Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Cleansing of Ziost | AC & EE junction of Ziost and Empty Hex

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: New Adasta, Ziost
Objective I.: Perform the ritual to cleanse Ziost and to put the dead souls to rest.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (weapons) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Vaxis Vaxis | Open
[ Flúgva valkyrjur á val ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina was still ashamed that that parasite and that eldritch creature had been able to do with her what they had done. The Valkyrja knew no one blamed her, neither Gei, nor Heinrich, nor anyone else. Nevertheless, she felt like she had failed. Her job was to take care of others, instead several almost died because she was being protected and trying to help her. And it made her feel bad; she didn't want anyone to get in trouble for her. She thought she wasn’t worthy to be treated like this by others to risk their lives for her. In this, she was like her mother only looking at herself as a tool and always putting herself behind the interests of others. Others were more important than her.

As she danced on the edge of the panic attack, waiting for Heinrich's response, she suddenly heard another voice in her mind. It was a young girl, Greer's voice, she was very surprised. Eina had never actually spoken to her in person. She remembered very faintly that the girl was also there on the planet Wgah'ngal, which Eina only called "Dark Planet," as the name meant in the local language, and it was easier to say. And there was someone else, a man, another eldritch. The man who wanted to kill Valkyrja's mother and the same person who gave her mother a soulshard from the girl's father. She hadn't spoken to him since she returned. And the girl's words… To fight? Oh! No, Eina didn't not came to the planet now for that purpose.

~ It would be a great honour, Lady Greer, but I did not come to fight today. There are a lot of trapped souls on the planet. I have to help them get to the Netherworld and I promised to help cleanse the planet from the Dark Side influence. But in the catacombs below the city, I feel the creature that was there on the Dark Planet. If you want to go there, don't do it alone, she's very dangerous! ~ she replied to the girl.

In the meantime, the answer came from Heinrich as well.

~ Thank you! I'll try to find him and speak with him. ~ she replied to the Blade of Ession.

She didn't really know what she expected, for example the man would have rushed to her or something. But it was certain that Eina did not have the courage to go after Hyrva. She wasn't in a position to do that yet. So there was no choice but to find Lord Vaxis. Eina asked the nurses for help, but they didn’t know exactly, so it was through MANIAC that SAINT was the one who finally told her where to find the man. Because the flying was the easiest and fastest to her, she went in such a way to where the man was.

"Lord Vaxis Vaxis , I'm Eina. Lord Heinrich sent me to talk to you about a great threat, here at Ziost. Do you have a few minutes for me now?" she asked.


Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Hunt down the Sith
Location: Surface, Ziost
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"It has been tested and works perfectly. Zoom and other functions are set to standard, and you can adjust them to your liking. In addition, your genetic coding has already been added, it only works with your biological samples. That is, no one else, not even me, can use it but you. A little extra gift from House Orchid. Security never hurts." I smiled for a moment and my annoyance disappeared.

The biochip and armour scanners scanned the area, there were indeed more in the area, but no one else came to us yet. If there are only two of us, there will be only two of us, it doesn't bother me. In most cases, as a bounty hunter, I worked alone and not in pairs. Of course, according to the code, I tend to work with others when we are hunting for the same target; but in general I usually work alone. I thought for a moment, finally looking at the man.

"Anyway, my real name is Silhana, not Lynne." I winked at him before putting on my helmet. "Yes, I'm ready, we can go."

I quickly retrieved satellite imagery of the area to see what was here. The whole was quite a ruined area; which was not so surprising in light of the fact that there have been numerous wars in this place several times in recent years. Ruins, ruins everywhere. And nearby was a larger complex of buildings, a complex that quite well survived the war. And the heat sensor recordings indicated a larger group presence from there, inside there. I think this will be a great target at first.

"How about that building? There are quite a few people out there based on the data. Maybe cultists or a group of Sith." I looked at the man. If this building suited him too, I headed in that direction.


Hyrva Vh'akli
Prophet of the Worm Emperor; Truthspeaker, The Prophet, Lady of Throdog N'ghftor, Witch Elder
Objective II.: Survive
Location: Sith catacombs, beneath New Adasta.
Equipment: Shield talisman | Shadow's Folly || Empyrean gland || OPBC-01s
Tags:: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Open
[ Whispers and Madness ]
<"Dark words or ur-Kittât"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Mgep og zhro, ymg' ephaiahnyth ya!

Additional books and codexes. She didn’t have time to read into those ones, in these minutes. From a distance, she felt more and more strangers present. Although now that she had paid more attention to it, she could already feel people she had perceived before. At home. When they invaded her and her people’s realm. Three of the five people were here. The wild child, the knight full of guilt, and the guardian angel she lost. But now the crusader who had saved the girl from Hyrva's claws was not here, nor was the eldritch. Interesting.

Mgep og zhro, ymg' ephaiahnyth ya!

