Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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With you, the Force is - Master Classes (open to all)

[member="Coci Heavenshield"]

After the first round of blaster fire George was a bit worn out. He had put too much energy into deflecting the bolts which could have been overcome as suggested by Master Coci. "Yes Master Coci, no chicken wings..." He replied as he prepared himself again. Concentrating on Jedi Master in front of him. However before he knew it, there were two blasters both pointing directly at George...

Fabulous... The young Nautolan thought to himself as he stared down the barrel. Elbows in, elbows in. No chicken wings. He though to himself focusing on what he had to do. This time ten bolts came flying in his direction. It was going to be tough to keep them away. But he had to remember his training...

George focused in on the incoming bolts carefully angling his lightsaber to deflect the shots away from him without too much effort. He managed to deflect almost all the shots, until the last one. A pair of blaster bolts came flying at George simultaneously, he managed to get in front of one of the bolts deflecting it away from himself but he couldn't manage to get it back in time. He was struck on the left shoulder by the last blast forcing himself backwards and falling slightly to his right. His lightsaber dropped to the ground extinguishing the blade as it left his hand as his right hand come up to cover the wound.

Connor Harrison

He felt like a seller at a speeder-boot sale. Standing around, waiting for a passing Padawan to see what he was selling. He wasn’t selling, but offering training. While he was worn out with the current issue with one [member="Chastity Lunelle"] in the holding cell and also the Dark Jedi Ticon standing on the edge of light and dark, this was a welcome break away from it, but training….training, it required patience and he didn’t have lots of it.

Connor always pushed Padawans harder than most. If they saw a glimpse of the reality that was out there waiting for them, then maybe they would avoid returning like Chastity; broken and corrupted. He swore to never take a Padawan again until he could find the answers to the questions Chast and [member="Syala Daivik"] had brought to him in their current predicaments.

Standing in his training vest and combats, devoid of armour or greatcoat for his wounds to be on show if required as a strong lesson, Connor rolled his arms to loosen the muscles. All the others had training that probably offered excitement and danger. Force Resistance offered nothing but pain in the early stages and a real test of the Padawan’s mind and resilience. He would do what he could to introduce the youths to the dangers of mentalism, something he knew well.

A new face came and stood before him, and Connor looked at him, immediately feeling his nervousness and lack of confidence.

”Hi there. Name? I don’t think I’ve seen you around before – my first tip if you want to continue? Get your confidence up – stand tall, have trust in yourself. You’re a sword of the Light, not a sponge.”

[member="Ren Colvet"]
Class: Telekinesis - Basic & Advanced Uses

The classes were spread across the emerald field of grass, and almost a bit overwhelming at first glance. All other classes had been put on hold for the day, meaning every youngling and all aspiring knights were present. Even some knights had turned up, eager to pick up some new techniques. Such appeared to be the case with Knight [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]; at first glance a boy wonder, except this boy was far older than anyone present.

When Sor-Jan arrived, the Grandmaster was already demonstrating the uses of Telekinesis to a herd of younglings. Sat at the foot of a large tree - effectively providing shade for those attending his class - Thurion wowed his young audience by having the tree drop its cones on their heads, only to have them stop mid-air close enough for the younglings to reach out and touch them. He chuckled, remembering his early days in their shoes. He'd referred to the Force as 'Space Magic'.

"Ah, I see we have a special visitor among us. Come forward, Knight Xantha," he gestured with his hand, smiling.

Sor-Jan Xantha


The five-decade young Anzat did not stand on formalities, as was evidenced by the fact that the younglings in the temple knew him by his nickname. If you were to ask a young padawan who Jedi Archaeologist Xantha was, they would most likely claim to have never heard of the guy. Sor-Jan, or SJ, however, was the kid who made video games. That kind of made you stand out in any padawan pack.

Stretching out his arms, the boy welcomed the sudden mass of children that hurried to gather around him, quickly swallowing him into a mass of younglings in which it would have been impossible to tell him apart from one of the human children.

Eerie, how well the Anzat blended in with its prey.

