Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You've been Hit by, You've been Struck by...

Myrkr Orbit
In route for Valyr

Exiting hyperspace was the Last Call, a PCL 27 loaded with livestock for delivery to MandalMotors installations on the planet. All its codes were sent properly and checked out, a routine delivery by all means. One of a few schedule for today’s monthly restock. A few had already been delivered to the prison, cargo containers sitting waiting to be opened and dealt with.

The captain shuddered. “Those things give me the heebie jeebies.” He muttered to his compatriot alongside him. Captain was a strong word, the old and run down B1 Battle Droids were nothing more than place holders, running the simplest of jobs for the shipping company. No one needed a living crew to handle something this simple. In fact, the entire crew save for one were old salvaged CIS era droids with new programming from their new employers.

The Livestock itself was asleep in the titanic hold of the cargo freighter. Each and every one of the little critters quiet for the time being.

The lone BX Battle Droid’s comm buzzed, the Ghost Wave transmitter pinging with updates on his mission.

//Release the Swarm//

Roger, roger.” The deep mechanical voice noted, and began moving towards the Cargo bay. Fire Alarms and Suppression Systems needed to be activated and the doors to the colossal bay needed to be opened.


Resistance Pilots relied on stealth and quiet as they prepared to drop into the System. Hopefully by the time they dropped the cat would already be out of the bag and they would be the least of the defender’s worries.

Laira adjusted herself in the cockpit of her X-90, glancing at the system readouts her astromech was compiling for her. Hyperdrive optimal, reversion disturbance minimal, hyperspatial distortion minimal. Thank you Specter Hyperdrive and your stealthiness, you are appreciated. Once the pilots dropped they were supposed to skirt the nightmare in orbit and go straight for the prison coordinates.

From there, they would just have to see.

Valyr Prison

Cargo Shipments for the month had been unloaded and stacked alongside one another to one side of the Cargo Bay, resupply as normal. Cargo pods and transports coming in on schedule as expected.

However some of these cargo pods were sensor shielded, showing up as standard equipment to scans hiding the commandos and surprises within until them from detection. Once the raid leader, one [member="Talia Fett"] decided it was time, the pods would break open and they could start their raid.

She also had the detonator to open up a handful of spare containers, filled with a few Rathtars in secure holds. Once freed, they wouldn’t be on anyone’s side, but it had been so long since anyone had to deal with the rubbery predators, and using warbeasts cut down on personnel needs for smash and grab mission such as this one.

Each operative had a code cylinder with most of the access and lockdown codes in the prison, the only ones they were not provided were the restricted Force User section of the maximum security prison, which would have to be breached in other ways.


Myrkr Orbit

The Captain of the Last Call looked at his station, “This seems odd, cargo alarms are being set off by BX One Seven.

Captain, Cargo Bay Opening.


BX not responding. Systems report hull damage.

The B1 Battle droids looked out the window to see the swarm of enraged Grutchin already chewing their way through the hull and tearing the vessel apart, their larger cousins, Turfhoppers plunging through decks and tearing through bulkheads. The vessel was already rapidly breaking apart as the flocks of Vongspawned monstrosities spread from its corpse.

The Swarm was loose.


Prison Break: Commandos and Exiled Mandalorian ground forces have gained access to the Prison through Cargo Containers and Prison Transports. Resistance and Mandalorian Exiles have been given access codes to everything but the Force User section of the Prison.

Objective: Free Errybody and Escape.

Locusts in the Sky: Orbit is a nightmare, but Pilots will attempt to clear the Prison’s Defense Force and keep reinforcements from landing. As well as cover the ground crew’s escape.

Objective: Keep all the bad Mandos from landing and reinforcing their buddies at the prison, disable ground defenses, and dogfight with the prison security ships until the Good Mandos can get away.

Label Locations as best you can and have fun with it.
This was what Savannah was here for. She had joined the Alliance after Thyferra and had signed herself up to the Resistance to help support those who were making it a point to prioritize the fight against the Sith Empire and helping the citizens of Thyferra. She wasn’t a frontline soldier, and even as a part of the New Jedi Order and supporting the Remnant in the ways she could. Here, she could always do her best. It meant supporting people, assisting with technology, and alchemy, and providing another hand for different missions.

