Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Would You Believe Me If I Said It Wasn't My Fault

Thyferra, Galactic Alliance Encampment
Sometime after the battle

It hurt. Not just the contusions from the crash, the lacerations from a blade, or the flesh burned away by blaster, but the fact that Cale was lying on his stomach restrained by soldiers of the alliance. The position didn't do wonders for his injuries, but it hurt more that they'd been so quick to restrain him. He wasn't sure what had given it away, but somehow the medics had identified him as Cale Gunderson, aka Darth Ventoran, Knight of the One Sith and wanted criminal. So after treating him, they'd restrained him.

He didn't necessarily blame them, his time behind a mask saw him ending many a soldier of the Alliance and their allies, it only made sense. But all the same it hurt. He'd fought and bled for them for years now, and it didn't mean a thing. He should've known it would come to this, he couldn't just recite the code, ignite a saber, and make everything right, his sins would not be so easily erased.

Cale wanted to roll over, tell the whispering soldiers the whole story, the whole truth, that he'd never been in control and that now he was free. But they'd either not believe him, or ask the same question he'd been struggling with for years now; what if it happens again? What if someone says the magic words and back on goes the mask?

He didn't have answers to those questions, and he had been to afraid to ever seek them out because he'd end up exactly how he was now. On the floor in chains, with every gun in the room trained on him. Cale reached out in the force, for one to see if any Jedi were coming to whisk him away, and for two to drone out the words of scorn of those he'd come to see as brothers and sisters in arms.

But the feeling was one sided now, wasn't it? He was a traitor to them, no better than those who'd put this world to the torch.

Then, he felt something, someone, coming close. And the force was with them.

[member="Kei Raxis"]
[member="Cale Gunderson"]
The Jedi Order had taken it's final bow. That was a difficult thought to process. He had given months, nearly a year of his time to The Jedi Order and it was finally dead. Kei knew that moping about it was useless, he knew that he needed to keep fighting in the galaxy to make a change against The Sith Empire. He knew that if he kept playing on the defense the Sith would continue to march through the galaxy. Yet he knew, yet he was aware that he couldn't make the first move as it would result in him giving into his anger, his hatred on The Sith Empire and then he would be no better than they were. He was aware that if he made the first move he'd be no better than The Sith Empire.

Thyferra had burnt.

That was the truth. Thyferra had become ever so slightly crisp as The Sith Empire marched upon it. Many innocents had been left with nothing, they had witnessed their homes and many of them had seen their futures torn away from them as Thyferra burned. Many children had died in the invasion. Kei walked through the ruined streets, rubble around his feet and dust coating his jacket and his tunic. He couldn't wear his Jedi Robes, he didn't want them ruined. He knew that he would need them in the future, when the war completely overtook the galaxy and the galaxy was forced into true darkness as the Jedi and the Sith collided.

Kei didn't know why he had visited Thyferra. He didn't know what he expected to find. Perhaps it was just confirmation that The Sith were monsters. Perhaps he wanted to see the damage that could be done by the Dark Side. Perhaps he just wanted to try and offer support, offer the medical room on The Nightshadow to those who needed it, those who didn't have a hospital any longer after the war. Perhaps he thought that just seeing the damage would give him a reason to fight, a reason to keep trying to remove the Dark Side from the galaxy. Perhaps all he wanted to was to witness first hand a battle scene after what had happened at Korriban.

Perhaps. Perhaps he just wanted to know why.
The presence was close, but Cale sensed nothing to suggest it was here for him. Always good to know he wasn't about to be run through with a lightsaber. The deep lacerations across his body made it clear he'd had his fill of being attacked with blades for the day, and getting executed would've just been rude in his opinion. Quietly he remained on his stomach, eyes forced shut as he felt it wash over him.

Pain, death, destruction, another world ravaged by the dark side. How many times had he been instrumental in such atrocities? How many innocents had died because of him? He remembered each and every single one he'd killed himself, every murder he'd been forced to watch, but he had no idea how many his inaction had doomed. Perhaps some got off easy and died right away, but he knew countless more had been enslaved, experimented on, or worse, whatever worse was.

