oh sure... then id be pink AND bloated red in the nose from alergy (alergic to wool). And sneezing evry 3 seconds, AND haveing a totaly pluged nose. Great idea
Me and pink... no. Red - yeaaa. Violet - yeaaa. Purple - yeaaaaaaaa! Black - YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! But PINK?! That is just the color to pick for ppl not to take u seriusly. And in my country, especialy if ur a woman, and MOST especialy one in my line(s) of vork, being taken seriusly is important. And
pink isnt exacly a color id pick to make the kind of impresion i want to make. Black/brown/blue/purple/some dark-red or blood-red... thoze are my colors.
I like a nice thick winter coat, vhen its cold. Or just a thick wind-jacket. Stylish, too!
Flowing hair or a pony-tail/bun?