Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You've been Hit by, You've been Struck by...

Location: Prison
Allies: [member="Talia Fett"], [member="Aran Rogna"], [member="Sav Elko"], [member="Gilamar Skirata"]
Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"], [member="Tal Vizsla"], [member="Silas Mantis"]
Engaging: Tal Vizsla

Get in, wreck the facility, extract 'allies'. Maybe just open all the cells and sic the inmates on the Mandalorians. Well, those Mandalorians the Terminatrix was not sort of allied with at the moment. Hey, it had sort of worked in that Injustice comic.

Anyhow, before any of these plans could be put into action, the opposition had to be overcome. The entrance into the hangar had been loud and noisy. The guards were dead, but reinforcements were surely on the way. Enyo could understand this, for she had strong opinions on trespassers as well.

The woman who seemed to be the leader of the Mandalorian strike force warned them about pincer movements, just after the sound of engines that heralded the arrival of a Basilisk war droid reached Enyo's enhanced hearing. Turning, her gaze fell upon the Basilisk and the Mandalorian warrior who'd dismounted and was apparently approaching their position.

Deciding that she might as well pull off a rearguard action, she used her implants to transmit a signal to her cyborg goons. Purely wireless communication was so much more efficient than verbal. Her minions would keep moving into the facility and continue with their mission. Her body was encased in practical armour, made of the same alloy as her phrik endoskeleton. Without a word, The Terminatrix removed a sonic grenade from her belt. Priming the ball and expertly calculating distance and trajectory, she lobbed it towards his feet.

Raising her VT Needle Disruptor, she fired, aiming for his centre of mass. Being a disruptor, this weapon tore apart molecules and was thus able to pierce any form of armour, including beskar. Unlike a common disruptor, it did not the ability to vaporise an entire target into ash...just part of them. That was nasty enough, especially if you factored in possible internal injuries.
Location: En Route to Prison
Gear: Beskar'gam, Gladiator Assault Rifle, Crushgaunts, Jetpack
Objective : Repel enemy assault
Allies: [member="Silas Mantis"] l @Tal Viszla l Mando homies
Enemies: Literally everyone else. Literally.

Karsan grit his teeth as the shuttle began to whir and descend. They were the backup. He, and several Death Watch commandos who were on standby in the area. They weren't too far away when the call was given- and now the Mandalorians were beginning to mobilize against the intruders.

Karsan pulled the helmet over his head and was stopped just outside of the hangar. The doors opened, and the Commandos flooded the hangar, jetpacks carrying them in lieu of the shuttle landing. The war droid inside identified him as friendly.

He tapped his throat to open his comm units.

"Calnov on station, standing by for tasking."
Location: Prison
Allies: [member="Tal Vizsla"], [member="Quoron Viszla"], [member="Kaine Australis"], [member="Karsan Calnov"]
Enemies: [member="Darzhur"], [member="Aran Rogna"], [member="Laira Darkhold"], [member="Coren Starchaser"], [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member="Davin Skirata"], [member="Gilamar Skirata"] and his dusty fething bones, [member="Talia Fett"], [member="Sav Elko"], [member="Enyo Typhos"]
Objective: Come get it

"Hunt Karsan, however you see fit." It was brief and to the point just like most of their conversations, but he was sure the commando turned Mandalorian had more than a few plays he could make.

The mercenaries dropped and the insurgents rounded the corner just in time to see Silas and his group bounding towards them. Time seemed to slow as the Mantis dug in his heels and skidded to a halt, the heavy assault shotgun came to bear, leveled in the Fett's general direction as she and her companions rushed headlong into the den of the wolves. They were just as bold as he'd imagined.

A prosthetic finger squeezed the tirgger and unleashed a malestrom of buckshot down the hall, recoil desperately trying to shake his aim against his beskar arm. It failed. In an instant the other soldiers would heft their own weapons and fire away at the onrush of exiled Mandalorians. Hunting their kind down across the galaxy was something any of them would've taken great pride in doing, but instead their quarry had come to them.

How fortunate.

