Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zeltros Nights

The young Jedi Master would listen intently as she told her story. That explained a lot of things, he supposed. A Jedi only loosely affiliated with the Republic and the Jedi Order... Interesting. While he didn't feel that a Jedi, peacekeepers in his eyes, were meant for mercenary work, he doubted the Republic paid her enough to keep her afloat. He would respect that she had to do what she had to do in order to survive. You cannot save people if you're dead. He would take a drink of his own coffee as she finished her story.

"Interesting... A Jedi Academy Network? I've never heard one of those" He would admit. "Of course, I'm sort of on the outs in terms of galaxy news" He would admit again with a laugh. "You see, during the last days of my tenure on the Jedi Council, the Order began to.. Change. It's members, in particular. It sort of started with how our Grandmaster Selena Halcyon acted and carried herself. She seemed to care less about keeping peace and helping people, and more of just hunting down any dark side user under the moon, no matter their intention. As many know, her influence spread to the Republic and what happened with the Fringe was a travesty that I had to handle... Pretty much singlehandedly in negotiations as Selena had decided to fly the coop. So for quite some time we went without a Grandmaster, and I was hoping that would be the end of the whispers that had escalated of the Jedi Order changing... Becoming ruthless hunters, like Sith in Jedi Robes, like Sel was seen as. I hoped that would be the end. We all did. But... Then something I didn't expect happened. Others began to adopt those sentiments that I had wanted to expunge so badly, and eventually the Order as a whole began to change as more and more Jedi changed" He said with a sigh. This was not a tale he spoke of well.

"Eventually, I became Grandmaster. It was one of the happiest times of my life, even if short lived. I loved the Jedi Order so much that I was so excited to try and steer it in the right direction again. But as more people changed... The Order began to steer itself in a direction different then the one I was steering. When a large group of them finally rallied for me to step down, I felt that was what the Order as a whole felt at the time, and I stepped down because I thought that was what the Order wanted. That was a mistake, of course, and one I regret to this day. It's one of the times that I should have listened to Master Carn Dista and hardened my heart. I wanted what was best for the Order and thought I was doing what it wanted, but I should have been more strict"

"But.." He trailed off, shrugging. "No reason to cry over spilt milk. I watched the Order change from afar until finally I couldn't take it anymore and parted ways from the Republic and Jedi Order. After a time spent trying to find myself, I disappeared. I blended into the crowds and became one of the people. The people I had sworn to protect for so long. I was in the Order for about 11 years, unwavering in loyalty until it became something not even close to what I'd sworn my oaths to. It was time I laid my head down and rested, and truly found myself. As most of my friends had cut contact already, it was easy to cut contact with the rest of the galaxy and live alone for months and months. I heard nothing of the galaxies events until recently when I was hunted down and asked to help the Ession Reformation take down the One Sith" He would finish.

"So to cap the rather long winded story off, I have absolutely no idea what's going on these days" He would crack, chuckling. "But... I look forward to learning. To meeting new people, especially lovely looking ones such as yourself, Master Roberts" He would tease with a playful smile.

Of course, it seemed Jedi on Zeltros didn't go long without trouble. And trouble had just found them in the form of @Dûvain. It seemed that [member="Karen Roberts"] knew this man by how she reacted. "Ah, I was wondering when the peanut gallery would show up" The blonde haired Jedi Master would respond as he would mirror Karen in kicking his chair at the wall, his strength uncanny as it flew at high speeds and vanished into splinters as it collided. By the time the chair's splinters hit the ground, the Jedi Master was already in fighting stance, his single-hilt lightsaber out and ignited, the blue blade humming as it prepared to slice into the assailant.

"Ah, assassins. How I missed these" He would remark toward Karen with a small smile. "If we survive, maybe dinner would be safer then coffee" He would joke. But despite his joking demeanour, he was all serious when it came to battle.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Eyes like smoldering coals turned to stare at the shattered remains of the two chairs. Chaos thronged in the bakery, people screaming and shouting. The owner stared on behind the counter, aghast and praying to whatever gods he believed in that his bakery would somehow survive if a fight broke out.

Dûvain found his own chair oddly comfortable, so he elected to not smash it to bits in a similar display of feckless grandiosity. In fact, he continued to sit.

