Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Invasion Z is for Ziost! (The Primeval invasion of Silver Sanctum Ziost)

Connor Harrison

Objective: A
Location: Outside of the Citadel
Allies: [member="Chastity Lunelle"] (Padawan - Captured) | [member="Keira Ticon"]
Enemies: [member="Kana Truden"]
Unique Gear: Combat Armour | Lightsaber

Keira’s interjection was welcome, as Connor wanted to crush Kana’s windpipe initially to simply stop the threat, but the Force burst sent him stumbling back into wall of the Citadel with a crunch, his body stooping a little.

Looking up, he noticed Kana was focused again on Keira as if his interjection was nothing but a ghostly vision of her past. Taking a second to catch his breath, Connor flexed and released his fingers into fists and stood up. Two options – leave, or engage. If Kana was a threat, she needed to be subdued or taken out or saved. Keira was a wrecking ball spiralling out of control and needed to be reined in.

Letting out a cold breath, the Silver Jedi Master ran forward a little and pushed his hands out to the ground towards Kana, pushing into the soil and rock with the Force to send a shockwave down into the terrain around her. It was aimed at knocking her off balance, off kilter and a surprise distraction coming from below.

Running forward as he furrowed his brow, pushing down, Connor would hopefully see his distraction work and aimed to take Kana down to the ground with a choke hold, using his speed and weight to hopefully take her down to the solid ground and disarm her. It was the last thing he could think about without using violent force and combat.
Objective: A
Location: Outside the walls.
Allies: [member="Loxa Visl"]
Enemies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Gear: Anja's Armour | Dreamweaver

How unfortunate. Anja had managed to rise to her feet, assuming that the shockwave would've at least broke her opponent's concentration or perhaps even the bursting flames along with the mist could've eradicated her line of sight. Assumptions weren't predictions of fate, however, so perhaps it was her own fault for assuming at all. Minor setback. The vast mist was not eradicated entirely, certainly not too far off in the distance a pocket of clarity may have been formed by [member="Valiens Nantaris"] if Loxa had nothing to say about it, but where she was standing the fog of war remained.

Again, Anja had to use her magicks to fortify her own body and mind; resisting the full power of Siobhan's telekinesis just enough that the results were a sharp, dull, and very annoying pain to carry. Such defenses would not be kept up forever and the Host Lord reacted quickly, as this limited her mobility to say the least.

Summoning the might of Ziost, a reservoir for her will, Anja unleashed a wave of dark, witchy energy that flooded the ground like a black fog. It was a concoction of magicks and illusions, intended on making her opponent feel pain that wasn't real, see things that weren't there, and mess with all the senses. It would take a great deal of focus and willpower to subdue it which would hopefully limit the Dark Jedi's array of telekinesis powers. As side effect to her act, Anja's vision became dimmer and dark spots formed along her wintry skin.
Objective: A
Location: Outside the walls
Allies: [member="Valiens Nantaris"]
Enemies: [member="Anja Aj'Rou"] (engaged), [member="Loxa Visl"] (not engaged)
Gear: Gear: 1x MKI bolter, 1x bolt pistol, 1x sonic shotgun, wrist-worn flamethrower, vibroknife, grenades, lightsabre, beskar'gam

Valiens Nantaris and Loxa played with a boulder, then the Scotchman tried to dissipate the fog. Whether he succeeded in this was pretty insignificant for Siobhan since she could see her opponent anyway. Besides, if she were to employ AOE attacks she would only need to know her general location anyway.

She could sense the Sorceress was trying to resist her attacks by summoning her sorcery and so she intensified her efforts. Telekinetic might would crunch down upon the Sorceress, again and again. Given time her defences would have to be worn down. However, her Force senses prickled when she felt her opponent draw upon her magicks and direct them outward against her. Eyes narrowed when suddenly what seemed to be a black fog, born out of the power of the Dark Side, flooded across the snowy ground.

Siobhan winced when she felt a sharp, but not lethal pain spread across her body. Mostly it was very annoying and interferred with her concentration. Her ears seemed to be ringing and blood seeped out of her eardrums, and she grit her teeth at the sudden feeling. It was like something was messing with her senses. For a moment, she even saw a nexu stalking across the plains! Strange shapes seemed to be manifesting, looking like Primeval soldiers charging at her...but they had suddenly appeared out of nowhere. It looked like Nantaris was suddenly down on the ground, a Sith standing over him with an ignited lightsabre.

