Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Woe to the Vanquished [Red Ravens vs Black Suns]

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

"Oh don't hide, you wanted to attack us after all, come out and play!" She said adjusting her strap that carried her gun. "Well fine..." She said taking another detonator off her belt. "Bombs away!" She set the radius to 20m and tossed them. The great thing about thermal detonators were that everything in the 20m radius would be vaporized. Meaning escape from it's range was crucial. Airal readied her weapon, firing around the cover, knowing the foe would have to flee from her cover now that it was soon going to be vaporized.
Had he not been wearing his helmet the effect would have probably been more devastating, with most of the damage was negated by its built in aural dampeners. At the same time, Daxton unleashed a scream of his own, a primal war cry of a predator issuing a roar of might. Feel my rage, my might it said, tremble in fear, death made into flesh walks among you. It was enough to make the strongest non-force user tumble to his knees in abject fear as they emptied their bowels at the coming holocaust.

The two sound waves collided, almost canceling each other out, causing both men to become unsteady on their feet before they launched themselves at each other. Matching blow for blow, the clash of metal against lightsaber reverberated as the conflict escalated. Soon over a dozen score marks dotted both combatants, indicating where near misses were just narrowly diverted by thick armor. Yet, no matter how hard the othe man tried, he could not flank the Sith Master. Each time he tried, the red blade would lash out like a venomous tail and force him to counter least he be struck in return.

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
The YT-1930 came through the fog of the burning prison and landed next to Cryax and R4, skidding in the dirt due to the hurried landing~ R4 pulling Cryax along and up the ramp using his rear-grapple hook. The huge Whiphid lifted the Chiss into the medical bay where a 2-1B medical droid awaited him~ "You stay here, once Colap's in we'll be headed off and get you two proper medical help"

The medical droid gave a tut with his metallic voice before going work on healing the Chiss properly. The Whiphid calling into the cockpit "R4! Prep the ship for takeoff, I'll defend our position!" he ran down the ramp and cocked his sniper, scanning the rooftops for targets who could threaten the ship "Colap? If you're there buddy could you hurry? I'm not sure how long it'll be until a Black Sun sends a rocket our way"

[member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Cryax Bane"]
[member="Daxton Bane"]

"I am impressed" he said as he went in for another score of blows, for all of Eldoc's drunken appearance, he was a fierce fighter with the strength and endurance of any fighter. The Dark Jedi was no mere beginner knight, no he had practiced his hand and had lived in several periods of the galaxy. Eldoc gave himself to the fury that was the battle, meeting each strike of Daxton's with either the blade or his saber. The two were something to watch really with how each knew their forms and honed their own skill. Eldoc met every advance of the Sith Warrior blade for blade. The question was, who was going to break the mold and score a hit, How long could either last?
[member="Tahl Edrel"]

Colap tracked Tahls freighter as it landed and sprang from his spot atop the towers. The jetpack flared as the rockets fired, lowering him softly to the ramp. His boots impacted it with a metal clang, cigar blazed away almost a stub now.

Colap whirled and took up a firing stance legs spread wide and hefted the rotary laser cannon he had picked up. He squinted through the haze as he searched for targets.

"Im on the ramp, lets get the frak outta here!"

As a parting gift he let out a last blast of fire into the prison grounds in all directions.


The lasers streaked in a semicircle, mowing down countless bodies. Whom it was Colap did not care at this point, he only cared about getting himself and Crax out of here.
The Whiphid smirked and joined him back on the ship "Haha! Get in there ya crook!" he claps the merc on his back with his 3 fingered hand as the towering furball presses the door closing "R4? Get us out of here" he laughed~ the R4 bleeping and bringing the ship up~ gunning the sub-light engines and launching out of there. Tahl led Colap to the cockpit and picked up his comlink~ Raising Lysle on the channel

"Raven 1? I have our missing Ravens~ mission successful! You want them up at Home 1? Or shall I ship them back to Dragon Palace?" his deep voice boomed triumphantly over the coms

[member="Colap Ticon"] [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"] [member="Cryax Bane"]


Dead Men End All Tales.
(OOC: doing some NPC stuff so ground forces have something to do)

[member="Darth Morgoth"]

The various men at the gate reloaded their rocket launchers. "Gun one is down! Volley up, men!" The suited guards yelled at the various prison guards, holding on to guns, rocket launchers, and a veritable truckload of smuggle arms courtesy of Mr. Ash's generous budget. "No body lives forever, fire!"