"Hardly special, Master," the youngling knight answered warmly, parting the sea of younglings gently before bowing his respects toward the Grand Master. As he straightened back up, the boy jerked his head to one side in order to flip an errant strand of hair from out of his eyes. "Unless you meant that I arrived here on the short shuttle," the boy deadpanned with a smile.

[member="Thurion Heavenshield"]​
Always one eager to learn, it was really no surprise that Syala deigned to attend the classes being offered by the Masters of the Silver Sanctum. This was a chance to improve her own skill while witnessing others growing as well, something it seemed as if she had been granted no time to partake in of late. To learn in an entirely carefree environment was a welcome opportunity, and one she had jumped at. The only difficulty had been deciding exactly what class she wanted to attend.

Of course, her choices weren't limited per se, but she had always been one to devote herself fully to her studies, and the same went for an event like this. This was a chance to learn from the most talented Jedi she had ever met, and she wasn't about to pass it up. That didn't help in making her decision any easier, and even at the day of she still wasn't certain. As always she would allow the Force to carry her where it would, listening to that unspoken guidance with a careful ear.

Upon arrival she studied her surroundings carefully via the ethereal, touching lightly on [member="Connor Harrison"]'s mind, knowing he was likely busy but communing briefly with him regardless, "Be patient with them. I was there once. We all were. Don't worry yourself, because I know you'll do well, as you always do." The reassurance was perhaps unnecessary and unwarranted, but she had always been the sort to provide support where she believed it to be needed, regardless of whether it was or not. It was the least she could do, what with all the Order had provided her.

Briefly she extended a wave of quiet confidence towards the Padawan that had been speaking with him, [member="Ren Colvet"], in hopes of building him up a small amount so that he might stand up to her Master's rather different, yet entirely effective, training methods. It took a certain sort of individual to entirely warm up to him, but she knew the both of them would get on eventually.

Her progress halted once she arrived where Grand Master [member="Thurion Heavenshield"] was guiding lessons in telekinesis. An ability she had learned to hone her talents in early on in her sightlessness, utilizing it as a form of echolocation until she finely tuned the ability to a far more careful degree. But her interest in the talent had still persisted, and she was curious as to how else it could be exploited. Combat was certainly an obvious one, but there was always more. She bowed her head in greeting. "I don't believe we've ever had the opportunity to meet, Master Heavenshield."

[member="Sor-Jan Xantha"]
[member="Connor Harrison"]


Never, in his entire life, had Ren heard such harsh words before. But despite the unbearable sting that remark had left on his pride, he knew that he was right. It was time to start acting more like a Jedi and less of a pacifist. So, with all the confidence and boldness he could muster, Ren answered his superior loudly and proudly:

"I am Ren Colvet."

That was horrible. How could anyone like talking that way? And why did everyone talk like that? They should all just be quiet like him, then things would work out a lot better. Why would this Master request such a thing?


Ren felt something in the air, no, the Force. Master Harrison's hostility was coming from somewhere. Something was troubling him. A person? An event? Ren couldn't tell. Maybe he should ask the older man what was wrong?


No one ever really bothered Ren, so he shouldn't do the same. After all, Ren knew all too well what it was like to harbor a demon. For he had one of his own. A secret that he had been keeping locked up for many years.

Ren pondered about Master Harrison. There was clearly more to him. A lot more.
The one thing about Coren; he was unapologetic. He didn’t care who you were, or what age you were. The man was not making a decent parent or adult figure. Rough around the edges, and looking to do more damage to the world around him, over anything else, than even discussing philosophy. The Force was a tool, nothing more. Nothing less. No nebulous semi-sentient thing.

No, a tool.

Something to save some and kill others.

Or kill most to save the few.

“Weaker? Stronger? That bit of stuff doesn’t matter. It matters what you can do with it. In a time of Force gods that we’re living in…” Have you SEEN the way the Sith were steam rolling through the galaxy? “I’m a Starchaser. We learn very early on that we can’t compete on the same stage as the rest of the Forcers in the galaxy.” Mainly because Corey the writer rolls really low on the Force power list because it makes it purposely interesting. “And what kind of bad thing did you want to make happen?” You’re like 5.