Coren allowed her a lot of freedom in deciding what she was doing. And that was really what she needed. Not making a point to help people was against what she stood for, and that was why she was here, clearly. The blonde was walking through the Last Call with a latte in her hand. She had brought along some of the Vanguard-Armor, the one by Silk, not the other group, and was ready to go. She was a Jedi, sure by Myrkr didn’t bother her. She had to make sure she got her weapons, and that was where she was going.

Savannah grabbed her side arm, a Power 9, and her lightsaber, her first, just a simple, purple blade. Something enough to burn through most armor and doors. But nothing spectacular. She was working on her alchemy and everything, but better to get something than nothing, right?

She was a Jedi, she needed to act it. And part of that was looking the part.

After her latte, she had loaded herself into the cargo container. This was going to be the worst job ever. How many people were even in here?

“You know, depending on what we are still blocked out from, I can get pretty handy with tripping circuits.” Yeah, the basic girl knew a few things about a few things.
Prison security checks were routine these days, especially with his ascension to Battlemaster, the dreaded security sweeps were often plagued with boredom. But today the Manda had sent him a bunch of fething insects. Or, at least those above him. Regardless, the situation had gotten rather bad rather quickly.

Smoking MF-45 hanging loosely at his side, Silas stepped away from a corpse with a blown out chest, seeping blood all over the floor. The Zabrak hadn't been a political prisoner, he'd been a murderer who'd somehow escaped being shot. Silas didn't know how, but the man felt the need to brag about it, so the Mantis had silenced him. It was the first time he'd actually used the heavy shotgun, and he'd squeezed off three shells before he could even release the trigger.

Shutting the cell without a hint of emotion, reports of the chaos in orbit crackled to life over his communicator. Something was wrong, very wrong. "Secure the facility. Anyone who attempts and escape is to be shot on site." They were simple enough orders to follow, the Mandalorian only hoped that his comrades would not let him down. If this was some sort of attempted spring, he already had his suspects.

Tal'Verda had warned them about the meeting on Tantooine, and in their arrogance they'd forgotten the dar'manda who answered that call were in fact vod once, which meant they were just as bold as the rest of the vode. Even so, this was ballsy.

Silas was almost impressed.

[member="Sav Elko"] [member="Laira Darkhold"] @youallknowwhoyouaredirtytr-8rs​


Valyr Prison Hangar
Objective: Surprise Motherfethers
Allies: [member="Davin Skirata"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Sav Elko"] [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Aran Rogna"] [member="Tonka Fett"] [member="Alaric"] [member="Laira Darkhold"]
Enemies: Shriek Hawk Mercs, Mandalorian Empire [member="Silas Mantis"]

Talia had slipped into the same place she always slipped into before a mission, the dark place that lived in the back of most people's minds was almost a second home to the woman. Her job was to kill people, sometimes it was one, sometimes it was many, but it was always death. Dealing it required a certain degree of detachment, an inability to shut off emotions and regard the world with cold calculation.

“Noted.” her clipped reply was not meant to be rude, but probably came across as such. A signal flashed across her HUD.

////Swarm Released////

Talia let a minute tick by, audioreceptors collecting data from beyond, shouts as pilots were moving for their ships, responding to the distress call beyond. “Launchers, load up, pick your targets wisely. Fighters only, we’ll need the transports. We’ve got one shot to cause enough damage to keep them busy. Doors open in 5,” She took a knee in front of the container doors as two commandos prepared to open it.


There was a rippled of movement around her, the pre-fight adrenaline pumping through her blood, she brought the rifle to her shoulder and reminded herself to breath.


There was a great groan of metal as the cargo containers opened up. A ripple of noise, scream of blaster and the distinct crack of scatter guns dropped the first handful of people their sights fell upon and over their heads? Smoke trailed in the wake of missiles targeting fighters nearby. Rocket launchers were dropped before their targets were struck. The clang of one next to her told her it was time to move.

