Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ye of Little Faith [Consuption of Valley of the Jedi]

Rage addressed the forgotten sith spirits of the valley. It had not been Rage's doing that had summoned these beings, but the sheer power that had been brought to this place. It gave them an ethereal form and they wandered aimlessly. Until Audroti reached out to them. Now they came to his call. He offered them a way out. A chance to finally free themselves from the mind bombs grasp. A redeemer of sorts. Not how a Sith would usually act, but someone had to protect the valley.

So rage beckoned to the spirits and hundreds answered. Salvation, redeemer, and savior they moaned. Rage hated it. He wish he could bind them all to his power, but he was not so mighty. He addressed the spirits and withdrew his lightsaber. "Redemption awaits! Charge the enemy! Cut them down!" He roared and the spirits charged the enemy lines with a zeal they had not even known in life. For now, now they fought for more. For freedom, for the light. So, they attacked and while they did Rage prepared to charge forth himself.

But, suddenly he was approached by yet another spirit. Where the ones before were grey and bleak this one was black as night. Rage felt the power seeping from every pore in the spirits being. Rage basked in it, bathed in the sheer weight of its strength. It was too much for Rage’s Kyber Heart. It began to glow bright, burning the skin that had grown over it. “GRAGH!” Rage cried out in pain. His Heart began spouting light in every direction. It was still to unstable, Rage hadn't mastered the alchemical arts yet.

Rages Heart was the flame and Dredge was the gas. Pure force energy, funneled from the nexus, refined by Rages Heart. He needed to release it before he ended himself. Yellow lightning began to arc its way across Rages arms. He couldn't hold it much longer, but a peculiar thing happened. All of the good being done… All the redemption… Had swayed the Sith’s Kyber heart with pure light sided energy. As one after another of the Sith spirits died protecting the valley, turning to the light. The light side grew stronger here and so to did Rage's heart sway.

It was time. Rage unleashed a terribly powerful blast of force light. Unleashing the charges of light side energy the crystal had been picking up and fired it all right at Dredge.


[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]
[member="Butch Mahan"]

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
As chaos increased down below, firepower increased from above. Volley fire had broken, and now pikemen and ranged infantry shot rapidly at that valley below, attempting to subdue their mystically growing opponents. By now, Mahan knew things were getting out of control, but his job wasn't finished, not yet. Mahan turned from the ledge and shouted his next orders, "Explosive tenders, prepare barrage!" Amidst the soldiers, the explosive tenders slowly moved forward, dust getting picked up by the hover thrusters. The varlets followed closely behind, weapons sheathed, leading the lorries filled with the explosive charges required for the tenders.

The tenders lurched as they stopped at the edge of the chasm, the thrusters slowly extinguished, setting the artillery pieces down on the ground. The locks extended from the hull and drove into the ground, bolting the tenders to the ground. The rails on each tender slowly tilted backwards, allowing the varlets to load a single charge on each. It took five per, the charges were the size of a incubator pod, carefully placing them on the rail. As the charges were secured, the rails inclined into position, angling their payload towards the nexus. The artillery Archdominus rushed over to Mahan, "Orders?" Mahan griped his side arm, "Commence firing on the infidelic nexus." The archdominus sprinted back to his position, repeating what his superior had just told him, and suddenly, added to the noise of the already thunderous battle, was the iconic whine of the explosive tender rail.

[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]
[member="Darth Rage"]
Dredge's Sith spirit was cut down by the Greycloaks in the blink of an eye, but not from what HK had assumed was basic plasma. No the Kyber Crystals in the sabers so attuned to the nexus powered the force through the blades so that even in the hands of soulless machines some form of force energy was present. But even in tiny little pieces that wasn't going to stop the spirit from achieving its goal. Although destroyed in its final moments the creature projected black vomit onto a few soldiers in the front row before vanishing into nothingness and becoming void of existence.