“Lets see what you’ve got, yeah?” He pointed to the range. Holding the rifle up, he got into the prone position. “Hold it like this. Sight your target, take a breath in, let it out, squeeze the trigger.” Not slugs, this was Star Wars, these were blasters, and yes, Coren used a lightsaber sometimes, opposed to a sword. Stop trying to make the game different. He let his breath out and squeezed off three rounds down at the target, hitting with a decent amount of accuracy, if not precision. Coren preferred pistols and scatter guns. “Your turn.”

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
It had only been a short time that Spencer had found herself with the Coalition. It was just one of those things and places that she seemed to find herself take refuge or something along those lines. Since returning from retirement, if one could honestly say she had gone into retirement, Spencer had lost a few pounds, started to enjoy pastries again, and began her never ending journey to fully understand the force. To do that, she needed to be in touch with every possible aspect of the Force. She had lost touch with the Light, it was always there because that’s where she started and those lessons are something she could never forget.

The rogue master lingered on the lawn and watched as the Padwans separated into different groups finding the master they wished to learn from, it was interesting how the coalition did these group lessons. The idea behind learning from several masters reminded her of her own training when she was a padawan under the tutelage of Ashin Varanin.

Her attention broke as she started to count on her fingers the masters and their names she had learned from. Tilting her head side to side she mused over the lessons which were somewhat brutal and probably not acceptable to the Coalition. Willing the same fingers, she remembered burning them several times in a pit of fire with Velok as she learned the skill that was the bases of her defenses. Along with remembering the fire pit, she also remembered the energy bolt from a sniper back during a planetary take over. It was one of her favorite memories, the look on Ashin’s face was priceless when she took the shot to the face and was completely okay – minus a mild burn in the middle of her forehead.

Rubbing gently where the mark had been years before, she smirked and continued to watch the students and caught attention of [member="Coci Heavenshield"] blasting a Padawan with an energy weapon. Spencer’s face lit up as she wandered over towards them. The woman looked nothing like a Master of the Force, she abandoned the traditional attire and typically looked like a Han Solo wannabe – just without the vest (she wasn’t cool enough for a vest), but a leather jacket instead covered her white loose fitting shirt which was half tucked into a pair of snug pants and since the tucking look was common with spacers, those trousers, were then tucked into a pair of knee high boots. A lightsaber dangled from her thin belt at her hip, but showed little use on its metallic handle. Spencer continued to walk closing the distance and coming behind Coci.

The Nautolan was going for a second round with the blasters, this time doing far better as he deflected the blasters. Not paying full attention, Spencer reached into her pocket and pulled out a sweet roll shoving it halfway into her mouth. Her full attention was now on the treat that was in her mouth. A blaster bolt strayed from the padawan and went towards Spencer, though with her sense being constantly aware, she looked up and held her hand up.

The force focused around her palm braiding itself tightly like armor against her hand. The tight webbing protected the tender skin of her palm and absorbed the bolt instantly. Smiling, she took the roll from her mouth and nodded towards the both of them. She didn’t want to interfere, just observe for now unless Master Coci wanted her help. She examined the student, he looked exactly like the one she had lost a few years ago. Her first student, the one that inherited all her skills. A sour note in her life, but she sweetened it up with the rest of the sweet roll. Licking the glaze from her finger tips she smiled again.

“Looking good.” Dusting her hands off and wiping them against her pants she folded her arms against her chest and leaned against the table that held the blaster previously. “Master, I’m still new around here, but what’s the lesson of the day?” Spencer made note of the Nautolan’s hand covering his wound, her sensitive empathy picked up on the pain quickly. Looking towards him, she nodded her head for him to come over. “I can take care of that quickly for you if you want – injuries even in training can hold you back and hinder your skills. Better to not learn bad habits if they’re avoidable.” Forgetting to introduce herself she nodded her head in a slight bow. “Sorry, forgot to tell you my name. I’m Spencer Jacobs, like I said – I’m new around here.”

