Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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With eyes wide open (a past rp)(complete)

At least a hour had rolled past since he slept. Sluggishly his eyes opened. For a moment the light was painful to his eyes then it had past. He was unsure what had happened after the crash. He had no idea how much time had past or if Arianna was hurt. He hurt all over so pain was not a good indication were he took the majority of the damage. So naturally he tried to sit up. He go his shoulders up off the floor and then dropped back down because the sharp increase of pain to his ribs. He knew that pain. He had broken a rib and that rib had not just cut him up internally but it had punctured a lunge. He did not panic, that was the most important part as he needed his concentration in order to use the Force. He took a breath and focused bringing the Force to send it through his body. Still was she alright. “Arianna”, he called out as best he could, “You ok?”

[member="Arianna Darklighter"]
Arianna felt him move. She opened her eyes trying to focus she heard "Garith here I am. I'm ok. Bumps and bruises" She moved to suit up. er hand reached out touching him. "Youve been injured but I think it will be ok."

She drummed her fingers on his chest. "Rest. If you can" she was trying. "Do you need anything? Water?" She felt sure she could find water.
Good she was talking as much women normally do. If she was not then he would have been worried. “Listen”, pointed behind her to a compartment under the navigation console. “In there is a blaster, get it out and arm yourself. We are on a uncharted planet. We do not know what is on this planet. Don’t worry about my injuries. I’m awake and I’m using the Force to heal myself now. Go through the ship and make sure there is no major hull breaches. Do it for two reasons. One because I’m praying to the Force as well as you should that the ship is intact and we can repair it. Two, well if the hull is breached that means we are on a uncharted planet and our one safe haven has a hole in it that predators can get though. Also I could use some water.”

[member="Arianna Darklighter"]
[member="Togashi Yokuni"]

She listened and then went through a myriad of emotions. Ok blaster she could do that, arm herself, might be a problem for them both. He was healing what a relief, check the ship for holes. Holes oh she had not thought of that. Predators, great. uncharted, damn.

Arianna rather like a robot in motion followed through on everything trying not to think on it all if she did she might just begin screaming, and her arm still hurt. She began to move boxes and cases out of the way so that she could go through the ship at times she still looked back checking to make sure Garith wasn't lieing when he said he was healing. She plunged deeper into the ship listening, and watching for light seeping in from the outside.

At the back of the ship she saw what looked like cracks, cracks almost as bad as holes. She also found some bottled water. She headed back forward, "Ok there's cracks in the structure at the back, and here's water" She didn't want to sit now, "You sure you're ok?"

She nodded to herself answering herself, "And how do you know its uncharted?" She had to get home, she couldn't be somewhere uncharted!
Laying there waiting for Arianna he could feel it was going to take him time to heal. It could be a day or two before he could get up off the floor without harming himself further. Even with the Force sometimes it took time to heal. In this case it was true, he had a couple broken ribs and a punctured lunge.

She got back and she mention cracks in the hull. He took the water pleased for it but he looked less then pleased that there were cracks. However there was a upside to this, the ship was intact and that meant they were more then likely had a safe place to hide from local predators. “I will be fine”, he started to try to open the bottled water without making the wrong movement that would harm his side further. “I know it is uncharted because that is hat the nav computer said right before I had to make a crash landing. It is alright I know I will be safe here with you protecting me”, he laughed and it hurt to laugh, he even coughed up a little blood. “Don’t worry, I’m healing as we speak. It might take a few days tell I can get up off the floor but we are safe. The hull is mostly intact and there is still power to the shielding”, he stopped trying to open the bottled water and pointed at a console, “Go over to that console and press that blue button, the large one. It will turn on the shielding and it will not take up to much power over the next couple of days”, he thought, that’s if its power cuppling as not been damaged, if that happened that means it would drain to much power, “like I said we will be fine”, he smiled trying to reassure her. They had no choice, they’re going to need those shields on while he was healing.

[member="Arianna Darklighter"]
[member="Togashi Yokuni"]

"Yeah me protecting you, with my trusty blaster" She touched it lightly she could, but not against over whelming forces and who knew if uncharted also meant uninhabited. When she saw the blood that he coughed out, she reached over and wiped it away with her thumb, "I'm not worried" Sure she was, and she was more than worried she was scared.