The spray of ichor caused the pikemen to start to shake and convulse as the lines of Dredge's influence spread through their bodies for them to become little more than puppets for Dredge. Twisted and maddened smiles spread across their faces and with them they started to turn on Butch's forces in an attempt to spread their plague through the ranks.

As for where Dredge stood, he had no problems simply taking the force light. This was due to a few things the child failed to understand. Force light didn't come from a place of hatred or malice, it came from love. From purity and justice so sweet and kind that it would cleanse even the nastiest spirits like Dredge. But Darth Rage, he felt none of those things. His soul was black and his heart was dead. He had even screamed "Die!!" When he threw a power of serenity and love at Dredge. So no, all the pathetic attempt at force light did was sizzle his outer skin and didn't even register as a minor inconvenience for the entity.

"Ow." Dredge said in a flat monotone voice.

Simply stepping around the man, Dredge looked into the well of orange light that was the wellspring. With both arms extended he closed his pale white eyes and then fell backwards into it. Diving down into it at about that same moment the explosion from Butch's weapon would go off striking the wellspring.

Though it wasn't the type of explosion Butch was pulling for, no no, it was something much more sinister.


[member="Darth Rage"] [member="Butch Mahan"] [member="HK-36"] [member="Trextan Voidstalker"]
[member="Butch Mahan"][member="Dredge"]

Of course most of the Valley, including the nexus was underground in a complex cave system that made it remarkably resilient to artillery fire. It was in this cave system that Trextan's Scarred and several more squads of GADF commandos worked from.

The enemy units seemed determined to stand in lines and fire volleys, so the Alliance forces worked in small fire teams from cover to pick off enemy soldiers. sniper fire would pick off visible officers and key targets. Whilst there were several antiarmor weapons waiting for any vehicles stupid enough to head into the valley itself.

"We've got reinforcements inbound."

"Understood," Trextan called. His brow was covered in a thin sheen of sweat. Those spirits had followed some of his men into the caves and needed to be cut down swiftly. "The dark thing has reached the nexus." He could feel it's glee from here. Green smoke started to seep out through the cracks in the caves.

"Gas! Gas! Gas!" Came a cry. Soldiers started to put on masks. That was no ordinary gas, but Trextan said nothing to dissuade his men from putting on breathers. Instead he shouldered his CC13 rifle and took some shots at the soldiers looking to destroy the valley. Sandwhiched between some spirit of darkness and fanatical soldiers. Brilliant.
While the Sith Triumvirate had long dissolved, the Silver Jedi, in association with the Kiribian Systems Union, kept tabs on Ruusan to monitor for any new activity. Sith and other Dark Siders were known to frequent spots like Ruusan like buffalo at watering hole, attracted by the lure of Force nexuses or the promise of powerful artifacts.

Their presence on Ruusan was minimal, consisting of only a small network of satellites for monitoring the Ruusan and the system at large, and small cells of Silver Shadows and Kiribian Spec Ops based out of the few remaining population centers on the surface of the backwater world.

Up until today, Ruusan had been quiet, but the planet had once again become a battlefield as a monster reared its ugly head at the Valley of the Jedi, the very same that had wrecked havoc on the people of Hapes (along with the Imperial Remnant). Following its appearance, the system got pretty busy with new entrants appearing left and right.

The developments were quietly recorded and logged by satellites, and stealthy aerial drones manned by Silver and Kiribian operatives well out of harm's reach. This information would be analyzed by Hellcat as it passed through the SJO's secure network, then immediately forwarded to Arisa in the Hapes Cluster, the Watchman still present to oversee humanitarian operations in concert with the Mandalorians. As recently as six months ago, she would have never imagined herself working hand in hand with them, but the ruination of Mandalore had done much to quell past hostilities. Kiribi itself was now playing host to several thousand of them at her recommendation.

Upon receiving news of the reemergence of the Kaiju, the Watchman was quick to rally a strike team for a trip to Ruusan, speeding there with the aid of real-time astronavigation. She was still far off from perfecting her technique, but all these crises springing up across the galaxy made for good practice. Nowadays she was only left with small headaches at the end of each voyage, which was easily cured with a cup of sapir tea.