[member="George O Rourke"]
This was certainly something new. Not that Audren had been here long, but having what he could only describe as a job fair for specialized training within the Silver Jedi Order seemed...out of character. All they were missing were the colorful paper banners displaying what they were teaching. At least eight different teachers were present, each offering specialized training in a specific area. And the specific areas varied wildly: from Darkside combat to Matukai Strength Enhancement to Force Cloak, an entire gamut of Force powers. The Sephi had done some research on the more esoteric names beforehand, so he understood a bit about what was being offered.

Knowing what was being offered varied greatly from actually seeing it, however. Off in one section, Grandmaster Thurion Heavenshield was levitating tree seeds above a group of younglings, then talked to someone who looked like a youngling but who held himself like someone older. In another section, Master Coci Heavenshield was blasting away at George O Rourke with not just one, but two blasters. Telekinesis and Tutaminis - Force Absorbtion - respectively. All of the skills taught here would be useful in the long run, the Sephi had enough experience to know that.

Of all the options given, Audren was torn most between three: resisting the dark side, fighting the dark side, and combat strategies. Given the Coalition had been involved in two major battles just since he'd joined - Zygerria and the loss of Ziost - he had a distinct sense that any and all of those would be extremely useful in the near future. Fighting the Dark Side seemed to be focused on weapons, Resistance would probably be mental-based. Strategies...well, that teacher wasn't present just yet. Hopefully he'd get a chance to try all three, but if he had to choose one...

Without a word, the Padawan headed towards the nondescript human manning the section. As he started heading that direction, the man picked up a blaster rifle and checked it, then responded to a question the kid in front of him had asked. Then he turned and put three holes into a target with the rifle. He presented the rifle to the boy when he turned back. By that time, Audren was close enough to hear what he was saying.

"Your turn."

On the table were a whole bunch of guns. Rifles, pistols, a whole range of weapons that Audren could only describe in the broadest strokes. The Sephi had only really dealt with a stun pistol and a random blaster pistol he'd been assigned from the armory. He could hit a target, but that was about it. Hopefully this would be a useful learning experience.

[member="Coren Starchaser"] | [member="Théodred Heavenshield"]
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

As George made his way back to his feet still holding his wound he heard another voice, a different voice coming from the table near Master Coci. It was another woman, someone who George hadn't seen before. She beckoned George to come over. As he made his way over to her she offered to help heal his wound. "That would be wonderful. Thank you, uh..." He stopped realizing he had little idea of who she was. As she introduced herself George responded "Oh thank you Spencer, my name is George, George O Rourke. I am a new Padawan of the Coalition." He responded also introducing himself with a gracious bow.
[member="Audren Sykes"] | [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Force Gods! Something Théo will discover all in time. Little did Théo know his mother certain has had the experience. "You .. you chase stars?" now that intrigued the young lad. But how does someone chase stars? They don't move do they?

Bad things, he thought on that for a moment and looked a little sheepish. "Oh .. well .. not much really. Do you have older sisters?", he asked by way of explaining his plight. "I do, and they are soooo annoying .. at times. Sometimes they are alright but, you know... bossy".

But Théo's plight of his troublesome sisters vanished as the man with the cool trousers, picked up a rifle and explained before firing it. Théo jumped a little at the noise, but soon regained his excitement when handed the rifle to try.

".. k".

He did his leveled best to imitate cool trousers, but the thing looked and felt awkward in his hands and he struggled to get a proper grip on it. But that would never stop Théo and so he aim as best he could and pulled the trigger. The bolt fizzed from the barrel and pushed against his shoulder knocking him to the ground on his bum. Théo had no clue where the bolt went, but it felt scary and exciting at the same time.

"Did .. did I hit it?". He looked up to Coren and smiled. At this point he noticed a young man standing watching. Théo's eye widened at the sight of him, as his mind raced back to Midvinter and the sword training grounds. It can't be him? and it wasn't, but boy did it look like him! He remember the young Valkyri, full of grace and courage against the Elder, with long white hair ..
Coryth smiled warmly and glanced between Kurogan and Vassara. Reaching out, she took the woman's hand and shook it firmly. "It's nice to meet you as well, but please just call me Coryth. I've been one for titles and formalities." Well that and personally she disliked how old they made her feel. And really, she wasn't that different from anyone else. She was just as human as anyone else, just as apt to make mistakes along the way. So many reasons for not liking the title 'Master'.