"Ah... such purposeless flourishes.... such destructiveness... surely you can't be Jedi?"

He rested an arm on the table, rhythmically tapping clawed fingers. Now to introduce a little entropy into their carefully built moral abodes, which so comfortably rested on the stale soil of self-righteousness.

"How much in property damage do you think you just cost the bakery owner? What of that Zeltrosian child in the corner, endangered by your antics? Do you have so little disregard for consequences or do you simply rush into situations without thinking?"

A white brow arched, interest peeking. The words dripped with acidic derision from his cruel lips, as if the mere act of conversing with these mortals was impeding on some other preeminently important task.

"I am... curious."

[member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]


Disney's Princess
Karen remained.

"Save it. My sword is revealed. My tongue withheld. Our religion seen clearly between us. Dance, withdraw, or reveal thyself. I have no time for scoundrels this day."

She anchored herself into the Force. Drawing new strength, elevating her body functions, searching the room for further threats. She drew all her powers to herself for the moment of survival. This was her purpose. This was her sole function of being. To stand before her religion's enemies and look them in the eye with sword drawn.

This was her everything. In this war that spanned between times, there were no innocents. No property, wood, or matter. No sacrifice too great, no idle passers-by. No sin uncommon and no God to intercede. This was the razer's edge. And to Karen Roberts of Corellia. This was home.

[member="Dûvain"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]​
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Her retort met with stoic indifference. Such an altercation as she wished, while momentarily satisfactory, would simply pull him back into their cycle of pointless deeds and meaningless words. Religion was but a construct to appease the masses, a crutch on which to hobble, useful but just as hollow as everything else. Sects came and went just as empires rose and fell, all in such bland repetition of history. She wished what, to reiterate a flashy show of combat between light and dark that had been enacted a thousand times over?

"No," Dûvain's lips curled with derision, "I think..." the red-eyed gaze swung toward the manager behind the counter, "I'll have a coffee."

The words thrummed in the air and the manager paused a moment before acquiescing, happy to do anything that might stall the looming threat of violence from these Jedi.

That gaze turned to the Zeltrosian child, skin pink with red hair. Female, he thought, though it had been so long since he cared to differentiate. He beckoned, exerting a bit of his will on her, and she came.

"Come mortal child, sit on my knee."

And she did.

Thus the abomination sat, a child on his knee and apathy on his face. He stroked her hair as he regarded the Jedi, fearing them little. Oh perhaps they would win if they pressed matters to blows, but the trees of sorrow that sprouted would be of their own sowing. An amulet hanging from Dûvain's neck glowed with a faint purple hue, while the Soulsaber was tucked away within the folds of his long, black coat - though its nausea inducing aura seemed to pervade the air.

[member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
Mind games. How did he know this would come?

"For someone who murders Jedi for credits, you seem a bit too concerned about damage to furniture" He would remark with complete indifference. What happens, happens. He knew that. This was why the Jedi were taught not to hold attachments. Nothing could phase them if they didn't. He would watch warily as the assassin would call an innocent over, keeping her on his lap. While it seemed gentle, he wasn't stupid. He would eye [member="Karen Roberts"], trying to find advice from her. His gears were, of course, already spinning.


Disney's Princess
"So be it."

She smiled to the heavens and opened herself to the Force. Skin glowing, eyes burning. Her love for Grant opening the door like a tidal wave of hope. Hope. And love. Her respect for her crewmen lifting her heart in a song of sacrifice. For Coruscant, Teta, and Tython. Faith. And charity. And her life of service towards the Orders of the Force that would cement her will in the eternities. Glory. And the light beyond light.

Karen gave joy, not of herself but of Ashla, and extended her arm towards [member="Dûvain"],

"Know me and rejoice. For the Force is with me. Always."

The room was bathed in power,


This was Force Light. The salvation against the Vong and the strength against Aboleth. A doorway and a mirror into the Force. Opened by love and fueled by faith. It banished the darkness and it conquered all fear. To many it was not an ability so much as it was the will of Intelligence herself. Manifested through it's servants as a flame against the dark. A light that shined amongst stars. A force and a wonder above all. It is difficult to explain to the moral ear because it makes no sound. Impossible to envision for the eye as it bequeaths true light. Yet, so simple upon the gentle heart. Because the Force makes it so.