The first time around, the Kaiju had caught her and the rest of the Jedi with her off guard, but this time she was coming in prepared. During her stay in the Cluster, she had brought in several countermeasures from Voss to help keep the Hapans safe from a repeat attack, some of the equipment modified by the engineer personally to deal with a Dark Side entity on a large scale. She was no uber-powerful Jedi that could move mountains or star destroyers, but she knew her tech. Hopefully, it would be enough, or Bendu help them.

[member="Dredge"] [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Butch Mahan"] [member="Darth Rage"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="HK-36"]

((It'll be a little while before I arrive, maybe after a couple more cycles of posting by others. Until then, I may have my ground teams poke around the Valley and offer assistance to get into the action.))

Silara Varis

[member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Butch Mahan"] [member="Dredge"]

Ship: GAS Resolute Vengeance

She was not so far off station. Word had filtered down through Fleetcom that there was something amiss at Rusaan. Silara as in the gym again when it hit, and racked her weight,nagry at the sudden interuption as an Enisgn busted in. Normally folks gave her the courtesy of reaching her on her commlink, but the XO had sent this poor sap.


She roared, halfway through a set of squats.

"Xo Asked for you on the bridge Ma'am. Seems like it's serious!"

The Ensign was trembling, and for good reason. Silara had been known to be rather ruthless in her time. Once a Pilot, then a Spy and no a Naval Captain. Her vessel was run like a tight knit sweatshop and she liked it that way.

"Very well, give me five mikes."

She finished her set, hit the refreshers and then reported to the bridge in her crisp blue uniform.


"Captain we have GADF forces pinned down somewhere on Rusaan. We have locator beacon for them but nothing other than that." The Xo snapped. He was a good dude, loyal at least so Silara made it a point not to Kark with him too much.

"Comms we got anything on the net?"

"Negative Ma'am."

GADF units pinned down wasn't good. Whatever was going on as bigger than some dumb picket patrol on her backwater lane. It as against protocol and totally illegal for her to depart her lands without FLEETCOM authorization. But rules were one thing she'd never been big on.

"Helm plot a jump. Destination Rusan. Comms push our situation up to FLEETCOM and inform them we are leaving to respond. XO don't even question me right now."

Silara lit a death stick, in flagrant violation of the regs and drew deep. Her mind was spinning as she puffed and the it was calm. Everyone on the bridge knew way better than to question the young Captain. When she was finished she cast it to the deck, grinding it out with the heel of her boot.

"Jump plotted Ma'am."


The vessel lurched and she grabbed the railing, feeling two sensations. One was the familiar drop in her gut as they ripped into the hyperspace tunnel that would bring them in system. the other as surge of adrenaline tearing through her veins. It was on now. Time for battle!
Energy, pure and unrelenting. The light of the Nexus consumed Dredge and his darkness swam in the light of its power. Blinded by it, Dredge simply laid in it and looked up at an ever fading surface where green smoke billowed up from. All the smoke had been was his energy initially meeting with that of the nexus coupled with the energy of explosion.

"So this is what it feels like. To be helpless." Dredge said to himself as the last glimpses of moonlight were swallowed by the smoke and rubble.

There was so much power around him, such history and feeling that it almost seemed pointless to do anything. For to take this beauty and history from this place would be a crime unforgivable even for a god. So as he continued his slow sink through the wellspring, Dredge let out a long sigh of exhaustion and thought maybe surrendering himself to its power wouldn't be all that bad. He was tired, he was so damn tired of fighting and killing and perhaps people would be better off without a god or purpose. Maybe just becoming the force would be nice. Sure he'd lose his consciousness but to become the universe was something to really admire.

"Yeah, I could do that. It wouldn't be so bad, would it?" Dredge said as he looked over towards his right hand.

"I guess this is it then." Dredge said as he took one last breath of air and relaxed his fist.