"Press the blue button, so its not like press the red button its press the blue button" Arianna moved toward the cockpit to find this elusive blue button. They would be fine, sure they would great.! Escape kidnappers to crash its already been a banner couple of days. She looked around there were gauges everywhere, and buttons luckily for Garith there was only one blue button. Arianna thought to herself, here goes ready or not, and pressed the blue button.

There was only a slight hesitation and then a hum, she was sure it meant the shields were up. She didn't look back it was such a relief that something was working she felt as though she would begin laughing hysterically. She closed her eyes and got hold of herself.

"Ok I think they are up" She tried to sound like she had it all in control. She walked back, "So i guess my making toast right was such a accomplishment that the galaxy couldn't handle it, and we crashed" She was trying to be funny too. "What else do you need me to do?"
It was a relief that the shields hummed on. For a minute Yokuni was worried that they were not going to have the power for the shields. They did have the power and that meant he could relax, hopefully for a couple of days. “Well, I have to go into a meditative form of sleep to give my body a chance to heal for this serious wound without proper medical attention. Sorry that meas I’m going to be asleep for at the most for two days. You can handle this, right?” At this point he had to be able to trust her and she was going to have to be strong.

[member="Arianna Darklighter"]
Two days alone watching over him. Could she handle it, FRAK NO!.

She smiled, "I got it covered Garith you do what you need to to heal, and I'll watch out for intruders" And kidnappers. She smiled. She would clean up to while he slept, she wouldn't get much sleep scared that she'd miss someone or thing trying to get in. She walked over touched his arm, "I'm sleep" She watched him for a moment and then thought about all the things she could do to him while he slept.

Draw on his face, though he really had a handsome face. Put pin curls in his hair, maybe it was perhaps not long enough. She would find him some clothes now though she had cut his to pieces he probably didn't notice that yet. She smiled, and blushed.

[member="Togashi Yokuni"]
“Good”, he smiled not at all convinced that she was convinced that she could do it. The princess would just have to toughen up though. She just had no choice. “Good night”, he closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Two Days later

Yawning, Yokuni sat up, he was actually able to sit up! There was only a slight pain on his side where he had broken ribs and just a little bit of bruising. He could feel the bones had mended and there was no more internal bleeding. He was freaking starving though so he got up and started to walk straight towards the kitchen. “Arianna”, he called out wondering where she was.

[member="Arianna Darklighter"]
Arianna was lost in the sea of boxes that she was attempting to put back into some order. She had tried securing them as they should have been crashing was certainly not something that was prepared for. But. Her efforts had produced a few things, more water, clothing, and food rations. She had changed into something more simple the heat was making her melt. She wore now a pair of cut offs with the blaster on her hip, a black wife beater tied on the other hip to make it fit her instead of Garith. When she came from the back she was covered in sweat her skin glistening, dirt was smeared on her face, arms and across her legs. It was evident she had been working.

She paused she thought she heard a voice, had it been two days? Arianna moved a little quicker through the corridor towards Garith, she could see the top of his head black hair wild and wavy. "Hey you're awake" She came over and kneeled beside him, "So...feel better?" She held out a ration pack, and a bottle of water. If anything he'd at least take the water.

"So while you were sleeping there have been several large animals passing around us not sure what they are but I think we are in their territory one bumped the shields, I haven't seen any people though. So I don't know where that puts us" She then leaned back and sat on her heels.

[member="Togashi Yokuni"]
He took both the rations and the water. He had not eaten or drank anything in the last two days. He did not answer if he was feeling better, as she spoke. He did not seem surprised there were beast large enough to bump a transport on this planet. After she said she did not know where that put as he finely had answer. “I think I’m hungry enough to eat one of those large creatures”, yes it just sounded like he was thinking about hunting one of those large beasts!

[member="Arianna Darklighter"]
[member="Togashi Yokuni"]

"Oh you can't be serious" She half laughed now, "You want to go outside and find one?" She was being sarcastic but she wasn't so sure that he would be sarcastic back. She believed he would come back with yes, we need the food. No one can eat that much meat she thought but she wouldn't get ahead of herself no she wouldn't she would wait for him to say what he meant, not what she assumed he implied.

"I'm fine thank you asking" She said. Of course it could be assumed that since she was still here and in once piece that she was fine. Except for the bruise on her upper arm that would begin to fade away in a week if she was lucky.
“You’re welcome”, yes he was sarcastic right back. It was a strong indication he was feeling better, right? “I am serious about hunting. At some point I might have to. We just have no idea how long the repairs are going to take. That is unless while I slept you fixed the ship?”

