Raphael Gallustrade
Well-Known Member
There was nothing around them, he and Khusrasol were out in the middle of nowhere deep space, just drifting and conversing. He didn't know why he was having so many problems in his decisions. Khusrasol, his newest partner in this weird journey of theirs, was doing her best to help, though it was quite difficult.
What is it that you want to do, Raphael?
"That's... the problem, I don't know. I...want to learn more of this force stuf... How to control it better..."
Why, then, do you avoid the jedi? They are wonderful teachers, and my kind have good memories and stories of them.
"...I don't know why I avoid them. I... Maybe I just..." He groaned in what served as the cockpit. "I just don't know."
I can sense that you want to, but your own perception of yourself blocks your attempts. Why?
"Why do you always ask me "why"? Why can't I just be...conflicted because of myself?"
Because, as you often tell me, it does not help your situation, nor will it make you feel better.
"I--" He stopped, looking off into the distance, through Khusrasol's eyes. "...You felt that."
"...it's...probably dangerous."
Undoubtedly. And you told me that you've made mistakes going to things like this.
"Well... We should still go. We should regardless. It doesn't matter. What if someone's in trouble?" Khusrasol turned, slowly, very slowly, but she turned regardless and the two of them hurtled through space. Hyperspace passed, shadows of planets passed them, until they finally arrived at a planet, a planet that appeared almost black in the Force. That was when it happened. It pulsed and the two of them suddenly came out of hyperspace. "...that's the planet. Should... we..."
Let us stay here for now... Let us feel it and see what comes to us. What voice reaches our ears.
What is it that you want to do, Raphael?
"That's... the problem, I don't know. I...want to learn more of this force stuf... How to control it better..."
Why, then, do you avoid the jedi? They are wonderful teachers, and my kind have good memories and stories of them.
"...I don't know why I avoid them. I... Maybe I just..." He groaned in what served as the cockpit. "I just don't know."
I can sense that you want to, but your own perception of yourself blocks your attempts. Why?
"Why do you always ask me "why"? Why can't I just be...conflicted because of myself?"
Because, as you often tell me, it does not help your situation, nor will it make you feel better.
"I--" He stopped, looking off into the distance, through Khusrasol's eyes. "...You felt that."
"...it's...probably dangerous."
Undoubtedly. And you told me that you've made mistakes going to things like this.
"Well... We should still go. We should regardless. It doesn't matter. What if someone's in trouble?" Khusrasol turned, slowly, very slowly, but she turned regardless and the two of them hurtled through space. Hyperspace passed, shadows of planets passed them, until they finally arrived at a planet, a planet that appeared almost black in the Force. That was when it happened. It pulsed and the two of them suddenly came out of hyperspace. "...that's the planet. Should... we..."
Let us stay here for now... Let us feel it and see what comes to us. What voice reaches our ears.