Ashin Varanin
Professional Enabler

Name: The Worm of Aargonar
Designation: Sentient
Homeworld: Aargonar
Language: Conversant in dozens or hundreds
Average height of adults: 40m
Skin color: Beigeish-purple
Hair color: None
Breathes: Type 1-3; capable of extended action underwater; capable of survival in vacuum
- Very Large: The Worm of Aargonar is just plain too big to be seriously injured by most things. Class-A thermal detonators, starship-grade weapons, etc. are required to get through its skin, and its body and tentacles are sufficient to demolish pretty much anything on the ground.
- Very Smart: Originally an ancient sarlacc, the Worm of Aargonar has partaken of thousands of lives. It is immensely difficult for anyone but the worm's creators to compel it to an action it does not want to take, and that required powerful Sith magic at the time of its creation.
- Very Hungry: The Worm of Aargonar has consumed thousands, many of whom are still being digested. Being in its presence is not pleasant, generally proportional to one's Force-sensitivity.
- Sarlacc Environmental Durability: The Worm of Aargonar, like the sarlacc it once was, is capable of brief operation and extended survival in a vacuum. It can adapt to a wide variety of environments; for example, it can swim to impressive depths.
- Very Large: The Worm of Aargonar requires bulk freighter transport. Though the Worm of Aargonar has been driven to burrowing action, it finds this difficult, painful, and irritating, and generally refuses to do so in anything but sand. Its awareness of its surroundings diminishes the farther back those surroundings lie; it is easily flanked by small, fast things and has a large blind spot.
- Very Smart: The Worm of Aargonar thinks you're an idiot. It will not always obey orders it considers daft.
- Very Hungry: The Worm of Aargonar requires constant nourishment, preferably sentient, or it gets angry. This causes severe difficulties for transportation and containment between battles.
- Vulnerable Guts: The Worm of Aargonar, internally, is still functionally a sarlacc in many ways. Meals are funneled into one of twelve stomach analogues. Theoretically, something durable could survive being eaten and do serious damage to a stomach before being forcibly expelled in one direction or the other.
- Allergic to Melons: The reasons for this allergy are unknown, but the Worm of Aargonar avoids some farmlands and, indeed, grocery stores, and has been known to experience lesions or anaphylaxis when exposed to large volumes of several kinds of melons.
- Air-Breather: The Worm of Aargonar may be able to hold its breath for a very long time, but if crippled or paralyzed it will certainly sink, and that won't go well at all. It would also be vulnerable to airborne toxins in large (very large) quantities.
- Tentacles: The insides of the tentacles, and the suction cups involved, are somewhat less durable than the rest of the Worm.
Average Lifespan: Sarlaccs can live for millennia; due to the trauma of its creation, this one will probably die within decades or centuries if not killed sooner.
Races: N/A
Estimated Population: 1 (non-replicable)
Diet: Sentient carbon-based life forms
Communication: Speaks in the voices and languages of its victims, proportional to how long they've been digesting.
Culture: Comparable to a normal sarlacc, though mobility has made it more avaricious. Sarlacc culture is largely internal, a densely intertwined network of partially or wholly assimilated sapient beings. A sarlacc is, in a sense, a community; in another sense, its personality varies (with immense slowness) depending on the intelligences it absorbs, with a bias toward the first personalities assimilated. Aargonar being a world with historical Sith affiliation, the personalities most fully assimilated and most closely associated with the sarlacc itself are, in fact, Sith. This accounts for the potency of the aura of uneasiness around the Worm of Aargonar, its occasional contempt for its handlers, and the difficulty of affecting its mind.
Technology level: Tentacles are far too large to operate galactic standard technology.
General behavior: The Worm of Aargonar is very, very hungry, but fundamentally it is a sarlacc. It derives pleasure from slow torment and complete control of a given situation, and prizes patience. It does not often speak with the members of the One Sith, considering humanoids lesser beings. It is rather fond of the Nightmare Child, a recent (dumber, larger) acquaintance. When in combat, the Worm disdains most weapons, and has been known to take more damage than is healthy.
History: The Worm of Aargonar was created as an impromptu siege weapon by the Dark Lords Velok and Val'ryss Zankarr/[member="Darth Hauntruss"], during the Sith Empire's assault on Aargonar. It began life as a massive, ancient sarlacc, its physical form warped and toughened by the Dark Lords' combined alchemy and magic. Initially, its anger at the torturous method of its creation -- and at being subjugated mentally by Zankarr and Velok -- warred with appreciation of its newfound mobility. Eventually, over a long career devouring the enemies of the Sith Empire, the Lords of Shadow, the Lords of the Fringe and the One Sith, the Worm embraced its new existence and reached a consensus with those who considered themselves its masters. It fought against the Republic at the Battle of O'reen and the First Battle of Metalorn. In the age of the One Sith, Zankarr brought the Worm to her cause, and it saw action at the First Battle of Alderaan.
Notable Player-Characters: The Worm of Aargonar is an NPC under the control of the Faction Administrators of the One Sith or those whom they designate, barring capture by another Major Faction or situational control by the Worm's IC creators. Only a Major Faction may 'own' the Worm of Aargonar. The Worm of Aargonar cannot be a PC.
Intent: To flesh out and define weaknesses for a being that was created a long, long time ago, and has been used many times since.