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Woe to the Vanquished [Red Ravens vs Black Suns]


Allow me to reintroduce myself
[member="RC 212 "][member="Ice"]

Asteria patched through as soon as the Finality came out of hyperspace and detached from its hyper ring. "Sorry I'm late, who are we shooting at, and who are we boarding?"
[member="Ice"] [member="RC 212"]

Eldoc opened up his radio and spoke into it. " I am to mention the suns will pay you more to help them out and I hope you know there is nothing personal about the coming fight, Eldoc out"
He crushed the radio and smirked.
[member="Seanna Vel"] "We have our fight"
He pointed to [member="Daxton Bane"] on the shuttle as Eldoc reached out with the force slamming the the shuttle into the wall, He didn't normally put much effort into such things but he had been practicing since his defeat on Druckenwell. The crash should cause enough of a distraction for Seanna to get into some sort of position.
Flora got message from her ship, Multiple ships in bound, stopping them would be suicide captain. She had to think quick, they were coming for the prisoners, part of her said dust them know part thought they should of first place. Though the other half of realized they could be used for profit. She turned and head into the prison with as many men as she could, she was going number count for nothing. The prison corridors would mean, she could slow the fighting down. Making harder for them to advance, hopefully long enough for reinforcements to arrive.

As she head in she told guards, send out an sos know. She then continued down the corridor, and pointed to a squad of her men. Get the red raven prisoners, and move them here. If no help comes, and they kill the prison guards. We might be able to cut a deal, and make some money out of this. She was a pirate, and had very little in the way of scruples. The was a cell near her position where she setting up her defence. If they attacked her position with explosives, they kill their own as well. Though if she need to she sell them to them. Credits and life was always good deal, but if they were not going give her that option she could dust them.

Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
[member="Tahl Edrel"] // [member="Cryax Bane"] // [member="Colap Ticon"]
Location | Inside the Kessel Facility, still on the Cell Block he found the prisoners in.
Objective | Get out. Don't die.
"Best time we make our way for a hanger, then." Cambry flattened himself against a wall, rifle braced against his chest, and fired a few stun bolts down the hallway. One struck an oncoming guard and he tumbled to his back.
The spacer lifted his arm to his mouth, and began speaking orders into it. A clipped, electronic voice responded, but it was all hard to hear with the various sounds one was battered with down here.
"Hanger 12, two decks above." He gestured to the others with two fingers, pointing straight up, then shifting his target behind them. "There's a maintenance shaft that way, it will lead through to the filtration center, same deck."
He fired another bolt, and the blue flash echoed down the hallway as it burst upon the distant stairway, completely missing a guard. A big puff of filtered gas burst from a nearby wall.
Cambry pulled himself from the wall, and started to hurry the direction he had indicated, rushing towards the maintenance access panel. It was with some relief that he noted he still had access, and with a swipe of his card, the doors on the shaft slid open, revealing a grungy vertical space 3 people wide, with a chipped yellow ladder within.
"Let's go, inside!"
Luckily the R4 unit was lucky to have been as modified as he was! His leg-jets folded out and he went up ahead, waiting at the top of the shaft and standing guard with his blaster modification ready to be deployed~ being a droid he could still blend into the chaos if guards came along
As blaster fire rang out in the corridor, Cryax saw an unknown armed man firing stun bolts at the prison guards. The jailbreak looked more coordinated than he thought. He felt a moment of elation at the taste of freedom, which seemed more tangible now.

The man swiftly motioned to a maintenance shaft that he said would lead to the filtration system. Cryax grabbed the yellow ladder and hoisted himself up, his wounded leg protesting as he climbed up the shaft.

The wounded Chiss heard hurried voices and footsteps in the distance. It sounded like a large troop of Suns were advancing to their cellblock. He hoped the others were right behind him.

Wherever this shaft lead, Cryax hoped there were re-breathers somewhere. Otherwise, they weren't going anywhere anytime soon.The Chiss knew that the air on Kessel was too thin to go outside without one. It would be a shame to go through all this just to die from the elements.

[member="Cambry Owens"] [member="Tahl Edrel"] [member="Flora Burn"] [member="Colap Ticon"]
Jace managed to be the third one to land on Kessel, nothing that would bother most men, but he wasn't like the other guys, he wanted to be the first into the fight. With that mindset in place, he rushed at the enemy's defenses head on, foolish maybe, he took a few shots to the torso that had managed to slip by him in the hail of blaster fire, but most weren't able to pierce his armor, save one to just left of his gut and another to his shoulder, not much to worry about for now, what mattered was the soldiers in front of him. When he finally reached some of the guards, it was open season and he began slashing away at the enemy using his Ataru form, quick, and tiring, but he could rest when the battle was done.


Dead Men End All Tales.
Mr. Ash frowned as his car pulled up, met by two other hovercars. He hopped out of the car, pulling a badge and flashing it to the guards. "Ash, Citizen's Defense Force. Put me on comm with whomever's in charge of this mad house."

