Vulpesen let out a small sigh as he started to heal Kari's lip. For him, it was far too easy to sense David's thoughts. "We zorrens are hunters. We stalk the forests, deserts, and mountains of Veradune to claim our food. We kill for meat. We burn the flesh and consume it to keep ourselves alive. Lives are lost to keep ours strong. Remember that next time you do something as simple as eat a nerf burger for in this way we are alike. The difference is the intelligence of our prey. Sadly for his Kari here, she lives with a guilt I pray neither of us need ever know. However, this does not mean we are without hope for the ruferalahuin. Now, if you'll excuse me I have to make a change of plans. Miss Tovan, I ask that you hold off a little longer. I have a colleague who may be able to help you."
Vulpesen started back to the front of the ship, his new stop would take quite a different turn, this time bringing them towards the planet of naboo. "And David, also remember this. To judge a person's character by their species and necessity is a harsh thing. It is far better to judge by actions and willing choices. For instance, look at her actions at the moment. She is not murderous. Quite the opposite. Even through the force, I feel no mal-content."
[member="Kari Tovan"]
[member="David Ulmer"]