Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private You Just Walk In Like You Belong

"Oh my, reckon what to do without another episode of the adventures of Buggy, the Verpine youngling, and her family." A roll of her eyes followed the chuckle that shook her shoulders. So much of their entertainment had been Womprat-holed into youngling shows. They very rarely had Bix away from each other for more than a few days, so the change to their schedule would be bittersweet.

Despite the pang of longing for their daughter, Kaile managed to quirk her eyebrow at his white vest, silently indicating that she knew well what he was doing wearing that vest. "However, I believe there are ways to keep idle hands busy."

He'd worn it on purpose a time or two before.

"Double-checking we won't fry out the energy converter to the shields would be a start." she did that on purpose. It was evident by the twinkle in her eyes and her shimmy as she returned to finish the last coating of plastispray on the wire she was working on.

All jokes aside, if they were going to be using the Solaris to escape any potential danger, the shields, as well as the ultra-chrome plating of the hull, is what would give them the best defense. That is to say, as long as they weren't hit by kinetic damage. The Solaris was expensive to maintain, with many parts that were unique or hand-machined. There was a reason why Kaile had been able to earn a few credits selling parts off the Solaris. Getting parts for it was expensive and few and far between.
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Asmus narrowed his eyes, but stopped short of sticking out his tongue. He knew what he was doing and he knew that she knew what he was doing.

They wouldn't be filling time if they couldn't bodge the ship into shape. They'd be limping back to Eriadu and trying to call in any favours they might still have.

There was a difference between safe for flight and safe for running a blockade.

Asmus moved to another console. This one didn't have a chair. They'd sold the chair at some point.

"You're going to want to slide out of there before I push this button," he threatened, preparing to divert some power and see if anything sparked or blew out.

Better now than when flying at a star destroyer head on. Instead of pushing the button, he wiped his brow with the hem of his vest.
That small act confirmed it. Deciding to make him pay for it later, Kaile finished her task and handed him the can. Her thumbs made quick work if the pop on rivets to set the panel casing back in place.

“I’ll tell you when to push,” Kaile joked, but slid her way back out from under the panel. A chuckle and then Asmus’s hand helped her to her feet. She brushed past him, letting her fingertips tauntingly graze bare skin.

“Okay, reckon it’s time we see what we are working with. “ since this was a last minute mission, they had no time conduct these checks and get the Solaris to a place they’d be confortable flying in. At least the time spent with Kaile had rubbed off on Asmus; he could handle his way around a ship with a hydrospanner and a few pointers.

A pause. “I should get the extinguisher right?” The last thing they needed was a fire on deck.
“I should get the...

Asmus pressed the button to initiate the small power surge.

...extinguisher right?”

He grimaced.

"Yeah, yeah that would have been a good idea!"

Asmus waited for something to spark and set on fire. Nothing did. He stopped bracing himself and moved to an instrument cluster.

"Alright...we're holding."

Asmus stopped the re-routing of the power. He flicked two switches and the deflector shields activated. He turned them back off.

"So we cannibalise some gear from the conference room and entertainment kit, kit-bash a redundant power sink and find some way to pass time that isn't kids holoshows?"
“Sounds like a plan,” Kaile replied, brushing the back of her hand over her damp forehead to push her hair away from her face.

“I count this as a win that she held together.” That’s all they could do. Grabbing a rag, she cleaned her hands of the remaining plasti

“What do you want to have for supper?” Not like there was much of a choice. They had some fresh produce that Asmus’s mother insisted they take along with the usual long term meal packages.

“I think I saw a nuna chicken and rice option,” the Lorrdian threw the dirty rag then grabbed the tool box.

“So, let’s hash out the details in the meantime. Where are we heading first?” Better to be prepared with plan A and B.
Asmus headed to the main console. A gentle push and the ship resumed its course in hyperspace.

"It's a win," he agreed. It did not quite feel like one, but he said it anyway.

"Let's have the chicken and rice then," he agreed.

Asmus sank down onto one of the remaining chairs, turning it to face Kaile.

"There's a freight station in the Fwatna system where my mother's company keeps an office. She said to speak to the liaison there about the state of shipping face to face. Gives us an understanding how things are. Worst case we rely on speed to hit terminus before they can work out what we're doing, but I'd rather we went in under the radar with some official documentation."
That made sense. Better to blend in than stick out like a dead Giju.

“Okay. If we can get credentials as crew,” to be frank, this was as if Kaile were stepping into any other role as she had done before. Asmus would be able to see her expression shift to one of intense scrutiny, setting down the toolbox and plopping down on one of the few remaining chairs on the ship.