Her arm extended and her smile for the little girl, Karen even left room so that Josh could join her battle-meld as well. For she would inflict upon [member="Dûvain"] the greatest gift she knew how. She would enrapture him, this room, and all the souls within it, about and within the Light of the Force.

This gift was not Oneness. Karen had no claim to it. In this world or the next, only the Force could give and only the Force could take away. However, her power manifested here today was sufficient to her rank and the strength of her faith. Tempered not by time or by skill. Forged not by blood or the body, but by the spirit and the Force beyond.

This was Force Light. And it would dispel this ground for years to come.

[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Dûvain"]​
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
Pure white radiance rushed through the room, bathing all in... righteousness? Dûvain grit fangs as he, sitting, withstood the apogee of the Light Side's power. His face blistered and cracked at the assail of a woman who would strip him of his connection to the Dark, but the roots of his evil ran deeper and more primal than any mere conundrum of Light against Dark. How could one purge away a being born to be adept at slaughter? A born killer? No. A created killer, manufactured when Arkanian scientists spliced DNA and restructured the genome of their own species on a distant, icy planet. He belonged neither to the Arkanians nor to the Anzat, uniquely cursed to be alone in the galaxy.

For three hundred years he had survived the taiga wastes of Alzoc III, hunting the primitive Talz for sustenance until at last he found and killed a cultist, stole his shuttle and escaped his snowy prison. Another fifty years had seen more futility. He'd sought to conquer until he realized that the pursuit of kingdoms was a pointless game. Why repeat history? Why not watch it unfold from afar?

And now in a moment, a twinkling, this woman sought to undo the work of an entire cadre of scientists along with nearly four hundred years of vile living. Who is to say? Perhaps she might have succeeded... if not for the Soulsaber.

That artifact was forged by darkness to consume the light. No palsy feat of a Jedi Master would annul an ancient construct that had seen the worlds go round for nigh a thousand times twenty. The Dark Side nexus met the Force Light and held, its effects muted, but not dissipated.

Which left Dûvain, wracked by agony at morality's searing hand.

Force Light would not repair the shattered chairs, though it might mend wounded souls. Only the privileged could give those they'd left destitute hope and think themselves righteous. What would the impoverished do with that hope? Would it feed them? Would it keep them warm at night? Would it save them from the taxman? Of all these, the truest is that it could not bring back the dead. A single, clawed hand took the neck of the child on his knee and simply held it.

[member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]
[member="Dûvain"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

The friendly Zeltron girl on Duvain's knee flinched as The Holy Flashbang -- thou shalt count to three -- snapped her about halfway out of the trance. One genetically squidgy hand settled around her neck, and it struck her that this was a really, really good time to not move. He could snap her spine before they could bring the Force to bear in a serious way; she'd done enough hand-to-hand training to know that.

And his face was flaking, casting bits of parched skin across her hair and shoulder. Ew, ew, ew. Ew.

Such thoughts did battle against Duvain's telepathic influence and wound up with a net discomfort conspicuous in its vagueness. She squirmed a little.

"I think he's serious," she said helpfully.


Disney's Princess
Karen was ready to sacrifice anything to follow the will of the Force. Such was her willingness and the fearless strength of her beliefs. However, the Force did not require either the lives of [member="Dûvain"] or the little girl at this time. A strange realization to acquire so late in the game for a warrior such as Roberts. And yet. Nodding her head with understanding, Karen let the influence of her outstretched hand diminish until it was gone. The moment had past.

She fell back to earth. Little girl, monster man, and splintered chairs too. Karen yielded to Josh telepathically. Perhaps she needed a moment to... readjust,

~ "I do not sense his allies. What do your senses tell you Master Dragonsflame. How would like to proceed?" ~

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="Dûvain"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]​

*ooc: 5 likes to the little girl post. Haha. You guys suck. :p


leave no one behind
reaper heard stuff breaking in the side the bar so he went back to see what had happened, when he opened the door he saw a girl with a saber in her hand and a man, probably a sith assassin in that case if the jedi reacted that way, he sighed as he drew his blade from its sheat as the blade was shining brightly from the light, he held the blade on the right side and his sheat on the left, he had no choice to help the jedi at the same time he did not like sith since they had corrupted his brothers, he dached at the man with a speed so fast that you could barely call him human, he aimed his blade towards the assassins head and if he avoided he would kick towards the mans stomach, reaper was trained as a assassin in the clone army, but the blade he learned to use through training, his blade was almost impossible to see when he slashed as only those with a very good eye sight could see it, he grinned as he was trying to take the siths life.