"What we will be learning, isn't easy. And I will warn you, not everyone is capable of learning. Still, I'm here to make every effort to see that happen." She said with a bright warm tone.

"Now, before we begin, have either of you had any experience in creating Illusions?" Cory paused, waiting for an answer from both. "I ask, because to create a realistic Illusion one already has to be able to manipulate light, a key element to cloaking yourself within it. Which will be where we will start, if neither one of you has the experience. It might take some work, but I'll have you doing this in no time at all." At least that was the hope. Coryth truly wanted to see them both succeed.

"With that in mind, please take a seat and get comfortable. Center yourself in the Force, and let me know when you both are ready." The tiny woman said as she took a seat in her little section of the gardens.

[member="Kurogan"] | [member="Vassara Raxis"]
[member="Coryth Elaris"]

"Nope never needed illusions when I've always had a Shotgun." Vassara joked. It was poor taste sure, but her roughneck sense of humor came from the deep stars, fearsome places where few ever returned from.

With a slight movement she crouched and then collapsed indian style on the ground. Her eyes snapped shut and she slipped away, quickly quieting her mind. This was becoming easier and easier as the years went by.

Images of Alderaan before the war populated her mind. Sandy beaches between her toes, sapphire water and the hot sun against her bare skin. Vassara almost chuckled, imagining how pale she was now, from the serious lack of some viatmin D

Spacer problems.

Keeping the core of her serneity she opened her eys and nodded, signalling Coryth.
Right, day care. Better than adult daycare, the school systems on some worlds were terrible, but this? Handing a rifle out to a toddler? That was a whole new level of insane for the Master. He looked at the kid. “Sort of. Family used to be a Jedi family, working the Service Corps, ExplorCorps mainly. So, now its Frontiers Corps… And I found ways to be useful without actually serving as a particular role in the galaxy.” Of course, Coren’s loyalty lay to making freedom, and not any sort of holocron thumping religious group.

And Coren was mission centric. He gave the appropriate answers of ‘no’ and ‘well, you should show them who’s in charge’ about the siblings. He had a younger brother himself. A mechanic, helped build him ships. Was a good partner to have especially with the way Coren flew. But still, he had to be teaching here. He set the child up to take some shots down range when he could sense the approach of the other.

Dear Coren, guns didn’t work for children who were teething, Love, your writer.

“Pick one up, you’re next.” He spoke to the Space Elf without turning around. “Almost, kid. Take a moment, center yourself, let the Force work your fingers.” Now, don’t get too excited, reading that, Coci.

[member="Théodred Heavenshield"] [member="Audren Sykes"]


Padawan Fluffaluffagous!
[member="Coryth Elaris"],[member="Vassara Raxis"]

Kurogan shook his head "No I never learn anything like that. It wasn't required while in the military." He took a seat where the young master had gesture. He knew that this skill was hard to come by it was rare for someone to learn it or even have the ability to even use the skill.

He closed his eyes taking deep breath letting out slowly keep his mind on centering himself in the force. His ears lay flat as he continue gather his focus to the force, he know not to feel any doubt but to be confident in what he was. After all if he couldn't do this skill there's still more to learn and he will admit that still had a lot to learn in his force training.
[member="George O Rourke"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"]
Immediately placing the blasters on the platform, Coci walked over to George. "Are you alright?', she asked, "Here let me ... " but before she could finish, a voice spoke and Coci turned to see the author. Regarding the woman for a moment, Coci could sense the force around her, this is no Padawan but a powerful master of the force. Although she has never placed eyes on the woman until now, Coci inclined her head in a bow to give acknowledgement. "Greetings Spencer", she said after the introduction and walked with George over to her.

