Lysle of the Hydian Way
Silent and Violent
A tear in space and time opened up, tens of thousands of kilometres from Kessel. Overlong hulks of durasteel and duranium slowly lurched out. Their hulls stretched out far, but not near as equally wide. Immense rectangular vessels of war. For the keen of eye, and the man who listens, Subach-Innes had signed a contract recently, and with new shipments coming in, the Ravens were gathering their flock. Just under half their fleet strength, numbering in at five Wasp-class Heavy Cruisers and five Yorika-class Heavy Artillery Cruisers.
Then the others started pouring out, a swarm of angry wasps. Dozens, then hundreds of tiny freighters, star fighters, armoured ore-tugs and refitted mining-boats. The darkness of space, flecked by incalculably distant stars were suddenly blotted out by the hive of seemingly insignificant ships. But it was not the sight of this peculiar sight that was of any interest, nor their destination of Kessel - of which they still needed to arrive, nay, it was the happenings inside the flagship, holographically, visually and audibly broadcasted across the restricted and heavily encrypted communication array; CryptNet.
Within a darkened launch bay, irradiated by a hellish green glow, countless thousands of thugs, gangsters, mafia bosses, bounty hunters, assassin, mandalorians, thieves, slicers, miners and pirates gathered. A mosaic of a crowd generated by an innumerable sprawl of criminals, from the seediest fissures of the underworlds to the highest of casinos and mansions. The shakers and the movers, the guns and the data-miners, all were here. To rescue Cryax Bane and Colap Ticon? Nay, they were here to send a message; we're here, and we're coming for you. Tonight, the war begins.
Lysle walked out onto a rostrum to the cheer of all. Their very united voice shook the great vessel, and the metal groaned in protest. "My brothers," he began in a booming voice, holding his arms high and wide to welcome all, he received a cheer from the men. "My sisters," he spoke, sweeping his gaze far and wide, cold, grey, calculating eyes watching them with fierce determination, the women cheered. "I stand before you as your equal. I stand before you because these dogs," he motioned to a hologram of Kessel, a Black Sun Syndicate-controlled territory, "Have bombed our casinos, shot up our customers, and they dare kidnap my closest friends, our closest friends."
His voice spoke with true clarity. "But we will not take it." He clenched his fists, shaking in rage. "We will fight, and show them we're not the insects beneath their boots they think we are." Lysle pulled his hand to his heart, "For every one of these dogs slain, it is another innocent brother and sister we avenge, that they have killed in their attacks on us." He moved to point at the hologram, "And we will free every single one of their prisoners, to join our cause to destroy the Black Suns." Lysle opened his arms wide once more, "Can you dig it." The crowd cheered, he repeated, unsatisfied, "Can you dig it." Their cheers rose, powerful and beating, yearning with companionship, but still, Lysle was unsatisfied, "CAN YOU DIG IT." And they roared.
Lysle made the call, broadcasting his speech to every channel on the CryptNet, "Make for Kessel, burn their mongrel hides." The ships, already moving, chugged ever-harder towards their destination. A set of coordinate handed in by an insider. Their destination; a penal facility on Kessel, oval in shape and protected by shields, bunkers and a nearby fleet that monitored the Maw.
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