That was all on him, and now this was too. What had he suspected? That he'd hop into his X-Wing and save the planet? That he'd blow apart every gun firing on the city, and as gratitude the alliance would forgive him? He'd been stupid, so damned stupid. His hand balled into a fist as he let himself reach out to those around him, he could sense the anguish of the wounded, the grieving for those already gone, all of it he had been powerless to stop.

In the force, Cale would radiate suffering and guilt, to find him all one would have to simply do is look.

[member="Kei Raxis"]
[member="Cale Gunderson"]
The Darkside was incredibly strong. Kei almost expected it to be that way, the fight that had occured only weeks before. He continued walking slowly, dust sticking to his jacket and coating his skin. He kicked rubble aside, listening to the dull thunk that it made. It was one of the only sounds on the planet, nothing else made a noise. The entire planet was silent, many inhabitants having died in the attack on Thyferra. The entire planet was quiet, silent. It was like the invasion had tore any single sound from the planet and left the planet with nothing but the sounds of rubble, it was dull.

There were still reports of fires burning away from the cities in the wildlands. There were reports of star ships having dug trenches in the forest outside. There were reports of entire buildings having collapsed to the streets below. There were reports of bodies lining the back streets, entire families that lay dead. Other bodies would just rot on the streets, families trying desperately to try and find the bodies and give them a proper funeral. Wives and girlfriends, husbands and boyfriends would be searching desperately for the loved ones who were caught in the masscre. It was almost distrubing, almost grim.

The force was strong. However, Kei couldn't feel the dark any longer. No, this was different. This wasn't the darkside, this was a person. A survivor, it had to be. The suvivor felt guilty over something, he felt like he was suffering. Kei began to sprint towards the sensation in the force, the suffering and pain. He continued sprinting towards the survivor, prepared to offer whatever help he could to anyone.
As [member="Kei Raxis"] would approach the man he sensed, he would come to a small Alliance field hospital, where a soldier would approach him, a hand outstretched signaling the Jedi to halt. "Dangerous prisoner ahead, One Sith fugitive. What's your business?" The Nautolan questioned, wiping away grime from beneath tired eyes, his rifle hanging at his side in the clutches of a heavily bandaged arm. The soldier was weary from it all, and if Kei simply stormed past him he probably wouldn't have done much about it.

Inside the tent Cale heard the voice of the soldier, singling it out among the sea of cries from the wounded and hushed murmurs from those capable of speaking still. So the person had sensed him, and now they would see him as a monster, something that the soldiers feared. Rightfully so, Cale thought, having known all he'd done, Cale was scared of himself too. But this soul seemed strong, he doubted the mere mention of a fugitive from the brutal empire would scare him off.

Fear wasn't the Jedi way after all.

Laying limply he let himself pull back, shutting out all the sensation the force had brought and simply lay there, racking his mind for possible outcomes of this situation. Of all the hypotheticals, he found himself hoping he'd at the very least get a chance to speak, to tell his story if it mattered anymore. It was his only chance at not spending the rest of his life in a cell, unable to atone for all he had done.
852 ABY
[member="Cale Gunderson"]

The Nautolan had stopped him in his tracks. The creature informed the young Jedi that the prisoner ahead was a former One Sith member. It was weird, the things he could feel were not Sith characteristics. It was obvious that the Nautolan was either lying or that something had changed with his prisoner that he didn't know. It was pretty obvious that something had changed with the prisoner in the force. He wasn't sure what it was, but he couldn't feel the darkside within him, he really couldn't feel the fear and the anger within the man. It was weird, how was he a One Sith fugative if the darkside hardly touched him? He couldn't figure it out.

"I'm a ugh...council member of the J.."

