Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Wicked Game

"I don't think anyone ever gets over such a thing."

Judah remembered when he thought Thessa dead - news he had received after his private investigator had found the wreckage of the X-Wing and 'Sparky', the little R2 unit of hers. He had naturally been devastated, and in his situation he didn't quite believe it. Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau had an entirely different situation - Alric had transferred his consciousness to another body and wasn't returning. It didn't sit right with him, especially when considering Myra. Grown as she may be, she could have used a father.

It was something he privately fumed about - Danger didn't need to be reminded of the fact, nor was it his place to have that conversation.

"Nice to know everyone is doing better, at the minimum."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |
"I don't think anyone ever gets over such a thing."

Judah murmured softly. He wasn't wrong. Losing a spouse wasn't something you just moved past. For Danger, it had been years of companionship. She and Alric had built a life together, made it work in their own way, and she knew he had loved her -- deeply, in the way only he could. But still, the loss lingered.

There wasn't much more to say on that, though. She wasn't keen on diving deeper into it, especially with Judah. Not after how distant they'd become, both tiptoeing around each other like they were walking on Nuna shells.

"Aye," Danger drawled, shifting the conversation to safer ground. "Now it's just a matter of getting things ready for when Myra needs to step back more." She took a measured breath, thinking of her daughter's ever-increasing responsibilities. "We'll see how it goes."

Of course, that meant more work would fall onto Danger's shoulders -- and the rest of the Sector Managers representing Arceneau's subsidiaries. But at least she had Rue. She could bring her along on trips, or leave her in good hands on Joiol. That brought her some comfort in the middle of everything else.

Danger having to the the reins of things wasn't unfamiliar territory, and it kept her busy.

"I hear you are consolidating Salacia?" She asked, going back to business.


Judah nodded as Danger Arceneau Danger Arceneau mentioned taking the reigns back from Myra as the pregnancy progressed. It seemed they both were working towards a similar vein on that front. By now he had picked up his fork again and was cutting his last piece of ravioli, their conversation back to the kids and business.

"Creating an massive umbrella company with Salacia turning into a subsidiary underneath that. Much like yourself, I am preparing for the fact Makai will most likely be pulling away from the business for a period of time. When I left on my sabbatical, according to Myra, Makai had to put in a lot of work figuring out things for Salacia."

A pause to take a sip of water. Not his proudest moment.

"Some things have been put into place since then but things still can be improved. So pulling everything under one will make it easier when I retire and Makai fully takes the short term, great as the kids expand their family and need to step back and focus there."

"We're both used to taking over the entire operation, and I need to stay busy. I'm more than happy to shoulder the burden so Myra can have Makai there without him holed away in an office."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

Made sense, considering how Myra was fairing with her pregnancy this time around. Truth be told, it struck a chord a little too close to home for Danger. Her own past experiences with pregnancies -- those dark memories -- hovered just beneath the surface. But she wasn't about to stir up those thoughts. No need to go worrying folks unnecessarily.

Some things just took time, and at least they had the means -- credits, resources, and top notch medical care -- to give Myra every chance at seein' things through to term.

"I reckon she's mighty grateful for all that," Danger replied, nearing the end of her meal with a calm grace.

"They'll need time to themselves and learn how to balance things. Sides ain't like headin' things aint' what we are used to." They had built these companies from the ground up, after all.


Meal finished, he nodded slightly. He remembered what it was like trying to balance Salacia and dealing with a pregnant wife. It was much smaller then and while he had been doing well at the time, could really only afford a key few people to get things done. Which meant a lot of time on holonet calls with infant Makai nearby.

"Least I can do."

As for running their respective companies, lately it seemed to be the only thing he was decent at. Probably best to keep his head down and focus on work so everyone else could focus on the rest.

"Certainly the one thing I can do. Working might be beneficial for both of us in the short term. Lots going on in the 'verse. Not sure if I want the kids out there right now anyways - Myra obviously can't but Makai....there's a little more corporate push back from governments than in recent memory. Don't need an example to be made."


Interacting with: Judah Dashiell Judah Dashiell
| Outfit | x | x | x | x | x | X | X |

Satisfied from her meal, Danger leaned back in her chair, cradling a tumbler of water between her hands, her eyelids growing heavy with the weight of the evening. Sleep was creeping in, but she wasn't one to duck out too early. Not before the conversation had run its course.

"Mmm... well, there's definitely been more pushback," she drawled, her voice smooth but thoughtful. "I've got my worries about this Empire of the Lost, especially after all that business with the Dark Empire. But, we'll see what happens. What really has me concerned is what the Imperials will do now that the embargo's in place. They've been mighty quiet about it, but their attention's been set on takin' a swing at the Alliance."

She took a measured sip of water, letting the coolness refresh her as her mind wandered through the complex moves of the corporate Dejarik game they were all tangled in. It was a delicate dance, and Danger was no stranger to the stakes involved.

"The Corporate Interest Guild is a good start,"
she added with a slight nod, her Southern drawl underscoring her calm confidence. "We'll just have to wait and see how things shake out from here."


"The Alliance has been keeping them at bay. I can't say I am complaining, but it certainly does feel as if the other shoe is going to drop at any moment. Maybe they just don't care and its not as a big of hit to their economy as we first thought, not every company in the universe is on the embargo list. Where we left I'm sure someone stepped. Makes me wonder how much salvage is piling up..."

As for other governments.

"Empire of the Lost seems somewhat business friendly. I'm more worried about their spats in the Tingel Arm causing trouble for all my facilities and workers. Dodging the battle of the week, it seems."

Judah took a look around at the kitchen and dining space. It was getting late and he was sure the Queen of Trade had a difficult day. There was a facade but Judah could tell she was still tired, anyone would be. They weren't robots and interpersonal drug them both down as much as business could. Besides, it was wise they kept their interactions short for now. Slowly rebuild the relationship.

"I should clean up here and call it a evening. I'll see you before I head out in the morning..I...uh....this was nice, thank you."

Not a perfect start, but at least it was a start.


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