"Welcome to the Sanctum", she added, "Today I am training in Tutaminis, although I would have not had George absorb the energy directly as this", even though Coci could heal him, she is grateful to Spencer for her offer. "I am Coci Heavenshield", she introduced her self with a slight smile.
[member="Coryth Elaris"], [member="Vassara Raxis"], [member="Kurogan"]

Kaida disliked training people. Training her fellow Angelii did not count because that was duty and she could order them around and mete out discipline as was appropriate, even though corporal punishment had been abolished by their very liberal Queen. As a matter of fact she disliked most people in general. The Eldorai might be just a bit antisocial, when you thought about it.

However, Coryth had insisted she come along. Sometimes her girlfriend could be very bossy. However, on the flip side she was totally open for Kaida to creatively use cryomancy when they were alone. Such as ice shackles...oh, wait, there are kiddos in this thread! On with the plot. Presumably this post will have one somewhere. Anyhow, since kiddies were around, Kaida was not smoking for a change. One imagined that this would be good for her lungs.

Anyhow, she made her way across the grass field towards where she had spied the short stack of fire, who already seemed to have acquired students to teach. If this were Siobhan, presumably she would have tried to do pleasurable things with Coryth's lips. However, Kaida was a lot more reserved in the public sphere and so she only gave the redhead a brief squeeze on the shoulder. Since Coryth was not an Exarch anymore, she did not get a salute. This writer will endeavour to give her a fancy noble title soon. Partially to troll her, partially because they like the image of Kaida always having to salute the tiny redhead any time they're in public. "There you are. I see you've launched into teacher mode," she said softly. Her tone was a startling two point eight percent less stoic than usual. Yay, character development! Well, sort of.
[member="Coci Heavenshield"] | [member="Spencer Jacobs"]

"Yeah I am fine Master" George said making his way to his feet still trying to hold his hand over the wound. It wasn't too bad, but was still sore. George understood there was always a chance of injury but wasn't too worried about it. With Master Coci and the new woman Spencer there it seemed like he would be fine.

As both himself and Master Coci made their way over to Spencer Master Coci introduced herself.
Spencer nodded and guided her hand over the wound, using the energy she had absorbed from the stray bolt from the blaster, she forced the wound shut in a matter of moments. “Nice to meet both of you.” Her face lit up as she patted herself on the back mentally – guessing right on the training that was going on. Tutaminis was something she felt overly confident with and was willing to see if there was more she could learn or help teach. Looking around, she seemed worried there wasn’t anything out that was used when she learned the skill. The blonde scratched the side of her face out of concern.

“Tutaminis, I learned it when I was a padawan – everything I know and learned after is based off of that defensive technique.” She spoke quietly as she continued to look around. Finally her eyes rested on Coci and with a tilt and a questioning look she asked. “Though I’m confused on how you’re going to teach the Padawan the technique without a fire pit. Personally, I find the planet Mustafar to be far better suited for teaching Tutaminis.” A grin spread across her face as she waved her hand, “The student learns fast trying to avoid from being consumed by the planet’s fire.” Her tone was nonchalant, but if one knew her background and how she was trained in her skills they would understand why.

Looking towards George, she tilted her head and asked him her next question. “Have you seen or used Tutaminis before Padawan?” There was no question for Coci, if the woman was teaching it, then it was obvious the woman had mastered the skill as well. “Why do you wish to learn Tutaminis?”

[member="George O Rourke"] [member="Coci Heavenshield"]
[member="Spencer Jacobs"] | [member="Coci Heavenshield"]

As Spencer healed the opened wound on George's shoulder right up it was quite magical. The pain subsided and George felt fine again, ready for the training to come. But first he listened to the conversation between Master Coci and Spencer, she spoke about how she learnt Tutaminis in the fire pit, George was quite shocked and relieved that Master Coci had different teaching techniques to Spencer's Master. Although there was no doubt in George's mind that the techniques used to teach Spencer worked. He felt that there were better methods. But that was his own Padawan thoughts.

As Spencer changed her attention to George she began asking some questions. "No I have never used it before." He replied quickly before listening to her next question. "It seemed like something that would be very useful for a Jedi. It also opens up a another avenue of defence." He replied once again. It seemed logical to learn something that would benefit him in a life or death situation.

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