Focus, use the Force. Something was messing with her mind, that was what the dark, witchy energies must have caused...this was far from the first time Siobhan had dealt with mentalism. As a matter of fact, very shortly after she had been knighted in her days as a Jedi, she had been possessed by an ancient Sith Lord and driven to the brink of madness, as he made her believe she was purging traitors whilst in reality he used her a puppet. She had been mind raped and partially made amnesiac after a duel with a Sith Lord on Alderaan, later on faced another ancient Sith Lord who wanted to take possession of her body. So, suffice to say, she had been plenty of incentive to fortify her mind, and had received the benefit of being trained by [member="Coryth Elaris"], a top tier illusionist. In this moment, as her senses flared up, she remembered the lessons the short stack of fire had taught her.

So what she did was focus and take a deep breath, clarity returning to her mind. The thing about illusions was that they were the act of enforcing your will upon another to make them see or experience things that were not there. They held for as long as the victim believed they were real. So she broke it down logically, recalling the state she had found the Twi'lek in. Pain is just weakness leaving the body. To maintain focus required releasing her telekinetic hold from the Sorceress and energy was diverted towards shoring up her mental walls, imagined like those of a fortress that shielded her mind. Concentration was etched across her features, there was a painful throbbing in the back of her head, but she pressed on.

The pain continued, but it weakenened and then became irrelevant as she managed to push on. The shapes she was seeing seemed to flicker and then completely dissipated into nothingness. Perhaps the Sorceress had used her momentary distraction to make another move, but Siobhan redirected her aggression outward into an outburst of powerful telekinetic might. Her rage was fuelled by the darkness that permeated all of Ziost. The air twisted in strange shapes and the ground ahead of them was shattered when the Countess summoned a massive telekinetic shockwave that would sweep across the ground towards her enemy at tremendous speed and hit with the force of a bomb blast. As a side-effect, it also ought to drive away the mist and the dark fog.

Objective: B, MURDER Damian Starchaser
Location: In the back of the Orbital Defense Station
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: [member="Damian Starchaser"], Jedi whelps
Vonduun Skerr Kyrric (no helm or gloves)
Amphistaff biot
The Hated Hand

As Starchaser's ion beams successively zapped Sage's trio of black, leathery tentacles, they hissed and writhed in a terrible frenzy, thrashing out in every direction. Sage let out an unearthly howl. Their pain was his pain, and as their very cells were assaulted, his sentient pets were in agony. When the round of fire was finished, the serpents had survived the blasts, but stayed cowed at his side, wounded and twitching. Not only did Sage's biots suffer, but left side of his armor was also scorched, and hurt. The living armor's segmented legs scrabbled against the plates, rioting in pain.

Fortunately for the Sith Lord, where Starkarker took from Sage, he also gave. The Force drain that was sucking the power out of the Padawan was filling Sage to plump excess. A splash came, blocking his vision for a moment, and the young man tumbled away. The water from the cistern was now chest high and quickly rising. It was a bad situation for both of them. One zap of Force lightning would execute both men.

The little Starkarker had landed a few feet above Sage, perched on a pipe like a wild monkey. He lifted up his pistol and fired, ping-ping-ping-ping. Sage, using the extra boost of Starkarker energy to boost his reaction time, dodged away from the remaining shots. Damian would find himself no longer being drained, leaving him presumably winded, but with his energy returning soon.

With Damian crouched high up on a dry pipe, and Sage practically treading water, it was a bad situation again, but this time mostly just for Sage. All it would take was one single bolt of lightning to kill the Sith. The Starkarker was a Padawan, but anything was possible, and given his battle prowess in this fight, the boy was not to be underestimated. Sage used one last charge of energy to bend his knees and jump straight up to the ceiling where he clutched a ceiling pipe in his grip. His armor felt like durasteel clinging to his frame, and the pipe groaned under his weight. He used it to swing to a pipe opposite his foe just before it burst.

Sage's lightsaber hilt snapped into his hand, as his eyes flashed red. Knowing looks were exchanged. He could tell that Damian was thinking the same thing as he. With cistern water rushing underneath, both men geared up to play a fatal game of wipeout. The first to fall, would be the first to die.
Objective: B - DATE NIGHT
Location: somewhere in the woods and on a cliff
Allies: [member="Judah Dashiell"]
Enemies: [member="Kiran Vess"]

She was already scrambling when she heard...well, nothing. Feet hesitated and she glanced over her shoulder as she slid down a small decline. The sky lit-up beyond the treeline.

BOOM Goes the dynamite/thermal detonator.

The heat licked against her back and the force of the blast still knocked her off her feet. Scale-speckled self rolled against the burnt pine-needled ground until a tree-stump stopped her forward movement. Breath caught in the back of her throat. Ears rang. She didn't care about the shooter. She didn't care about the larger battle waging between the wacko-force users. She just cared about one thing.

Was Judah okay?

Grunting, she wobbled on her feet and began crawling back to where the enemy last was.