Slowly it began to dissolve into the orange light, and Dredge accepted it. Spreading to his arm and then his chest, Dredge slowly dissolved into the Nexus until there was nothing left but a red core that disappeared into the light of the well.

[member="HK-36"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Darth Rage"] [member="Butch Mahan"] [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Silara Varis"]


The Iron Lord Protector (Neutral Good)
[member="Darth Rage"], [member="Dredge"], [member="Trextan Voidstalker"], [member="Butch Mahan"],

While Butch, Trextan, and the Greycloaks dealt with yet another sudden zombie army, because those are a weekly thing now, there would be a sudden flap of fabric and sound of rushing footsteps behind Rage as HK made his appearance once more, dropping his chameleon cloak behind the Sith as he dashed towards Dredge.


His lightsaber hummed as he activated the white blade, extending out from its simple hilt as it immediately gave off its aura of hope, serenity, love, the aura of the Light Side, charging faster and faster towards Dredge.

As the spirit slipped backwards to fall towards the Nexus, so did HK jumped after him, launching himself forward in a nose dive towards Dredge,


His built-in jet systems screamed out underneath his cloak to give him a boost of speed so that he could catch up to Dredge mid air and his metal hands in their strong grip thrust out with the imbued sword to attempt to pierce Dredge and stab him into what can only be described as an echo of his heart and plant that presence of the Light-side into him as the machine did with other spirits before to either eradicate or change him before Butch's artillery would trigger an explosion around them.

In those last moments, Dredge was ok with this. He was ok to go out in peace and let himself dissolve into the force. He wanted it and he accepted the finality of going out like this. He accepted that his path had lead him here and soon he'd be one with the force, but that wasn't what happened. No HK had single handedly doomed everyone by attacking and while it may have been unknowingly, he'd have to deal with it. So when HK jumped into the well of light attempting to finish Dredge he'd have a very rude awakening much his own dismay.

His saber entered the red orb that was Dredge's heart, and the nexus beginning to burn. It's form twitched and began to phase from a clear strike that had dealt what was a fatal injury. But in doing so with his saber he had slammed that broken entity into the heart of the wellspring letting its damaged form vanish into it.

At the bottom of the pit the orange light had begun to shift, it darkened slowly as it began to change into an unholy and corrupting aura that shot out into the night sky of the world. The moonlight and stars vanished and blackened skies reigned above them. But there was no dark feelings of rage or malice, no hatred or anger. There was only one feeling the clouds and aura of light brought to those beneath it.

Sadness. Crushing and depressing the weight of pure torturous despair hung low and soon rising above HK and all others in the valley was a shade of catastrophic size and shape that looked down upon all those beneath it. It's eyes now drooping and in pain it was Dredge, all powerful and all seeing, he let out a cry of pain and desperation that could chill anyone down to their bones.

"He was right. He was always right." Dredge said in reference to the words [member="Jorus Merrill"] had given to him.

"I don't want this. I don't want this..." He began to choke on his own words.

Looking up at the sky the entity held his hands up to his face and raked his claws against it. Deep bellows of sadness and cries of pain left the entity and that's all he did. He didn't try to fight HK or anyone else there. He just cried.

[member="Darth Rage"] [member="Butch Mahan"] [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Silara Varis"] [member="HK-36"]
Rage watched as his attack seemed to do minimal damage on the Sith spirit. This angered him. But, it also reminded him of his pitiful state. Even drawing on the well of three nexus and with his Kyber heart corrupted by the light. Rage had simply not been powerful enough to damage such a mighty spirit. Rage propped himself against the wall with his arm and sighed. The attack was not enough...

The spirit descended into the well of power and Rage felt something peculiar happening in the force. Dredge surrendered to it. Becoming one with everything around it. Rage scowled, it seemed a fitting end for the monstrous creature, that with all of the turning to the light it too would give into the force. It made Rage want to vomit. But, he could not complain to much for at least now the spirit was gone.