“OYA!” she yelled, and the strike team moved as one.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
There were no alarms in Void Sector. Despite being literally a door away, Void Sector was operated like its own separate prison and they didn't want anything on the Valyr side to make its way into the Void. No hope, no alarms, no worry. Except Gil did begin to worry when he saw his Mandalorian prison guards whispering nervously and then jog through the doors that led to Valyr. Something was happening, something big.

The familiar sound of a writhing mass struggling to keep itself together without the force dipped into his ears.

"You know what time it is." He did. He clenched his teeth and let out a shakey breath as the massive Gen'dai entered his cell.

He hated open hours.

Jak Skirata


He knew his brother had built this place, ironic that it now kept him hidden from the Galaxy. Thanks to the work of the coward Zeke, he finally found hope that he wasn't alone anymore. His brother was still alive, after all this time the scoundrel Dorn had been lying this whole time just to take power. It made him sick to think such a man was now leading his clan, his vode. He took a breath. He knew that he would be without the Force here, but that didn't stop him from reaching for his lightsaber first.

The minute the cargo doors fell he was on them. He didn't care if his brother had vetted these men and trusted these men, they worked for Dorn now, and by extension they were all his enemy. Nothing would stand between Davin and rescuing his brother. His lightsaber erupted in an unstable snap-hiss, its red blade danced through the poorer Mandalorians who couldn't afford beskar, others shied away from the wavering red blade by instinct, scarring their beskar'gam with hot streaks of superheated metal, their knee jerk reaction sending them to their arses.

In Valyr he could still feel the touch of the Force, but the further he extended himself beyond the docks, the more he knew something was wrong. He knew how to look for Ysalimir, and where the lizards were would be where Gil was if Zeke's data could be trusted.

[member="Talia Fett"] [member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Laira Darkhold"] [member="Sav Elko"]
[member="Laira Darkhold"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"]

'For political reasons' - a phrase Jorus hated. No way around it, though, not this soon after Utapau and his visit to Mandalore. For this mission, then, he flew a generic ship and wore a basic callsign.

His A-wing hit realspace a few minutes into the orbital meltdown, when its lack of low-profile hyperdrive wouldn't be a tipoff. The little fighter roared toward the nearest security ships. Jorus avoided the grutchin swarm, at least the bulk of it. Dumb way to lose a ship, running into your own side's assets.

The A-wing didn't have much to recommend it in the firepower department. Still, two laser cannons and two concussion missile launchers were nothing to sniff at. 'Gold One' homed in on the nearest Shriek-Hawk patrol ship and commenced strafing the utter feth out of it.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Valyr Prison Hangar
Objective: Surprise Motherfethers
Allies: [member="Davin Skirata"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"] [member="Sav Elko"] [member="Mereel Vaun"] [member="Talia Fett"] [member="Tonka Fett"] [member="Alaric"] [member="Laira Darkhold"]
Enemies: Shriek Hawk Mercs | Mandalorian Empire | [member="Silas Mantis"]

It was funny how debt worked.

Oh, Fett had repeated a number of times that no debt existed. That she did what she would have done for anyone and that much was true. It didn't prevent him from feeling indebted to the woman who had proven to be his savior on Dathomir. He held a scatter-rifle in his hands, heavy thing, but it did the work well in close-quarters. His eyes were closed, fingers tightening around the rough casing. Then the cargo doors jumped open and all hell broke loose.

Blink. Breath. Beat.

The stock of his rifle was beating against the visor- no, visor broken, face... broken. Dead. Move on. Aran pushed himself up, barely managed to avoid a beskad cleaving his head in two, ducked and then let the stock lash out against a weak knee.

Guard went down.

The other end of the scatter-rifle went off and another guard was gone.

The alarms sounded in the distance, their entry had been dramatic and it wouldn't be long before reinforcements would come. The witch eyed his companions, hissing softly as he noticed something disturbing. His connection to his... soul was gone. Oh, they called it the Force, but what did these people actually know? Had they ever touched the spirit world? Seen it? Held the ichor of life in their hands and spun it gently into shapes of power?


They thought that throwing lightning and crushing things with their mind was basically the same thing.

"Need to move." Aran murmured, might have been to himself, maybe to those around him. The hangar was clear for now, but that wouldn't last.
The thing about Myrkr was that there were ysalamiri.
The other thing, apparently there was a friend of his.