Council member of the Jedi Order. That was a lie wasn't it. He wasn't a member of the Jedi council, not anymore. He wasn't even a member of the Jedi Order, it was dead. He couldn't say he was a council member of the Jedi Order. He was lying, he was fully aware that if he said that he was lying. He needed access to that prisoner though, he needed to question that prisoner, question him to find out what happened to him, if he was aware of the force powers that could be accessed by the dark side of the force. He needed to know, he was almost desperate to know. It was weird, he was interested.

"I'm a member of The Silver Jedi Order. I have orders to see and transfer the prisoner to Kashyyyk"

What an incredible lie. A believable lie though.
The soldier shook his head and mumbled something about the Silver Jedi under his breath before waving [member="Kei Raxis"] along, leading the man to the tent where Cale resided. "All yours." The soldier remarked gruffly, motioning for the others to follow him out of the tent, leaving the two men alone. It had been clear to the soldiers Kei wasn't going to kill them, and frankly they didn't care what he did with their prisoner, they trusted he'd be punished based off the stereotypes surrounding the Silver Jedi Order.

"You here as an executioner? My brother might be the slightest bit vexed if you kill me. Could be wrong though." Cale remarked dryly, his voice raspy as it exited his cracked and dry throat. [member="Marek S'hadar"] didn't even know his twin lived, and while Cale was certain he would be upset if the man behind him ignited a saber and beheaded him here and now, it was more an attempt at humor than anything else. Humor had always been a defense mechanism of his. It kept situations cool that quite often would've been very hot.

And it distracted him from the fact he could be reading the man all kinds of wrong, and that maybe he did indeed have violent intent. But, if he was right perhaps he had nothing to fear. Cale had long known not to trust in rumors, the Silver Jedi were not monsters, whatever had happened on Miral had been an accident, that much he was certain of. Reckless and stupid? Certainly. But a brutal and cruel strike with no care of who it hurt? Never.

Letting his poor attempt at humor hand in the air, Cale brought himself up, first to his knees, then despite his shackles to his feet. Slowly he turned and faced Raxis, face battered with small cuts and bruises, coated in a layer of ashy grime. On the off chance he was going to die, he would at least do it on his feet.
852 ABY
[member="Cale Gunderson"]
The walk to the tent was strange. Kei was stuck in his own thoughts. He really wanted to know what was going on, why the One Sith fugative felt innocent, felt light. He didn't feel dark, he hardly felt anything. He was just greaving for whatever he had done, or whatever he had seen or whoever he had lost. It was almost weird, the man couldn't be a former One Sith member, he couldn't be a darkside user. It was really weird, it was disturbing and unnerving. It was oddly scary, unknown. Normally, Kei could judge what he walking into but this time he didn't know, he didn't have a clue what he was walking into.

He hated that.

He watched the man slowly. The prisoner made a joke about Kei being an executionor but Kei kept a straight face. Even this close there was nothing radiating from the prisoner, from the man. There was nothing light or dark radiating from him, just guilt. All that Kei could feel was guilt. It was really unnerving, Kei didn't know what he was walking into and he admitted to himself that he didn't like it. He always preferred knowing what he was walking into and right now he wasn't sure. He run his hand through his hair, using it to almost ground himself. He scanned the prisoner once again, sighing.

"Who are you?"
"Well, I've been going by Cassian Feryn, but the name you're looking for is Cale Gunderson." He replied with a sigh, his hands twisting to avoid discomfort in their binds, eyes turning to the ground in shame.

"Any report you pull up is gonna tell you I was adopted at birth by Nabooian nobles, given to the Jedi Order of the Republic at a young age and rose to the rank of Jedi Knight, and served the order with distinction. Until the invasion of Coruscant by the One Sith, where I revealed myself as a traitor and cut down my former comrades before spending years murdering hundreds of innocents at the whim of the Dark Lord."

"I'm a bit of a monster so it seems." He added, though it was clear to anyone there was more to the story. The guilt that emanated from him was deep, almost so much that one might question how the man before [member="Kei Raxis"] was capable of such things. Had he truly been Darth Venatorum? A hunter of Jedi? An enforcer of the dark who quashed rebellious souls with unflinching brutality?

