Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private You Just Walk In Like You Belong

Asmus Janes Asmus Janes

"Carrrrrrreeee meeee!" Bix's squeal of laughter to Jay behind Asmus and Kaile broke the tense atmosphere held between them. Glancing over to their daughter, Kaile couldn't help but give a nervous smile. Another sigh and she returned her gaze to meet the gold-flecked green eyes of Asmus.

Her brows knitted and lips pursed. Okay, what do we have to work with? She mused, bending down at the waist to brace one palm on the console while the other brought up a small holographic map of the galaxy.

"Okay..." she began, the air coming out in a woosh of pensive rumination. " Just how far deep into Sith Space are we talkin' about?" she'd murmur aloud, using Asmus's algorithm he'd created to make a unique star map of the known 'verse that he'd collected from not only his smuggling era with his uncle, Kairon, but also the Galactic Alliance, SIS, and his rebellious antics there in between. It was a unique and powerful tool in their arsenal for identifying sanctuary sites and places to keep a low profile.

The end result of the planet and its orbiting space station only made her grimace, the faint blue white light of the holographic planet illuminating her concerned visage.


Now she knew why Vo had sent them an encrypted missive. This was old Galactic Alliance, Kathol Outback, and First Order territory. It was in this sector of space that both Asmus and her had conducted a multitude of missions for years while unknowingly working for the same entity.
"Terminus," Asmus repeated.

He chewed on his lip for a second before moving to a second console. Maps of green lines etched into black flicked across the analogue screens.

"I've flown these hyperspace lanes," he muttered, "flown them a lot."

He was reverting to the determined man who had continued the fight against the First Order from within its territory. The man who had tracked her down in spite of the roadblocks she had laid down. Not the boy she had first fallen in love with. The person she had come to cherish, respect and love over time.

"Polis Massa. Good staging point. Almost impossible to pick up a shit with a benign tag. Getting in isn't the problem. It's the meeting point within Terminus and getting back out again."

No one ever kept a tight grip on Terminus, but the Empire was careful with its space lanes.

"We could plan getting in, but all we can do is prepare options for getting out."
Asmus Janes Asmus Janes

Polis Massa. That name brought up so many memories. Some good. Plenty bad.

"You're right," Kaile confirmed, moving to sit on Asmus's lap, her weight settling against his thighs and chest. The subtle nuances of twitches and motion from her hands and fingers were a tell tale of her nervousness.

"Stars..." the Lorridan would curse under her breath, before straightening her back in a decisive manner. Vo wouldn't reach out to them unless he had run out of options. Out of any other option other than contacting Kaile and Asmus. It meant that they were at the end of the line.

A wry chortle burst forth from her mouth, and a sidelong glance over at the pilot came next. " I guess this means your mother should be expecting Bix earlier than intended. "

So much for planning to avoid that interaction. As much of a joke it was, it was an acknowledgment that she understood what this all meant. To her. To Asmus. It was also her way of saying that as much as she did not want to answer Vo's call, she knew that there would be no one better than them for this.
Asmus gave a firm nod. He offered a forced smile.

"You know, we said we were out. There'd be no shame in refusing."

He said the words. As soon as they were out, Asmus knew that he'd needed to say them but that they weren't true. It was important to offer them both a route out, but there would be shame for the rest of their lives if they shirked this.

"Jay stays. We park this ship up near my family just in case. We take the Solaris. Even though we never quite put eebrything back together, we will want the fastest ship."

Asmus was certain that he could fly the Solaris through a blockade of star destroyers. He would rather not, if he could help it.

He drew Kaile a little closer into his chest. They had faced so many moments in their lives alone. This one they would face together.
Asmus Janes Asmus Janes

The plan was starting to come together, for better or worse. A curt nod of affirmation and Kaile sank against Asmus, needing the reassurance and affection from the warmth and stability of his embrace.