He had been away from the politics for a bit, and even when he wasn’t? He was in the war. But he knew that a friend of his, Gilamar Skirata, one of the types who had founded a merc group that had been with the Alliance since the beginning was here. His TIE Exalt had reverted to real space among the Resistance starfighters. He wasn’t about to take any old fighter here.

Not with the space lizards. His own squadron, Tiburon, a strike/assault fighter squadron of a mixed back of ship types was going by the name of Green Squadron and were throttling towards the landing craft.

“Heavy weapons armed.” Coren stated to the mixed bag of E-Wings and TIE Avengers.

[member="Jorus Merrill"] | [member="Gilamar Skirata"] | [member="Laira Darkhold"]

Allana Mazhar

Location: Void Sector
Objective: Survive Open Hours

This place was a nightmare. Which was saying something, considering Allana had spent most of her life in sauntering around Chaos and the Netherworld. In the Netherworld the very environment had a sort of mystical feeling to it, permeating a sense dread, apathy, or rage to anyone trapped inside it. There was nothing special about this environment, the metal floors and walls lent themselves no deeper meaning, though there was the curious inability to feel the Force here. Initially that was painfully debilitating to Allana, but now? It was more akin to a broken bone. Painful and limiting, but livable.

Outside Allana could hear footsteps. The guards were heading out. That meant open hours were soon. What would Allana try today? Play dead? Run around the facility for the next few hours and hope nobody caught her? Try to put on some fake tattoos and hide in the Rekali Clan and hope they protected her? Her mind darted as she realized she was running out of time.

They'd be looking for her soon.
Myrkr Space

Laira's X-90 dropped from Hyperspace and all hell had broken loose, the swarm of Grutchin and their larger cousins were in orbit as distraction for any would be Mandalorian fleets and would hopefully limit the deployment of reinforcements to the prison. It was best to skirt WAY around that mess.

The handful of Resistance Fighters followed up behind the fast A-Wing piloted by former dreamboat Jorus Merrill. He had been so cute and awkward as a teen. Her own StealthX-Wing slipped in behind the interceptor. "Ar-seven, Power to weapons, lets get low, lets get fast." The cycle started and after a few seconds the little droid pinged a response and her weapon's readout lit up green instead of blue. Perfect.

She lined up on the first response vessel that her sensors locked in on, spraying red laser bolts into the light freighter, and the redhead cut the pedals to flip her ship into an arcing spin. "Rebel Red, Fox one." The button on the control stick depressed and the first proton torp from her magazine launched towards the craft with brilliant blue lights amidst the storm of high powered red laser bolts.

[member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Valyr Hangar


Silence and unseen, the hunter moved after the strike team had made its announcement and began storming the hangar, the shadow slipped out from the cargo container. Illyria had a presence here, a strong one. Death was everywhere and her hound was sent to connect deceased with afterlife they deserved. That was his purpose after all, to seek out those that were marked and send them to the Goddess of the Underworld.

Time to move.

At a walking pace, the tall being could move unseen and unheard, decades of hunting and practice made him patient and deliberate. The door opened for him with a simple wave of a code cylinder and the creature was off in the corridors, the smaller passages through out the prison where the Force-Dead hunter could seek out the prey he was sent for. He had no name, no face to seek out. Only a presence.

[member="Silas Mantis"]
Location: Prison
Allies: *cricket noises*
Enemies: [member="Darzhur"], [member="Aran Rogna"], [member="Laira Darkhold"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Davin Skirata"], [member="Gilamar Skirata"] and his dusty fething bones, [member="Talia Fett"], [member="Sav Elko"]
Objective: Come get it

Reports flooded in of the enemy, most transmissions were half complete when they cut to static, their broadcaster cut down and sent to the Manda, but Silas knew enough. It was the dar'manda, and a few auretti to boot. They'd struck hard and fast with brutal efficiency, the soldiers of Mandalore would respond in kind, the Shriek Hawks could hunker down and wait for the enemy to come, Silas would meet them head on.