From behind the 'T' of his visor, Silas looked on the insurgents with cold hatred. He wasn't sure where it came from anymore, the loss of his family to the catastrophe still and would always ache, but not in the way it once did, it didn't fuel him. Perhaps it was that they likely thought they could handle the all surrounding force without going absolutely mad, or maybe it was simply he'd lost the ability to do anything but hate them. Perhaps the Civil War had never really ended for him, it obviously hadn't for them.

Jak Skirata

Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Silas Mantis"]
Allies: Rebels

He tried his best not to kill the men and women here. They weren't his enemy, as much as he struggled to keep the image of Dorn Skirata from taking their place. He tried to keep the rage down, disarming and sending Mandos into one another. It was a difficult way to fight, but they weren't going to be in the way of finding his brother.

And then he saw Vilaz.

Blood thirsty Vilaz.

And he lost his composure. Behind his helmet his lips curled into a snarl. He took a running start and tapped into the Force to send him flying across the hangar, landing before Vilaz, sending a controlled current of the Force, knocking the distractions away leaving Vilaz and Davin. The distorted red blade came up to meet his head.

Location: The Prison Hangar
Allies: Mandalorian Empire
Enemies: [member="Enyo Typhos"], The Other People

The sonic grenade let out a high-pitched squeal as Tal continued forward, crushing it under his weight before it had a chance to fully detonate. Scanners in the armor picked up her weapon and gauged its power in an instant, comparing the energy signature to those of known weapons and flashing a warning on his HUD. Kark, that was high. DIsruptor, probably. While the plates he wore had been laboratory tested against weapons of similar power and type, the results had been somewhat mixed and he wasn't terrible interested in testing them out in the field.

At least, not today.

A step to the left and shifting of the shoulder sent the beam through open air where his chest had been half a moment before. His movement impossibly fast for one so heavily armored, except that she'd seen it with her own two eyes. If she hadn't before, she would quickly be realizing that Tal was no run of the mill mandalorian goon.


The shield on his back flew to mount itself on his left forearm as he reached to the side, and his steady pace never wavered.

"Here I was, just coming out here to have a good time, and I am honestly feeling very attacked right now."
[member="Tal Vizsla"]

It would take a hydraulic press to crush a grenade. Far more than any person could manage. Even a genetically modified one. Thus the Mandalorian's manoeuvre would not have prevented an explosion. Logically, his legs would be in a very poor state right now. For sonic grenades were not just loud, but unleashed terrible concussive force, even through armour. Never mind the fact that charging and dodging would be extremely difficult while carrying gear heavy enough to amount to carrying another full-grown person. Umbarans were, after all, still near-human.

Behind her phrik helmet's visor, Enyo's expression remained bland and unemotional. She saw no reason to reply to his words. She was no organic being, but a sophisticated cybernetic sentient, an unholy merger of machine and organic, endowed with all the strength, speed and durability one could expect from a Terminatrix. Her mechanical eyes did not lose sight of his movements or have trouble tracking him.

So while he talked, she acted. She would have had all the time she needed while he seemed to cross the distance. In that time span, she discarded the disruptor rifle in favour of her beskar hammer. Wielding the maul with both hands, for with a weight of 10kg, it could only be wielded two-handed, she brought it crashing down upon him at terrible veocity, aiming to bash him. If he tried to block it with his shield, all the better. A shield was an ideal defensive implement to defend against swords and the like, but a maul was an ideal anti-armour weapon, for it could break bones even through armour, unleashing tremendous force on a focused area.
True, Umbarans were indeed near-human, But Tal was as similar to a baseline Umbaran as his opponent was to a protocol droid. His sheer weight, just over a quarter of a ton, and the force his armor was capable of generating were more than enough to crush the metal cylinder and continue unhindered by it. Simply activating the tractor field in his opposing boot for a moment anchored him to the deck and briefly turned him into the equivalent of that hydraulic press.

He didn't need his scanners to tell him the hammer she drew was bes'kar, and a small smile pulled at his visage beneath the helm. Clearly, she was also more than she appeared to be at first glance. The hammer was smaller than his own, but still large enough that any ordinary human would have trouble wielding it effectively in combat. Especially one of her apparent size. The observation gave him reason to remain cautious.