"No shame... but it would be at the back of our heads hear on out." she'd chime quietly. What if it was them in the same situation? What if something did happen and the worse end result required that someone they trusted could get them out. Could get Bix out if it came to a final decision to ensure their daughter's safety. If push came to shove, Kaile had no doubt in their mind that Asmus and her would sacrifice themselves for the best case scenario to ensure Bix's survival. And if that resulted in requesting outside help only to not get anyone in turn...

It was a hard pill to swallow.

"There is a risk, yes, but we can do this." she explained, more to herself than to Asmus. "It isn't diving into a fight or deep infiltration. In and out." by now, it was already fixing to be a done deal.

"We will have as many redundancies as possible," Kaile told Asmus.
"I know," Asmus replied.

"I almost wanted to check if I wanted to offer myself an out. I think we'll be fine, but..."

He gave Kaile a gentle squeeze and looked over at Bix. She had a game of her own making. Run for one of the consoles so that Jay had to step after her and pick her off the ground with his long arms.

She would giggle and start the game again, Jay remaining none the wiser.

"I just think we'll end up putting our plans on hold a little longer. Just to be safe. But I want another one before Bix is five," he said firmly.

The little motion had become firm plan, but that plan had been interrupted already.

"Bix, come over here?"
Asmus Janes Asmus Janes

Another squeal of delight errupted from the little girl's mouth. She was presently being held upside down by Jay, her ponytail waving back and forth underneath her head, shirt half raised and exposing her small belly. As she couldn't physically come over herself, Jay did the honors, bringing the little girl over with some heavy clanks of his steps.

Still held upside down by her legs, Bix giggled and snorted, saying, "Hehehe... here!" as if it was the most hilarious thing in the world, she gave another giggle snort.

Kaile laughed, rolling her eyes as she came forward to grab her child. "Alright you. It's time for some serious talk" she told her, turning her around and setting Bix in front of her and Asmus.

"Your Nana wants to spend some time with you..." as a Lorridan, she couldn't help the tick at the corner of her brow at that idea. " So we are goin' to need you to pack up to spend some time with her."
"Yay nana! Today?"

Asmus took a moment. He knew the full message hadn't sunk in.

"Today," he confirmed. "But mummy and daddy, we're not going to be staying with you this time."

Confusion on her face. It broke his heart a little. It was such a mundane thing, to leave a child alone with her grandparents for the first time. He had never expected it under these circumstances.

Bix had been with them every day. Just the small family group, hiding from the world and letting it pass them by.

"We'll be gone just a few days, don't you worry."

She held up her arms towards Kaile, looking to be picked up. Asmus expected the tears. Instead something else happened.

"Mum, I take Buggy?" Bix asked, referring to one of her favourite cuddly toys.
Asmus Janes Asmus Janes

There was a fine tremor that took Kaile that left when she gave a nervous chuckle at Bix's primary concern for her stuffed animal, an appropriately named Verpine rag doll complete with posable appendages. She brought her hand up to ruffle Bix's ponytail, letting her fingers slide through its soft, silky length.

"Of course honey, you can take Buggy." she assured their daughter, bringing her closer for a hug.

"Maybe you can get Nana to play and watch Buggy with you?" referencing the oh-so-addictive youngling show about a wholesome Verpine family and their slice-of-life adventures. Not only was it good entertainment for younglings but also, it was just as addicting and enjoyable to watch for adults.
The family house was almost a mansion. It was the kind of size that a particularly wealthy family could claim some modesty about, rather than being something grand and old. Gardens were walled off with an electronic gate and security cameras.

Asmus was noticing the security features far more this time.

There were at least six bedrooms in the house, but it was sleek and modern. He estimated that at a run, Jay could get to the ship in four minutes flat.

Having kept bags packed for the last year, it had not take Asmus and Kaile long to prepare for this.

The door opened and he was greeted by both of his parents. Every year his father looked a little smaller. A humble accountant who had married into the wealthy family. Every year his mother seemed to stand a little taller, more imposing.

Both of them melted at the sight of Bix, who was clinging a little too tightly to Asmus.

"Hey mum, dad," Asmus said, stepping into the lobby.

"It is good to see you both," his mother said. Just a hint in her tone that suggested she was not content with how irregular the visits were.

