Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You've been Hit by, You've been Struck by...

[member="Talia Fett"]

The second the woman gave some room he felt a measure of satisfaction and as one axe crashed down onto the shield, he yanked it away as quick as he'd brought it down. Silas stepped quickly out of reach of the blade, the beskad missing his abdomen by a hairs width.

The warrior knew he had to end this duel, they weren't here to simply slash at the true sons and daughters of Mandalore with their beskads and jetti powers, they were here for someone, but he had no idea who.

Sidestepping to the right then jolting forwards, Silas lashed out at Tallia's flank with a few targeted swings.

Gilamar Skirata

The most important step is always the next one
The gates hissed open. He could hear the fighting now, from the other side. Somehow someone had hacked through Valyr's Void Sector and opened the doors. On the other side there was a riot. He was right, someone was attacking. But why? Was it some sort of pirate raid to get one of them from Valyr? Had the Gen'dai's crew finally shown up to get their boss out?

Speaking of which.

The Gen'dai's body slithered around his ankle and tugged, sending the old Mandalorian face first into a rifle on the ground. He landed with a thud but grabbed the rifle and fired. The smell of burning flesh and the strange vocal cry of a Gen'dai fueled on rage filled his nose and ears.

He grinned and made a dash for the door before being grabbed by two Mandalorians.

"Skirata in hand," the said rather surprised.

"Not today..."

"Gilamar wait-" No time. The but of his rifle swung and cracked the Mando's view plate. A stun blast washed over the other one sending him to the ground.

"I gotta find a shuttle off this prison..." Dressed in tattered rags and with a face full of graying, dirty hair Gil's bare feet slapped on the permacrete floor towards the hangar.

[member="Talia Fett"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Tal Vizsla"]
[member="Tal Vizsla"]

Tal Vizsla's abilities continued to evolve and expand at a rapid pace. The supposed Force Dead Genetic Supersoldier was now suddenly no longer Force Dead, but now sought to manifest the ability to summon expanding bubbles of Force Nullification. Perhaps the creature's body had been infused with ysalamiri blood.

The body in question had been designed for High Gravity, yet the creature was faster than a Cheetah. But that was neither here nor there right now. In any case, Tal had one very powerful ability. Namely the one to decide when he wanted to react, at any time, no matter where it put him or his last motion ended.

Enyo responded in kind. Strangely, it seemed he was only two paces away from her. Even though just a moment ago he had fired his pistol/rifle, before crushing it with his own hand. The meterage did not add up, but no matter. Use of the Force required concentration, especially when lifting a huge container. Enyo was, all things considered, a weaker Force-user than her template.

But her eyes did not slip from him. Moreover, as soon as she lifted, he moved. So she merely released her telekinetic grip on the cargo container. Freed from the invisible Force Grip, it dropped. There was a gloriously loud thud when it hit the ground. Dust wheered outward from beneath its enormous weight.

This rid her of her distraction. He'd been within her field of vision the whole time, after all. He was quick, but she'd tracked him. He moved in the middle of her move, so she would not remain static. So the Mandalorian charged her, hand outstretched to grab her neck. This manoeuvre made the Cyborg conclude that her opponent had serious misconceptions about combat.

So while he made his strange manoeuvre, she shifted outside of the outstretched arm, stepping outside of where he was approaching. Her hands grasped the handle of her hammer firmly, presenting the back spike of the hammer towards him as she hastily moved left hand below right. Making use of her robotic anatomy to torque as much swing as she could muster, sending the head of the hammer over his extended right arm. Her intention was to let his face suck on that back beskar spike.

Mia Monroe

[member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Laira Darkhold"]

Someone cheered in her ear.

“Shut the feth up, this isn’t over yet.” Angel snapped. She felt her stomach tighten as King Squadron began to move in. The peeled back, regrouping and giving Angel a moment to think.

“Copy that Gold leader. Four, cover him.”

She flipped the X-wing end over end, the two following her suit as she moved to face the incoming squadron. “Stay on my wings, if they break us up, we’ll become easy pickings.” Fire hammered her shields, she kept half an eye on them as they began to drop. Eighty percent, sixty percent, forty percent.

Still Angel held their course. “Ready missiles.”

Confirmation came in the form of comm clicks. When they we almost on top of each other, she gave the command. “FIRE!”

At such short range, those targeted would be hard pressed to avoid them. She snapped the x-wing onto its side, passing between two enemy fighters. She peeled back on the throttle, snapped the fighter about again and gave chase, quad lasers hailing fire on their tails.
His response was simple and direct. As she shifted her body, he too shifted his arm. Her intent with the hammer was plain in his mind, and he merely raised the hand to meet the upper haft of the hammer. His intent being to snatch it mid-swing and halt its progress. A feat of which he was more than capable, given the hammer's significant lack of momentum relative to her previous swing. Mechanical joints or no, it seemed her strength was unable to match his own.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
[member="Tal Vizsla"]

Reality seemed to bend rather liberally around Tal. The Mandalorian had made a direct action and claimed it as the fact. Enyo, being the more superior of the two science projects, decided to roll with it. So he grasped the full momentum of her Hammer and ceased its trajectory without even a bend of his elbow from the impact - or, perhaps more shockingly, a broken bone in his hand and/or wrist. It seemed to stop just dead as if had just been a friendly swat and not a life threatening swing. Fair enough.