Drawing his own hammer off his back as he neared the woman, he held it in a single hand. Yet another indication of his lack of normalcy, given that it weighed a full five kilograms more than hers and he wielded it with apparent ease.

He stepped right as she brought up her hammer, and swung out with his shield as it bore down on him. His intent to deflect it to his left with a counter-force of his own, rather than simply hold up the shield and try to bear the brunt of the blow. Given the equivalent mass of the shield to the hammer, and the fact that he was merely trying to shift her momentum aside and not stop it entirely, he would escape the blow relatively unscathed.

Unfortunately for the woman, and immediately following his defense, he would swing his own hammer in a sideways arc. Powered with inhuman strength, the blow was aimed to collide with her left hip, his intent to shatter the joint beneath the armor, if not the entirety of the pelvis. Something that would be more than possible via the weapon's concussion field generators.
Location: Prison Hallway
Enemies: Insurgents l [member="Davin Skirata"] l [member="Enyo Typhos"] l [member="Talia Fett"]
Allies: [member="Silas Mantis"] l [member="Tal Vizsla"]

The Gladiator rifle popped four in rapid succession as he maneuvered down the hallway. He was en route to flank the insurgent's position. Silas said to get after them how he saw fit.

The insurgents, the traitors, the pariahs, they were falling like dominoes before Karsan. They were unmatched in his brutality. He withdrew his sidearm when his magazine went empty. He buried the barrel of the handgun deep into the neck, and took the man's head nearly clean off with a single shot. He let the man's body slump to the ground. Karsan was going for the control center. His intent was to lock down the prison, trapping both the Mandalorians- and the insurgents inside.

He curled his fingers and reloaded the Gladiator rifle, turning his head. Nobody directly had accosted him yet. If he was successful, he was going to trap them all inside. Karsan walked down the hallway and periodically smashed the lights where he went, creating a distorted lighting effect that was both jarring to the attacker, and made him look slightly...demonic.
[member="Tal Vizsla"]

How crushing a device meant to explode seemed strangely inefficient and illogical for a method of deactivating its blast yield, Enyo wouldn't mince words about it. There were many untenable flaws her advanced mechanical processors were calculating as they scanned and observed the odd nature of this organic before her.

Clearly he was a modified minion of some nature, frankly, given the logic sensors now embedded in her own highly altered state of existence, she couldn't help but feel as though she'd want her money back. They took a human or near-human frame, an already very fragile and easily hindered biological structure, and simply packed more weight and a bunch of extras on to it. Parading it around as if it was now the strongest thing in the Galaxy - it wasn't. What did they do for the ligaments? Its bones? How did it not just simply collapse in to a pool of gelatin? She had the luxury of pondering these things as her droid mind rapidly processed countless different aspects of the scene unfolding before her. She no longer even really needed to think about combat, her body just seemed to react, like a well-oiled machine.

There, his foot hit the ground, it crushed a grenade beneath it. The grenade didn't explode. Somehow. But clearly the vibrations felt indicated it was a heavy action that even this creature must admit anchored that leg in place for the duration. And here we go, her hammer was swung in a manner meant to test the speed and reflexes of the opponent before her. Clearly her opponent didn't understand the nature of combat all that well or it wouldn't have reacted so aggressively in its opening move. But then again, combat was fast. Very fast. That was why Droids and Cyborgs thrived in it. Metal was superior to flesh and blood. She need only look at the size of this creature, and the weight he was clearly carrying around. The weight of his gear must be equal to that of another full-grown person. The ground seemed to droop beneath it.

Furthermore, her opponent had done her a favor because hammers were not swords. They were weapons that required a very certain skillset unlike the art of swinging blades. For they were about momentum and and movement and constant motion. All things that amplified their violence and made them such feared blunt instruments of maiming and murder. So his shield struck her hammer with such force that Enyo, seemingly, with unflinching reflexes allowed to happen. It swung the hammer around wildly, her body followed. Moving in a fluid sort of motion that seemed more graceful than that of a ballet dancer. His left arm was now far astray, thrust in an unnecessarily violent way to stop something he could have merely deflected with providing an angle on his shield for it to skirt off from.

