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Ysalamir Bubble Negation

Why would the Yslamari field counteract the inertia from a Force-thrown rock, but not a bullet?

So, is it not a tangible thing like oxygen is not a tangible thing, or is it not a tangible thing like Love is not a tangible thing, or is it not a tangible thing because it coats everything in Teflon and makes it too slick to grasp? Because I haven't found anything to declare if it's an atomic arrangement, or composed of energy, or some super crazy exception written in by the Architects who defined the laws by which the galaxy operates that declare "this is so" and so it is.
It doesn't counter the inertia. It negates the propulsion. You're throwing a rock with your mind. The "with your mind" part stops at the bubble's edge. Any remaining momentum is carried over, but no new force is applied.

Bullets are not Force powers. Ysalimiri don't do crap about them.

This simple folks.
[member="Dred Varad"]

[member="Arrbi Betna"] is the herald of this concept. Ysalamiri in nutrient tubes are a fairly canon idea, or so I am told. At the skirmish of Myrkr, where the Horde and others were trying to save [member="Enigma"] (Circe Savan), Arrbi Betna pulled out a Ysalamiri in a Beskar Plated Nutrient Tube. Since then, the idea has caught on like wildfire and has almost become standard operating procedure to bring into a fight.

It's simple enough to not really need a sub. And it's logical enough of a counter... that there is no reason for Mandalorians (IC) to not use the feth out of it. It is a tool. Mandalorians see the Force as a tool... For those that cannot use the Force as a tool, but know that they are going into combat with someone who can... will either bring Forcebreaker grenades or a Ysalamiri. Forcebreaker grenades are an amazing tool, but environmentally sealed suits have made them... not an option.

Thus you now have Ysalamiri everywhere.
So, there's your answer, Daemos.

The yslamari work because wookieepedia is gospel, and they cannot be beat because the community doesn't want them to be. Either become someone more popular or e-mail Dark Horse to publish one last adjustment to canon before Marvel resecures the rights, voids all canon, and everyone clings to Wookiee even harder in protest.
Trenchcoat Man said:
So, there's your answer, Daemos.

The yslamari work because wookiepeedia is gospel, and they cannot be beat because the community doesn't want them to be. Either become someone more popular or e-mail Dark Horse to publish one last adjustment to canon before Marvel resecures the rights, voids all canon, and everyone clings to Wookie even harder in protest.
*holds up Dark Empire comics* I have the Old Testament! It says "A Field of Nopetus is generated by these creatures!" *digs out Thrawn Trilogy* I even have the Scrolls of Thrawn if you'd like. :p
*pops knuckles*

Awright. Lemme see if I can help out with this one.

I kinda consider myself a psuedo "expert" on the Ysalamir in a way. On TGC (the site that cannot be named), and on here, I ran a character named [member="Doctor Agnusdei"] who specialized in Midi-chlorians. He studied Ysalamir extensively, even making an artificial replica to make the same bubble, albeit smaller. Long and short, the bubble the Ysalamir create is a survival instinct against Vornskrs, predatory creatures that hunt using the Force.

Now, I explained it on TGC as a sort of mitochondrial thing, but the wookiee page isn't clear on it. What the bubble does is create an area where the Force is nullified not a void. All natural things require the Force and Midi-Chlorians to exist according to SW canon (Even Force Dead things can be affected by the Force, just not nearly as effectively). Ysalamir are no exception. What the bubble does is nullify the Force within the area it effects, making the Force unusable in the area.

To give a RL example, think of... space. Space is there, it exists, and things are in it and some of those things have life on it. Think of the Force as... well, a flame. You can throw flames at things, or light things into flames, or just hold the flames entirely. In space, there is no air (Read: Force). Without Air, there are not flames. Sure, you can inject Air into Space and THEN light it on Fire, but it doesn't work very well, if at all.

You can use the Force on that bubble, but not directly. The Force doesn't penetrate it, but you can use the Force in other ways. Throw rocks, move the ground, cause trees or buildings to fall on it, etc. It's not a beat all, end all. It just forces those who use the Force to... think outside the box :p

Just my two cents.
Trenchcoat Man said:
So, there's your answer, Daemos.

The yslamari work because wookieepedia is gospel, and they cannot be beat because the community doesn't want them to be. Either become someone more popular or e-mail Dark Horse to publish one last adjustment to canon before Marvel resecures the rights, voids all canon, and everyone clings to Wookiee even harder in protest.
Oooooh, the passive-aggression is strong with this one!
Fabula Cavataio said:
Oooooh, the passive-aggression is strong with this one!
Whoah, whoah, whoah. It wasn't passive-aggressive. I don't do passive-aggression. It was just frank. Is that not the situation?

Anyway, Passive-Aggression is your game OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (See? Aggressive-Aggression,)

Anyway, [member="Arrbi Betna"] . See, I like this line of thought, and I was guessing something similar. Are you suggesting that the field actually generates a torpor state in the midichlorinal bacteria?
Trenchcoat Man said:
Whoah, whoah, whoah. It wasn't passive-aggressive. I don't do passive-aggression. It was just frank. Is that not the situation?

Anyway, Passive-Aggression is your game OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (See? Aggressive-Aggression,)

Anyway, [member="Arrbi Betna"] . See, I like this line of thought, and I was guessing something similar. Are you suggesting that the field actually generates a torpor state in the midichlorinal bacteria?
I found your cake.


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