The truth was yes, he had been, but he also hadn't. A small smirk and half-hearted chuckle escaped his lips as he looked up at the Jedi. "Would you believe me if I told you it wasn't my fault?"
852 ABY
[member="Cale Gunderson"]


He listened to the man speak his mind. His name was Cade Gunderson and the experienced Jedi couldn't sense any sort of deception behind the man's words. He then listened to the story as of why the men was in a prison tent, a prison camp with armed guards. He wasn't going to search the reports behind his lineage, Kei could feel the truth behind every word. The man wasn't lying about where he comne from. It didn't make sense though, he was a Jedi Knight, he was respected. It was weird, but Kei was willing to hear the man out and figure out his story, try and figure out why the man was being accused of being a member of The One Sith.

Then the story was continued.

He was a traitor. But there was no truth behind the words, just guilt. Apparently he cut down his former friends and hunted down Jedi for the Sith. There was truth behind his words, the force was giving Kei an overwheling amount of guilt however. It was weird, Kei needed to try and figure out what had happened. It was possible the man had commited mass murder but it was also possible that there was something else going on. It was possible that something deep was going on. It was a little strange, unlike anything Kei had ever heard of and the Knight studied the prisoner for a few moments, sighing.

"Would you believe me if I told you it wasn't my fault?"

That was an interesting line. That was very interesting.

"Explain? Your situation, the force tells me it's different and I can't figure out why"
"My parents? Those kindly nobles? One Sith agents, apparently had me implanted with a trigger phrase, turned me into a puppet as soon as the dark lord said a few words. After that, all I did was watch. The Dark Lord died and I was free, no clue if the words still work, say 'you have been deceived' if you feel like testing it out." He kept it short, he didn't go into detail in his account of the waking nightmare, of how he'd had to watch every pull of the trigger every swipe of the blade, desperately fighting to control so much as the twitch of a finger.

He just had to watch, a prisoner in his own body.

Then there was the question, the one he'd passed over with a joke at the end of his explanation. How could he be sure the mental programming couldn't be reactivated? That Kaine fething Zambrano couldn't utter the words for a laugh and turn Cale back into a wind up soldier, ready willing an able to slaughter. And of course, how could he be sure that the person he knew himself to be wasn't the real mask? How could he ever be sure that the monster wasn't the real him?

Cale was dangerous, and he knew it, and foolishly he'd hidden to protect himself instead of others. In part it had been to garner himself some kind of redemption, some way to ease the guilt that threatened to crush him under its weight, but it had also been simple self-preservation. Who would think to look for a One Sith fugitive among the ranks of the Alliance? The answer had apparently been no one, until Cale brought out a lightsaber and started swinging.

Having said all he could will himself to say, he simply looked unto [member="Kei Raxis"] with grief in his eyes.
[member="Cale Gunderson"]
That made some sense.

That explained most things. It explained why Kei couldn't feel the energy of the dark radiating from the prisoner. It explained most things. Kei almost wanted to study this man, he almost wanted to study Cale and learn from him. He wanted to almost use Cale as an experiment, he wanted to figure out what had been done to this man to break him. Kei knew however that if he started trying to figure out what had happened there was a chance he could do yet more damage to the man, break the man. Kei needed a Jedi Master to figure out what had happened, to try and free the man in front of him from the trap that he was caught in.

The Jedi Order was dead. Yet The Silver Jedi Order was not.

No, Kei refused. His own run in's with The Silver Jedi Order had been none too pleasent. The last time he'd served with them they'd basically blown him up. He hated them and he refused to forgive them. He looked down to the man and shook his head. He couldn't leave the man here, he was a prisoner when he'd really done nothing wrong. He needed a master to try and penetrate the man's mind, try and figure out what had happened and to try and reserve whatever had been done to the man, free him from the grasp of the Dark Side. He needed to free him and then perhaps Kei could use him to learn from, to study.