However, unfortunately she was away from home, the power of Truthspeaker here was nowhere near as great as at home. At the Dark Planet, yes. The place where she could use the full power of the eldritch nexus, where the power of the woman was almost infinite. Compared to now here, in this place, no, here not. She sighed as another book flew over to her, in her hands. She will also have to solve it to get off the planet. With those two large fleets, it can all be hard, but maybe she can handle it. Maybe she can be invisible.

Mgep og zhro, ymg' ephaiahnyth ya!

She didn’t want to risk something like what happened on Ession, to turn the entire planet into the Light Side would mean the woman’s death. But now, thankfully, she didn’t have to deal with it because everyone was away and there were no Nexus on the planet. At least that's how she felt. Hyrva walked down a few more levels down in this complex where she was. It was increasingly surprising that no one had looted this place yet. True, the enemy has never really managed to win in this place, so it’s not that surprising. Only the residents died or left Ziost.

Mgep og zhro, ymg' ephaiahnyth ya!

She could still hear their voices, the echoes of the souls left behind, so loud down here that they almost completely suppressed the other whispers. Hyrva loved the whispers, but any other sound that didn’t come from her own god or their own world was disturbing. Anyway, she diverted her thoughts from the souls left here and continued her search. There were still countless mysteries here that needed to be solved.






Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström Tristan Evore Tristan Evore

Draellix looked at Tristan as he took his position, she had not heard from him for a while, why was that? She had questions for him, not least why he had revealed himself right now, was this some power play against his previous leaders? It wasn't really the time for games, but she was one of their Fleet Admirals and had served Cedric loyally before and if his wished to continue, Isla would be grateful for his assistance.

"So your Highness, it is wonderful that we finally come together officially to settle our peace accord. I fully support my Cardinal in this endeavor and have been a keen supported of this alliance. As I have said to you before, you candour about your previous alliances, while distasteful from out viewpoint, makes you a more valuable and trustworthy ally. There is a lot that can be said about pragmatism, the willingness to use whatever, tools, you require to defeat a powerful enemy." She paused for a few moments and considered the Bryn war, the Ashlans had been guilty of ignoring a dangerous foe, and it could be said that the existence of the Sith Empire had been a boon to them too, a protective layer of the devil you know to hide from the devil you don't.

"It is a mark on our honour that we Ashlans did not see the threat that the Bryn posed in the same way that some other factions viewed them. But without the Sith Empire threatening to move on us at a moments notice, the wider picture is easier to see. The Maw appear to be the new threat, and from my experiences with them over Ninn, Korriban and on the surface of Coruscant make me certain that we both need friends to stand against them".

She listened further to Ingrid, her comment about Admiral Evore was uncomfortable but fair, she was not fully aware of the details, but he had abandoned the Eternal Empire to follow Grayson. That gave Isla pause, she too would follow Grayson to the end, but there are ways, could he have been discharged to follow his ward if he had asked? She assumed not but to leave himself a criminal to the Eternal Empire was not something he would have thought of likely.

"The Admiral is not a political leader of the Ashlan Crusade, nor has he made any claims to that title, but he is an experienced military commander, and his role here could help to give perspective on military interaction." she stopped and glanced and Pietro Demici Pietro Demici "We do not wish his history with the Eternal Empire to be a problem in these negotiations. He is now an Ashlan and a loyal servant of Lord Grayson, and you will understand that we must not take any unfair actions towards him. May I ask what his charges are? are they simply of discharging him from your service without due process as I have been informed. Or is there more to it? It will inform us to how to proceed. If the former, then I suggest we continue today as we are now and I am sure Lord Demici will fairly review any request for extradition.

Today was not about Evore, it was bigger than him and she would not let things be derailed. If it was a matter of abandoning his command, then that could be settled later, if he was a war criminal the Ashlans may arrest him themselves.


Several hours before events of Objective 1…

One Ballator Class an ancient dreadnaught, heavily modified over the years.

Numerous Dauntless cruisers

A dozen Turbulent star destroyers

Unclear number of Defense platforms

An assortment of various warships from different Sith and Sith affiliated factions

Nothing so far, Isla thought to herself as she looked at the holo. Obviously not nothing, there has been running skirmishes all over the system, but the primary Sith fleet was keeping the planet between them and the Ashlans, and as of yet, the battlecruiser remained hidden. Again, she was reminded how much of space warfare was sitting on a command bridge staring in to the void waiting for something to happen.

The Ashlans did have a couple of leads, there was an aread of the asteroid field that was less dense than other parts, a slightly safer place to hide perhaps? And another section of the field where there was clear evidence of asteroids leaving the belt more rapidly than normal. Astronavigation could not put it down to any celestial bodies? So maybe weapon fire and tractor activity? She had sent a frigate to each of these locations, the first was already being scanned, but the area was nearly half a million km long and filled with heavy metal asteroids, scanning was limited to line of sight which could be a little as a dozen km in any direction, depending on the local conditions.