[member="Arianna Darklighter"]
[member="Togashi Yokuni"]

"sure I used some handwavium and fixed it all" She grinned her eyes sparkled of mischief. Oh he was feeling better well then she would give as good as she got, smarty pants. "What are you going to hunt with?" She had seen some hunts on Alderaan but they were not for meat they were for the manka that had gone rabid. That hunt had left her with nightmares and she could only hope that he would fare better.
He took a drink of water before answering her question. There was no sense in being rude and talking with a mouthful. “A knife, my saber, or the Force. What ever it takes”, with all that had happened he had not even thought about the kiss yet. Well maybe he dreamed about it, Yokuni’s writer had not given it much thought at the moment. “What I do know is we have a cracked hull. Depending how large the cracks are I might have to go mine for raw ore to fix the ship. It could take weeks to find the ore and mine it. Then I would have to build a forge. That is not a problem I know how to build a forge. I’m quite adept in forging weapon actually and the concept of patching a ship is easy in comparison. All of that will not mean a thing if I do not find out why we crashed in the first place and if we can’t repair the internal gadgets with what we have. Ships are not my expertise. War and weapons are.”

[member="Arianna Darklighter"]
[member="Togashi Yokuni"]

Arianna's writer thought about the kiss but figures that it would be brought up later after Arianna calms down and begins to think straight. Arianna knew that the force could be very strong and it helped accomplish a lot.

Arianna suddenly realized they were going to be here a while. Looking around the ship this was going to be home until they could get the ship repaired. She was almost ready to have a small meltdown but it looked like there would not be time today for it, and perhaps not for a while. "Well then, I guess we need to inventory what we have, and realize what we need, and explore what's outside" She said it so matter of fact, so without emotion if anyone had heard they would have though her a droid.

For all of her upbringing she had gone without much, and now she had nothing. It was a harsh reality that she would have to learn to over come. She took a breath, and set her shoulders, "You do believe we will get off here one day, yes?"
A man who was truly starving could eat rather fast. Yokuni was already done eating and drinking. He had casually tossed the garbage into a empty box. What was her question, how that right if they were stuck here or not. “Honestly I’m not worried about it. Stress is a killer and also if the Force meant for me to be stuck here then that is where I’m fated to be. No reason to fight something that is out of our control. As for the first thing I plan on doing is taking a shower”, he took off his shirt and tossed in on the couch for now, “We could divide up things we would need to get done”, he said as he started to walk back wards to the shower, “I’m sure we will figure something out. It might take a while but I do not think we’re stuck here.”

[member="Arianna Darklighter"]
The rest of his clothes fell off since she had cut them away to check him out when he was first hurt, so he was almost in his birthday suit as he walked for the shower. "You think the force wanted this to happen, well I have a bone to pick with the force then"

What could it have meant to have them crash here. She fell back her back now against the wall, she pulled her knees up. She wasn't hungry, or thirsty, she was unsure, scared, and had this awful feeling of everything being out of control. Everything in her life was always controlled, and now it was all on her. She didn't think Garith would understand this life she was leading, and she wasn't even sure she should tell him for then he might treat her different and she didn't want that.

Frak she thought to herself. She waited there for Garith to come back, just like she'd been waiting the last two days.

[member="Togashi Yokuni"]
Well he was not expecting for the majority of his cloths to just fall off. He was far from embarrassed about almost naked. He felt filthy and he was mostly thinking about going and taking a nice shower. He was sure Arianna would appreciate. The last time he was able to have a shower was days ago. So he went in there turned on the water, got soaped up and started to take a shower. “You know things are not all bad”, his voice was raised so Arianna might hear him over the shower and from the other room, “You really need to learn how to relax. Maybe even take up meditation.”

[member="Arianna Darklighter"]
[member="Togashi Yokuni"]

She heard him she was staring at the wall in front of her, "That goes against everything I've been taught" She yelled back, nobility doesn't know relaxation all they know is duty, and obligation. How could she explain that, how could she explain the guilt she felt that drove her to do more, do better, and how it haunted her what had happened to her family. And then there was the history of House Organa and its members and how all of Alderaan expected them to act in a specific way, how they wanted them to act.

"Isn't meditation only for force users?" Least that's what she thought.

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