Darth Vyrassu
Immortal Jen'ari Sith Emperor
• Intent: new Custom capital planet for The Jen'ari Empire.
• Image Credit:
All photo edits made by me
All Headers custom made by me
Post splitter made by me
Planet pic custom made by me
Zarchas City
Sith Imperial Citadel
Imperial Military HQ
Galactic Diplomatic relations
Ministry Buildings
Midawn Spaceport
Ocadon City
Bay City
Frost City
Jen'ari Imperial Prison
Ancient Dark Temple
Totem City
Vaises Room
Dusuah Tower
Dead Valley
Vanduo City
Imperial Complex
Imperial Cloning Facility
Fel Embassy
Mandalorian Clan Mortui Compound
• Canon: N/A
• Links:
• Planet Name: Zarchas Kitza
• Demonym: Zarchanians
• Region: [Core, Mid, Expansion, Outer, Unknown)
• System Name: Zarchas System
• System Features: Zarchas Kitza is the 3rd planet in the Zarchas System. It has 2 moons, 1 is a Forest, the other is complete ocean. There is only 1 Sun for the system.
• Coordinates: [The X,Y coordinates of the planet and its relative position in them according to the Galaxy Map]
• Major Imports: Duraplast, alcohol, various meats,
• Major Exports: crops, organic made medicines from jungle leaves and oils, various metal ore, various crystals.
Unexploited Resources:
* Dedlanite
• Gravity: Standard
• Climate: Stormy/Electrified/Snow storms/Windy
• Primary Terrain:
* Rocky Mountains
* Jungles
* Oceans
* Swamps
* Grasslands
* Snow Tundra
• Atmosphere: Type I
* Capital City: Zarchas City
* Planetary Features:
* The planet is a mixture of multiple regions of environments such as Frozen/Snow Tundra, Rocky Mountains and cliifs, Swamps, Jungles, tropical islands and oceans.
* Vanduo City is a massive metropolitan city that now lie abandon and in ruins from the Gulag Plague.
* Dead Valley is a massive burial and temple ground valley for Sith in the Tundra. It's Sith spirits still roam the valley, who knows what kind of ancient artifacts of the Sith lie within the tombs.
• Major Locations:
Zarchas City is a massive metropolitan city carved into the rocky mountains with several flat spots terraformed in the mountain for the city. The city consist of several government buildings such as The Sith Imperial Citadel, The Imperial Military Headquarters, The Galactic Diplomatic relations center, and the Imperial Ministries Building. As well it features tons of entertainment buildings such as, Casinos, Bars, Cantinas, clubs, gentlemen clubs, theaters, and museums. Plenty of shopping can be done as well at the Imperial Plaza Mall. The city features the biggest Spaceport on the planet, The Midawn Spaceport. The city is under constant guard by Imperial military forces as well as the fierce sith marauders.
The Sith Imperial Citadel is in the center and heart of Zarchas City. It reaches several kilometers into the sky making it the tallest building on the planet. It includes The Emperor's throne room, Dark Council chambers, Imperial intelligence, imperial offices, sith offices, sith apartments, ministry offices, training rooms, Sith Archives, and workshops to build new tech and lightsabers. It was designed to be identical to the First Imperial Citadel under Vitiate for the Reconstituted Sith Empire of the Old Republic. It stands as a monument of power for The Jen'ari Empire.
The Imperial Military HQ is where all Imperial Officers for the capital are stationed as well as Imperial Troops. The HQ as well houses the Nyeklas Squad. The HQ features barracks, training course, tactical planning rooms, offices, a gym, classrooms, a library, shooting range, armory and a supply depot. It sits on the main street of Zarchas City, a couple of blocks away from the Citadel. It's structure is designed to show the Imperial Military's power.
The Galactic Diplomatic relations or GDR building was a building that would house several important meetings to discuss treaties, alliances, and non hostile pacts of the nature. As well for every alliance TJE had, the Aligning faction would have an office in the GDR building for an ambassador of the faction.
The Ministries building houses the 4 different ministries of the Jen'ari Empire that deal with different relations among the Empire. Although classified to the public, Each ministry has an important role that works within the Empire. The offices of each ministry can be found here along with different rooms of each divisional branch they operate and work in.