Isla checked her time piece, she had maybe 8 hours before the conference started, she wasn't technically needed up here, but felt it right that the Grand Admiral be present at such an important battle even if it was mostly a hunt right now.

As Imperial frigate had contacted her, so far the only response, it was waiting in ambush, one less frigate searching made little difference, but she couldn't help but be a little annoyed at the captain that assay their waiting for the ashlans to do the legwork then swoop in for glory.

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Objective 2 - Hunt the Sith
Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Celeste Demici Celeste Demici

Greer was just finishing her ritual when the return messaged pinged from Lady Eina, she was pleased to get a reply and have some idea of direction, she had misunderstood the woman's reason for being here, but was aware that several force users were here on a cleansing mission so it was not a major surprise to her. "Thank you Lady Eina," she sent as a reply "I will head to that location now, I am not far from their by speeder bike and I am detecting other landings nearby. Ashla be with you."

Packing up her things, she said a short prayer for the owner of this old smithy, there was no Sith or Jedi paraphernalia here, so he was likely some poor civilian caught between them, as is far too often the case, maybe he had fled and was alive somewhere sharpening tools right now, maybe not.

She walked out and sat up on her speeder bike, judging by the map it would be less than ten minutes by speeder. She gunned the engines and hit the afterburner, the kick felt wonderful and hair whipped around from the little bit if air that got through the anti-friction shield. Minutes later she saw the entrance to the old catacombs with a shuttle nearby, she took a couple of high speed passes just to double check she wasn't flying into enemy fire but there was none.

Landing she saw a large and well armed woman standing near the entrance to the catacombs, Greer had not me Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae herself, so would not recognise her but she would know that this was not the monster for Wgah'ngal. Greer loosened her saber at her waist, if she had misread the situation she would be ready to use it. Shaking her head to clear the niggling miasma that she felt trying to creep in, a very similar feeling to that dark planet and it sent a chill down her spine. She would not fail this time and she held her head high, despite the dread that she could feel just taking the edge off of her otherwise confident gait.

"Good morning, I'm Greer," she extended one hand out to shake, and the other hand hovered over her saber, she knew which hand she hoped that the extremely tall woman would accept. "What brings you to this place today? I am looking for a dark creature that stalks these catacombs"
Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Hunt Sith
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

"If you trust the data, so do I." Arturo replied, accessing the same satellite feeds Lynne was using to survey the scene. Ruins -and there were many of them- scoured the surface for miles around. The sight reminded Arturo of a mass grave, only minus the stink. There was a lot of history in this place, none of it good. Summoning up some pre-war records, the contractor did his best not to think too much into it. He could do without the distraction right now, what with Sith on the prowl.

Turning to Lynne- Silhanna, Arturo gestured for her to lead on. It was her idea after all, and though he was technically her boss, it wouldn't hurt to let her take the lead on this one. Or so he thought.

Following a few feet behind Sil, Arturo stayed silent for a time. Minutes passed as they navigated their way through the broken buildings, clambering over the empty shells of lives once lived. Silhanna seemed not to mind. Her lekku bounced as she ghosted her way through the ruins, passing through collapsed walls and under shadowy archways like she was born to it. Arturo did his best to keep up, covering Sil as she moved, and moving only when he was sure she was doing the same.

Something crunched beneath his boot as he jogged across an abandoned street. Stone and rubble, he told himself. Stone, not bone. Definitely not that.

"Why did you keep your name a secret from me?" Arturo asked over the closed channel as he slid into cover beside Sil, genuine curiosity twisting his voice as he looked back the way they had come. "After all we've been through, all we've seen... I thought you would have decided to trust me sooner."

Location: just outside Adastra
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage

Ship: Tal'din
Tags: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

"It's a strange one alright, the Ashlans and the Imperium. It appears that sometimes the Ashlans can overlook dark connections after all when it suits them." She laughed ironically, politics was a strange beast, she wondered who was in bed with who to make this happen? That usually seemed to be the way.

She reached too her own bag, attaching it to the speeder, inside on if them was a series of what looked like portable shield projectors. "See these things, lovely defensive measure, they project as Scold? Skloldir?.. a shield bubble, that has a range of a dozen metres, perfect way to ward off errant fire when healing. As an added bonus, they had an upgrade that allows you to hear the enemy approach, got a good four hundred metre range on these, can here the quietest assassin and foil their plans." She wouldn't say it, but this was the plan, deploy these, shields turned on or off, and try to use them as listening devices. They were approved and recognised tech with a few tweaks so should easily pass inspection. Even if they were somehow to get caught, with listening devices, what would they be accused if snooping on? The arrangement of an alliance that would soon be public knowledge? As far as she was aware this meeting wasn't classified, but the rebels wanted to now every word spoken, to ensure no wool was pulled over their eyes, no redacted transcript would cut it. For them.