"Asmus, Kaile, Bix!" went his father. He wore an easy smile. Grinning from ear to ear, he reached for Bix. She allowed herself to be peeled from Asmus. "The play room is all ready!" he declared.

Bix's eyes lit up. Asmus glanced at Kaile. They had probably spent a few hundred credits on toys since the last visit.

As Bix was placed down and toddled away - displaying a remarkable memory for where the play room was given how rarely they visited - Asmus mother turned to them.

"How much danger are you in?" She asked.

She was a shrewd woman.
Asmus Janes Asmus Janes

Well that didn’t take long.

Kaile wasn’t sure to be relieved or irritated by the shrewd assessment. In the end, it didn’t matter. They came here expecting this.

“We are makin every attempt to keep it to a minimum.” Kaile told her, deciding to be straight to the point with Asmus’s mother. At least that would be something she’d respect.

“We intend to not be gone long. Maybe a week or two.” It depended on travel time and contingencies. If all went well it would be a shorter time.

If not… well, that’s why Kaile and Asmus already discussed what that would look like. It’s just making sure his parents stuck to it.
His mother stood before them. She was not quite acting as a gatekeeper, but Asmus got the distinct impression that she would only move beyond the lobby.

"You underestimate me," she said. This was for Asmus. "The company has a network of trade agents across almost every sector of the galaxy. They have contacts and influence. Use them if you need to."

"You might not have followed the path I wanted for you Asmus. I am still proud of what you did, during the war."

Asmus was speechless.
Asmus Janes Asmus Janes

That… was unexpected.

The shock and surprise was fairly evident over both of there faces, more so Asmus than Kaile. Her told her stories about his childhood and the pressure and expectation his mother had pressed on him. It had accumulated to a point where he had felt he had no other choice but to runaway, resulting in that ever nagging feeling that lingered in the back of his mind that his mother was disappointed in his choices and considered him a disgrace for not doing his duty and taking the reins of the family business.

Realizing this was between Asmus and his mother, Kaile gave a nod and murmur of gratitude. She brought her hand up to press at the back of his bicep in encouragement before heading towards the direction of the playroom. They still needed to say their goodbyes and it would be best to let Asmus and his mother discuss things.
Asmus gave Kaile a small, thankful look before she walked on.

"Mum, I..."

But she interrupted him. There was a different look in her eyes now. Sad and regretful.

"Now you given up so much to protect them, could you imagine a time where you might decide that you know what is best for Bix? Even if she would not see it?"

Asmus was struck by the question. It was one of those days where everything got shaken out of the trees together. She wasn't asking for forgiveness. She was asking for her son - now a father himself - to show a little empathy for her decisions.

"Yeah," Asmus replied. "Yeah I can."

He didn't feel the need to offer any more than that. Any more risked opening old wounds.

"She is nice," his mother said, of Kaile. It felt a little forced. She had always had high hopes for Asmus marrying into another one of the powerful Eriadu families. The Shanell family had a son around Asmus's age who she had thought would be a good match.

"Thanks," Asmus replied. Taking the forced compliment in good faith. "Look if you have people on the ground who can..."

"I will get you the details," she interrupted once again. "Go, get Bix settled in. This will be the longest she's been apart from you both."
Asmus Janes Asmus Janes

Kaile felt the press of Asmus’s hand upon the small of her back, before he embraced her in a tight hug from behind. They stood under the threshold of the entrance to the play room. By now Bix was giddy in delight of all the new toys. There was even a large dollhouse complete with furnishings, including small dolls that Asmus’s father was in the midst of playing with his granddaughter with.

It was easy to see how Bix could easily wrap people around her finger. She had her mothers bubbly personality from her youth and her daddy’s charming good looks and easy gregarious nature.

“You alright?” It was a question designed to ask his state after his talk with his mother, even though she realized the impending departure from Bix did not allow them to feel alright.
"I think I am," Asmus said.

He took half a step back. Taking Kaile just a little further from the threshold allowed him to lower his voice.