Their was still the matter of the army of zealots that had to be dealt with. Rage watched the droid plunge after the spirit and ignored it. Knowing whatever transpired next would be a terrible monster rearing its ugly head as the most powerful being in the galaxy or the droid would discover the spirit had become one with the force. Rage shrugged, he still had a battle to win. Rage left the network of caves and followed a Sith spirit to the front.

Men everywhere screamed as they were cut down by mystical beings from the other side. It seemed funny to the once great dark lord that he should be humbled by Dredge so. Reminding him just how weak he truly was. Reminding him he was nothing more than a relic now. So, it seemed fitting that he would be fighting with others out of their own time. Sith spirits who were not released by Katarn's efforts. Rage withdrew his blade from his side and entered Soresu form.

Audroti charged forward and entered the thick of the fighting. Surrounded by his ethereal brothers Rage carved a hole through the pike men. Some of the Sith spirits fell to the enemy, simply becoming one with the force. But, they were still strong and their push was mighty

[member="Butch Mahan"]

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
The varlets were quick to abandon the explosive tenders and break out into action as the rogue pikeman turned their poles onto their own army. Intense fighting broke out between the disease ridden soldiers and those loyal to the Sovereign, fighting for dominance of the ridge. Mahan drew his own sword as one of the maddened Ka'hren stormed the archviceroy, side stepping the lance, and thrusting his sword deep into the tough exterior of the humanoid warrior. Little grief was felt by Mahan as he unholstered his pistol and simultaneously shot and swung his blade against the spreading infected. Clashing with several of his own soldiers, a blade sliced his calf, creating a gash in his leg. He fell to his right knee, but kept fighting with his pistol. Mahan drove his sword into the ground, using it as a pseudo cane to help him stand up. Blood spattered across his face as a turned-varlet charged him, only to be shot at point blank range.

Around this time Mahan noticed the new addition to the chaos, a lightsaber wielding Sith pureblood. Mahan shouted with the loudest voice he could, "Kill the Sith!" pointing towards the Sith with his blaster. A squad of ranged infantry turned their fire on the force user, breaking his focus from the melee fight. Mahan continued fighting with his pistol until it overheated, throwing it at the nearest opponent. Mahan pulled his sword out of the ground and kept fighting, relying on his left foot to hold his body up. As the fight drew on, Mahan recognized the direness of the situation, but he kept on fighting. The spirits and the infected were increasing faster than the Host soldiers could kill them, but Mahan wouldn't retreat yet, he was far to proud to do so.

[member="Darth Rage"]
[member="Silara Varis"]
[member="Arisa Yune"]
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

Silara Varis

[member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Butch Mahan"] [member="Dredge"]

Ship: GAS Resolute Vengeance

There was a flash as the Frigate reverted to real space. From the catwalk she was watching the scanner screens below. The scurrying reminded her of when she was aboard her old vessel as a Spy. There'd been a scurry like this just before the battle, like ants on a hill that'd been kicked...hard.

"Helm how long till we breach orbit?" She queried.

"We have approximately five minutes, Ma'am. Orders?"

"Make it two. Chief, prepare all Mass Drivers to fire."

"Aye Ma'am."

With hands clasped behind her back they roared into the orbit of Rusaan, following the tracker beacon as the signal grew stronger. Scanners began to sweep the surface, and external cameras whirred to life, giving them an aerial view of the battlefield. Silara waved one hand upwards and then both of her hands made a splitting motion, opening up twin screens.

One showed a horde of zombie like soldiers fighting what appeared to be there own troops. another showed a droid fighting what looked for all intents and purposes like a giant dark blob.

"No comms from the team?"


"Hail all frequencies. Helm give one quarter burn, orient the nose towards that throng of soldiers down there. XO set condition one throughout the ship. Disarm all weapons safety. We're going hot!"

She lit another death stick and repositioned her free hand behind her back again, dragging deep. It was a toss up which one she wanted to ream out with her Javelin Cannons.

We have to be certain before we strike.

"This looks like a FUBAR Chief, what do you make of it?"

Chief Petty Officer Drake whirled and readjusted his PC.