Karen Roberts Dûvain Joshua DragonsFlame
The Admiralty
[member="J.Reaper"] | [member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Dûvain"] | [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

In the background of the scene a nondescript guy entered the bar, he had wanted to get some coffee, maybe a muffin or two when he felt the nauseating experience of self-righteousness and hypocrisy rise in the corner of the establishment.

It was clear this was going to become a battlefield soon, and so as the Jedi Knight he (kinda) still was, Khaleel started to organize a slow and silent evacuation of the civilians within the building.

Ticking his commlink the man did the one thing he never suspected he’d actually do.

Khaleel contacted the authorities.

Dispatch, got a 245, with a possible 273A. Three suspects, two of them might be suffering from a 10-50.’ he added the location and waited for them to arrive on the scene. At least until some fething idiot barged in and Khal noticed the distinct form of a little girl sitting on the lap of the corpse. Trajectory, blade, angled at the corpse’s body.

He wouldn’t be there fast enough, wouldn't stop him from trying though. Khal reached for his ambassador and aimed down.


Mercenary, Artist.
@Dûvain @Mara D'Lessio Merrill [member="J.Reaper"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"]

Why was a child in a Zeltronian nightclub? Simple. Her mother had brought her.

Alna had grown up working alongside her parents and many siblings, and that included business meetings of various colours as well as working with her hands. She'd naturally included her stepdaughter, Mara, in her life in a similar way. How many Mara's age could intuit the layout of a ship by it's component manufacturers, or knew her way around a spanner as comfortably as a doll? Mara could, Alna had. So she hadn't thought too much about taking the girl to Zeltron to strike a deal on some hypercapacitors for them to toy with, even in such a sketchy place as this - for one, it was her heritage and it was healthy for a child to have some experience with that sort of thing. Alna hadn't, sure, but Lorrd was a slave planet at that point in her life. Second, Alna and Jorus had more or less made a life out of staying a few clever steps ahead of trouble, and practice absolutely made perfect in that regard.

Finally, Jorus had been quietly wondering just how much Force potential Mara really had, and that wasn't the sort of thing that Mara would figure out on Q-27.

Still, Alna had been figuratively stunned when some sleazy Siththing had beckoned to her little girl - and Mara complied. She'd been about to do something about it, when she was literally stunned by fairy law an almighty flash of light. Her senses returned quickly enough, along with the knowledge that it was going to be one of those nights. And they'd been so close to leaving. In Alna's humble opinion, the Galaxy would be a much better place with all of these Force-wielding lunatics all over the place, as they invariably got drunk on power and escalated any situation they saw fit to involve themselves in to a point of crisis. But opinion wasn't fact, and Alndys had long since learned that she simply had to be prepared to deal with the lunatics when they cropped up to cause trouble.

She swiftly stood, blinking back spots from the Force Light, and strode purposefully forward - her hand brushing her long coat back the slightest bit, just in case she absolutely had to draw a weapon to deal with this situation. "You." Alna singled out Duvain, carrying the authority and done-with-thisness of an infuriated mother. "Will release my little girl right now." She ordered firmly, in a tone that clearly expected to be obeyed in a prompt, no-nonsense fashion.
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
The rippling tides of energy subsided. Dûvain wondered if the idiocy would subside with them, but... apparently not. Just as the Jedi appeared to be backing down a man barged through the front doors and charged at Dûvain with a sword. The abomination's lips curled into a sneer and held up one hand, the other still resting around the back of [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]l's neck.

The blade hissed through the air toward Dûvain's face, then came to a sudden halt, stopped by the unseen Force.

"That would be.... unwise," the Hybrid rasped, face itching terribly as it began to heal from the recent blast of Force Light.

As an agent of Chaos, Dûvain found this all very interesting, though for how long it would hold his interest none can say. Even so, he did recognize several rather ludicrous issues with the events currently transpiring.