"Kaile, I don't regret the time we've had here. Here or anywhere in hiding. But we do this and then we need to put ourselves and our family first."

"It's time for us."

All those interruptions in their lives. The heartache she had suffered away from him and the time apart. It was time to start to put that behind them, even if this flight made that more difficult.

He placed a gentle kiss just beneath the shell of her ear and rested his chin on her shoulder.
Asmus Janes Asmus Janes

Hearing Asmus confirm that after this run, they would make time for their family and ensure they put themselves first. It would also have to be a conversation with Vo regarding anything in the future. This morning began with them confirming that they wanted to have another child -- and Kaile did not wish to have the future pregnancy be at any risk at all. She had already lost Quinn. She could not lose another child.

"Promise?" She'd murmur, needing that final level of assurance. It would be different now that Asmus was here. This wouldn't be an unexpected pregnancy but one that they planned for. That meant making a combined effort to ensure they were both on the same page.

Bix gave a burst of excited giggles, hands coming up to cover her mouth only to give a little shimmy of her body in response to her grandfather mimicking the doll he had in his hand dancing. Within seconds, Bix joined too.
"I promise."

He meant it with exactly the same determination he had deployed to follow her stars.

Once, he had confided in her that the freedom to change his own world was his dream. A moment of reflection and he realised that he could never stop chasing it. They would live their own lives, free of fear.

"Let's go say goodbye," Asmus said.

There was a risk that this would be the last time his daughter daw them. It was small but if the worst happened he didn't want this to be a sad memory. Bix was so young, that she might not even remember it.

They played for a little while, made sure she behaved eating some lunch. Then they left. Hand in hand.

"Feth, feth feth!"

Asmus was underneath one of the Solaris consoles, wearing a plain white vest that was now stained with grease.

"Small hydrospanner! The ten please!"

In hindsight he might have been a little optimistic about the Solaris. It had taken off, made the jump but then promptly reverted to realspace and blown a converter.

They had stripped some of the Solaris' components and hadn't given the ship enough love. The unmarked vessel now waiting as an escape ship for Jay had always been prepared.

The luxury cruiser had been stolen from an imperial warlord. At its peak, a remarkable ship. But they were going to need to make a few emergency bodges to stabilise her systems.
Asmus Janes Asmus Janes

The hydrospanner, size ten, was promptly given to Asmus, while Kaile frantically worked beside him on the next panel over. She held her trusty sonic servidriver in between her teeth, while her left went back to tackling the mess of singed wires. She had a can of plastispray in her right hand, doing her best to try and coat the exposed wires while figuring out which needed to be switched out completely.

“I can cannibalize parts from the entertainment array,” she told him, exhaling a puff of hot hair to blow her loose bangs off her face. So much for wearing a clean blouse today. Now her hands were covered in plastispray and there was a speckle of grime and an oil spot just over the lower half of her blouse. She lay on her back, knees bent, wearing dark grey spacer slacks and her dusty nerf leather boots. Her hair was half up, a mess from laying on the floor.

“How does it look?”

It was like a flash in the past from their time on the Quinn. It felt so good to be with him like this again.

She gave him sideways glance. Plus the eye candy was still very top form.
"Humph," went Asmus.

The hyprospanner clicked to a slow rhythm as he took great care to refit components slowly. They didn't have time to stop and they didn't have much in the way of spares. This had to be done right the first time.

Asmus glanced her way. One eyebrow did a brief dance. They knew each other far too well to have missed that.

"You know for all the bits we took, that imperial bastard's liquor cabinet is still in tact," Asmus laughed. "I reckon Max or Lucy will sniff out that bottle of Whyrrens so we'd best stow it."

The medical bay was still in tact. Kaile had held onto that as a precious resource during the pregnancy. He hoped it wouldn't be needed.


Asmus worked out from under the console. He got up onto one knee next to Kaile's feet and looked at the display.

"Do it. That's power back to the port stabiliser. If you can finish up then we can pull spares from entertainment and make some of this resilient. We'll have to entertain ourselves without holonet," he chuckled, delivering a poke to the top of her thigh.

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