He pulled out a comlink, and sigh.

"This is Captain Kei Raxis for The Nightshadow. Send a shuttle down to my location and prepare a jump to the Wookie Homeworld of Kashyyyk"

He turned to the prisoner, sighing slowly.

"Get whatever you need from this tent. I told the guard on the door that I was a member of The Silver Jedi, ordered to come and transport you to their facilities. I may as well make it look like that is what is happening. What is actually happening is that we're going to Kashyyyk to try and free you from whatever the feth these guys did to you"
"All I need is the clothes on my back, they smashed my saber anyway. I'm ready to move." Cale replied. He knew there was the New Jedi Order in the ranks of the Alliance, and he knew he intended to make himself a part of it, but for now he had to make sure he was fit to do so. In the Silver Jedi perhaps a master would be able to heal him, his brother perhaps could be there, but Marek was a fighter, and like Cale the mental aspects of the force had always been largely beyond him, but surely among the healers and mentalists of the Jedi on Kashyyyk, someone could reach in and be sure he was free.

Or undo the last of his chains if he was not.

[member="Kei Raxis"] wasn't with the Silver Order going off what he'd just told him, but Cale could deal with him lying to the Alliance soldiers, he'd been doing the same thing for far too long, what was a little more? The man simply gave Kei a curt nod, assuring him that he was ready to go. Cale of course would keep his head low when they began to walk, he was still a prisoner yes, but even more important was that he looked the part so that the weary soldiers didn't feel they had to prepare for another fight.

It was funny. Even after they arrested him and disregarded all he'd done, he was more concerned about the soldiers being forced to get up from nursing their wounded then he was about getting shot by one of them. Typical Jedi he supposed. That was what he'd been once before, and perhaps one day again.
[member="Cale Gunderson"]
Kei had lied to get in and he no issues lying to get out again. The shuttle would be landing just outside the camp, they just needed to get there. He stood behind Cade as the duo walked from the tent, keeping his elbow against his spine but applying very little actual pressure. The guards would need to be fooled for this to work so Kei at least needed to pretend the story he had told was true. His lightsaber was visible as was his blaster so he was hoping that the guard would buy his story. If not, at least Kei had weapons to hand although he wouldn't use them. Aim to stun and disorinante, not kill.

The guard stopped him, of course. Kei expected it, walking out without any effort was too much to ask for. Kei let the guard ask his questions and he answered them as truthfully as he could. Honestly, Kei was used to talking his way out of things, it came with the job when you were a smuggler. He'd had enough practice before his family had drawn him to the force, the lightside of the force specifically. His family had him fighting against the dark, trying to right the galaxy and get rid of the dark. Kei knew that he didn't need that anymore, he knew that he didn't need to get rid of the dark. Just limit it's power.

The shuttle door opened once the duo arrived and Kei lead them on board. The pilots nodded to Kei who nodded back to the duo. Then they were off, they were enroute back to The Nightsahadow. The Peregrene-class Freighter had served him well for a year, it had been his main mode of transport and the crew were incredible. They managed to keep the ship in top condition which considering that they were former slaves was an achievement in it's own rights.

"That was fun"
"Hardly the word I'd use, but I suppose it comes with the difference in situation." Cale remarked as he came aboard the shuttle. It wasn't the immaculate vessel of some boisterous Jedi missionary, it was practical, and he sensed the main vessel would be much the same. As for the crew, he could sense something in them, a sense of freedom one didn't often feel unless they had been denied it for so long. He suspected they were either former slaves, or freed prisoners of the dark side's forces.

As they lifted away, Cale could not help but feel some relief to be away from the burning world which screamed of death and was lifted out into the void of infinite space and possibility. Among the stars they would find the cure to his ailment, free him of his chains so that he could finally serve the light once more. He tried not to get ahead of himself, he had to slow down, but thoughts of returning to the Alliance, flying with the legendary Rogue Squadron, and fighting back against the dark without fear of turning swirled in his head.