First, for all intents and purposes he looked like a darker-skinned, tall Arkanian with red eyes instead of white. It could've been explained away by a genetic mutation. There were plenty of species in the galaxy with red eyes. So why everyone immediately singled him out as some sort of sore thumb was a conundrum, though the most probable explanation was the rampant humano-centrism inherent in the system. Speciesist bastards.

Second, though the Dark-Side did drift from him in crashing waves, why every crazed swordsman and mother thought he was a Sith was no doubt also due to a severe influx of stupidity. Oh, you are Dark-Side? Forget historical anti-heroes and forget saving grace, you must be a Sith! And blah, blah blah, what wonderful heroes they all made. Assumptions all around.

Thirdly - ah, the sound of sirens could be heard in the distance. Someone had finally taken action. That would be terribly interesting. Three armed assailants, smashing chairs and threatening an apparently unarmed humanoid? Oh the news stories would be great.

Dûvain's head turned toward [member="Alna Merrill"] as he pushed the sword away contemptuously. "The child came of her own accord. She can leave if she wishes."

The innate telepathy of an Anzat bore down oppressively on the child, telling her not to leave. Whether that would have the intended effect was up in the air, but Dûvain knew one thing for certain... this was far more entertaining than he had thought it might be.


Mercenary, Artist.

It would be a real challenge for Alndys - a perfectly normal, not at all force adept woman - to look less impressed with someone as she did right then. The man was casually blocking lightsabers and had his nasty, grabby, clawed hand on the back of her little girl's neck, and his nasty, grabby, slimy thoughts in her head, and she looked like he'd shown up at her door a week after halloween with his parents holding one hand and his junk in the other, asking for candy. That's how unimpressed she was, in a general sense. It was a skill she'd spent most of her life refining.

"You think I don't know my own daughter?" Alna asked dryly. "I'm Lorrdian, bucko - Basic is my second language, and she might as well be screaming in my native tongue." It was true enough - Mara was resisting Duvain's influence, and that was enough to register on her body; the tight set of her jaw and the slight quivering of the muscles in her neck, or the way her fingers fidgeted nervously. Alna shifted her weight to her other foot, hand now plainly resting on the handle of an expensive-looking sonic weapon hanging from her toolbelt. "I'll put it to you in language you'll understand-"

"No more words. You release my daughter right now, and that's the end of it. The two of us leave, and you saberjockies can go back to beating each other witless." Alna stated flatly. "Should you see fit to not comply with this, know that there isn't a single place in this Galaxy that can hide you from the nightmare that'll descend upon you. Whatever friends you may have will be bought and sold, or ruined completely. There will be no shelter, no safe haven or collection of like minds that will ever be able to offer you refuge from my wrath. There is no place in this Galaxy where my husband and I will not be able to find you, and there is no ship that can carry you fast enough to escape us. There is no amount of Force Magic or evil rhetoric that will be able to protect you from being ripped apart and scattered to every corner of the Universe." Alndys swore quietly.

"Whatever you thought you were going to accomplish by coming in here and putting that little girl on your lap, it's done. It's over. Recognize that you have nothing to gain and no way to walk away from this but simply releasing her. Your little pedo power play isn't worth it, I promise you that." Alna ordered. "I helped rearrange the stars and named the result after that girl, and I'm carrying enough Sonic payload to drop every living thing in this room. I won't tell you again: Release my daughter."
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
While [member="Alna Merrill"] monologued and Duvain intently listened, @J. Reaper's kick sailed toward Duvain's gut... Or rather toward Mara, who was sitting directly in the path of the kick. Duvain was busy ensuring a sword didn't kill either of them and the mother was busy lecturing him. It seemed the child was on her own, which also seemed unfair to Duvain. Life was already so full of tribulations, it would be a pity to see such an intriguing mind stilled in her youth. Let her grow, ripen, he'd wait.

The telepathic persuasion lifted from the child, allowing her full clarity to defend herself. Even from him.

[member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"]
@Dûvain @Alna Merrill [member="J.Reaper"]

Reaper's kick slammed into Mara's gut, which happened to be at the level of Duvain's gut, because this fething goodguy commando had taken a shot at the man on whose lap she was sitting. She crumpled over and, free of Duvain's mental influence and physical grip, promptly tumbled to the floor.