"So, are you ready to head out?" She jumped in the back of the speeder as it lurched forward. As it maneuvered around, she wished she didn't feel do nauseous, but the mess made her drowsy and she didn't want to feel out of sorts today. She might have to speak to Taozi to see if she had any non-sedative anti-emetics in development that were safe for her to use. It made her chuckle that here she was, a fully trained doctor, at a loss how to make her pregnancy sickness go away before a dangerous mission. Well, at least her Beskar'gam still fit her.
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Hunt down the Sith
Location: Surface, Ziost
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I nodded at Arturo's words and headed forward. The sensors and the like were a great help in knowing where others were moving, but I didn’t want to go to open ground anyway. Who knows which building they're watching us from. I didn't want me or Braga to be shot by a sniper. In vain is the armour, even though they can shoot through it easily. I didn't come here to die. And I was a scout anyway, I had to survey the terrain quickly. Of course not so fast that my partner would fall behind, so I tried to pay attention to him now as well.

And not to put ourselves in a death trap. Sometimes I had to stop for a moment for the man to catch up with me, but overall I had no problem with him. There were many times that I let him go in advance and then I covered him, it was much calmer now than before on the planet Annaj. That mission was a complete disaster. True now it didn't really matter anymore, we were here at Ziost. We were just walking down a street, and then the sensors saw movement shortly before us, so I huddled behind a collapsed wall, where Arturo was following me.

Was my name really that important now, or was it not that I told him? If so, this day will be long…

"Because it is a very painful memory from the time I was a slave. Otherwise, if you become a member of a Mandalorian clan, you will be given a new name. I’m Lynne there, I also run House Orchid by that name, and I’ve been using that name ever since I was a bounty hunter. About trust… If I didn’t trust you, I wouldn’t work with you. This was true for the second joint work, I already trusted you. My real name is different, it’s more personal than trust…" I told him.

I cleared my throat. Should I further escalate the tension between the two of us now, or not? I think it would be a good idea to discuss it now before the bomb explodes inside in a possible combat situation and the situation will kill us both.

"Anyway, I don't even know what's going on between us. After Annaj and Hirsi, I thought you were asking me to go on a date with you." I said with some offended tone in my voice.

I didn't go any further, I just turned towards him, the helmets made the situation very impersonal, but there was nothing to do with it in this field. However, until I get an answer, I won’t go any further. If he has brought this thing up, we have to discuss it as soon as possible.




Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Tristan Evore Tristan Evore , Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström


The proceedings continued, and Pietro took his time listening to each individual that spoke. He paid even closer attention to those that didn't. In the cardinal's experience, those that spoke less often listened more. It was a sign of attention to detail, one often seen in those seeking information... not unlike what he was doing in that moment. As the others present spoke of the Bryn'adul, Pietro held back a scoff. He knew that the Bryn'adul threat had been a very real one, and though the Crusade had opened its doors to the refugees of the menace, Pietro had always looked toward the day when they would eradicate their presence from the galaxy. This being said, the clear and present threat had been the Dark Side. He believed the Bryn'adul to merely be a symptom of the greater disease that was the Bogan, and as such, he wished to treat the disease itself, rather than the symptom. Nevertheless, he held his tongue on that matter, opting to take a more diplomatic approach.

"The lack of response from the Crusade regarding the Bryn'adul is... unfortunate, to be sure. It was difficult to contribute our full force to combat them, as we had our fair share of enemies within our own borders. We can certainly agree that the current greatest threat to the galaxy is the Maw, as well as their Sith masters. It is in all of our best interest to do what we can to put an end to their wanton violence."

He had to stick to common ground... to the things that both sides could benefit from. As he spoke, the cardinal kept telling him that this was Lord Grayson's intention, and as such, he would see them through. If the former Ashlan leader had not sought this alliance, the cardinal would have dismissed the idea. Yet, in the end, he was nothing, if not pragmatic. Though he didn't trust the eternal empire, Pietro could not deny the benefits of having one less enemy to watch out for.

Pietro motioned toward Tristan as the Eternal Empress spoke.

"Admiral Evore has proven to be an invaluable commander, and has been a good friend to the Grayson family. As such, I have seen it fit to grant him a seat in the House of Lords. Perhaps his history with the Empire has been... complicated..."

A small smile produced itself upon the cardinal's face.

"But Ashla teaches forgiveness, as much as damnation. After all, If we held everyone to their previous missteps, then I doubt that we would have even made it this far into our negotiations."

It may sound like a jab, but the truth was, the relationship between the Crusade and the Empire had been complicated in itself. The Empire's previous alliance with the Sith, no matter the reason, and the Crusade's actions upon Panatha, were both evidence of that. The way Pietro saw it, there would be no way either side could claim that they hadn't contributed to such complications in one way or another. Once again, politics had proven to be treacherous waters, yet Pietro would gladly wade through them in hopes of securing the treaty...

And he would do so without compromising his own position on the matter.

Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Hunt Sith
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera / Open
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

Listening quietly to Silhanna, his eyes peeled on the surrounding architecture, Arturo did his best not to sigh as the twi'lek started in on her life story. He hadn't asked the question expecting to get much of an answer, but it seemed Sil did trust him after all. More than he had realized, anyway. Gazing over his shoulder, he watched as his partner shared parts of her life that he had not been privy to beforehand. Sil had been a slave? That was a bit of a shock, though, one Arturo quickly managed to overcome.

For life was unfair; that was a lesson he had learnt early on in life, back on Nar Shaddaa when he had been little more than a kid. He had grown some since then. Learnt some, too.

"Anyway, I don't even know what's going on between us. After Annaj and Hirsi, I thought you were asking me to go on a date with you."

"You did?" Dumbfounded by her statement, Arturo did his best to catch up to the conversation as Sil turned to stare at him. "What made you think-" He began to say, only to stop mid-sentence. Ah, the mercenary thought. Annaj. Hirsi. Guess I was a bit forward back then, wasn't I? Taking a breath, Arturo shook his head slowly, glad that Sil couldn't see him smiling. "I'm not much of a romantic, Sil, but I like to think I would have chosen a nicer place than Zoist to take you on a first date." Laughing slightly, he shook his head again. The offended note in the twi'lek's voice had been too much. How the hell were they going to live this moment down?

"Alright. Once we're done here, I'll take you out somewhere. Preferably somewhere less... sinister." Meeting her gaze, Arturo's smile grew as he imagined Sil's face behind her visor. The embarrassment. The anger. The disappointment. It was kind of cute to picture. Kind of scary, too. "Assuming you're still interested?" Arturo asked, shooting a glance over her shoulder at the complex, suddenly nervous.

Now would be a very bad time to get ambushed.
Objective - witch hunt
Location - entrance to the catacombs
Nearby - Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici
Gear - Nova, New Armor, Sabers

The entrance to the catacombs lie before her, she didnt need the force to be able to feel the pure evil oozing from the entrance, she was told this one was quite powerful and stardust thought about moving to find weaker prey but resolved herself as she clenched her fists and took a breath letting it out. Glancing she watched another warrior approach and turned offering a smile and took her hand

stardust solus, I've been tasked by the empress herself to eliminate a witch that plagues these catacombs, I assume we have the same prey? If so then I am relieved to not go at this alone.

Looking back to the entrnace noises reached her that made her skin shiver as she turned towards it and sighed

we must make haste, no doubt the witch has sensed the arrival of everyone and will try to wiggle it's way free of our grasp. The noose must be closed if we to be victorious

Without a moments hesitation she started for the catacombs, slowly she began to descend the steps and stopped to look back to her new ally

weve not much time, and I fear there is much in our way! No doubt a good warm up for warriors like us!

She said and cracked a grin as she began her descent once more into the bowels of the undead nightmare that awaited, but for the dragon armed with new talons and scales she was not afraid and would not be. This would be a test of her new power and she would ensure her foe was but ash before her! Her legend would start once more on the field of battle!
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Anashja Tal Anashja Tal

Kalic may've been wearing a helmet, but his surprised look could almost be scene through it. He was fairly sure these weren't just meant to hear assassins. He wasn't about to say it out loud, but he was sure they could be used as listening devices. He quickly looked at a datapad as he loaded up his bag, taking a breath as he looked at the Mandalorian. He pulled up a quick map, rubbing the back of his head as he did. They didn't hurt anymore, the visions, but he still needed time to adjust to that.

"I thing we should avoid this area though. Don't ask how I know. I just... do. Other than that, I'm ready."


Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici


The galaxy was a mess, and Ziost was no different. Vaxis cared not for what battles had been fought upon the planet, nor did the thought of those who had perished crossed his mind. All that mattered to him was his job, and on Ziost, there was plenty of work to do. He had spent weeks on the former Sith world, hunting down prey after prey. Cardinal Demici himself ordered Vaxis and a small contingent of other Jurors to arrive before the rest of the allied force, hoping that they would be able to thin the enemy out before the inevitable taking of the planet. In that effort, they had been fairly successful. The remaining loyalist forces were spread thin as it was, splintering off into their own minor factions across the planet. Despite the success of the Jurors, Vaxis couldn't help but to feel something strange upon the planet, like a nagging feeling of danger that you just can't quite make out.

He had been making his way to a location, a supposed interest to some catacombs that had yet to be checked by the Jurors. He had told the others to return to the rendezvous point; the rest of the allied forces had arrived, and would likely need their support during the signing of the treaty. In truth, he preferred it that way. Few could keep up with the Nagai in the field; Inkara Liet having been the only one that he felt wouldn't slow him down. Being slowed down meant you were vulnerable, and Vaxis wasn't one to give the enemy an opportunity to strike.

As he drew closer to his destination, Vaxis found himself stopped in his tracks. He hadn't met Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir , but the appearance of the Valkyrja was unmistakable. Tales of the Valkyrja had spread quickly throughout Ashlan Space, making her quite the figurehead within the Crusade. Vaxis took a moment to listen to her words, wondering what such an otherworldly being could possibly require of him.

