Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Wrong Place, Right Time

There was nothing around them, he and Khusrasol were out in the middle of nowhere deep space, just drifting and conversing. He didn't know why he was having so many problems in his decisions. Khusrasol, his newest partner in this weird journey of theirs, was doing her best to help, though it was quite difficult.

What is it that you want to do, Raphael?

"That's... the problem, I don't know. I...want to learn more of this force stuf... How to control it better..."

Why, then, do you avoid the jedi? They are wonderful teachers, and my kind have good memories and stories of them.

"...I don't know why I avoid them. I... Maybe I just..." He groaned in what served as the cockpit. "I just don't know."

I can sense that you want to, but your own perception of yourself blocks your attempts. Why?

"Why do you always ask me "why"? Why can't I just be...conflicted because of myself?"

Because, as you often tell me, it does not help your situation, nor will it make you feel better.

"I--" He stopped, looking off into the distance, through Khusrasol's eyes. "...You felt that."


"'s...probably dangerous."

Undoubtedly. And you told me that you've made mistakes going to things like this.

"Well... We should still go. We should regardless. It doesn't matter. What if someone's in trouble?" Khusrasol turned, slowly, very slowly, but she turned regardless and the two of them hurtled through space. Hyperspace passed, shadows of planets passed them, until they finally arrived at a planet, a planet that appeared almost black in the Force. That was when it happened. It pulsed and the two of them suddenly came out of hyperspace. "...that's the planet. Should... we..."

Let us stay here for now... Let us feel it and see what comes to us. What voice reaches our ears.
Onrai Onrai
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Kinoss was a system relatively isolated in Maw space, more so given the particular reluctance and uninvolvement of Onrai in the politicking of the Maw. It was one of the most heavily defended locations in the entire galaxy, given the density of fleet assets that stood watch over it. Any galactic power foolish enough to try and assault it would need to engage in a sustained conflict that would result in large-scale genocide of the new inhabitants.

So they weren’t particularly bothered by a ship suddenly coming out of hyperspace at a vector that was… irregular to say the least.

A large warship about the size of a Star Destroyer soon jumped in, a tractor beam soon pulling the ship into its hangar. The hangar was filled with what were unmistakeable Sith-Imperial armored and uniformed men and women, though their uniforms and armor were not exactly the pristine and prestigious materials they had once been. A knock on the exterior door of the craft indicated that someone wanted them to come out. Perhaps it was a wise move to do so.

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade
It wasn't until they'd been floating int he system for a few minutes that Raphael suddenly had a very bad feeling. Which, of course, was exactly when multiple enormous starships, warships, began to make themselves known and he swore inwardly. Of course this place was part of their territory.


What is it?

"The Maw. A faction of darkside worshippers and zealots. Their armor and weapons look like they're just falling apart. It's like their gear is held together by something...otherworldly... You saw it in my memories before."

Ah. So we have come to a bad part of space, you mean?

"Yeah and, unfortunately, we're not gonna be able to jump back into hyperspace fast enough to get away from this. Even with how quick your hyperdrive activates."

Suddenly they began to move forward slowly. Both of them knew without even having to communicate it: Tractor beam from an enormous Star Destroyer like ship. They started moving into it being pulled into the belly of the beast and Raphael removed the milky white kyber from his pocket and put it in the connecting membrane. "That'll keep you safe from the influence most likely on this ship."

There was a moment of silence, as Khusrasol was pulled into the ship. The membranous tissue that allowed Raphael to pilot began to retreat and he stretched, readying himself to get out.

Be careful. Resistance to the darkside, does not mean immunity.

"I know."

THUNK-THUNK-THUNK. The sound of a knock on the calcareous cockpit signalled that Raphael needed to get out of Khusrasol and with a hiss, the bone cockpit opened and Raphael hopped out. landing on the durasteel floor and holding his hands crossed behind his head. "I come in peace and mean no harm to any of you." This was the second time that something like this had happened. He just wondered what commander he'd run into this time. It was strange. There were more warships than he'd have thought for defense.
Onrai Onrai
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
A fair-haired woman stood there in black robes with a relatively neutral yet non-hostile look on her face, flanked by a pair of soldiers in red armor that seemed surprisingly better kept than that of others in the hangar. "We have no reason to harm you unless you choose to engage in some ill will." She said, pondering for a bit. "I am Onrai, Queen of the Stars and ruler of Kinoss. Your arrival was most irregular - was there perhaps a reason you came to this system, or was it truly nothing more than the whims of the universe?"

Perhaps there was more that could be done with this new arrival.

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade
The moment that the woman approached and introduced herself, Raphael stopped lightly in his tracks. Well, that was a shock. A queen? Rather, a ruler of a planet? He stopped for a brief second. "I'm not going to engage in ill will, of that I can promise you. First of all, you've not done me any such thing and secondly, I was raised to be respectful towards a host." Khusrasol was calm, for the time being, but he didn't know how long she would want to stay calm. She wasn't a normal ship, after all.

"Well, your highness, I do apologize for intruding upon your system. My reason for being here will no doubt sound peculiar. I am a man possessed of learning as much as I can and my travails tend to bring me out to the Unknown Regions. Rarely am I disappointed in such journeys, either." He paused for a moment and exhaled. "As for my particular reason this time, I felt something and thought to come check it out. I've seen it far too often and tend to come out to help protect the Outer Rim from pirates and slavers, typically. As I said, though, I am a big fan of learning. Which is more or less why I wound up out here."
Onrai Onrai
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
"Your highness?" She laughed. "Queen of the Stars is more a flowing title than a supposition of royalty. I merely rule the dominion I now possess. If you 'felt something,' as you said, then perhaps you have come to seek the enlightenment of universal truth." her look, once pleasant, became much grimmer. "I warn you - if this is truly the reason you have come to this world, to understand that which few in the galaxy have been able to achieve, then know that what you will learn will affect you in ways you may not like. Few are able to stomach the bare truth and fewer still emerge from it as they once were."

After all, he was nothing like Tu'teggacha Tu'teggacha , and the Ebruchi had barely kept himself together.

Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade
Raphael stretched feeling, once more, just a little bit out of place; it was basically like that time when he ran into Kyrel Ren. She was being fairly kind, for the group that he'd found her with. Kinoss... He'd remember the name of the system, he hoped.

"The Force did, indeed, lead me to this system, though it didn't give a specific reason. I would argue that this is a reason that I would be brought out here." He took a breath and she would be able to feel the difference in the Force gathering, as the light suddenly surrounded him, like a small candle in a dark place. "That's a risk that we sometimes have to take. I'm more than happy to learn. Sometimes learning is the important thing. I will at least make the attempt."
Onrai Onrai
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
“Very well.”

Onrai reached within her robes and withdrew a glistening gemstone of half-Amber and half-purple coloration - the reconstituted Sunstar-Shadowstone she had reformed all those years ago from the shards within the skeletal remains of Griagh. She reminded herself of a need to travel to Endor and recover the remains for future use sometime down the line. But for now, the artifact that allowed her to punch between the barriers of realspace and Otherspace would serve its purpose once more. The gem was raised and a new temporary rift was torn open in the hangar bay. Onrai’s hand raised and motioned for Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade to follow her into the rift.

“We have such sights to see.” She said.

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