A second later, her eyes would take on a slight glowing sheen, the cybernetic cornea activating as she connected to available data feeds from her stim implant, bringing up former intel she has on hand.

Her lips gave a quirk in devilry. “If that doesn’t work… Arceneau Trade has a station there. One that includes a Yum Bunnies.”

Oh that’s an idea.
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Asmus still had his neural interface, but couldn't access the holonet through technology and the Force like Kaile. Leaning back in his chair, he crossed his greasy hands together on his lap and waited for a moment.

"What?" he asked as her smile formed.

Her lips gave a quirk in devilry. “If that doesn’t work… Arceneau Trade has a station there. One that includes a Yum Bunnies.”

Asmus swallowed.

"Well you''d have to get one of the uniforms again," he replied.

Asmus had been winning their little game, but with one phrase she had turned the tables.
“Oh I still have it,” that bit of news was new. The only thing is that it was on The Mesa, so it wasn’t like she could just pull it out of thin air.

“The uniforms haven’t changed. But if needed, I can probably see if Kurt is around to met with us and give me my things.” That would allow her to use authentic gear without risking having to get another set. He’d taken the Mesa when she settled with Asmus, but kept it safe on Naboo. Something about the perks of free hanger space at the Pyre building.

“Naboo wouldn’t be far off if we wanted to just drop by instead,” might also allow finding ship parts if there testing resulted in an energy converter blowing.

Asmus had entirely heard what she had said, but he still faltered.

Rather than agree with her he simply muttered under his breath. "Pick that up and it'll need burning before we get there..."

"I've got some credit chits," he said. This time, he had not turned down help from his family. The simple chits could not be traced. It was risk free and she could afford it.

He turned his chair around towards the navcomp.

"Let's hit Naboo, get a diagnostic run on this thing properly, hit the Trade Station and wait for a message from Vo?"
The azure grey glow from her eyes faded, and there was no hiding the Cheshire Lothcat grin she shone over at Asmus’s direction. No word had to be said to confirm she won this round.

There were flashes of the old Kaile slowly revealing themselves to Asmus; the version she was before he met her on that bar during the quarantine lock down.

An almost carefree bubbly revelry at the game they played.

“In that case,” she stood up and came over to yank him to his feet.

“Let’s go eat. We will tackle that entertainment center after that.”
"Work, work."


Something clattered loudly to the floor as Asmus leveled out the Solaris.

"Crap. I meant to put that in a drawer," Asmus apologised. He glanced over his shoulder at the datapad with all the parts they would hunt for.

Some of the solaris pieces were hand machines, custom work. It had been heavily customised by the imperial warlord who had ordered it. Fortunately he hadn't found anything in that category that needed replacing.

The ship had been tuned within an inch of its life, but that also meant those custom parts were incredibly precise and robust. It was the systems around it they had mothballed or sold off that needed a look.

"You know, this would be a nice place to talk Bix on a trip," he said, glancing at the waterfalls as he eased them towards the landing bay.
“Well, reckon we can ask Kurt if he wouldn’t mind using some of his connections to see the sights.” Kaile replied, picking up what Asmus had forgotten to place in the drawer with a light chuckle.

“You are terrible at keeping things in their place,” the Llorrdian teased him, coming up behind his chair to ruffle his hair in a cafune.

“As I was sayin, he’s supposedly dating the former Queen of Naboo has its perks,” granted, it had been a while, but the Pyne name still carried a bit a weight.

“Maybe we can get tickets to the zoo or access to the museum.” Or perhaps just enjoy the sights. Theed was a beautiful city. Just taking a stroll along the public walkways would be just as fun.

“If we had more time I’d see if they could do dinner but we will have to raincheck for now.” She took the datapad and skimmed the list they came up with.

“But it might be good to give him a quick call to see if he knows where it might be best to grab these parts without being robbed.”
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"Yeah, let's do that. Give him a call and I'll set us up with the docking team and pay the fees.

In a delayed reaction, Asmus leaned back and chased her affectionate touch. He had learned a particular kind of focus when flying. In the largest battles Asmus had processed information coming in from his sensors, up from his squadron and down from command. All of it had to be juggled at the same time that he kept his fighter in the air and his weapons on his target.

"Dinner with old friends would be nice," Asmus said. He knew they couldn't now. He was starting to see all the little pieces of life they had missed. They had been enough for one another, along with Bix. But he was increasingly determined that it was time to live their lives with less fear.

