Darth Rage
Stone Heart
Rage addressed the forgotten sith spirits of the valley. It had not been Rage's doing that had summoned these beings, but the sheer power that had been brought to this place. It gave them an ethereal form and they wandered aimlessly. Until Audroti reached out to them. Now they came to his call. He offered them a way out. A chance to finally free themselves from the mind bombs grasp. A redeemer of sorts. Not how a Sith would usually act, but someone had to protect the valley.
So rage beckoned to the spirits and hundreds answered. Salvation, redeemer, and savior they moaned. Rage hated it. He wish he could bind them all to his power, but he was not so mighty. He addressed the spirits and withdrew his lightsaber. "Redemption awaits! Charge the enemy! Cut them down!" He roared and the spirits charged the enemy lines with a zeal they had not even known in life. For now, now they fought for more. For freedom, for the light. So, they attacked and while they did Rage prepared to charge forth himself.
But, suddenly he was approached by yet another spirit. Where the ones before were grey and bleak this one was black as night. Rage felt the power seeping from every pore in the spirits being. Rage basked in it, bathed in the sheer weight of its strength. It was too much for Rage’s Kyber Heart. It began to glow bright, burning the skin that had grown over it. “GRAGH!” Rage cried out in pain. His Heart began spouting light in every direction. It was still to unstable, Rage hadn't mastered the alchemical arts yet.
Rages Heart was the flame and Dredge was the gas. Pure force energy, funneled from the nexus, refined by Rages Heart. He needed to release it before he ended himself. Yellow lightning began to arc its way across Rages arms. He couldn't hold it much longer, but a peculiar thing happened. All of the good being done… All the redemption… Had swayed the Sith’s Kyber heart with pure light sided energy. As one after another of the Sith spirits died protecting the valley, turning to the light. The light side grew stronger here and so to did Rage's heart sway.
It was time. Rage unleashed a terribly powerful blast of force light. Unleashing the charges of light side energy the crystal had been picking up and fired it all right at Dredge.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]
[member="Butch Mahan"]
So rage beckoned to the spirits and hundreds answered. Salvation, redeemer, and savior they moaned. Rage hated it. He wish he could bind them all to his power, but he was not so mighty. He addressed the spirits and withdrew his lightsaber. "Redemption awaits! Charge the enemy! Cut them down!" He roared and the spirits charged the enemy lines with a zeal they had not even known in life. For now, now they fought for more. For freedom, for the light. So, they attacked and while they did Rage prepared to charge forth himself.
But, suddenly he was approached by yet another spirit. Where the ones before were grey and bleak this one was black as night. Rage felt the power seeping from every pore in the spirits being. Rage basked in it, bathed in the sheer weight of its strength. It was too much for Rage’s Kyber Heart. It began to glow bright, burning the skin that had grown over it. “GRAGH!” Rage cried out in pain. His Heart began spouting light in every direction. It was still to unstable, Rage hadn't mastered the alchemical arts yet.
Rages Heart was the flame and Dredge was the gas. Pure force energy, funneled from the nexus, refined by Rages Heart. He needed to release it before he ended himself. Yellow lightning began to arc its way across Rages arms. He couldn't hold it much longer, but a peculiar thing happened. All of the good being done… All the redemption… Had swayed the Sith’s Kyber heart with pure light sided energy. As one after another of the Sith spirits died protecting the valley, turning to the light. The light side grew stronger here and so to did Rage's heart sway.
It was time. Rage unleashed a terribly powerful blast of force light. Unleashing the charges of light side energy the crystal had been picking up and fired it all right at Dredge.
[member="Trextan Voidstalker"]
[member="Butch Mahan"]