defy the tyrannous stars

- Intent: A personalized uniform battle dress combination based thematically on the GADF standard.
- Image Source: The Order: 1886
- Canon Link: N/A
- Restricted Missions: N/A
- Primary Source: GADF-BDU-01
- Manufacturer: Galactic Alliance, Zark Pulsar
- Model: N/A
- Affiliation: Zark Pulsar
- Modularity: No.
- Production: Unique
- Material: Gaberwool, Shimmersilk, Sullust Leather, Armorweave, Flex-Armor, Phrik Plated Trimmings
- Classification: Multipurpose (Light Armor)
- Weight: 8kg
- Quality: 6
Kinetic Resistance: With the armorweave and padding of the uniform's heavy fabrics reinforced by the addition of flex-armor, the wearer is able to absorb the lethal trajectory of a several archaic projectiles and safely disperse it's kinetic kickback over a small area. This has been noted to stop the bullet, unless rated at .50 calibre or higher, but is unable to stop the forces of Newton's law from keeping the wearer within truly safe from harm, which more often than not, results in heavy bruising, and/or internal bleeding around the impact site.
Melee/Shrapnel Resistance: Through the use of the phrik plated gauntlets, flex armour, and the armourweave bodyglove, the modified uniform provides excellent resistance to various melee weapons ranging from primitive to the more exotic, as well as limited protection from shrapnel/flechettes (Depending entirely on where the wearer is struck, as such areas protected simply by armorweave may be more vulnerable than those covered by flex-armor and especially phrik.)
Ion/Sonic Vulnerability: While the super dense phrik plating of the uniform's trimmings can potentially deflect focused sonic blasts, the rest of the armoring provides very little protection towards blasts and other types of sonic attack, as well as practically no protection against ionic weaponry save a combat de-ionizer on the utility belt.
- Armorweave Lining
- Flex-Armor Vest
- Shoulder and Hip Holsters
- Phrik Plated Trimmings
- Short-range Integrated Commlink with Alliance encryption keys (inlaid in torc)
- Exterior Melee Scabbard (Vibroblade/Lightsaber compatible)
- Interior Melee Scabbard (Vibroblade/Lightsaber compatible)
- Ceremonial Utility Belt (Grenade/Bandolier/ Combat Webbing Clips and Mounting)
- Belt Buckle mounted Dart Launcher (Paralytic Toxin, Four Darts - Reloadable.)
- Wrist-mounted Vibroblades (Retractable)
Armorweave Lining: While for all appearances Pulsar's battle dress may appear to be for the most part decorative, more parade attire than anything practical, the interior of the heavily modified and customized great coat and trousers is covered in the same armorweave lining found in the BDU-01 heavy trooper armor, complete with a flex-armor vest capable of stopping a few blaster bolts or slugthrower projectiles.
Phrik Plated Trimmings: Deceptively integrated into the dress as more ceremionial trimming, the uniform's gauntlets as well as shoulder and knee pads are composed of phrik plating, capable of providing protection against slugs and laser cannon rounds as well as being strong enough to deflect glancing lightsaber strikes.
Ceremonial Utility Belt: Appearing just as frivolous at first glance as much of the exterior accouterments, the uniform's belt is actually somewhat ingeniously inlaid with semi-concealed loops for attachments. Often attached are a field medical bag, multitool, combat de-ionizer, energy sinks, an anti-security blade, and various pouches.
Belt Buckle mounted Dart Launcher: Also copied straight from the design of the BDU-01 heavy armor, the launcher lies concealed within the disguised internal compartment of the uniform's belt buckle. The launcher can only hold four darts at any given time, but the compartment swings open to reveal a reloadable cartridge. The launcher's activation is tied in electronically to a voice command given by only him to his concealed comm link, allowing for deployment in situations where he is otherwise restrained.
- Lightweight Protection: Sacrificing space for more armor only where it needs to in order to preserve range and freedom of movement, the internals of this uniform were designed for someone expecting to go into battle but still unwilling to sacrifice any of their own dexterity. The internal suit is designed to provide good protection against a range of attacks, including energy weapon, kinetic, and melee resistances.
- Armed to the Teeth: For an Alliance officer who moonlights as a Jedi Knight, there sure are a lot of places both within and without Zark's uniform designed to hold devices that can inflict harm. With about as many external loops and attachments as a heavy trooper, even in full dress Pulsar has room for several blasters, vibroblades and backup sabers, not to mention additional room on his bandolier for anything from spare power packs to grenades or other light explosives.
- Phrik Vambraces: Particularly useful when dealing with lightsaber wielders or those carrying other melee weapons, the lightweight and extremely durable material allows for the deflection of lightsaber blows, though the plating isn't thick enough to protect against strikes indefinitely. With the Force enhanced senses and reflexes of a Jedi Knight, it is also possible to use the vambraces to deflect slugthrower projectiles of a low enough caliber and light laser fire.
- Low-Tech: With not a lot of room for devices or gizmos, the most complex piece of technology incorporated into the uniform would be the comm link inlaid into the necklace, followed by the retractable vibroblades hidden within the gauntlets. While this does technically mean less points of vulnerability to ion based attacks, sadly one of those points still vulnerable is the wearer himself, as well as to other forms of more nuanced attack.
- Stands Out: Not exactly user friendly in terms of going incognito, the internal armorweave alone without the outer jacket would likely stand out just as much. If blending in is required, this uniform is more or less useless to the owner and he tends to wear his old civilian clothes for those occasions.
- Limited Protection Against Elements: Like the armorweave found within the GAAF's BDU-01, the materials inside retain heat while remaining more or less breathable, but such resistances only extend so far. The uniform offers limited protection against severe weather, and no protection whatsoever against extreme atmospheric environments or the vacuum of space.
The history of the relationship between Zark Pulsar and the Alliance High Command has been a relatively short and contentious one that feels like its lasted a lifetime. Disdainful towards more rigid protocols aboard his ships and the GADFs continuous attempts to foist them upon him, the naval officer wears these heavily modified and customized officer's dress coat and trousers (a full two generations out of date from the current Alliance uniform design). Relying on his combat record and the begrudging patronage of several key figured within the Defense Force, as well as his still somewhat mysterious connections to the New Jedi Order, to shield his career and command from whispers of insubordination and egotism.
The fact remains, there is an element of pridefulness in the final design of the battle dress, although if there was any intention to it it was most likely born subconsciously, channeled through a desire to spite High Command more egregiously. Perhaps more alarming is just how many places both within and without there are that are designed to hold weapons. The image of the unpredictable Alliance officer armed so thoroughly for battle does not do much to soften the GAs already hardened image as of late, but in the aftermath of the Atrisia and Kaeshana campaigns, the Jedi Knight has grown more and more aggressive in his modes of thinking.
The various holsters and loops and scabbards can't compare, however, to the obscured, lightweight armoring covering the wearer from within. A combination of the same armorweave lining and flex armor vest found in Galactic Alliance Armed Forces heavy troopers, the uniform can surprisingly take some ranged punishment before relenting under continuous firepower. Combined with the phrik plating on the shoulders, wrists, and lower legs, and the battle dress retains some limited resistance towards shrapnel and lightsaber strikes.
While Zark obtained several of the more difficult to come by components from his SoroSuub and AskrimaCorp contacts, perhaps the most ingenious part of the uniform is custom built by the wearer himself. The short-range commlink that utilized limited voice commands built into the torc around the wearer's neck allows for ease of access even in the most chaotic of situations.