"I will gladly assist you. Tell me more about this threat."

He wondered if it could be the signature he was following... perhaps Eina could shed some light on the situation regarding his new prey.


Objective 2 - Hunt the Sith
Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Celeste Demici Celeste Demici

Greer admired the boldness and confidence of the woman in front of her, "how much do you know of this thing?" She asked her as the walked into the catacombs, she felt a chill up her spine as she thought back to Wgah'ngal, and the feeling of hopelessness. "She will try to attack your mind, we went to her home trying to rescue the Empress Daughter and she was able to drive us off and do something to Lady Eina. I am unclear of the details but it took a lot to fix." She thought about what she had been told during her debrief, "it is my understanding that her power was amplified on that dark planet, so I hope our luck will be better."

Greer felt a strange sensation, almost as if the darkness was laughing mockingly at her last statement, she truly hoped that the creature had less power than their last confrontation, would this unknown woman even care to pull her out if she failed again. Greer steeled her resolve and ignited her lightsaber. It's long blade hummed into existence and she held it upright, two handed in front of her as she advanced. A cold breeze blew across the floor and she felt it whipping around the bottom of her lilt, tugging at her skin.

"What do you think is down there? I sense a mass of darkness with limited consciousness or form, almost eldritch in nature? Does that make sense?" Every step forward into the catacombs increased the intensity of the miasma that threatened to sweep over her, but she pushed through like a ship through high seas. Greer thought she saw movement ahead of her, just a flash a the t-junction ahead of her, as something ran from left to right, it looked big, and it looked fearsome, but it ran, beckoning her to chase. Greer advanced to where she had seen it, a little ahead of Solus. "This doesn't make sense, I could have sword I saw something run this way, but the wall is solid?" There was no t-junction, just a bend to the left and a solid wall where she had seen something run. What was that? Some pointless attack on her mind? To what end? And she had been fooled again by such a simple trick, he resolve faltered as she felt the familiar feeling of helplessness begin knawing at her confidence. She slashed her saber at the wall, it was certainly real and solid, the pair would have to continue moving to ensure no further tricks managed to over take either of them.
Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces



Objective 1: Cleanse, Commemorate, Concord
TAG: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Tristan Evore Tristan Evore

"If I may interject." The erstwhile silent Baron Ström rose from his seat and exchanged a glance with his Empress with a deferential air. The truly perceptive would see that he did not necessarily care to receive permission to interject from anyone else in the room save for her. Upon receiving said leave to do so, the Baron cleared his throat and spoke: "Naturally, I would agree with the Good Cardinal that forgiveness is indeed a virtue, and that we cannot focus entirely on the past. Yet, I would point out that there is a marked difference between making an ill-fated alliance with an entity such as the Sith Empire, and suffering the presence of a traitor in our midst. Frankly, such an affront is a slap in the face of her Imperial Majesty!" Reinhardt's expression remained neutral, impassive even, but carried a solemnity that brokered no easy dismissal nonetheless.

"I have never had the opportunity to meet this 'Admiral Evore', but I know him by reputation and by his past. Here stands the former Baron of Bakura, who served as the Deputy Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces. Regardless of his reason to justify such a betrayal, he forsook his oaths of allegiance to the Empress without her leave to do so and joined a rival power in you, the Ashlan Crusade. Only recently have we entered into a special relationship with each other, but even still - his reasons for doing so are irrelevant. Who knows what confidences he has betrayed, or intelligence he has divulged?" The Baron allowed his words to hang in the air for several moments as he glanced into the eyes of each person in turn, only continuing thereafter: "He has obviously ingratiated himself amongst you all to rise to the station he is now. While I question the wisdom of that decision, it is yours to make nonetheless. But, I cannot foresee any productive talks continuing between us whilst this traitor stands in our midst without proper reparations being arranged. If not for the diplomatic immunity afforded to this meeting, he would be arrested and put on trial for his treachery immediately."

It was uncharacteristic of the Baron to be so vocal during a diplomatic meeting, for he normally preferred to remain more reserved so as to draw out those opposite of him. But it appeared that the representatives of the Crusade had already displayed their hand via the involvement of Evore, but also their justification for doing so - even implying in no uncertain terms that the Empire should remain silent over the matter given its past. If there was one thing the Baron could not tolerate, it was treason. Given that everyone in this meeting opted to play the role of quiet, passive diplomat, the Baron saw his opportunity to stake the Empire's claim from the outset of the meeting. They were not a power to be trifled with, and they would not suffer this insult under a flag of peace.

Although his words were strong and firm, they did not carry any vitriol or tone of anger. They carried the same cold calculation the Baron was known for, as well as his stoic firmness reminiscent of the bastions of Sondheim. He also remained standing, his eyes locked on Admiral Evore for several moments before drifting to the Cardinal and Grand Admiral, obviously waiting for their reply.