Then came his powerful swipe. The folly of it was evident. You did not swing a two-handed hammer with a single hand. No matter how strong your genetic advancements or droid strength might have made you. The very design of the weapon placed the point of balance directly where the weight of the head was. His own aggression worked against him. He was a genetically modified organic, she was mostly machine. Through this, she could exceed what mere muscle could achieve, whilst being incapable of tiring or feeling pain. So while his epic strength drove him in an odd swinging arc. Enyo, the much lighter and agile of the pair, had followed the propulsion of her own hammer. Moving with preternatural speed granted to her by her droid limbs. Swinging around in a full circle as her footwork danced her beyond the reach of Tal's swipe. Following through as she now stood on the outside of his right flank, her beskar hammer, held by both her hands, swinging from ground over shoulder until it would have come to strike her foe across his outstretched arm.

At this range, with this force, no matter what armour this juggernaut wore, even if she struck him only with the shaft of her weapon, this man's arm was going to break. She heard the sound of gunfire, accompanied by lights going out, reducing the illumination. However, her sophisticated droid eyes allowed her to see in the dark.
Myrkr Sky

"Bogeys in bound." Her sensor board lit up shortly after the Corvette arrived and its fighter craft began pulling towards the Resistance and Outer Rim Coalition ships. Laira was good, but she could tell they would be in for a decent fight once the Interceptors arrived. Hopefully she had some tricks up her sleeves that might tip the tables.

The report of a Destroyer arriving didn't concern her. It would have to deal with the swarm of Grutchin and Turfhoppers that would likely be heading straight for it to overwhelm the aging Mandal Motor design. Grutchin SUCKED to deal with and they could have fun with those in high orbit.

She spun the X-90 around to face the incoming Mandalorian fighters, letting the rear of her ship drift around behind her to tighten the radius of her turn. Laira was a hot shot pilot with an extremely high opinion of her abilities thus far only reinforced by her brushes with death and danger. The Force flowed into her mind, slowing everything around her. The planet below might be covered in Ysalamiri, but the sky wasn't and so long as she could, the Princess would use the Force to speed herself up.

With guns blazing, the X-90 broke into a roll as she engaged the first pair of Mandalorian fighters, strafing the shields of one as they blazed by and her roll brought her in line behind them, yanking on the control yoke as the g-forces pressed her against the back of her seat. Red lasers barked out against the rear shields of the fighter she had picked while the other scissored away. A pretty classic move that she'd have to get fancy to counter, after she killed his friend.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
[member="Quoron Viszla"] [member="Kaine Australis"]
[member="Quoron Viszla"] [member="Kaine Australis"] [member="Laira Darkhold"]

FORCES: 1 A-wing, supporting Laira's X-90 squadron

Jorus torqued his A-wing through the furball, strafing whenever he could snap off a shot of opportunity. The Resistance X-90 squadron entangled itself with Jack Squadron's Mando fighters. In normal circumstances they'd have had a normal chance of success. But that interceptor squadron would slash in and wreck things in short order. That was downright inevitable. This distraction looked more expensive by the minute.

If not for the ground force, this was the point where Jorus would have cut and run. Stray fire had already chopped his shields down by half. Instinctive astrogation and half a century of flight time could only do so much against odds like this. But if the Resistance fighters bailed, the Mando ships could choke off the ground team's escape route. Their only option in those circumstances would be to vanish into the forest, whose metal-rich trees baffled sensors. Hardly an ideal solution.

He took a hand off the controls just long enough to comm [member="Talia Fett"]. “Ground lead, this is Gold One. We're getting hurt up here. Move your shebs.”
Gear in signature.
Location: Prison
Allies: Mandalorian exiles & Resistance, also [member="Julius Sedaire"]
Enemies: Everyone else, probably

How long had it been?