[member="Flora Burn"]

"This is Ash. I am guarding the front gate in the event of an assault. Please in form me if further assistance is required. I have also brought some guards," he said on the holocall softly. His voice sounding more like the quiet crunch of heavy boots on gravel.
[member="Eldoc Quasat"] [member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Meanken"] [member="Cyrus Falcor"] [member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Saki lin"] [member="Ice"]

RC cut the communications link after he sent a short message to Eldoc.

"Your betrayal is duly noted!"

The enemy so far had no opposing forces coming into play besides a measly assortment of fighters. As Droid TIE fighters swarmed from Ice's carrier into the fray the battle was met in mixed flashes of green and red laser cannon fire.

RC watched impassively.

"I'm aware this world is owned by the Suns and is a slave mine." He spoke over the comms to his men and women.

"You have a secondary directive, Kill or wound the traitor Eldoc Quasat. In addition destroy as much of the mines as possible. Keep the prison intact, we cannot lose the Ravens prisoners!"
As Ana entered the building she was greeted with blaster fire from what she assumed were members of Black Sun. She responded in kind to them. It seemed as if someone may have gotten here before she had a chance to. The prisoners were free and running around here somewhere.

Backing up into a room she watched as a group ran past her. Peeking her head out the door she looked to her right and to the left to ensure the coast was clear before heading down the hallway.

"Hello, this is Ana, I'm in the building. Is there anyone else here? What is your location?" She wasn't sure if anyone was on the comm channel but it was worth a shot to reach out to someone.

[member="Cambry Owens"]
[member="Tahl Edrel"]
[member="Flora Burn"]
[member="Colap Ticon"]
[member="Cryax Bane"]
[member="Cryax Bane"] [member="Cambry Owens"]

Good thing there was no one in this joint worth their salt.

Colap scrambled into the shaft, not looking back. He held the shiv in his teeth and the blaster in one hand as he scrambled up the access ladder, hoping to get free of this reeking prison. Then he remembered they had taken his armor to the evidence cages, along with his weapons.

"Oy I need my stuff, let double back to the Evidence cages!"
[member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Cambry Owens"] [member="Cryax Bane"]

The funny thing about enclosed spaces is that they are hard to get out of. That was when two thermal detonator's hurled into the duct behind them soaring high. The second they hit anything each one would have a 20m radius. It was going to be fun. Airal already was running away, not wanting to be caught by any suprises. Guards were circling around the exits that could were deemed most likely to be used. Airal had this one, she wasn't going to let them get out so easily. She smirked waiting for at least one to fall out, It was the easiest way out after all.
From the bowels of the shuttle emerged a pair of heavily armed assassin droids who immediately deployed to flank their master. Romus and Pollox, as they were named, contained special logic software which made them totally loyal to Daxton and was further augmented by targeting software designed for pinpoint accuracy derived form star fighter software.

Daxton moved like a hellion unleashed, pausing briefly under cover to reload before charging forward again with his team. A squad of mercenaries tried to pin him down with heavy fire from one of the guard towers. The heavy blaster carbine spitting green death to anyone foolish enough to show themselves. The pile of dead bodies scattered about, some of which had steaming holes in their flesh were proof of the defenders skill.

At the Sith's signal his droids launched a pair of rocket propelled ordinance into the air. Now normally this wouldn't have much effect. However assign as they left the launching tubes, Daxton wrapped tentacles of force around them and guided them to their target.

The mercy tried desperately to shoot them out of the air, but like suicidal moths drawn to flame there was no stopping them. Two quick explosions quickly followed, marking the end of the defender's position.

With no further resistance nearby, the Sith strode forward to the prison entrance. Raising both hands forward, fingers splayed outward, he used the power of the Force to slowly force open the blast doors to allow his team access.

[member="Anastasia Rade"] [member="Eldoc Quasat"]
[member="Daxton Bane"]

A Force Bellow made its way towards the man known as [member="Daxton Bane"] The loud force enhanced attack of his amplified voice striking Daxton at the same time as Eldoc closed the distance between them his green saber ignited and striking towards the man from the side. "Don't think you can just walk in." He chuckled as his saber sliced ever closer towards the man. It was going to be a tough fight. The man before him was tough and this fight was not going to be a easy one. It was going to be very hard indeed. Eldoc would have to ensure he was at the top of his game. '
Cryax was almost at the top of the yellow maintenance ladder when he saw a couple blurs go whizzing past his head, straight down into down into the shaft. He scrambled to the top and and lifted himself out of the shaft with an "oof," just as the thermal detonators exploded, sending an enormous fireball up through the duct and straight over his head, hurling him across the floor, possibly cracking a rib.