At his back were an assortment of warriors, each a hardened Death Watch veteran, each someone Silas trusted with his life. Hefting the MF-45, Silas raised up a fist. "Oya." A simple phrase was all it took, it was time to hunt.

Bounding towards the hangar area to meet the intruders, the team of six trailed behind the Epicanthix as he burst ahead of him, anticipation thrumming in his veins. He didn't know a thing about these dar'manda, but he assumed they'd fought for Monroe or had been too cowardly to take a stand either way, though none of it mattered, not even if they could wave around jetti magic.

The force hadn't saved the Liberator or her cause, it wouldn't save them either.


"The high security prison on..."

"Yes, I know."

"Should we mobilise clan forces or alter our alert status?"

"No, it's just a mercenary run detention center - as far as I know we don't even have any prisoners there, certainly none political. I just did a check on the database I pulled from Justice, the last three we authorised payment for holding were a multiple murderer with cyborg enhancements, some dar'jetii or half-fallen Force Adept who tried to hijack a cruise liner of people 'in the name of his people' - fairer call there, I suppose, and... some transfer from a break in at MandalMotors, looks corporate. I am not waking up the entire of Allit'Kryze just for a break in. Acknowledge the assistance request, bounce it back down to local forces - and across to Akaan, Vod Wrist-Rocket can deal with it. Call me again if they send a message with anything substantive, like Sith or other lunatics breaking loose."

Shia had no idea what was on Myrkr and in that prison that someone with a bunch of snubfighters and a solid ground crew wanted so badly - as far as she knew, it was empty of anything but war criminals and Sith, if they wanted to kill both... fair game to them. And if Ra or one of his followers had, in his infinite wisdom, put something there these people cared about... well it would be diplomatic to turn a blind eye, and she was a diplomat, after all. If there was something Mandalore wanted in there... well, then it was Akaan's job to go defend it. Ideally without punching holes in the wall of Sundari palace this time. Which would be difficult from Mykyr, she admitted.
Location: Prison
Allies: Mandos, [member="Silas Mantis"]
Enemies: TR-8Rs and Rebels, [member="Aran Rogna"], [member="Davin Skirata"], [member="Talia Fett"], [member="Gilamar Skirata"]

The alarms screamed annoyingly and reports were coming in of fighters, unaffiliated with Mandalore, appearing in the system and heading straight to Myrkr. What made it worse was that Vong creatures were also sighted and heading towards the fleet.

But that wasn't the end of it. Infiltrators were inside the prison complex and were mainly traitorous Mandalorians. Mandalorians that were, most likely, once part of Mia's insurgency. Warriors he despised, yet he loved to kill; however, as much he would like to terminate these so called Mandalorians he would have to spare some lives.

This was no coincidence, and perhaps information could be extracted from these traitors. Leaders, locations, allies, even their favorite meal.

While the personnel in the hangar where caught by surprise, protocol would be followed to counter them. A unit of warriors followed Vilaz as he made way to the hangar to lethally greet these dar'manda.
Location: Prison
Allies: Non-ME Mandos, plucky rebels
Enemies: ME Mandos.

Enyo was not a plucky rebel driven by a desire to resist oppressors and liberate the downtrodden. Thus the question of whether the inmates of this fine prison were morally deserving of freedom did not concern her. She was also no Mandalorian, and thus was fairly indifferent to the latest drama on Mandalore. Indeed, if the captives happened to be morally reprehensible sorts, that might actually be better.

She was a taciturn Terminatrix with Force powers and plenty of guns. Phrik armour encased her body like a shell, obfuscating her features. No need to advertise that she wore the face of Siobhan Kerrigan. She had been reliably informed that her mirror had been a member or affiliate of the Mandalorian Clans once. The details escaped Enyo, and she had trouble imagining Siobhan as one.

After the strike team had made its explosive entrance, the hangar was strewn with corpses and the stink of death filled the air. She'd presumably done her part by shooting guards with her bolter or breaking them with her hammer. Armour did little against an anti-armour weapon designed to break bones. Especially since it was made of beskar.