"Oiyah!" The men yelled, a native rallying cry for Kessel Hooligans as they lobbed rockets and heavy blaster fire at the advancing tanks, filling the area with fire and chaos. The grim reaper was gonna need a bigger bag today...
(OOC: Just fyi. Not trying to troll at all! I'm simply trying to give an IC reason for why my character is where he is, and explain why he has been out of the action. OOC I got swamped with work and family stuff. Sorry for my absence.)

Having long since fallen back after losing control of the AA turret and realizing that his jamming equipment had malfunctioned. Ice was now in orbit with the other two Valhallan Federartion ships who he believed were still bombarding from orbit, positions where their troops were not located. He patched a message through to [member="RC 212"]. "So how we looking down there? I haven't been able to keep an eye on the battle since that rather large surprise our employers failed to mentioned nearly got me, my people, and my ship destroyed. Hell we're still trying get restore shields and fix a couple systems that had sustained minor damage."

While waiting for a response, he turned to Saki with a concerned look. "How you holding up. Everything ok up here while I was gone?"

[member="Saki lin"]
Having taken out the turrent Melkor continued to move forward. He had no intention in leaving this prison in anything less than ashes, and he was going to enjoy doing it.

Melkor snarled as he saw the hail of rockets coming down at his tank, and droid army. He knew he had to act fast and so quickly hit the brakes on his tank redirecting all power to the forward shields. The giant mechanical wonder shook but held strong as it to the hits of the ballistic volley. Melkor stood and took this chance to reload the proton cannon and sight his targeting computers in at the gates of the detention facility. He pulled the trigger and smiled as he heard the thunderous report from the muzzle of his massive artilery weapon. He watched as the men were blown away by the weapon that could take down a medium size ship in one shot. He raised his com and yelled through "All droid forces proceed to the gate, I repeat proceed to the gate." He started up the engines of his tank began to slowly roll towards the gate, keeping 90% power on the shields at all times

[member="Mr. Ash"]

Puppet Kyrios

[member="Airal Thamne"]

Asteria saw the detonators come her way, so she ran, still camoflagued out into the open, dodging the bullets, until she reached the other side. The adrenaline rushing through her systems dulled whatever pain was left in her arm, and she privately patched through to @[member="Ice"] for what she hoped would not be her final words, "Hey Ice," she whispered into her comm, "I'm injured, but you don't need to send back up. I think I can get us a prisoner but I'm not sure if I'll live to see a ransom, she's a good sniper. If I die, I want you to have everything I own, including the Finality and my trophy lightsaber, which you'll find on me. I've commanded the Finality to fly to your ship, whether I die or not. Don't stop the search for my people, instead, if I die, search in my name, and use the money from my bank account on the Libertalia to fund it. I'll miss you."

She ended the transmission and uncamoflagued, grabbing a concussion grenade from her belt and lobbing it at the Togruta woman watching her reaction.
Ice had been looking at the reinforcements he had never deployed. First that damnable surprise attack, then the loss of shields, and a host of other things made it impossible where to decide where to drop them. It was then his comm pinged and incoming message. His eyes widened when he saw who it was and listened to what was going on. He quickly sat down next to Saki and pulled up his datapad to see the situation.

His fingers quickly danced along the keyboard as he moved to triangulate her location from the signal. "Saki. Do we have any fighters left? If so. Direct them toooooo......this position here to perform a strafing run on any defenses left standing." He pointed after he was finally able to find Asteria and her opponent. He then finally found a new objective for his men. "[member="Aedan Miles"], I think I'm going to need you for a rescue mission instead. Darth Morgoth's droids seem to be able to handle the main battle. I need you to pull one of our people out of the frying pan ok? I'm sending coordinates now. Get Asteria out of there, alive! She seemed to indicate fighting only one person. If so, switch guns to stun and take her alive too. If, the enemy is in too good of a position, just kill her. Our people have priority."

