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Would You Rather?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Here..take this one first as it came out of the oven like 20 minutes ago. :)


Ooh, the other batch is done! :D
Just give it a minute so they won't burn your mouth. .. *takes out the cookie tray out of the oven*

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
lol..just noticed; are we the only one playing this game now. Weird. It's not like somebody cut the cheese or something...

Like, would you wish more peeps would play or it's fine as it is right now?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Ooh that depends.
I love grilled cheese sandwiches and some melted cheese pasta casseroles. But also some good hard cheeses in like an antipasto platter mix...with some good red wine... Hmm...

Prime rib roast or turkey for a special holiday dinner?
If someone makes it for me, sure! Both! But... thats not likely to hapen (unless my couzin jumps in, but she has her own family, so unles bf and me get invited, not going to hapen), so il probably order something. Chicken shish-kebab and pomm-fries, probably, and some lettus or mixed. And lots of pineaple juice, as always, of corse. Not that i celebrate Xmas aniway, so it dont mater. Just like any normal day for me.

if things wer open, we wuld go to a fancy restorant for dinner, but nothing vorks on Xmas day, so thats a no-go. Good thing the place i tend to order food from doez actualy work half a day on Xmas (in the morning), so il be able to order and prezerve it for dinner, or we wuld just make some simple natur-steaks and fries at home. Thats about the best eiter of us can do our-selvs. Some pudding/cake maby, after, but the last time i tryed to make one, it didnt end that wel (it vas stil edible, but... meh... half burnd out). At least i can make pancakes prety good, so thats my go-to thing to make, in adition to steaks/fries. Some insta-soup for apetizer, and we'r set.

But yea, if i wer invited to eiter of it... id prefer a turkey.

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Wow... now I feel so sad.
Well, as long as you are with the person you love and both are happy on that day, it's all that really matters.
I was brought up on traditions and X-Mas is one of my very favorites. Hence I'll mostly be off line after today (last day at work for me) till Jan 2nd.
I always save some vacation days to take off a week or more during X-mas. About 1/6 of my year is centered around X-Mas I think. It's when I start planning/preparing for the season... Nov 1st. lol

Paper cups or styrofoam cups? Yea, I!
Sorry, I couldn't think of anything else at this moment. :(
Not sure love is the right vord. I like haveing him around, and he likes me around. I care about him and he doez me. But i dont realy belive in love. As for Xmas, i have a very low opinion of the holiday it-self, since its basicly a stolen and re-branded Pagan holiday (vhich describes 90% of all Xian holidays in fact). I know kuite a bit about ansient pagan religions, and even konsider myself a praktitioner, to a degree.

But as a day on vhich i get invited to awesome dinners - yea, it vorks for me :p


metal or plastic?
Rough huh? *cracks knuckles* Thats my speciality dear! COME HERE AND SUBMIT! XOXO

Aniway... cats. By far.

And im alergic to dog hairs, even if i liked them, vhich i dont. I had a very bad expirience vith a certain dog as a kid (as in, it jumped on me and pined me down, growling at my throat). These days, any time a dog gets near me, i hav to fight the urge to kick it. Thats how much i dis-like them near me. And the feeling is mutual. Animals can sense vhen a person dont like them, and they reakt acordingly. I never met a cat that didnt like me. And i never met a dog that liked me.

Bananas or apples?
Vhat is it with you chiss, alvays looking for higher motivation vhere there is none? :p

...strength. I used to think finesse can beat it, vhen i vas younger, but expirience has teached me othervise. All the finesse in the world dont help vhen the other guy is stronger and has u kornered. Solution - get stronger then the other guy!

That sayed, this is a nicely trick kuestion. Idealy, haveing both is best. But if its a "this or that" kind of choise - i wuld always pick strength over finesse. More relyable.

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