A small force of cyborgs followed in her wake, moving seemlessly like a unit without any verbal communication. This would be good practice for them. Security mechanisms on one of the doors were overridden.
[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Laira Darkhold"]

Two squadrons' worth of red dots appeared on Jorus' instrumentation. He spiralled his way out of a strafing run on a Shriek-Hawks patrol boat, and toggled the comms.

"Look alive. Squadron of fighters followed by squadron of interceptors."

Those Resistance X-wings could tackle the old Mando fighters as equals or superiors. Once they got tied up in the furball, though, the interceptors would arrive. Those interceptors were another old model, equivalent to his A-wing, but they'd do the job well. With a grimace, he steered away from his target and headed to group up with the X-wings. They'd need all the help they could get.
Location: Orbit
Allies: [member="Kaine Australis"]
Enemies: @Jourus Merrill
Assets: Tyrant

As the ME Copad dropped out of hyperspace a battle had begun to brew and Quoron felt the energy and excitement radiating out of his crew. They were as excited as him to prove themselves and the fledgling first fleet. This would not only be the opportunity to solidify the new Mandolorian Navy as a powerful fighting force but it also was the time to prove that even with two ships they could work effectively.

The home situation with clan Viszla could be described as chaotic at best and Quoron wanted to prove to the others that he despite how few major conflicts he had taken part in he was still capable and would lead his people.

On the way to the battle he the crew man battle stations and to prepare to divert power from the engines to the shields and cannons. After he issued these orders he had the bombers prep their payloads and get ready to launch. He had complete faith in Kaine from what he was told the man knew what he was doing and once he reverted to real space he wold give command of the bombers to the other Captain. He did not know much about the world or prison that they would be guarding.

As the helmsman updated him that they would be arriving soon he felt it important to address those under his command. "Comm officer open a channel over the ship. Let's give the crew a pep talk." Quoron surveyed the bridge with a quick glance, and he knew that he could think of new better crew to be with him for this or any other mission. "Sir the channel is open" Quoron took a breath and tried to compose what he would say to inspire the warriors. "Brothers and sisters we are about to encounter some of our brethren and assorted miscreants who wish harm upon us and seek to escape the just punishment that has been given to them. Pilots you will be flying for Kaine Australis. I expect you to win glory for us and do your jobs the best you can. Gunners warm up your guns and shoot straight. Engineers you have been given the task of keeping everything working when our enemies will do their best to stop you. All other assorted personnel you must make certain that you perform your duty with zeal and passion. The only person you help if you do not is the enemy." With that he closed the channel and the ship reverted to real space and began to move toward the other Mandolorian's ship.
Location: Prison.
Allies: Mandalorian Empire.
Enemies: The Other People.

As was its habit, the Basilisk war droid of Tal Vizsla crashed down inside the hangar in the wake of the initial assault, giving little regard for the comfort of its master or the preservation of the hangar deck. Scanners of both beast and master searched the area for threats, but found only the corpses of the guards and workers left behind by the breachers. Dismounting, Tal took a few moments to study the bodies, noting the damage caused by both blasters and slugs, as well as pure kinetic force.


Leaving his own hammer and shield on his back for the time being, he stood and moved into the prison proper, commanding his droid to remain behind and guard the hangar.


Location: Prison
Allies on the ground: [member="Enyo Typhos"]@Darzhur@Allana Mazhar[member="Aran Rogna"][member="Davin Skirata"][member="Sav Elko"] [member="Gilamar Skirata"]
Allies in the air: [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Laira Darkhold"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Tal Vizsla"]
Moving to engage: [member="Silas Mantis"]

The fight in the hangar had been loud, fast and deadly. Reinforcements would no doubt be on their way. She swapped her weapons, switching th rifle for a scattergun, far better in the tight spaces of the corridors that led off the hangar. They knew their mission. Get in, find their allies, get out.

Anything that stood in their way was fair game.

As they slipped out of the hangar and into the prison proper, Talia heard the distinct growl of a war droids engines. “Look out for a pincer movement.” she warned, pumping the scattergun to slide a round into the chamber. She wasn’t overly worried, she still had a card to play to get them out.

A shriek hawk mercenary rounded the corner in front of her-


He hit the deck hard.

They’d run into some tough resistance soon enough. She’d draw their attention so Davin could find his brother.

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