Disney's Princess
Ow, was... An understatement.

She didn't have enough crayons for this kinda posting. Alas and so, schlepping down the back stairs with a shake of her blue head, she commed Grant for an evac. Thank goodness for quick exits. Good grief.

*ooc: exit thread*
Things had gotten quite chaotic and crowded in a hurry.

Before Josh had been able to do a damned thing, more people had shown up, some trying to play hero, others... Who knows. But the mother of the hostage seemed to have things under control. He watched Karen begin to slip out, and he would raise an eyebrow. Karen obviously wanted nothing to do with this situation, despite a hostage being in danger because someone had sent an assassin after HER. Josh had not been in known space long enough to have a target put on his back, it was safe to assume he'd just gotten caught in the crossfire due to his robes, possibly his force sense. Of course, he could be wrong as well, but it was a safe bet. Still, one thing was obvious. This monster was after Jedi, and this little girl and her family were in danger because of this...

That's it.

He didn't want to leave. He wanted to stay, beat the living chit out of this monster for the pure fact he'd taken the little girl hostage. One thing bugged DragonsFlame more then anything, and that was bringing harm to a child. But while she was in his grasp, there was not much he could do. Except...

The Jedi Master would get up and walk out after Karen, knowing that the eyes of the assassin were trained on him. Two things could happen here, either he would release the girl to give chase to the two Jedi Masters... Or he would be distracted enough by his targets escaping for the girl's mother to attack and free her little girl. It was worth a shot.

As he went out the door, he shot [member="Alna Merrill"] an apologetic look. The last thing he had wanted was for her and her little girl to get involved in this. He wanted so badly to stay and fight... But this was the best thing he could do for them. The Jedi Master would disappear into the shadows with [member="Karen Roberts"] with a heavy heart.

(OOC: Exiting as well)
Scruffy Lookin’ Nerfherder
The child slumped off his knee, crumpling into a ball on the ground. Pity the young, thought Dûvain, for they are weak. Only the strong could survive in the galaxy. Eyes like smoldering coals noted the sudden departure of the Jedi. A single white eyebrow arched.

"Ah the true defenders of justice, witnessing the assault of a child and coming to her aid....." Their steps faded away as they left.

"Or perhaps not."

[member="J.Reaper"] was either standing in horrified shock at what he'd done or preparing another attack in righteous ignorance. Dûvain took the time to improbably get in a few choice words.

"Tell me, woman, who is the real monster here?" He stood slowly. "Will you strike me down now, or end the one who harmed your daughter?"

He took a step back, giving her a clear line of fire at the commando. Throughout the whole ensemble he declined to engage in combat. It was the most predictable of resolutions, though often quite enjoyable. The sound of sirens grew louder still.

[member="Alna Merrill"] | [member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] | [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] | [member="Karen Roberts"] | [member="Khaleel Malvern"]

Meanwhile, a reporter had seen the commotion and flash of light and called his colleague, [member="Jek Floggerty"].

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] [member="Dûvain"] [member="Karen Roberts"] [member="Mara D'Lessio Merrill"] [member="J.Reaper"] [member="Khaleel Malvern"] [member="Alna Merrill"]

"FETH YES!" Jek yelled as he tossed his half eaten zeltros burrito out the window of his air speeder and hit the release on the droid holocams on the vessels body. "Thanks Sam Houston, Action six!" he continued as he cut off a school speeder bus, a senior citizen shuttle and nearly crashed into and orphanage to make it to the barbakery where drek had gone down.

The cam droids began rolling as he pulled a holomic from his pocket and rushed toward the front door and put his not empty flask of scotch into his pocket. People were screaming, sunburns were everywhere, furniture was broken! It was glorious.

"HAVE NO FEAR MY PEOPLE!" He said as he tried to kick open the door...and failed, "Have no" thud . Another fail. "Gil kick this schuta open." He said to his personal assistant.

The small mustache-less man walked up pushed the keypad by the door and watched it slide out of the way.

"No one likes a showboat gil." Jek said as he burst into the room. "HAVE NO FEAR MY PEOPLE. JEK IS HERE!"

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