So while his immense strength, which he unflinchingly believed was far greater than hers, in addition to all the other features that appeared to have been crammed in to him, apparently halted the advance of her hammer, the Cyborg utilised her vast speed. Which even he admitted surpassed his.

She followed in with another attack, which rushed forward as an instantaneous response. No sooner than the arrest of momentum and the closing of his fingers, she was already reacting. Her right hand remained steadfast in her grip on her hammer, preventing it from being dislodged or removed, her shoulders pulling and legs moving in reverse. Leading his forward advance as he came towards her - while also urging her Phrik body out and away at an angle.

Her other action was taken in the same blink of an eye. It saw her left hand suddenly plunge away from its grasp on the Hammer, though the grip of her right one remained implacable. Her left fished her lightsabre off from its place on her belt, and ignited the blade as she swept the brilliant flash upwards underneath his oustretched arm. Thus she launched an upward slash towards what would be the open segment of space between the armour plates that allowed his arm to bend at the elbow. A move that should see the limb severed from its host.
His forward momentum stopped when his hand closed around the hammer, and his left boot latched onto the floor beneath them. Pull as she might, neither he nor the hammer were going anywhere with her as his crushgaunt locked itself in place around its bes'kar haft. Her lightsaber would activate and swing up, slipping easily between the plates of his arm, but fail to sever the arm when it encountered the bes'kar fibers of his body glove. Perhaps if she had some time she would be able to melt through, but time was not something he was keen on giving her.

His left arm swung back, hurling the shield it held out behind him as his helm locked her in as its target. The repulsors built into the shield flared to life and pulled it 'round in a tight arc, driving its edge hard toward her neck. At the same time, he would utilize the conduit that now stood between the pair and discharge a potent burst of electricity from his right gauntlet into the hammer he now held. His intent being to use it as a conduit to bypass the shielding his sensors told him her armor possessed and send the burst directly through the physical path she had left to her body.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]
Enyo grew bored of this charade. It was very clear some ulterior image was needing to be maintained, a bravado of ego that could not accept defeat or admit its weaknesses. But rather retcon them movement by movement, utilising a tactic that at its very core stood on the thinnest ice there could be. And [member="Tal Vizsla"] was very heavy, not to mention designed to operate in Heavy Gravity. Thin ice was not a thing he'd want to find himself on. But as the fight progressed and the two individuals on very opposite ends of the spectrum proceeded. That revisionist unfolding, where she took advantage of mistakes, only in the next moment for the previous action to be entirely altered in a manner that if Tal had done that in the first place she herself would not have made the choices she had. Or he suddenly developed new powers.

So he became anchored to the floor, her lightsabre did absolutely nothing despite a strong and direct strike - armor too stronk. It was strange how he could move in it, since there was a reason even the strongest armour had gaps in the joint areas. So Tal whirled his left arm around to lob his shield like a latter-day impersonation of Captain Corellia.

In this moment, the Cyborg ducked low, letting said shield sail over and beyond her as she swiftly stowed her lightsaber back upon her belt and brought both hands back to a steadfast grip upon her Hammer.

Wrenching the hammer sideways - to Tal's right - as he began to overload his armor from some mystifying electrical conduit that seemingly appeared. Her own armour – both the old and the new variants – was heavily insulated against electricity.

Strong as he may have been, veins pumping steroids, armour more powerful than a Super Star Destroyer, she wasn't going to let him abuse biomechanics any longer. And so as she twisted the hammer, his whole grip upon the weapon was broken, and she danced away skillfully.

Now she was the only person holding her hammer.

Putting just enough distance between them - she was sure, as had been the case proven thus far he'd claim he was already following her - to utilize the Force. So far, she'd utilised the Force twice. Now she did for a third time. The Focus Crystal embedded inside her Droid body boosted her use of it further. Wrapping her telekinetic willpower around the Mandalorian's armour, she sought to envelope it – and thus him – in a giant's hand. Then proceeded to attempt to lift him into the air and slam him back into the ground with titanic force. Enough to make the ground tremble to a degree one would be forgiven for thinking there might be a quake.
One moment the hammer was clasped in a grip that could crush stone and rend metal, and the next it was simply gone. Tal had no notion of how it had escaped his grasp, but it seemed it had nonetheless.

The shield circled back as she removed herself from his immediate vicinity, and his hammer too leapt from the floor where it lay and launched itself in his direction. Its path would carry it through the space she now occupied, but he expected that would prove no obstacle to its return.

The grip of her giant hand, meanwhile, would prove just as effective as her previous attempt to manipulate his armor. Which is to say, he simply stood and watched her as it closed around him and became null within inches of his form. Presumably, the ground still shook as what remained of the telekinetic hand smashed down around him, but his footing remained solid beneath him, thanks in no small part to the tractor fields in his boots.

[member="Enyo Typhos"]

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