Asmus headed down from the ship, preferring to deal with people face to face rather than over the comms. He got the impression that the team here had expected some form of dignitaries from the appearance of the luxury cruiser. He provided a little story that they were on errands for someone. He declined to hint at what rich party that might have been to swing past the lie. Kaile might have been proud of how easily it was done.


"Right, I've got a name of a reputable supplier from the team here and they'll do some basic checks, refuels and fluids. How are things on your end?" he asked.
Kaile was in the process of tying her hair up into a high ponytail. Hearing Asmus, she turned her head, flashing a smile and an affirmative nod. "Perfect. Kurt says hello. He told me he knows a man named Theo Soldan with connections to Theed Hanger. While he can't promise the hand-milled parts, there are a few that he works as a middleman for and sells refurbished parts of the H-Type."

This meant while there may be a handling fee, the parts would be significantly cheaper than going direct to Theed. "He might even be able to provide some assistance with some of the systems that are a little too advanced for us." although she didn't think they would need Theo for that—besides, the fewer people who had access to the inside of the Solaris, the better.

"The hanger where the Mesa is located isn't far from here. Kurt said the access code is still the same so we can go in." she finished her ponytail and came sauntering his way.


A coquettish wink slid in his direction as she passed him, plucking the datapad from his hands. "... maybe enjoy that hot tub."

Oh, yes, the game was still ongoing.
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Asmus had heard. He had heard perfectly. The general was left in disarray, his troops scattered and his ammunition spent. He needed to regroup and find a way to earn stop the scales tipping too far in Kaile's favour.

"Why don't we make contact with - you can stop grinning now - this Theo and see what he can arrange? Then we can head to the Meesa and get whatever"

Despite his comment she had not stopped looking pleased with herself.

Asmus had no immediate comeback and she knew it.

"Let's grab the list and give them a call?"
Her laughter left him in utter defeat. Kaile made the call and Theo said he had what they needed. After some negotiations, they came to the agreement of meeting in three hours and he should have all the parts by then.

It was enough time to get a snack, power up, and take a walk towards the direction of the hanger. With her fingers interlocked with Asmus’s own, they meandered under a canopy of trees, watching the leaves and branches sway as rays of sunlight flickered around them. It had been a while since the pair has time to themselves like this. The thought of taking a vacation and leaving Bix alone with her grandparents had not crossed their mind.

As they could not discuss their plans for Terminus out in the open, Kaile opted to bring in the conversation from earlier.

“So… any names you’d think you might like?” It was a reference to their decision to have another child. One that they were planning for. The thought made her giddy. It was an experience she never thought she’d go through. As much as she loved Quinn and Bix, both pregnancies had been unexpected.

It would also be new for Asmus as well. A first they would share together.

That oddly made Kaile feel extraordinarily happy.
"Names? Oh!"

Asmus had been drifting along on a thoughtless cloud. He had been soaking up the sunlight, the pleasant afternoon air and her hand in his own. He had been, for a few minutes, quite unburdened.

The grin that spread from ear to ear in an expression that mirrored her giddy feelings.

"I had a few in my head. Amina, but it's a bit close to Asmus? Did you have any boy names in mind before you found out Bix was a girl?" he asked.
“Hmm…” Kaile let her mind muse over some options. Ultimately, she settled on a few that meant something to her. Turning her head in his direction, she began with, "How about Kurt?"

After all, other than Asmus, Kurt was a significant and important part of her life. He was her first best friend and the one she had first considered to be like family. Asmus shared a very intimate relationship with Kaile, and he, along with Bix was her universe. However, Kurt will always have a very special place in her heart.

She gave it another ponder, adding," Reckon regardless of the gender, perhaps giving them a name that means something to both of us would be good."

Another thought.

"Oh, how about Max?" Maximillian was another name that drew up fond memories.
"You know Max is a close friend, but I don't think name a son close," Asmus said after a little thought.

"Kurt is nice. Bix and Kurt. Maybe," he said. He swung their arms between them playfully as he pondered. There was one another thing Max and Kurt had him common. It didn't upset him, but he did had to mentally veer away from making a joke.

Bix was turned into a whole slew of cute names when they wanted to play with it. Bix-a-lee, little-Bix and others. He liked short names.

"Maybe this time I'll ask if there are any strong family names. You know, for a middle name," Asmus said. "I'm having a little think."

"How's it gonna be seeing the Mesa?" he asked. It had been a long time since she had lived on that ship. "And how long does the tub take to fill?"

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