Not enough time had passed that it wasn't still routine to don her armor and arsenal for the next battlefield, but Keira supposed some part of that would always be instinctual. She would always be a warrior first, and nothing would likely change that. No matter how much her other half liked to insist otherwise. "The only reason I'm dragging you with me is because I refuse to do this alone. I need somebody I trust to watch my six. I think you've learned how to fight like one of us by now." He had the capacity to be more adaptable than even herself, and even if he wasn't, trial by fire was an efficient method to learn by. It was how she'd gotten to where she was, and she turned out well enough.

"At least we weren't shooting at each other the last time we were this divided. Guess times change fast." She wasn't entirely certain what had happened in the time she'd been away, but apparently enough time had passed for the Mandalorian Empire had risen from the ashes and once more driven some kind of wedge between the vode. It disappointed her, certainly, but she was far from surprised. As far as she was concerned, it had only been a matter of time since the days of the Crusaders. Unfortunately she was still fit enough to take part in the proceedings. Not that war really waited for anyone. "The last time this happened I knew who I was fighting with. Now all these kids have taken over."

Pulling on her helmet, she approached him and gently tapped their helms together. "I've got your six, cyar'ika."
The fight in the hangar had mostly finished by the time they arrived, and she wasn't keen to get held up so early on. "I'll bet I can kill more than you coming straight out of retirement." They spoke through in-helmet comms now, for better strategizing across a battlefield. Her EE-3 was off her back and in her hands even before she departed the ship, and she scanned the hangar through the scope, moving fast in order to avoid a fight she'd sensed even before the two of them had landed. "Avoid it. No reason to get involved." And like that a switch had flipped, the persona of a warrior replacing her entire being in the span of seconds. It was still an easy face to wear, even after all this time. This was all that she'd ever known.

They moved from the hangar to the halls with little trouble, and she was wise enough to know that this was where the easy part ended. Their knowledge of the prison layout was restricted to what information they'd been given before the raid, and while she knew they had to hit hard and fast, she also wanted to come out of things relatively unscathed. Or, at least, she wanted to keep all her limbs and break as few bones as possible. "Let me know if I shoot at the wrong people. It's been awhile."
Allies: [member="Silas Mantis"] l Mandalorian Empire
Enemies: [member="Keira Ticon"] l Mandalorian Exiles l Dar'manda
Directly Engaging: Keira Ticon

As Karsan moved through the prison, he came upon an obstacle in his path. A particularly bad one, at that. Karsan had an advantage. Knowledge of the layout. As [member="Keira Ticon"] moved further into the halls of the prison, Karsan lay in wait. He pivoted on his hip, coming low off the corner. The Gladiator slugthrower was brought up to his cheek, and he let off two sharp bursts, intent on ambushing Keira- and whoever she was with. He aimed for center mass on the female, judging by how she presented herself.

He was low and on the right side of the wall, a particular small target, even in this environment. He, for the time being, had the drop and the advantage. However, he knew for a fact that combat was fluid, and advantages and disadvantages were traded as often as the title of Mand'alor.

Nevertheless, Karsan was going to give the Dar'manda what for.
He saw the swarm of bugs heading toward the first fleet and he was ready. [member="Kaine Australis"] and his pilots had done well to distract the fighters and shot at the swarm. He would not let these bugs get close enough to his ships to destroy it. He called to the various officers on the bridge. "Gunners turn all our point defense laser cannons, and flak cannons we have on those bugs. Do not let a single one of them latch on to us. Engineer! Divert power from engines to weapons." Seconds latter he saw the fire of the flak cannons begin to rake the swarm and he hoped the cannons would hold back the bugs. "fire our concussion missiles at that cloud the explosions should thin them out and make all of our days a little more pleasant"

As the tyrant began to open fire on the vong he began to ponder why so much fuss would be made over a single prison. Surely the fleet would be better used elsewhere. But still he would not turn down the opportunity for combat. Quoron was happy where he was instead of being one of the fighter pilots ducking and diving with the enemy and the various other abominations that were flung at them.