Even as his legs began to wobble, and eventually give out, leaving him slowly sliding down the wall of the shuttle, a confident smirk adorned his face. He would beat this. He would become stronger than what they had made him be, and he would give all he had to smash the dark into oblivion. [member="Kei Raxis"], was offering him a chance, the likes of which he had prayed for, and he had no intent of wasting it.
[member="Cale Gunderson"] | [member="Arisa Yun[/FONT][/SIZE][FONT='courier new']e"]

The Peregrine-class Frigate took up the majority of the viewport on the front of the shuttle. The two pilots slowed down to allow Cade the chance to admire the ship for a few moments before they began to guide the shuttle into the hanger bay. Two fighters were docking as the shuttle came into the bay, obviously having just run a practice flight before the ship jumped to lightspeed. The shuttle shuddered as it touched down and as deck crew sprinted around to secure it and tie it down before the launch to lightspeed. The shuttle door opened, revealing pilots, captain and passanger.

"Captain to bridge, are we ready to go?"

The ships intercom carried his voice throughout the ship. Eventually the bridge would bother to listen and reply, then they'd be gone. There was a good few hours between Thyferra and Kashyyyk so there was enough time to meditate upon the force, think and focus. The force would guide Kei through this, the force would guide him, keep him from punching a member of The Silver Jedi Order in the teeth and the face. It was weird to feel such pent up anger towards the Jedi. It wasn't anger though, Kei knew that. It was annoyance more than anything.

"Make the jump. I'm coming up to the bridge"

He turned to look at his new passanger.

"Let's go"
As members of the crew helped Cale to his feet, the formerly enslaved Jedi followed after [member="Kei Raxis"], sensing some sort of frustration in him. The Silver Jedi weren't his favorite people if he was understanding correctly, but the only member of his family to never betray him stood among their ranks, and he trusted in their mentalists to break the hold of the dark side once and for all over him. Hopefully Raxis understood that, or at least appreciated how desperately Cale needed to be treated. Despite the nigh impossibility of it, no one wanted even the smallest chance that their passenger could snap and become a Jedi slaying monster at the uttering of a few words.

"I suppose we'll see if I'm a lost cause soon enough." He remarked callously. Even now he doubted he'd receive more than a nice cell, perhaps he'd be allowed to roam the temple grounds under guard, but a prison was a prison, and that was all he saw in his future. Doubt clouded his mind to anything but the foregone conclusion that the Dark Lord who'd kept the most dangerous Sith of their time at his will for years had ensured that whatever darkness that had controlled him was far too powerful to ever be erased.

Yet, among his doubts there was the smallest spark of hope, a flicker of chance, that he might one day again stand against the dark side uninhibited by fear and perhaps even guilt. He clung to that like a child did a blanket, keeping it close to his heart and away from the swirling misery that filled his mind. Cale looked around at the crew as they jumped into hyperspace, and prayed that he had not played any part in the sorrows of their past as he had so many others.

His guilt was already more than he could bear, and he needed to get to the Jedi soon, before it broke him

[member="Jyoti Nooran"] | [member="Valae Kitra"]​
[member="Cale Gunderson"]
The door slid open with ease, revealing the bridge to their guest. It was a smaller bridge but it was a hub of activity, crew members running around trying to complete tasks that they had been set while the ship shot through the stars at the speed of the light. The first officer turned to face the captain as people began to rise although Kei stopped them as he stepped out. It was habit he had yet to break out of them, he didn't enjoy it.

He stood, arms behind his back. His gaze drifted to the streaking stars, planets and systems flying past them stupidly fast. The first officer stood besides him and he had to assume that their guest had fallen in on his left. The two main pilots were working hard, both focused on not crashing into a planet. Space, it was really very big so how people accidently crashed into planets, Kei would never understand.

"Let's try and raise Kashyyyk on the coms system before we bring a battle ship into their orbit. Anyone got an ETA on our arrival?"