With those away he sent a new message to Asteria. "None of that! You stay alive for just another minute or so. Reinforcements are on the way. Screw taking a prisoner. I'd rather you stay alive." Cuting the channel so as not to be any more distracting, all he could do was wait and rely on the skills of Saki and Aedan to get there quick enough, and pull off the rescue.

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"] | [member="Saki lin"] | [member="Airal Thamne"]
Daxton could not help but chuckle in amusement as he traded blow for blow in this deadly dance, where the slightest misstep would result in loss of life or limb. When the signal chirped in his ear that mission was a success, he almost didn't want to disengage. This was the kind of fight he lived for, ducking under the swing that would take taken his head off if he was a micro second slower.

But all good things have to end, so in a sneaky move he intercepted his opponent's lightsaber with the hilt of his free blade. Normally this would result in the weapon's destruction, but instead the cortosis weave In the handle shorted the opponent's blade out, throwing off his balance for a critical moment that Daxton exploited.

Before his foe could recover, Daxton summoned the Force and reached out to the earth beneath his oppenent's feet. In a display of his mastery of Earth, the Sith called forth a solid fist of earth the size of a Corellian freighter to explode upward beneath his opponent's feet with speed and force of a rampaging Wampa.

By the time he could recover, the debris would have long settled back to the ground, the Sith no where in sight. His droids already beating a retreat to one of the drop shuttles.

As his ship joined the rest of the fleet, Daxton turned his gaze back one more time to the planet and swore to himself that next time he would no let the other go so easily....

[member="Eldoc Quasat"]
Melkor heard the call that said the mission was a success, he didn't really want to leave but he knew he would be open if he was the last one out. He called up his dropships and said "The turrents are out land by the gates I will meet you there I have one more thing to do" He drove foward into the gates and called out a new order, two words simply bringing his troops full weight of assault down on the building, "Raise Hell". He fired his cannon again this time it would hit the prison and weaken its structure, he changed controls and moved to the heavy repeater turrent. As he opened fire the thunderous sound of his turrent was enjoined by the sounds of 400 well armed battle droids doing the same.

He sighed as he heard the dropships land behind him, but he knew he must leave. He gave the order for his troops to return to the dropships. Turning his cannon in one last strike he would blow away chunk of the walls, his shields still holding at almost max power. As his turn finish he hit the accelorators returning his tank onto the drop ship.

Once it was all loaded up he gave the order to tank off. Raising him com he said on the Red Raven coms. "This is big red of The Nexus forces requesting cover for our dropships as we pull out of this battle. We have left the enemy prison sufficiently weak and are returning home"
[member="Asteria Starcatcher"] [member="Ice"]

Airal rolled away and away, putting 10 meters away from her foe, and giving the opponent a nice chance to shoot her really. Airal then spun around and aimed her gun at the woman, square in the face. . "Surrender and you live" She said knowing that since she didn't have a gun it seemed a one sided fight. " I am sure we can find a nice arrangement, information for your freedom, just drop the weapon and come with me. " She said eyeing the woman carefully.
Eldoc went flying and felt like he got hit by a corvette. He cursed as he came to his senses much later, it seemed his foe was long gone and the prison was a mess. . He would have to fight that man again, he was a good fight, and you didn't find such a fight often. Oh yes Eldoc would have to find him again. He got inside and leaned against the wall taking a swig of his flask. Yep it was back to normal. He tuned a discarded comm line on. " Hey Ice, that was a good fight, I have to say I enjoyed that! Drinks on the loser! which I suppose is me. I have to say the sith I fought.. I have to find him again, he was one hell of a fight.." After all he had come here for that very reason, a good fight and credits of course.