He looked down at the stump that was his left arm and wondered how the development of his new arm was going he would be unable to make the swords he loved until he had it. The arm was the price he paid for Mandalore's new dawn. In his mind he could see the Mandolorian Empire fielding massive warships fighting those who would oppose them across the galaxy. But that is the future and now he has to rebuild the fleet and get it in shape for combat.

Name: Quoron Viszla
Ship: ME Copad
Shield: 100/100
Hull: 100/100
Firing at: Vong bugs
Hanger: (24x) Mandalorian Gunships
(10x) Tra'galaar Armored Transport
Location: The Prison Hangar
Allies: Mandalorian Empire
Enemies: [member="Enyo Typhos"], The Other People

Tal, unlike his opponent, required no mechanical aid to see clearly in the darkness. Predictably, the woman harnessed the momentum he gave her and spun fully around, gaining more and more power for her next strike.

It was precisely what he had expected her to do.

Rather than try and out-pace her or even keep up to counter, he simply waited for the moment her head was turned and released his hammer. With the speed and power behind his swing, the weapon's momentum would carry it into her twirling form right about the time she would complete her pirouette and deliver her own retaliatory blow, setting off the shockwave generators built into the head should it land.

Fortunately, this would also leave Tal's now-empty arm slightly out of position from where it would have been forced to be had he retained his grip on the hammer. Unfortunately, this woman was faster than he'd given her credit for. Her hammer crashed down in a glancing blow against his vambrace, causing body glove to tense, thermal gel to harden, and the impact to force his arm back the way it had come. Had he been of average Umbaran stock, he was certain the blow would have shattered the bone as well, and even given his enhancements he could already feel the numbness setting in.
Location: Prison Hangar
Allies: Mandalorians
Enemies: Traitors and Rebels
Engaging: [member="Davin Skirata"]

The warlord arrived at the scene of the battle and began engaging whatever hostiles that were in his sights. His plan was to eliminate most of the infiltrators and then divide them so that there was a high chance of capturing them.

They were foolish to come here and it would be their demise.

A Mandalorian leaped out from afar at Vilaz and used the force to push the warriors accompanying the Concordian away. Signs that he was a Force User. A traitor and a user of the Force? Those were the kinds the Munin hated the most out of everything. He saw an insignia on the man's armor that belonged to Clan Skirata. They had served Mia's insurgency and anyone that did deserved none of his respect, only how much he detested them.

The Skirata's blade, a crimson lightsaber, activated and was raised high to strike down at Vilaz. He yelled his surname, showing the rage inside of him. Vilaz with his shotgun, armor, pistols, beskad, and some stun grenades and concussion grenades, was more than happy to put down this so called Mandalorian. The shotgun was aimed point blank at Davin and the Munin began unloading slugs at the man.


Location: Prison
Allies on the ground: [member="Enyo Typhos"] [member="Darzhur"] [member="Allana Mazhar"] [member="Aran Rogna"] [member="Davin Skirata"] [member="Sav Elko"]
Allies in the air: [member="Jorus Merrill"] [member="Laira Darkhold"] [member="Coren Starchaser"]
Enemies: [member="Vilaz Munin"] [member="Tal Vizsla"] [member="Silas Mantis"] [member="Karsan Calnov"]


Talia threw herself back round the corner and buckshot rattled down the corridor, dropping two of her team. She tugged grenade from her belt, as two of her men peered back rounf the corner, laying down cover fire. Dropping to one knee she launched it round the corner.


The rebels stepped back as the explosion shook the corridor. “Find another route” she called through the comms. “Find [member="Gilamar Skirata"], I’ll keep them busy.” Jorus’s voice crackle in her ear. “Find him quickly...Copy that Gold One. If we’re not out in thirty minutes, we’re not getting out. You leave us behind, no argument. Ground Lead out.” A signal flashed across the rogues HUD’s. Thirty minutes and counting.