If anything happened to her husband she was going to murder this enemy a thousand times over and make him wish he had never met a Galan.
Objective: B - Repel the assault
Location: Engaging the Enemy
Allies: Silver Jedi, @Jedi
Enemies: [member="Harley"], @Sith/Primeval
Gear: Jedi Shade Robes, Kian's arm guards, Kian's HUD Mask, lightsaber

To say that the girl didn't take the rejection well was an understatement. Kian drove his head forward to try and end the fight and when his helmeted head collided with the girl's face, Kian heard the cracking sound of her cartilage giving way. He'd hoped that a broken nose might take some of the fight out of her, but instead it seemed to fuel her further, sending her into a frenzy. Then, in her dark rage, the girl began to grapple with Kian's mask in an attempt to rip it from his face and gouged at the eyes of his mask. Had Kian been wearing his typical mask into battle he would certainly be in trouble, but the HUD Mask he wore was more combat helmet than breathing apparatus. The mask, which covered his entire head and a small portion of his neck, was solidly built. Had Kian sat still for her, the girl could eventually pry it off, but Kian had not intentions of making it easy for her.

But there was the problem of her legs beginning to squeeze into his lower ribs, attempting to strangle the life from him. Kian felt the sudden pressure and his breath grew shallower as she worked tightly on his abdomen. Kian had one thing going for him however. He was much bigger than the girl before him. While she grappled with his mask, Kian jerked his body up and down, aiming to life the Sith in the air with him and then slam her down onto the floor. He did this several times in a row, looking to use his larger frame to beat the Sith into the floor and loosen her grasp around his waist. WIth her grasping for his helmet, Kian's arm was now free and in a final attempt to halt her attack, he drove the pommel of his lightsaber down hard at the girls midsection, trying to hit her in the ribs and drive the air from her lungs as well. He was starting to feel the effects of her compression and his lungs burned with the effort.
Objective: Objective B
Location: Orbital Defence Command Centre
Allies: Silver Coalition and her allies
Enemies: [member="Lucianus Adair"] and all Primeval allies

A strong sense of malice flooded through the force, her senses primed already she felt the build up within the man. The wave of energy came swift from him, directed at her center but she is equal to him and a force shield encased her effectively taking the hit of the kinetic energy, absorbing it.

Coci could feel the trembling of the barrier around her as the force strike continued to break through, but it held and as the kinetic energy began to lessen, Coci drew on it pulling it back into her being. The added energy she manifested through her as she raised her hand. Her shield dropped as she raised her hand palm facing his and sent a powerful spiraling funneling force push toward him. As the wall of the force traveled it widened until encompassing the space of the corridor.

Unfurling fingers laced around her saber once more, already ignite, she moved forward following the wave of the force, and prepared to unleash a second. "No Mister Adair, I stand along side freedom and fight for it. But what do you draw your purpose from Mister Adair? A life bound in lies and betrayal?. There is always a trigger that influences our choices, at least in the begins our paths through life. And in some cases it is a result not of our own making. But as one moves through life and the forced experiences that had writ our history, becomes the ours, we choose to either continue the cycle or we break it. Did you choose to perpetuate that which was forced upon you? ".

She readied once for his counterattack, body steady and the force summoned. Coci has a sense of the man, although she speculates, there is a hint of doubt residing within his soul and one can but try and crack it, if not for victory of this fight but for the redemption of his soul. Could he be saved? That is to be revealed.
Objective : B "Date Night"
Location : Woodland Cliffs (Outside Command)
Allies : [member="Thessa Kai"]
Enemies : [member="Kiran Vess"]

Crashing through the underbrush, Judah heard the explosion and then heat licking his back. Ears started to ring and his world turned silent beyond the annoying sound buzzing through his head now. Turning to look back in search of the enemy or Thessa, he promptly tripped and fell down the slight hill, shoulder making a sickening connection with the large rocks scattered closer towards the cliff edge.

Judah continued to slide down in the incline until hitting a tree. Pain seared through his shoulder and the scruffy salvager managed to roll over onto his back. He brought his left hand up, sliding it along his collarbone and shoulder on the right side -- something was broken, something felt completely out of place. Trying to use his right side, Judah felt the sticking of bones before they came apart, sliding and grinding on one another.

He was instantly nauseous. Trying to move it only sent an extreme amount of pain rolling through him.

Being left handed, Judah was thankful he could still shoot....if he could find his blaster. Head slowly came off the ground. Where was Thessa? He had to find his wife. Judah couldn't live with himself if she had been capture while he was laying about, mentally whining about some pain.