[member="Daxton Bane"][member="Ice"]

Puppet Kyrios

(OOC: I actually have a pistol, but I forgot about it. I mention it in my entrance reply)

"I'd rather die then become a slave again," Asteria pulled the pistol out of her belt, set it to stun, and shot at [member="Airal Thamne"], hoping she wouldn't react, though it was, very, unlikely.
In the time that it took Asteria to pull out her pistol and set to stun, Airal was firing deadly shots at her. She ran and rolled behind some cover when she saw the gun fire and then reached out to fire again. The girl was determined apperantly. " I never said anything about being a slave!" Foolish, all they wanted was information.

[member="Asteria Starcatcher"]

Cambry Owens

A Pseudo-Mandolorian. Sort of.
(Man, really got busy. Sorry about that.)

Location | Prepping to leave the Kessel facility hangar from inside the Lassie's cockpit.
Objective | The captives were on their way back up, it was time for him to say goodbye to this place. Or just like, leave it.
As the message that the two had been extracted emanated from his console, Cambry immediately shifted the Lassie up, it's engines and repulsors lifting the freighter into the air. Moments later, it shot out of the hangar, and into the orange, blaster-fire filled sky.
"Perhaps avoid the crossfire sir, rather than seeking it out." Verne advised. The Spacer pulled the ship out of the main area of the streaming danger, confident that the friendly identification codes his ship was still assigned with would keep the automatic turrets from targeting him. The manual fire ones still hit him, but the buffed shields kept the entirety of the damage off the ship.
In a matter of few minutes, the ship had shot past the atmosphere of Kessel and into the ship-spotted sky above. There he brought the ship to a slow halt, turning the vessel to face the planet he had just fled. He felt far safer now that he was in orbit, safe enough to take the time to review his console for updates. Red Raven comm channels were lit up with chatter. He leaned towards his protruding mic and activated it momentarily.
"Can I get a confirmation that we completed the objective? Are both of them safe?"

[member="Tahl Edrel"] // [member="Lenix Ornil"] // [member="Colap Ticon"] // [member="Cryax Bane"] // [member="Lysle of the Hydian Way"]​
Aedan Miles sighed as he stepped forward towards the drop ships ramp and looked down it at the battle between some normal sniper and someone he was here to save giving a sharp whistle he got the attention of the six man security team he lead and stepped off the end of the ramp falling through the air swiftly as the members of his security team grabbed some ropes and started to fast repel down. Gathering the force around him Aedan slowed his fall enough that he could absorb the impact and land with a crouch his beskar'gam being hit by a few shots from lasers as he shrugged it off rolling his shoulders lightly as he started to stride forward drawing his lightsabers and igniting their silver blades calmly.

He starts to stride forward his weapons flicking up to flick away a few blaster shots. Stopping he gestured his men forward and towards the woman firing at [member="Asteria Starcatcher"]. Aedan walked over to Asteria and crouched down using his lightsaber to flick away any shots directed at the woman. "So lovely day for a stroll on a battlefield no? I am here to pick you up I think we should get ready to go." Aedan didn't even bother looking at their opponent as the members of his security team darted forward taking up positions to defend their boss from firing with the array of weapons they had. Jarg instead of running forward took a quick jog back and then set up behind cover his anti-material rifle coming up and taking the occasional pot shot at the woman. Lunasa and Isy took cover near where the dropship would return for them to pick them up taking pot shots at anyone foolish enough to look at their boss the wrong way. Mekket, Makin and Graad were the three men who darted forward Mekket taking position between Aedan and the woman who was firing at their VIP his heavy laser weapon leveling at her and releasing a stream of bolts towards her before he stopped just before hitting her. Makin and Graad moved forward slowly blaster rifles held up as they took shots at any troops coming to her aid finally stopping behind cover Rally Master Makin called out firmly. "THIS IS MAKIN AKAATA SURRENDER NOW AND YOU WILL NOT BE HARMED!" [member="Airal Thamne"]
Airal grabbed her remaining two thermal detonators and chucked them at the incoming team, and then ran shooting back as she could for the door she had come out of. " Screw That!" She said opening the door. She rolled towards the open door and hoped she would make it unscathed as she felt her body fly into the roll, she moved and collided into the wall with a thud as she slid behind he door. She needed to close it now, that is if they would leave her alone.
[member="Aedan Miles"] @Airal Thamne

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