Talia took a deep breath, and pumped another round into the chamber before stepping out to face Mantis and his men.
Location: Prison
Allies: Mandalorian exiles & Resistance, also [member="Keira Ticon"] | [member="Talia Fett"]
Enemies: Everything ME. [member="Karsan Calnov"]
Gear: Sahsahlah - Lightsaber | Shelo'val Coat | Ori'ramikade Eukar'gam | Bryar Pistol

The shots rang out, and Julius moved like liquid. His long coat flowed in passage as years of combat training took over, and he simply was no longer there. A half turn showed his beloved moving to either engage or return fire, but the raid was more over freeing this Skirata type than it was any fight. Keira had some personal grudges that would likely come up, and he understood that as he made it to a corner and thudded onto it with his phrik lined coat. The albek hide was a wondrous material for him, really, and fit over the light armor he wore like a dream. Comms chatted to Keira quickly.

"I will let you deal with the distraction. Things seem to be heating up, so i'll keep eye on the prize. Let me know if you need me to drop back. We can count deaths later. Ib'tuur jatne tuur ash'ad kyr'amur..."

Turning, he sprinted the last little distance to clear the hangar, and smiled as he slid his lightsaber from his belt to his hand but did not yet activate it. Beskar'gam and a lightsaber might give these poor bastards a heart attack with how simplistic and hardlined they seem to be. So he made his way towards the security control office overlooking the hangar.

It was becoming a tradition in the Resistance that when they needed chaos cause on a ship they sent him. And he needed more info to properly cause that Chaos. And so, he began humming another Corellian sea shanty as he slid inside the security station for the hangar.
Location: Prison halls
Allies: Mandalorian exiles & Resistance, also [member="Julius Sedaire"]
Enemies: Everyone else, and [member="Karsan Calnov"]

Instead of moving Keira stayed put, her sixth sense giving her enough warning - just enough - so that she could activate the barrier built into her rifle and at the very least not get shot so early on. The kinetic impact of the bullets was enough to force her backward and into cover, already immediately on the defensive. "Don't worry about me. Focus on getting what we came for." She hadn't had a gunfight in a long time, and maybe it wasn't the smartest to throw herself directly into the fire after so long away, but she'd never maintained the greatest self-preservation instincts. It wasn't possible to do that and be a capable warrior, so she'd made her choice.

Pressing her rifle into her shoulder she took a few seconds just to breathe, recreating a mental image of where she'd located her adversary in those few moments of chaos. She didn't know exactly where he was with one-hundred percent certainty, but suppressing fire was just as valuable as anything that did real damage. Poking out from around her cover she fired off a three-round burst downrange where she approximated the initial shots came from, ducking back into her spot just as quickly. These weren't the ideal circumstances for combat, and she'd have to move eventually, but for now she would make it work.

Was it good to be back? Debatable. But at least this was familiar.
Location: Prison
Allies: [member="Tal Vizsla"], [member="Quoron Viszla"], [member="Kaine Australis"], [member="Karsan Calnov"]
Enemies: [member="Talia Fett"]
Objective: Come get it

Retaliation came quickly, and even as the troops of the Empire backpedaled to reach cover, shots from the insurgents caught one of the warriors in the throat, buckshot tearing open her flesh. She hit the ground dead, but on instinct another soldier reached to grab her, only for the grenade of the lead dar'manda to detonate at his feet, consuming him in fire.

Slamming himself against the wall Silas poked the barrel of the MF-45 around the corner and squeezed, filling the hall with a hailstorm of buckshot until the weapon ran dry. "Load me!" He called to one of his subordinates, tossing the weapon back to another beskar clad warrior who wordlessly caught the weapon and went to work replenishing its ammunition as buckshot spewed from the other end of the hallway.

He didn't have time to wait, his WESTAR found its way into his hand and he turned back around the corner, eyes locked onto the rogue at the other end. As it went with Mandalorians, not much in the way of words were exchanged, they spoke through violence, and that was enough. Snapping up his hand he let off a barrage of blaster bolts at the woman as he began to move forward. The shots weren't meant to kill, only to keep her busy as he tried closing the gap.

Who knew, maybe she'd even break out a lightsaber, that would've been interesting.

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