Rolling onto his good, left side, Judah slowly got to his feet. Blaster wasn't in immediate sight. Keeping his injured right arm tight to his torso, Judah carefully started to move back to the point where he last saw Thessa.

Objective: A; leading the defense of the Sith Citadel.
Location: Atop the crumbled walls.
Allies: Silver Sanctum Coalition
Enemies: The Primeval | [member="Darth Vornskr"]
Gear: Armour | Sword | Lightsaber

The two battered Masters of the Force would continue the dance of blades, only now using their Jedi and Sith weapons repectively. Sparks flew as their sabers clashed, blue versus red creating a violet flash of light each time they met. Kaine had all but assumed the visage of a demon with pure rage burning like wildfire in his eyes, bearing down his full might on Thurion. They were equals in all aspects of combat, it seemed, save for Kaine's unapologetic battle lust and absolute glee whenever throwing vicious words at his opponent.

Strike, parry, block, counter... An endless display of swordmanship with seemingly no victor, exhausting them both. Through snow, dust and debris they fought as two titans of good and evil representing their respective alignment to the fullest. The Jedi and Sith would always be at war; if their armies did not clash on the battlefield, their polar-opposite ideologies would. They'd been fighting a war none who lived could remember the origins of, spanning the entire galaxy for untold millennia.

"You are no demon, Kaine. You still bleed like any man would."
Objective: B (B is for But I am not alive)
Location: Walking towards the Command Centre
Allies: Hope
Enemies: The inevitable truth

‘Since I met you I've been crazy
Since I've been with you I've been lost
You make everything see hazy
Love comes with such a cost

Have I lost my mind?
Have I lost my mind?
Have I lost my mind?

Follow me down to the river
Drink while the water is clean
Follow me down to the river tonight
I'll be down here on my knees

When you're young you always take what you can get
Even bicycles and sprinklers get you wet
Now I know that there's a different way to die
My body breathes
Heart still beats
But I am not alive.’

'I forgive you, and I am sorry you will have to wait…a little while…longer.'

Corvus allowed the words to play over and over in her head. Every step she took from her recent duel was one pace towards finding out the truth. A truth she didn’t want to face – but had to. It was inevitable and it was inescapable. And it was going to hurt.

Since she’d left that Sith, or Dark Jedi, she knew not which, she’d kept her mental defences in place. At least the ones that kept her emotions at bay. But each moment that passed called to her to open up to them. Even her logical brain told her it was…well, the logical thing to do.

But she resisted its counsel. Instead she focused on the real pain. She’d taken a kick to her jaw and a saber to the knee and shoulder. Her armour had protected her from the blade, but she could feel the impact marks and knew they would really hurt tomorrow. But deep down she knew her real pain had yet to be felt.

The calling became an incessant demand, rising in pitch and urgency with each stride. Until finally she acceded.

She’d met the woman a handful of times yet somehow she knew at that first meeting they were destined to repeat the pattern. But despite this, she had been taken aback by both the woman’s words and her own response on Ord Mirit. Can you fall in love in an instant, or had she been in love all this time but not known about it?

One thing was for sure, since their meeting on the Sith planet, she’d been driven crazy by the woman’s words. Without Silara she’d felt lost. What price love?

And the words made no sense and sadly too much sense.

“I will come to you, soon, and you will know me for who I really am, and if you accept me still I will stay; but even if this vessel were to die, know that I will always, always, love you. You will understand everything soon enough, but until then I will part with a name; Braith.”

[member="Braith"] was a name she needed to research, she was a scholar after all and had access to every Jedi record available – even the restricted ones, given her role. She needed to, or else she feared she would lose her mind.

Corvus walked past corpse after corpse but gave them no second glance. This was not the act of a heartless person – they had joined the Force and were at rest. But the walking woman was most certainly not. She needed to find Silara.

And finally she did…
Objective: A
Location: Outside the walls
Allies: [member="Connor Harrison"]
Enemies: [member="Kana Truden"]
Gear: Personal lightsaber

It was a nearly satisfying thing, witnessing her attack connect, sending Kana flying and causing Connor to stumble backwards into the wall of the Citadel. To simply hit someone, rather physically or otherwise, was sufficient. Always in her life Keira had been the one to suffer any strikes, and to deliver them in turn was a nice change of pace. It gave her some feeling of being in control, something she had been lacking in previously. To fall into old habits would have been simple, allowing herself to sink into that same darkness she had before, one that promised to take all of the pain and hurt and make it go away, to project it on another. That was and had been her way of life, and still that path of inevitable self-destruction beckoned her. The touch of the dark was something she was all too familiar with.