Thirteen hours. Plenty of time. Cade was the priority, the male Jedi was a prisoner only an hour ago. He probably hadn't had a decent meal in months and so Kei wanted to rectify that. He also felt it fair to get the ships medical team to give him a basical medical just to make sure he was surviving physically. Then, and only then would Cale be free to shower and nap.

"Michael, get our guest to his own room and get the chef to knock him up a decent meal. Get the docs to give him a once over once he's fed"
They gave him food with a strange look in their eyes, as if he had been starved prior, as if he'd been a prisoner of the Alliance all this time. He hadn't been. His tattered flightsuit had been spotless a day ago, he'd been Lieutenant Cassian Feryn, Cyan 4, flight leader, ace pilot and veteran of Kaeshena plus another dozen engagements. Then he'd gotten reckless when the Sith came, gone off alone and been shot down, then took on a platoon of Sith Airborne alone with nothing but a blaster, the force, and his blade. It had been a long day to say the least, and it was one he was glad was over.

[member="Kei Raxis"] was on the bridge he assumed, making arrangements for landing while proper treatment was given to his lacerations, contusions, sprains and breaks. They numbed him to the pain as he was too exhausted to call on the force to do it, and they were kind to him in spite of knowing who he was, what he'd done. They believed him, Cale could hardly believe it but he was surrounded by people who believed him.

"Could-d I assk a favor?" He mumbled, sedatives slurring his speech as he looked to one of Kei's crew members.

"Of course." Responded the man earnestly.

Cale took a deep breath and sighed, it was something he needed to happen before they reached Kashyyyk. "Can y-you tell-l the Ca-ap' the tell my brother-r I am alive?" The Jedi managed, his eyes growing heavy in the cot they'd set him up on, fighting to stay open as the sedatives melded with the exhaustion he'd staved off for so long and prepared to put him out cold.

"Consider it done." The man replied, leaving at once and making his way to Raxis. "Sir, the man has asked that you let his brother know that he is alive? I assume he must've said something to you about it but I can check his wanted listing to see if it has relatives on there if not." The crew member said, oblivious to the fact Cale's brother was in fact a Jedi Master in the ranks of the Silver Jedi, and had all but given up the last bit of hope and accepted his brother's death.

[member="Ronin Wendigo"]


Well-Known Member
[member="Cale Gunderson"] | [member="Kei Raxis"]

So it was that after the setting of the sun and most if not all the ship had been accounted for that the day crew began to file out and the few odd number of night crew began arriving. As all seem been relatively quite enough that one the head supervising Jedi assigned to oversee their mostly newly constructed expanded hangar decide to go. And seeing pass by Ronin as he works on his ship turn him as he assigns him to keep an eye on things add later on a brief quip before heading out. To which he agreed to before finish up and take a quick walk over to the main control room where he had barely been in long. When a message came thru one which requested landing clearance along with a mention of some prisoner transfer which after double checking the log he was told there was no mention of. Thought check on further they were able to verify the ship security code along with the Jedi accompanies the said prisoner as being as having clearly verified. Which for a moment made him ponder given the current situation at hand facing the Jedi and Silver. Steam mostly to the ongoing relentless threat of the Sith encounter or incident made all present somewhat suspicious at the very least reluctant to act. Without seem no time lose as the ship would have been inbound any second he'd decide to act and had given the go-ahead to grant said ship safe passage but directed the crew divert them to one the more secure side hangar. One that furthers from the bulk of the fleet station there at the time as a precaution. If whatever happens then at the same time sending word and gain temporary clearance from one the Master from the council to proceed.

It was then with all was said and done he turns to head off the hangar along with a small security crew which was mainly for precaution rather than anything else. But then just as he stepped out the door that an added request came in regarding a message directed at the said prisoner brother which in the midst of it all. Had simply been left unanswered for now and instead was directed to be so once the ship landed by the assigned Jedi meet them. That of Jedi Knight Ronin Wendigo...

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