His ears ringing slowly, he lifted himself up, craning his neck to look around. The room he was in was probably for the maintence crew. There were pressure suits and re-breathers hanging in lockers that had been blown open in the blast. The room began to fill with smoke as Cryax limped to the lockers. Bending over to suit up sent his torso into spasms of agony, but he quickly donned it and strapped the re-breather over his mouth.

His Chiss low-light vision allowing him to see through the smokey blackness, he felt around until he came to a door. He limped down another corridor, holding the blaster the droid had given him cocked and ready. He was ready to get the frell off this rock already.

[member="Airal Thamne"] [member="Colap Ticon"]
Ice quickly worked to lock in which frequencies were being used by the Red Ravens so they could follow suite. "Valhallan Federation! Switch over to Red Raven channels, so we can all communicate more easily together. Make sure you encrypt your lines as well. No need having the Black Suns eaves dropping." With that, and before Flora Burn could respond to her former Black Suns comrade, Ice flooded all other frequencies with static, a grin plainly on his face. "Good luck coordinating your defense now." He said happily to himself, not knowing at all that one of his current enemies was trying to talk to one of his newest recruits. Little did he know, that who he thought was a loyal member had just gone back to her old friends.

"Saki. Let's go bomb those mines into submission. With any luck, we can drop our reinforcements on the side of the prison ans lure away some guards from our main assault." With those orders away, he started looking to see how else he could cause some mischief for the Black Suns. He didn't really relish the idea of going after Eldoc. Although it was rather frustrating that he so quickly couldn't even stay with his crew who had just offered him everything he could have wanted. The man was still essentially just behaving like a merc. But could they take him back afterward if Eldoc manage to survive? That was a question to be seen. Either way. Ice would not go back on a deal once it was struck. No matter how much the other side offered. If they had been so keen before, the Black Suns would have hired them first. No. All Ice could take from this was that the Black Suns were scared, and desperately trying avoid being annihilated at the last second.

It seemed even a few turncoats would do little to stop that now though.

[member="RC 212"] | [member="Saki lin"] | [member="Eldoc Quasat"] | [member="Flora Burn"] | [member="Cryax Bane"] | [member="Daxton Bane"] | [member="Airal Thamne"] | [member="Colap Ticon"] | [member="Anastasia Rade"] | [member="Mr. Ash"] | [member="Elvenchild319"] | [member="Jace Beleren"] | [member="Cambry Owens"] | [member="Tahl Edrel"]
The last thing Daxton expected was to hit by the conclusion force of the sonic variety, causing him to reel backward several steps, as his helmet's aural dampners adjusted and cancelled out the frequency. Out of the corner of his eye. He spotted the oncoming green blade and couldn't help but smile beneath his mirrored faceplate. So it was true, the Jedi were up to their old tricks again.

"I can do what I want Jedi scum. Your time of tyranny is at an end. I know your secretly working with these criminals. Face my blades of Justice." Dropping his rifle to the ground, two light sabers flew to either of his hands as they hissed to life, one electric blue and the other metallic green as he dropped in defensive guard to receive the other man's attack. Daxton was baiting him to strike first, even as he channeled the force into his limbs for his next move.

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
"Jedi? Where?" He chuckled as he circled [member="Daxton Bane"]. Eldoc hadn't been a jedi for a long time... over 400 years at least. Eldoc smirked as she used the force to strengthen and quicken his own limbs and body. He came with a strike which he quickly feinted and attacked from the other side. "I am just doing what I am paid to do" He said as he went in for his strike preparing to immediately strike again his moves quick and full of anger and the fury of battle as he gave him self up to the battle. He was after all no jedi, trained in the battle forms of the Sith Marauder and the jedi. His form one that was unpredictable as he moved to strike again.
She popped her knuckles AMD brought a screen up"I gotta watch this"sge smiled and got the comms linked to the gunners"OK boys power up and target those mines nothing specific just destroy them, crush them to nothing"she giggled and cleared her throat laying back and crossing her legs"
Miss Saki guns are ready
Good pilots turn the ship so starboard left is pointing toward the mines"the thought about a tactic she saw and shook her head ad the ship turned aiming the left to the mines"OK guns lay hell on them"she smiled as the guns started firing a thump thump thump as the guns fired one after the other"OK drop ships get ready to move on my orders I want teams behind the prison orders are to distract and attract guards to them"she looked at ice and winked for no particularly reason "now to set back and enjoy the show " the drop ships were loaded and sent out
Yet Daxton wasn't without tricks of his own. As one of the most proficient duelists in the galaxy, hecpracticallly lived for combat. Effortlessly detecting the feint, he parried it to the side with his green blade without lashing out with his blue blade in return, he was gauging his foe's reach and speed, the Sith had plenty of endurance and could keep his defenses up for a very long time.

"Is that all you got? Truly disappointing that sent a padawan like you to your death. I was so hoping for at least some challenge, " Daxton voice taunted him from his screen of blades, "Come on then, look alive. ENTERTAIN ME!!!!"

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]

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