm sure the kids will protest but...after this past year, I think some celebrating is overdue."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"We make do with what we've got out here in the backwaters," Danger replied with a wry twist of her lips, her drawl thick with an easygoing charm. There was a shrug that followed, as if to say, well, that's just how it is.

As for Rue...

"That's true," she nodded thoughtfully. "Time will tell with Rue. Might be we'll need to get her some more specialized care beyond the therapist and psychologist she's got right now, but I sure don't want that to become her whole life. Myra had enough of that when she was young." A flicker of memory crossed Danger's features, recalling the years her daughter had spent under the constant care of medical professionals. At just eight years old, Myra practically lived in those hospitals, always under some specialist's watch.

Danger's thoughts drifted to the very reason Arkun Medical existed. She and Alric had created it, not just for Myra, but for all those children and sentients suffering from rare and unknown syndromes. What started as a mission for their daughter had grown into a beacon of hope for others, continuing its research with experimental treatments and specialized care for those in need.

Now it was doing good work across the galaxy. Arkun Medical's focused on rare diseases, trying to find diagnoses and treatments for those afflicted, no matter the cost. It's run mostly on donations, fundraisers, and steady backing from Vanir and Arceneau Trade, but they'd managed to turn results into a form of profit once a solution's found.

"But aye, there's no need to treat Rue any different. Although she doesn't seem like the type to care much for grand displays. She's happy enough calculatin' those grav-ball analytics with Makai, and honestly? That seems to suit her just fine."


"Rue is a spunky kid. Different than Myra and yes, I wouldn't think too many interventions right now would be a good thing. Opposite, even."

Judah remembered the slow introduction through simulations for Rue. As far as he personally knew, the girl was unaware of her status as a clone and he hoped it remained that way until she was older and much more ready for the news. By his figuring, too many specialists and medical professionals poking around her might set off alarm bells that didn't even need to be sounded off.

"Who would have saw that coming?" Judah chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Not quite sure where in my raising of Makai he took the fork in the road to mildly nerdy. Maybe he always was. I can't complain though."

A small pause. Hesitation, unsure if he should ask if question. Fork waivered a moment before he finally set down the utensil on the edge of his plate. Shaggy head lifted fully to look at her, not that he wasn't paying attention before. No, more that this was a serious question.

"How have you been holding up?....since Alric's passing?"


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"Kids do find their own little fascinations in the world, don't they?" Danger mused with a soft chuckle, twirling another forkful of pasta. "Reckon he had more than enough rocks to poke at in those tidepools and on the farm." She smiled fondly, but her smile faltered ever so slightly when Judah, rather awkwardly, brought up Alric's passing.

Of all times to ask about that.

Danger set down her fork and took a slow sip of water, using the moment to gather herself. It wasn't that she blamed Judah -- he hadn't exactly been in the best state of mind these past months, and their conversations had become increasingly rare, and when they did talk, well, personal matters weren't exactly on the table. Not on her end, anyway. Certainly never in his.

She hadn't forgotten the last time he'd shown up, with his Jedi girlfriend in tow, of all things, right after Alric's death. It had caught her off guard when she found out. In the back of her mind, she'd always thought Judah would be the one to help her through it all. Ironic how it had been Makai -- his son -- who'd stepped in when she needed it most.

"Right as one can be," she answered quietly, her gaze distant for a moment before she found herself again. "The girls are doin' better, at least. Just takin' it one day at a time."

It wasn't a lie. She wasn't wearing mourning black anymore, but that didn't mean the ache of losing her husband had faded. Alric had been her partner for so many years, and now it was just her, once again carrying the weight of making sure everything in her world ran as smoothly as possible.

But beyond that, Danger wasn't ready to say anything more about it at all.


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