Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Would You Rather?

actualy i like hi-tops more. Beter ankle suport. And sicne i do alot of jogging, on un-even ground in the forest, it sure helps. And if i need to kick someone, it stabilyzes my toe more, leting me deliver more force in a impact.

Ofc, my favorites are Martens shoes. Thoze things are sturdy, solid, look good... and can be a LETHAL weapon ;)

...stupid. Id rather be stupid then wear PINK. Ewwwwwwwww....

Red or vhite roses?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Hmm....I'd say it would have to be red, as I always envision roses to be red when they pop into my head.

You don't like wearing pink at all? Really?..??
How about a pink wool sweater then? It's warm and stylish too. :D
...or would you rather go out all day in the cold of Winter in a light tee-shirt? :p
oh sure... then id be pink AND bloated red in the nose from alergy (alergic to wool). And sneezing evry 3 seconds, AND haveing a totaly pluged nose. Great idea :p

Me and pink... no. Red - yeaaa. Violet - yeaaa. Purple - yeaaaaaaaa! Black - YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! But PINK?! That is just the color to pick for ppl not to take u seriusly. And in my country, especialy if ur a woman, and MOST especialy one in my line(s) of vork, being taken seriusly is important. And pink isnt exacly a color id pick to make the kind of impresion i want to make. Black/brown/blue/purple/some dark-red or blood-red... thoze are my colors.

I like a nice thick winter coat, vhen its cold. Or just a thick wind-jacket. Stylish, too!

Flowing hair or a pony-tail/bun?
I dont realy notice the diferences that much. i just like to rekognize the painting as something... wel, reazonable, not a bunch of sploches and lines on the canvas, that pass for "paintings" today. "Abstrakt" art my ass. I culd get my couzins anoying 11 yr old kid to paint a beter pic then that XD, just by promising him some super-cool prezent next B-day.

The fact that some ppl pay a fortune for that kind of "art" just bogles the mind. srsly, you can barf on a canvas, and some weirdo half-way around the world wil see that as art :p

Aniway... rushed-walking, or nice, slow, cauzal stride?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
I kinda walk a bit on the fast side anyway. But love to walk in the park with my Yorkie (Yorkshire dog) Ellie. Not too keen on power walks or running.

walk the neighborhood or park?
Rafting. I dont like thoze narow flimzy canos, especialy on a fast river. If it wer a stil-water or something, like a lake, then yea. But on a river - rafts FTW.

Geting punched hard in the face, or the gut?

Marina DeVoe

Not a flight attendant... just a risk.
Uhm.... how about a cookie instead?..?? :huh:

I'm like in the middle of baking them for the 'Ultimate Spam' thread anyway. You could have one from the first batch, right out of the oven! What do you say?!

They're chocolate chip.... :D

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