The Sith Academy is where all Sith acolytes first start at in The Jen'ari Empire. Here they'll learn to create a lightsaber, learn basic combat and force abilities. Afterwards a Sith Knight or higher will take you as an Apprentice. The academy features, classrooms, combat dojo, library, meeting and planning rooms, barracks, offices, obstacle courses and training rooms. The Academy is located on a massive mountain top flat plains outside of Zarchas City.
The Midawn Spaceport named after it's builder Darth Midawn. It's the largest spaceport on the planet. It serves as the central hub of all traffic coming and going from Zarchas Kitza. The spaceport can house 450 personal ships, 20 massive ships such as transport ships. It also serves as the central hub for all imports and exports. As well, one can pay for shuttle rides to various locations around the planet so long as it has some sort of port.
Force Nexus (Optional): The planet has a Darkside Nexus all over it, mainly due to every region having Darkside Nexus's connecting all together to cover the entire planet.
* Intent: A Place for The Jen'ari Empire to submit themselves into the Darkside and create a truly interesting environment within the Darkside for future stories and roleplay.
* Strength: Strong
* Effects: The effects of the Darkside nexus to those that are indeed bound to the Darkside can feed off the energy of the nexus to empower themselves, but one must not let it fully consume them as it might drive them insane. To non Darkside users, the effects would be felt as Depression, cold, death, anger and or hate.
Nexus Development Thread:
(this also explains the nexus)
• Native Species:
* Humans
* Vornskr
* Jungle Rancor
* Icewolf
* Jungle Worrt
* Skreev
* Tarsarian Devourer
* Terentatek
* Wampa
• Immigrated Species:
* Sith Species
* Zabrak
* Sanguinius Vampirika
* Sarlacc
* Krayt Dragon
* Various others
• Population: Crowded - Billions
• Demographics:
* Humans - 45%
* Various Creatures - 30%
* Sith - 10%
* Various others 10%
* Zabrak - 5%
• Primary Languages: Basic, Hutteneese, Sith
• Culture: [General overview of the planet, should include information about daily life, society, arts, sports, religion.]
• Government: Magocratic/Theocratic Empire
• Affiliation: The Jen'ari Empire
• Wealth: The wealth of Zarchas Kitza is said to be high due to the constant income of casinos, taxes on empire citizens, selling of crops and medical supplies. Sale of various animal hide including Terentatek hide, and citizens shopping at various stores.
• Stability: High, the planet is very stable for the constant guard of The Jen'ari Empire, such as the military and Sith, as well various criminals aid the Empire in keeping their home planet stable and under control. Most crime is handled by being sent to prison or executed as the Empire has 0 tolerance for breaking Imperial Law. As well the fear from the powerful Dark Council keeps all citizens of the planet obeying Imperial Law.
• Freedom & Oppression: Citizens of the plant are fairly free to do as they please as long as they follow Imperial Law.
• Military:
* Sith Imperial Troopers
* The Nyeklas Squad
* The Jen'ari Sith Marauders
* The Dusuah Sorcerers
* The planet is militarized by various sources of the Jen'ari Empire. All have their own commanders, they help defend and protect the planet in their own way with each of their unique abilities. Outfitted with the correct weapons and armor needed for what they are designed for make them a fatal force.
• Technology: Technology is on par with the rest of the galaxy and TJE's R&D department is always hard at work developing new tech.
Zarchas Kitza served as a hidden Sith world during the Great Galactic War of the Old Republic. The Sith Emperor and his most trusted Sith would travel to the planet to test rituals constantly. All the rituals scattered around the planet eventually caused so many scattered Darkside Nexus's that they all just connected together causing the entire planet to be one big Darkside Nexus.
The planet was so far out in the galaxy that the republic never picked up on the planet. Very few knew it existed. The Sith rituals had cracked the atmosphere to cause eternal storms all over the planet. Vitiate conducted rituals in various places around the planet causing numerous Darkside nexus's to form. Also the Cold war took place here, the main battle happened in the grasslands. During the battle a massive bomb was placed in the field, it was set off instantly killing thousands upon thousands of Sith, Imperial troops, Jedi and republic troops causing a nexus, however the nexus became dark due to the spirits of the dead Sith still roamed the grasslands corrupting the nexus. After Vitiate was no longer the Sith Emperor, the planet then became deserted by Sith for some time and was discovered again by random criminals, pirates and pilots and smugglers. Upon discovering the planet, all noticed it was actually inhabitanted by various pockets of humans among wild creatures. The new and current settlers begun constructing a city on a beach known as Bay City.