"No idea Ma'am. If it was me I'd just light em all up. Can't see a single sign of our boys down there."

"I'm tempted chief, " she replied, ashing her deathstick and taking another drag. "Very tempted."
Thus far they haven't displayed hostile intent. The second they do though....
[member="Silara Varis"]

The spirits seemed to have busied themselves with the desecrators. In turn that left most of Trextan's men to reinforce the cave system and turn it into a deathtrap for either side should they claim victory and push deeper into the valley.

Trextan jogged towards the edge of the cave, rifle kept tight to his shoulder. The Force guided him as he tired twice. He downed two soldiers who had, for some reason, abandoned their weapons and charged in a craze.

His earpiece crackled as he left the cover of the rocks.

"This is Trextan Voidstalker, Jedi Justicar. It's a mess down here. Dark side spirits and unknown enemy soldiers engaged. We're trying to hold from the cave system. Have you got air cover? The enemy has been shelling the Valley."

Silara Varis

[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]

Ship: GAS Resolute Vengeance


Silence was no more as the Comms officer touched his ear and then nodded to his PO1 counterpart.

"We got something Cap'n. Sending it to speakers."

They were remarkably disciplined.

"Very well, proceed."

[["This is Trextan Voidstalker, Jedi Justicar. It's a mess down here. Dark side spirits and unknown enemy soldiers engaged. We're trying to hold from the cave system. Have you got air cover? The enemy has been shelling the Valley."]]
Silara nodded and then took another drag.

"Chief run that name against the registry, see if he is who he says he is."

She ashed the deathstick again and then flicked it to the deck, again grinding it with her boot heel. Then she grabbed the railing and leaned in watching her dual screens like a hawk.

"Checks out Cap'n. Orders?"

"Hold off. Believe me I want to rain hell down on this Valley just as bad as you Chief. Ready two Squadrons of Marines as backup. They'll have to drop pod in with the escape pods."

The situation unfolding was getting even more tense as the waves of undead fighters ripped into the location of where she thought she might have seen GADF. She couldn't be sure, and being unsure meant she would be hauled before a Court Marshall as she screwed up. Reigning in her savagery she grunted.

"Comms have them activate their locator beacon so we can track their position. Send Situation Report to FLEETCOM, and open me a channel to our Commander down there. Label TACCOM."

"Aye Cap'n."

Second later she would be ringing in Trextans ear.

"Commander Trextan, Captain Varis of GAS Resolute Venegance. I have no clear markings on combatants. Paint me a target however you can. Smoke or laser, and we'll take care of the rest. I have two Squadrons of Marines to come on station as soon as your locators are locked in."
[SIZE=11pt]Rage flowed through the enemy like water. He used minute movements of the wrist to block incoming enemy fire. The bolts rained down around him and Rage deflected them with his saber. It was apparent though that he was not the sole target. So, not every single bolt was directed at him. Though this soon changed as an order was given from a Duros.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=11pt]Multiple guns were trained on Audroti and the troopers fired. Rage deflected one bolt into a nearby trooper, he deflected another into the sky. Another was fired at Audroti from behind and his reaction time was a second to late. The las round entered Rage’s kidney area and the Sith grunted. Still he held his saber up valiantly and continued to push inwards. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]This time his target was the very Duros who had given the order. Rage cut at the nearest trooper with his saber. Slicing the man's hamstring and as the trooper fell to a knee Audroti decapitated him. The Duros was now only a mere pace away. Rage swung at the Duros horizontally, aiming to disembowel the man, but as Rage did so he was racked by a coughing fit. He spat up blood and his blade wavered for only but a moment before continuing towards the Duros.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Across the battlefield the Sith spirits continued to fight. But, their numbers were dwindling. Of the hundreds that had begun the battle very few remained. Giving into the light side and fighting for the valley seemed to free them from the mind bombs grasp. Many of them left this worldly plain as they discovered their freedom, while others were simply cut down. The spirits could not hold out against the foes superior numbers.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=11pt]Rage didn’t even know why he was fighting anymore. The nexus had been absorbed by Dredge. He sensed it in the force. Like a great well of power had been bathed in greasy oil. Still he could not abandon the spirits. So, he reasoned to fight on. If he could cut the head off the snake, then surely the body would die.[/SIZE]