In mere seconds it seemed Kana had recovered, wasting no time in darting towards her once more, this time insinuating an attack beforehand. The feeling of her windpipe closing against her will was something she had experienced before, though not something she wished to go through a second time. Her only retaliation would be a telekinetic twist of her own intended to do nothing more than cause the invisible tendrils wrapped around her throat to cease. Sure, Kana might have been a one-trick pony, but with her only real talents lying in telekinesis and lightsaber combat, she matched the other woman just as well. It had served her well enough this far, at the very least.

Stepping back, she raised her blade in preparation for manifesting a defense rather than striking out aggressively as she had done before. That was, of course, before Connor intervened. As it was she allowed him to diffuse the situation in his own manner where normally she would have protested in some sense. "Oh, c'mon, I can take care of myself. Your concern is much appreciated." Of course, it would have been much easier to keep up with the pace of the fight had she not had a broken rib that was fond of reminding her of its presence whenever she chanced to move too quickly. The minor concussion she had likely received wasn't entirely helping either, not that she would explicitly mention either of these detriments.

Where the other woman was prepared to kill she was as well, more than ready to take another life, this time in the name of something resembling the light. There was little doubt in her mind that the former Jedi likely hadn't killed another sentient before, something she herself was all too experienced in. Death was an all too common presence in her life, and she had adjusted easily to instigating and defending against it. "She's like me, you know that, Connor. Reckless and without any regard for her own life. She won't be surrendering so easily. Right now she still thinks she's on top." The dark had a funny way of building an individual up while simultaneously tearing them down. A feeling she was all too familiar with.
Objective: Objective A - Assault the walls of the Citadel, and reclaim it for the Sith!
Location: On the wall, trading blows
Allies: The Primeval, and anyone assaulting the Citadel
Enemies: The Silver Sanctum Coalition (Whatever the hell that is), and my best buddy, best pal [member="Thurion Heavenshield"]

He brought his blade around to parry a vertical strike from Thurion's own weapon, each warrior's muscles straining as they pushed each other to their limits and then some. They traded another series of blows, their lightsaber hissing and zapping as they crackled against one another, sending a shower of sparks to the snowy covered stone below. Again and again their lightsabers fell and rose, twirled and chopped through the air only to be met by the other, neither one of them gaining any true ground against the other. Sure, occasionally either Kaine or Thurion would gain the advantage and press the assault, but eventually they would be pushed back to the defensive as both he and Thurion found themselves at an impasse of strength and skill. "I must admit..." The Sith Lord said through clenched teeth as he parried one of Thurion's strikes, and quickly countered with a powerful riposte that was in turn blocked by the Grandmaster.

"You're a better sport than both Iella and Asha, maybe if they fought as well as you have they might have lasted longer." More hateful words, a constant stream of negativity and doubt tumbling forth from the Sith Lord's cracked lips, his eyes narrowing as his concentration again shifted back to the fight. To their right an explosive shell launched by either the Jedi or the Primeval (Kaine did not care to know) thundered against the already broken ramparts of the citadel, sending a meteor shower of debris raining down upon the two combatants. Save for a single moment of disengagement to cleanly slice those pieces that came into their immediate path, they hardly paid any mind to the raging battle around them. Too caught up in their own struggle were they to notice their own men killing each other around them, and in truth Kaine cared little for the men that accompanied him to Ziost.

"I would be worried about your own blood, Heavenshield. You're about to see a lot of it." The Sith Lord barked as he suddenly swung his lightsaber heavily into Thurion's to knock it aside as he then moved to deliver a vicious roundhouse kick aimed at Thurion's face.
Objective A
Location Inside walls
Allies primevil, [member="Zambrano the Hutt"]
Enemies silver coalition, [member="Taeli Raaf"]
Gear ... she broke my stick...


Curses! Her feet was wrapped in steel and leather. His pointy stick broke in half at impact and Mishk felt very dissapointed at the poor effect it had given.

He looked upward licking the air with a forked toungue at [member="Taeli Raaf"] showing his sharpened teeth. He was about to jump up and bite her face off but just before he had the chance she waved her hand at him and a strong gust threw him meters away again. He hit a nearby rock and the hit took his breath away. Dim red curtains were falling over his eyes and he was on the verge of going unconcious. But he saw and still felt his beloved masters struggle. Accompanied with the inherited dark side powers of this place he drew upon it, forcing the buzzing swarm to return. It was first a feint noise but soon it turned into a storm of wasps darting forth and back through Mishks black robe, gnawing on his bones and sucking on his blood.

It all required total concentration as he sent the swarm toward [member="Zambrano the Hutt"] - wrapping his fists and maw in agressive clouds of deadly insects.