The planet begun to thrive and gain a bigger civilization by just word of the mouth, and those that wanted to travel so far out into the galaxy would find the planet and settle on it. Then when Darth Bane recreated the Sith Order, a handful of Sith Fled to Zarchas Kitza and with their cunning skills and power took over the planet enslaving the weak and those that opposed the new Sith Regime. The Sith Regime ruled the planet for a thousand years creating many more cities. During that time, many powerful Sith conducted rituals for immortality or to just grow their power in various places of the planet, some done where no nexus had been formed, causing Darkside nexuses to form. The Sith Regime was discovered by Inquisitors of Emperor Palpentine and eradicated the Sith Regime and The Galactic Empire took control of the plant using it as a weapons testing planet in the grassy plains of the planet.
Once the Galactic Empire fell, the Planet was free again and started to thrive and rebuild. Over the next 200 years the population of the planet grew significantly. In 245 ABY The Jen'ari Empire was born and ruled the galaxy as the biggest government body of the Galaxy. The Sith Emperor Darth Vyrassu had Frost City Built with an Imperial prison right outside of the city. He then built a Citadel hidden in the Jungles serving as his private citadel on the Planet. Vyrassu conducted multiple rituals in his jungle temple creating a Darkside nexus that would connect to the already established Darkside nexuses. Most of the population took a liking to the Empire for the wealth, security, stability and the jobs it brought to the planet. The planet remained under Jen'ari control for another 200 years before the Empire fell apart due to the 400 year Darkness brought on by the Gulag Plague.
The Gulag plague swept across the galaxy like a storm. Zarchas Kitza was severely affected due to the lack of traffic through hyperspace and shipping lanes, the planet being so far out had to self sustain itself. It worked for a while living off crops, and hunting wild life for meat, but eventually the meat and crops were affected by the plague making people severely sick or even killing people. One City, Totem City was affected the most and every single person in the city had died causing the city to fall into dispair and become ruins. This event led to Totem city becoming a nexus connecting it to already established nexus's, eventually the nexus would grow dark due to Sith spirits. To this day it remains abandon ruins and believed to be haunted by all the people that died within the city.
Eventually the Plague had just disappeared and the galaxy spun into CHAOS. Many factions begin to rise, but Zarchas Kitza remained alone out so far in the galaxy. It would eventually repopulate to mass numbers by many travelers, criminals, pirates among many other types of settlers. But one thing remained, the planet was unstable and had no security or control. Old records showed the planet thrived the most when it was under The Jen'ari Empire control. Citizens noticed Vyrassu had returned to the known galaxy with his Empire and heard they were attacked by another Empire ran by some powerful Sith named Carnifex. The mass population reached out to Vyrassu for help. Vyrassu met with his Dark Council and discussed the request.
The Jen'ari Empire Dark Council and Emperor agreed to move across the Galaxy to Zarchas Kitza and put it under their control. The civilization welcomed the Empire with open arms. The Emperor had a new capital city built named Zarchas City, with a Citadel designed identical to Vitiate's first Citadel. A Sith of the Empire named Darth Midawn designed and built the Midawn Spaceport but was killed shortly after by the Emperor due to Midawn insulting the style of the Citadel. Vyrassu conducted a ritual within Zarchas City forming a Darkside Nexus, this would cause all Nexus's to connect together and cover the entire planet. The Dark Council put the entire planet under Imperial Law and brought security and stability to the planet as well as a massive fleet in orbit over the planet. Vyrassu ordered all cities to be refurbished and built up stronger and more stable. The planets population grew to billions. The Empire created more jobs by creating mine shafts and tunnels to mine for various metal ore that was in the rocky mountains. The ore was refined and smelted and either sold or used to make stronger metals for weapons, armor and buildings.
The Empire even told the population of the crystal caves in the tundra so people could harvest them and sell them to make money. The Dark Council then instated the The Imperial Credit and opening a credit exchange in every city to turn regular credits in for Imperial Credits. Still to this day The Jen'ari Empire rules the planet in full control helping the planet thrive. During Recent events, Vyrassu had Krayt dragons imported from Tatooine to add to defenses of the planet as well as to add more dangerous wildlife to the growing planet. This would serve as tests of strength and combat for Acolytes.