[member="Butch Mahan"]

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
Mahan was slicing through one of the transparent warriors, when he saw the Comms technician approached, "Archviceory! I am receiving a transmiss-" his sentence was cut short by a pike puncturing through his chest, the soldier falling to his knees as the life drained away from his face. The diseased pikeman behind him stared at Mahan before charging at the archviceroy. The Duro prepared his sword, but was relieved when the zombie was cut down by a Solidarity ranged infantry. Whoever sent that message, wasn't receiving an answer

Mahan looked around him, the battle was still raging on quite ferociously, but his opponents were falling faster than his own soldiers. Mahan noticed the proximity of the cliff to the majority of the infected soldiers, and concocted a desperate plan to try and kill off the majority. Mahan began shouting orders to whoever could hear them, "Push! Push them off the cliff! Give them no ground to stand on!" Immediately the varlets, and eventually whatever was left of the ranged infantry and skirmish pikeman began shoving with shields, weapons, and even their arms against the zombies towards the cliff. It wouldn't stop them all, and it would have no effect on the transparent warriors, but it would sure as hell kill a damn lot of them.


Not a moment to soon did he watch [member="Darth Rage"] cut down a ranged infantry before him, swinging his blade at Mahan's abdomen. The archviceroy tried to step back and avoid the blade, but his leg blocked him from entirely avoiding the blade. A large cut opened across his stomach, cauterizing before blood could spill on his red uniform. Mahan, in return for the Sith's attack, drove his blade towards his chest, hoping to push it through the Sith pure blood's heart.

[member="Silara Varis"]
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]
It was beautiful. The nexus, the planet, the rich history and flaws that went into it. Everything about the Valley of the Jedi was so precious and worth defending, but Dredge had killed it. He had taken that beauty and bravery and distorted it into what was an ugly and corrupted farce of what it once represented. He was one with it now, and it was one with him. It's memories and power were now his own and as much as he didn't want the weight of it, he had to hold on to it. He had to bare it and make this Galaxy a place where there was no more pain, no more suffering, no one to ever have to feel the way he did within his deepened and dark sadness. Though he knew life would no longer have the magic it once had, it was a necessary sacrifice so no one else would ever feel that heartbreaking pain of meaninglessness and hurt.

So with one last cry to the heavens, Dredge looked down at the scene below him. It was a petty squabble that needed to be ended. No more would there be any pain nor death brought on by malice or hatred. No more would there be pointless fighting over factions and banners.

So from the heavens above, God spoke.


A whisper louder than any megaphone echoed through the valley, a sound loud enough to shatter ear drums and break stone upon sound itself.

"Go home. Hold your families, live your lives, be happy. God..." Dredge paused when referring himself to God. He honestly didn't know if he could even call himself that anymore.

"God commands it of you. For the next time I reach my hand down from the skies, it will be to rapture you into an existence without pain or suffering. Without violence or bloodshed, but to one of happiness and joy. Leave now. Dredge who was about the size of a Zilo Beast raised his hand towards the air above.

With a wave of his hand the dark clouds parted and the milk light of the moon and stars light the battlefield. Normally when someone who literally controls the weather asks you to do something, you normally did it. All he wanted was for everyone to stop fighting, to cease and go home. That was something Dredge couldn't do, he had no home, no family, only loneliness.

With a sigh the monster simply removed himself from the center of the empty wellspring and began to leave. Slowly dissipating from his feet upwards towards his chest, the entity would leave this world behind after getting what he had wanted.

[member="Darth Rage"] [member="Butch Mahan"] [member="Trextan Voidstalker"] [member="Arisa Yune"] [member="Silara Varis"] [member="HK-36"]

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