I cast bless on zambrano which means he gets better at hitting and is harder to strike...
Objective: B
Opponent: [member="Kian Karr"]
Equipment: Hide Armour, 2xHand Cannon (one not loaded), 2x lightsabers (one on the floor)

As he rocked her and tried to brake free of her, she stretched back pushing her legs tighter. Then he hit her with pommel of his lightsaber into her midsection, her body convulsed back upright. She then went to grab his arm, she was hoping in her enraged state to turn it on. Then drive it into him, she did not matter where she drove it. Just as long as manged to drive it into him, that was all that mattered in her head. Yes she wanted to kill him with his own light saber, that was good way for him to die. Though a thought did occur to he back of her ind, what where all them troops doing who came here with her. As that thought entered her back of her mind, she pushed her knees together. The pain he had inflicted she would feel in an hour, then she would be hurting like seven hell of corellia. Though by then one of them might be dead, she had no way of knowing who.
Objective: B - Defending Orbital Defence Command Center
Location: Defending the entrance of the Compound.
Allies: Silver Jedi Order
Enemy: Primeval
Equipment: Jedi Robes, twin lightsabers (Green, Blue)

George and a few of the Antarian Rangers that had survived the attack were defending the entrance to the compound, so far it had been coming in waves allowing the small team time to repair and reorganised between each attack. That along with only the hand few of enemy soldiers that make it each wave with no commander makes it quite a lot easier. Whilst George sat atop the hill with a good view over the battlefield he had soldiers equally spread around the battlefield. As George could see movement on the horizon he could feel something different, not the usual enemy trooper. As they moved closer it could be seen to be two separate bands of troops. "Alright men, get ready looks like we have a rescue mission on our hands." He yelled as the first set of troops were not clearly visible and seen to be another small group of Antarian Rangers followed by small set of enemy troops about 100 meters behind.

"Alright guys, once the enemy is in range provide cover fire and allow our troops to get to safety."
"Yes sir." The Rangers returned in unison.

As the troops moved closer to the entrance George's team of Rangers began firing allowing the allied Rangers to get to safety.
"What happen Ragner?"​ George asked one of the rangers as the moved towards him.
"Our squad was flanked, we've lost 8 good men."
"Alright Ranger, are your men alright to fight? Once we wipe out this wave we can concentrate on helping your squad."
"Yes sir we are, tell us what to do and its done."
"Team up with my squad and begin fire. This position is great to defend. Get it it Ranger." George said as the new squad moved out into their positions.

The enemy had bean returning fire and we were taking heavy fire. George ignited his Blue lightsaber and joined the squad on the defending line with the new squad. The enemy were forcing their way into the compound. Suddenly George felt something. He could feel more enemies incoming. George quickly look around the area and saw enemy troopers scaling the eastern wall.
"Rangers, use your combined fire power and push them back. I'll be back." George yelled into the battlefield as he began running towards the incoming trooper squad. With one saber ignited he began getting fire upon deflecting blaster bolts all over the place. Very few actually made its way back at the enemy. George was moving quickly to make it within melee range of the enemy dodging blaster bolts and deflecting them back at the enemy. As he got closer the reaction speed needed to increase. But one bolt managed to bypass his defence striking him on the left shoulder. Pain immediately began shooting down his arm. As the blaster bolt hit he was unsteadied and began falling to his right. Managing to roll out of enemy fire he was able to regain his stability. Lucky for George his right hand was his dominant hand as he picked up his lightsaber and ignited it once again. He decided to take up a defence spot and try to deflect the blaster bolts back at the enemy. As his deflecting became more acurate he managed to hit one of the enemy troopers, 1 done only a few more left. George though optimistically to himself as more blaster bolts flew through the air.

George managed to deflect more bolts back at the enemy and they began retreating allowing George a great chance to make his move. As they moved back their firing rate dropped allowing George the time to close the gap. As he got close he leaped high into the air coming down with a one handed slash at 3 of the enemy troopers standing next to each other. Slicing straight through their chests they dropped to the ground. 4 down 2 left. Close, oh so close. George bounced off the ground avoiding the incoming fire from the 2 remaining troopers. George span on the spot before sliding in and slacking at the waist of one of the troopers, as the trooper fell George had his lightsaber stripped of him by a lucky shot hitting the blade pushing it out of his hands. George watched as his hilt hit the ground, deciding against retrieving it as it would take time and leave him exposed he decided to push off the ground spear tackling the final trooper. As he made contact with the trooper he's dropped his blaster. As George made his way to his feet he picked up the blaster and pointed it at the fallen trooper. "Leave and never come back. This is your only chance to leave on your own two legs." He said firmly as the trooper quickly made his way to his feet and fled back towards the now clear exit. As he used the force to retrieve his lightsaber he began walking back to the Rangers who had began treating their wounded.