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Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: New Adasta, Ziost
Objective I.: Perform the ritual to cleanse Ziost and to put the dead souls to rest.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Vaxis Vaxis | Open
[ Flúgva valkyrjur á val ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

She was a little embarrassed at how much she had to tell from what had happened before. The fact that Ashlan Crusade’s leaders and her own mother knew the reality was a different matter. Eina had a very close relationship with them, closer than anyone else. And the birth of the Nexus told a lot as well. The Valkyrja also found it conceivable that everyone in the Ashlan Crusade knows how the Crown of Ashla came about and Eina and Gei form a couple now. But the events that led to that point were quite different this time.

She was still ashamed of being weak, and others suffered because of it. Gei, too, almost fell to the dark side, and that creature could have killed everyone on the Dark Planet. Eina still had nightmares from that time because at times she still needed sleep as a process of her healing. In fact, she still slept much less than Gei, but she remained in his arms at night to take care of the crusader, or it was she who felt herself safe in the man’s arms.

Gei helped her get over the panic attacks or other seizures that struck her as a result of her soul injury. But now the crusader wasn't here with her. Now she couldn't tell her beloved what was hurting what she was afraid of. And she couldn't let others get so close. I mean, she had a hard time talking about it, there were still no problems with other topics. No, she still didn't lie, so if anyone asked her, she answered honestly, it was just an uncomfortable topic.

"I think you may have heard what happened on the Dark Planet. That an Ashlan ship crashed and the locals killed the crusaders and destroyed the relics. Or I was captured by a powerful eldritch being. This creature almost killed those who came after me. She has terrific power… and now she is here on the planet. It's close enough to us here. I feel her presence from the direction of the catacombs below the city. I… I don’t feel enough strength to go after her, I’m not healed enough yet and I’m worried that I’ll just hold everyone back. However, I don’t want that creature to be able to hurt anyone, again." she said.


Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Hunt down the Sith
Location: Surface, Ziost
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"You know, if a human or twi'lek is flirting with each other through their one and half work, they're expecting it …" I replied to him. "Because I don’t think we just flirted because of the drink!"

I added more to my words; to myself, I sighed softly. Men. Should I really have called him on a date? I mean, I think I did that at the moment. Then it doesn’t matter to me where he would have asked if I wanted to go somewhere or do something together. I’m Mandalorian, though maybe I’ll be is the more accurate wording; the point is that there is almost no such thing as not wading knee-deep in the corpses. If I'm lucky, this is not the situation and there will be less body.

"If it bothers you that you think you're my boss, you're not my boss. I work with the Eternal Empire and with you. But you 're not my boss!" I said. "And imagine, I thought you wouldn’t have brought me here, even though I’m in Mandalorian, so it also have the charm of killing Sith on our first date, and I would appreciate that, in light of what the Sith did to my people."

My voice sounded more honest than I wanted. I wanted an ironic and angry comment, instead it became an honest confession, feth! I had no idea what he was thinking or expecting, but I was really confused, angry and a little disappointed. I already regretted bringing up the topic.

"Yes, I want to, but not because I brought up the subject, but because you want to too. If not, and I misunderstood the situation, I was just making myself an idiot." I said angrily.

No, I wasn't mad at him, I was at myself. All right, onto him too, a little. I let my anger blind me and not pay attention to what’s around. Especially since nothing happened within a hundred meters, and my scanners, the biochip, are only good for such a range. That’s why I got up from my seat to move on, not noticing that he was looking behind me, and I didn't notice the approaching enemy either. And I made a clean target for myself. I heard and saw the shots before the system and sensors signalled the attackers. And so far at least three tried to shoot me…



Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Kill Sith Cultists
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera / Open
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

"You haven't misunderstood anything." Arturo reassured her, his voice low and gentle. "Just caught me a bit off guard is all." Indeed, that and the talk of how it wasn't technically fraternization. In truth, Arturo hadn't put any thought into that aspect of it, mainly because he hadn't thought about the two of them together at all. Shifting a bit, he cast another look over Sil's shoulder. The street still seemed deserted, but their eye in the sky told him that wasn't the case. Cultists came this way frequently, their irregular patrols carrying them far and wide in search of trespassers.

At least, Arturo hoped they did. He had spotted signs of passage during their brief run through the ruins. If not them, who? Or what?

Frowning slightly, his gaze returned to Sil. "You're right by the way. It wasn't the... drinks." The sewer water. Foul stuff, Arturo recalled. The alcohol on Hirsi had been chit, but the company hadn't been. Banter, harmless flirting... least he thought it had been harmless. Oh, how I blundered, the mercenary thought. Now, he had made a potential partner of one of the best bounty hunters in the Sector. A bounty hunter who also happened to be Mandalorian.

What could possibly go wrong?

As it so happened, quite a bit.

Watching as Sil climbed to her feet, their conversation apparently over, Arturo couldn't help but feel a sudden unease as the twi'lek nonchalantly walked out into the middle of the street. Standing, Arturo cast a glance up the street. "Sil!" He hissed, spotting movement in the ruined buildings bordering the complex. "Sil!" Arturo said again, bounding from his spot towards the unsuspecting woman. From behind, the twi'lek seemed dazed and confused, as if caught up in a trance.

No doubt the barrage of blasterfire snapped her out of it.

Grabbing his lightly armored companion by the pauldron, Arturo hauled her into cover as the bolts fell around them, striking off of stone and cobble. "What the hell was that?!" Arturo shouted at the woman as he peeked out to return fire. The Wolfhound snapped to life in his hands, the lead-spitter loud in the close confines of the street. Between the muzzle flashes and the slight kick of recoil, the weapon served admirably. The mercenary saw a dark shape fall -there were three of them, maybe more- to the ground, it's lifeblood spilling from a half-dozen bullet holes to paint the street red. The others, upon seeing their comrade fall, dove for cover.

Taking a knee, Arturo looked at Sil, examined her armor. Untouched. "I knew you could be stubborn, but I didn't expect you to be suicidal, too." He growled, angry and -surprisingly- worried by Sil's lapse in judgement. "You feeling okay?"
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Hunt down the Sith
Location: Surface, Ziost
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

I didn’t misunderstand, good; at least I didn’t make myself an idiot. I mean, even bigger than he can think of me now. All right, I think I'll give up. If I wasn’t mistaken and he similarly thinks it could be anything out of it, then why was an off guard that I asked? Sometimes I really don’t understand men and their way of thinking. Or maybe I'm so scary? No, I definitely couldn't imagine that I would be scary. It's just a potential date, if it doesn't work, that's all…

It doesn't have to be a big deal. On that battlefield, I will still be equally confident that he will protect my back. Or maybe he thought about it and thinks that because I was a Mandalorian I was already looking for the father of my children? Feth! I wasn’t the kind, I still wanted to have fun with, not overwhelm the world with the new generation! I'll leave that to others. With my past, I don’t really want to be so committed or get married. Feth, I was too young.

Yes, a hot head may not be the best idea to go out on the street and make an open destination out of yourself. I could hear Arutro's voice calling me by my original name, but so far I've seen the shots heading for me as well. What surprised me even more and caught me off guard, however, it was when Braga grabbed me at the shoulder and pulled me back into the cover. I even stumbled here successfully and I fell on my bottom, I groaned. I think my ego is more damaged than my bottom really hurts.

"I didn’t pay attention to my environment, that’s what happened!" I grumbled angrily, I was still angry at myself, not at him. "And before you ask, I’m mad at myself, not at you!"

When I saw him looking at my armour, I just looked at it too; the shots did not hit me. I looked at him angrily after his words, but I also blushed, my face taking on a deep pink colour under my helmet. I was glad I was wearing a helmet and he couldn’t see my face. On the last question, however, I was surprised. I couldn't even answer for a few moments.

"I'm stubborn, yes, but I'm not suicidal." I said defiantly and stubbornly. "I'm fine, only... it's just more of a bruised ego… and thank you!" I added this at the end.


Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Defend against Sith Cultists
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera / Open
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

Smiling despite the dire situation they were in, Arturo shook his head. "Don't go thanking me yet. We've still gotta dig ourselves out of this mess." As if to support his words, a series of bolts plowed into the wall they were sheltering behind, showering bits of rubble over the two contractors. Standing, Arturo retaliated with a few quick shots of his own. It was hard to tell if he hit anyone, but it had the desired effect: the cultists he could see jumped back into cover, shouting to each other as the Wolfhound's echoes died away.

It sounded like they were brainstorming ways to take him and Sil out of the equation. That wasn't good.

"Looks like they're brainstorming ways to take us out of the equation." Arturo told Sil as he crouched down beside her. The shouting died out as he looked to the twi'lek. "I imagine they're sending men to flank us right about now." Peeling his ears, and taking a quick glance at the orbital imaging displayed on his HUD, Arturo was discerned to see that was true. Shame. He was hoping to have been the active party in this little dance.

No matter.

Taking a quick glance around the corner of the wall, Arturo looked out into the street. A moment of silence, two. Then a trio of cultists reared their ugly heads. Their blasters, too. Shrinking back into cover as bolts filled the air where his head had been, Arturo's gaze flitted back to Sil. "Well, that answers that question." Pushing past her, he traversed the rubble-strewn ground back to where the buildings were broken by an alley. Pausing at the alley's mouth, he looked into its dark depths before shimmying his way back to Sil.

He had a plan.

"Remember how you said I'm not your boss? Well, I hate to ask this, but could you be a sweetheart and go deal with those guys flanking us?" Smiling, he waved a hand at the street. A stray bolt damn near took his fingers off. "I'll stay here and hold these cheeky fethers in place. Or try to, anyway."

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