The pain from the blaster shot returned to George's shoulder as he managed to delete it from his mind during the battle. As he returned to the Ragners one of them spoke out. "Sir are you alright, you've got a nasty blaster bolt to the shoulder."
"Yes I am alright, tend to the rest of the wounded Rangers, I'll be fine."
"Yes sir." The Ranger replied as they returned to their duties. ​Hopefully that is enough bloodshed for today. ​George though to himself as he applied pressure to his wound and waited for his turn to be treated.

Cedric Dorn

Objective: A ; siege on the Sith Citadel.
Location: Outside The Walls
Allies: None
Enemies: @Montana
Gear: Lightsaber

Cedric grinned at his foe, or it very much looked that way.

What little muscle remained on his face seemed to stretch, his jaw setting an his bones rattling. The grip on his lightsaber tightened and his yellow eyes burned as he followed the small Jedi. He was a blue, a haze, it was difficult to follow him, near impossible. The Sith Lord shifted slightly, his foot sliding back and his chest rising slightly as if he was trying to make himself a smaller target. The Jedi charged, and Cedric spoke one last time.

"As are we all." His voice was a whisper, but it seemed to echo around him. His own lightsaber came up just as the Jedi's scorched into his chest, the bronze blade slicing deep into his muscle and carving a thick X across the line that had formed earlier by the blade. Cedric's own lightsaber pushed the Jedi's up and away, his free hand reaching up and grasping towards the Jedi's wrist.

Once he caught it he would wrench the Jedi back and to the side, hopefully dislocating his arm and then snapping the bone.

Kurt Meyer

Let Me Push That Button
Objective: B
Location: Cliff Overlooking The Command Post
Allies: Primeval
Enemies: [member="Thessa Kai"] | [member="Judah Dashiell"]
Gear: Rifle, Armor, Blaster, Blaster 2, Beskar Knife

He was dazed, confused, and rather hot. His head shook from side to side, and his hands went groping all along his body. A sharp pain struck his thigh, and he realized that the flesh had all but burned away on his leg. A curse escaped his lips, and a grunt of annoyance a second later. Laguz would kill him for failing like this. Letting a Thermal Detonator get shot while in his hand, amateur move.

His head shook as he tried to clear it, lashing from side to side as his teeth gritted.

Slowly Kiran struggled to his feet, his hand pushing against the ground as he drew himself up inside of the bush.

His HUD flashed suddenly, movement caught on the small sensor. Another curse, and Kiran drew his second blaster from the small of his back, his free hand clinging to the handle of his beskar knife. A deep breath passed his lips, and Kiran stepped out of the bush. There was no talk this time, only action. He caught sight of her almost immediately, struggling to her feet. His hands moved before he really thought.

One tightened around the hilt of his knife, drawing it from its sheath, The other squeezed its trigger finger. Once, twice, then a third time directly at the womans chest.
Objective: A
Location: Outside the walls.
Allies: [member="Loxa Visl"]
Enemies: [member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
Gear: Anja's Armour | Dreamweaver

Had she not have already put a great amount of energy into other areas of defense, Anja could've mustered a greater reaction against the sudden burst of energy. The barrier the witch brought up dampened any critical blows but the woman had been carried off her feet and sent several meters back across the ground; she rolled and ducked to avoid breaking the bones in her limbs but muscle fibres stretched and pulled as her body became exerted beyond the physical norms. Had she also not been an acrobatically flexible individual such pulling and stretching may have resulted in far more significant damage. What damage did remain was that she knew she'd be unable to suffer another blow like such.

Regardless there was punishment taken. The world around them had suffered too. The mist and fog was pushed back, leaving a large open spot around them and rocks had flung into the old, Citadel walls. In fact, a rather large boulder had brought revelation to the past. At the site of impact, a crumbling barricade unearthed an entrance way into ancient areas of the Citadel. Such structural points are not uncommon and many of the walls and towers were likely added on one-by-one overtime, covering up obsolete corridors and pathways.

Quickly she went despite her pains, slipping inside the dark, unlit hall and went on deeper into the fortress. Inside the structure held far stronger--able to withstand many a siege--than the quickly erected barricade that thinly covered the former building. Her hand brushed against the surface of the wall, leaving behind imprints of magicks which would set off almost like a proximity mine, subtly subjecting a passing person to minor annoyances in the form of mental trickery and illusions. Such illusions were easily subdued, which is why several of these imprints were set only short distances apart.
Objective: A
Location: Beyond the Walls
Allies: The Silver
Enemies: [member="Cedric Dorn"]
Gear: Lightsaber

Montana had succeeded in dealing damage but once again it wasn’t enough. The Sith, the enemy of the Jedi had certainly earned their place in the galaxy through their misguided use of the force, and combat. If Montana had expected anything less than the power of his opponent he would’ve died long ago. Lucky for the Zelosian he dealt with opposition and adversity well and adapted to them even better.

"As are we all."

As the hand gripped his wrist he knew that it may or may not be one of those times. Only the force would know what was in store and how to help him. POP. A dislocated shoulder. CRRCK. A broken wrist. The pain was excruciating in his off arm enough to motivate him to pull away and free himself from his enemies grasp.

He had been reckless in his speedy charge. The reward did not outweigh the risk but he didn’t know it until it was too late. So desperate he was to protect, to end the suffering, anger, and disgusting use of the force his enemy displayed. So desperate to take on enemy that outmatched him. Montana was brave but bravery alone would not help him in a fight like this.

He held his saber up, strong and horizontal. Montana backed away from his opponent, still scanning, determined to find a weakness. Montana was stubborn, like a shield, and he’d never break if he could help it. "You... are... wrong." The padawan said through the pain.
Objective: B (B is for Beyond Objectives and of course [member="Braith"])
Location: Arriving at the Command Centre
Allies: Emotions
Enemies: Those self-same emotions

Sometimes songs are just fluff, or coincidental – but this song both inspired and set the tone for the post, so if you can listen whilst reading, please indulge me…
Oh, and listen to it in a darkened room
With rain beating against the windows
And it really gets going about 2’30” into the song (for me at least)

‘I lie, I lie
I steal, I steal
And loving love for you, my dear
I cry, I cry
I weep, I weep
I'm gone, I'm gone
Stay, I stay this way
I run, I run
I fear I fear I'm losing something for everything
I want, I want
I give, I give
I take, I take it all away
Okay, who cares?
I talk, I talk
I give into sin
I want, I want for you to kill
I give, I give for everything
I take, I take not anything
I don't care
I don't care

I feel I made it up for nothing that I really care for
Now it's time to go, but I feel sorrow
For you I am
For you I can
For this I try
For this I feel

And when I die - I don't wanna live when I feel this way

I'm slowly dying
I'm slowly dying
For you I write
For you I'd give to be nothing, to be nothing
Anything I say to be alright
I don't wanna give up for my life

For you I'm dead
I wanna be dead
I wanna be dead

I'm slowly dying
I'm slowly dying
I'm slowly dying

I wanna be dead
For you I am
For me I'd kill what I want
I wanna be dead, I wanna be gone
For you I am

I'm slowly dying
I'm slowly dying
I'm slowly...

I wanna be dead.’

Finally she saw the body. Lifeless…no Force aura to guide her. Her faltering steps became a jog and then a run and finally a sprint until she threw her body down beside the fallen Sith.

Her Sith.

Her Silara.

Her body was…defiled. Her things pilfered by some petty thief, her dead body showing a cauterised hole where her heart would have been. The heart she’d chosen to give to Corvus. At that precise moment they were the same – an empty space reflecting the cruel irony of the physical and the psychological.

After some moments, Corvus sat herself up, cross-legged and cradled Silara’s head in her lap. She supported it so gently in her hands, running her fingers tenderly over her features. She smoothed her hair and did her best to arrange it how she remembered it. And then it was raining. Except the drops were salty and cascaded onto the fallen Sith’s face. And Corvus gently rocked – unleashing all the love and pain and anguish that had bottled up for twenty years. She imagined she would do this until there was none left. Yet somehow it kept coming, never-ending. Until finally a new emotion surfaced – desperation.

She remembered a song. Its words came unbidden into her mind. Breathlessly she whispered them to Slilara, no attempt to carry a tune. Sentiment was her music now.

“For you I am. For you I can. For this I try. For this I feel. And when I die - I don't wanna live when I feel this way. I wanna be dead. For you I am. For me I'd kill what I want. I wanna be dead, I wanna be gone. For you I am.”

“I'm slowly dying. I'm slowly dying. I'm slowly...”

“I wanna be dead.”

So she sat in silence, her eyes closed and she held Silara tight. Her white robes were mud-splattered and bloodied. In an odd way it seemed appropriate. She never wanted to let go – she wanted the torment to last forever – for in Corvus’ eyes, she deserved it.

They say it’s always darkest before the dawn. In fact, it’s the sort of thing Corvus might have said once. What a crock of poodoo. Corvus saw no future, no bright light beckoning, just pain and torture.

“Fifteen minutes,” she said quietly. “Just fifteen minutes. And I would have saved you. You know I would. I promised you. Feth it Silara, I made you a promise. I MADE A KARKING PROMISE, DAMN YOU.” Her voice rang out across the battlefield.

“Why didn’t you wait for me?”

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