Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Cleansing of Ziost | AC & EE junction of Ziost and Empty Hex


Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici


Vaxis listened intently, taking mental notes as Eina described the entity to him. He had little experience dealing with such threats, but knew that he would find a way to achieve victory over the eldritch being. He began to steel his mind, knowing that as soon as he drew close to the creature, his own thoughts would be at risk of betraying him.

"Luckily, I have some experience in dealing with such mental attacks. It won't be enough, but I have sent for others that will be able to assist me."

He could sense the tension within Eina as she spoke. It seems that this entity had really done some damage to his fellow crusader, even if it didn't show externally. Though her body was on the mend, it was clear that the emotional wounds would likely take longer to heal. Vaxis had heard pieces of the tale, mostly centered around the creation of the nexus. What he hadn't learned, however, was just how much damage the creature had inflicted upon his comrades. The way Eina spoke about the entity told him that this would be a serious fight, and he took that reality very seriously.

"On the contrary, this has been most enlightening. Such beings are not to be trifled with, that's for sure. Nevertheless, my fellow jurors and I will do what we can."

As he spoke, several speeder bikes approached them, causing Vaxis to turn his attention to their approach. Brother Ambrose and a dozen other jurors pulled up, remaining in place as Ambrose dismounted his bike.

"Welcome, brother. I am pleased that you were able to gather this many of our brethren. It appears that the threat ahead of us may be more treacherous than anticipated."

Turning back to Eina, Vaxis motioned toward the others.

"Lady Eina, this is Brother Ambrose. Him and these others will be assisting me in the hunt for this creature."

He wasn't sure that their numbers would be enough, but regardless of the odds, they would uphold their duty to Ashla and the Crusade.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective II.: Make a treaty with the Ashlan Crusade
Location: Old Sith Senate, Ziost
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || ENS Crimson Empress (in space)
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Ingrid, of course, knew this was neutral territory and could arrest Evore at any time. But she did not, thus showing that she is not looking for a conflict with the other faction. The red-haired woman nodded at the words of Isla and Pietro. However, the cardinal's smile and words amused her. She also acknowledged what the baron had said. However, next time she only spoke when Evore had already left the room. The Empress stuck to what she said, and she did not continue the treaty while the traitor was present.

"I see you want to do everything, Cardinal for that, to I issue Mr. Evore's arrest warrant!" she said with a predatory smile, and for a moment her voice hit that tone as if she were flirting with the cardinal.

After that, however, she cleared her throat, barely audible, and a smile disappeared from her lips. Ingrid became serious again, taking back the mask that made her look like a marble statue with an iron will.

"I pointed out that I did not want to be disrespectful or offended you by bringing Lady Eina to this treaty. The reason for this is I'll appoint her as my heiress of the Eternal Empire. I will officially announce all this soon. However, I don’t want to put the princess in a decision to need to choose between her friends, her lover or her duty. If it suits you, she will be the Ambassador of the Eternal Empire in the Ashlan Crusade. However, if she decides she doesn't want to get involved in any politics, it will only be a nominal title so she can stay with you as long as she wants and the current ambassador will take care of the actual duties just like before." she said.

She knew exactly that Eina wasn't going to spy, and if she even asked, she'd never say something she felt wasn't right and didn't want others to know. She was too pure and the red-haired woman didn't want to abuse this fact. She wasn’t that big of a monster, not even in a political game. The family was invulnerable to her.

"As for our alliance, because of our situation, in addition to our future open trade with each other, without taxes and duties, and in addition to supporting each other in wars, I would be happy if our contract included a mutual defence clause." she said. "If you have no objection to that either. But of course, we are also open to your wishes and aspirations." she added this to her words.


Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: New Adasta, Ziost
Objective I.: Perform the ritual to cleanse Ziost and to put the dead souls to rest.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Vaxis Vaxis | Open
[ Flúgva valkyrjur á val ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina saw and felt that the man was serious about what she was saying and was really helping her. It was a great relief to Valkyrja, because otherwise she really didn't know who to turn to. As far as she knew, Greer went there too, and she worried about the girl. The Valkyrja was afraid she was going to do something foolish about what happened on the Dark Planet. She would never have forgiven herself if she had done something wrong. Especially, she sent her there.

"Thank you, Lord Vaxis! One of the Padawan also went there, I was afraid she was going to do something foolish. To take revenge. She, too, was there on the Dark Planet when the knights in the end had to flee Bogan."

She, too, turned in the direction of the voices when a group of knights, i.e. jurors, arrived. Eina greeted them with a respectful nod. The Valkyrja remembered for a moment when she first met the members of the Ashlan Crusade, the arrival was similar, though the situation was more tense and they were not kind, just arrogant, lordly and ignorant. Luckily, the woman’s opinion has changed since then and one man from that team was her beloved and with another knight they were in a brother-sister relationship.

"Lord Ambrose, welcome!" she greeted the man. "Although I can’t go with you… I originally arrived to put to rest the restless souls who were trapped here in the city because of the Sith’s actions, and to take them into the Netherworld to find peace. But if you want, I'm able to support you remotely with Battle Meditation before this ritual. To keep your mind clearer, to make it harder for Bogan to find their way into your minds. As Ashla would like, and how she wills it." she offered.

Although she was still not really religious, she accepted that it was important to the members of Ashlan Crusader and also that they believed in it. Last but not least, she spent enough time with them to start talking like a believer even if she is not. The only thing that was hard to accept for Eina, was that the members of the religion saw her as Ashla's boon, or as an instrument of Ashla's will, but she never spoke against it because she did not want to offend or hurt them if they thought so, she just accepted.



Mikilanna Mihaly (Darth Kauhu) - Overseer of Science Development, Director of The Royal Institute of Science


Location: Ziost, Ancient Tombs
Dark Blessings of Kuolema (Twin Lightsabers), Feravvax XVI (Cybernetic Eyes), PITA CV1 (Cybernetic / Bionic Tail), Omni VI (Bionic Arm), Varjokävely (Battle Outfit)
Ship: Aries XIII
Tags: Open


A sinister smile crept across the face of Darth Kauhu whilst feeling the death of the Sith through the Force. The Sith had fought bravely, but bravery pales in comparison against skill. Kneeling down, hovering over her dead opponent, she retrieved the ownerless hilt; smashing it brutally against the tomb's hard, cold floor. Her relishing of victory was quickly interrupted when from behind came a voice from the shadows.

Slowly the Sith looked over her shoulder, rising to her feet. Standing before was a young man of nineteen, with sandy blonde hair and a definable physique. Both fists were clinched in anger, yet his anger had done him a disservice, robbing him of removing his own hilt. The Force was not entirely strong with him, and the Dark Side was nothing more than mere whisper. Easily she deduced he was nothing but an Acolyte. "Traitor? How careless of you to attach such a label to me," she began, "Your assumption I'm a traitor is based on an idea that I was once wholeheartedly loyal to the Sith Empire, and that it took some catastrophic event to break that loyalty."

alking slowly toward the Acolyte she continued,
"And perhaps your presumptuous idea that my betrayal has led me back to do what exactly? Hunt down Sith for revenge? Or perhaps it's on an idea I wish to see them in ruins? Or even more closely to a truth, I simply enjoy murdering them for my own personal enjoyment?"

ear boy, you will die just as your Master did before you." The boy looked at the corpse of his teacher just as the Sith activated her twin sabers. Soon after, the boy began to feel a sense of disorientation invading his mind, forcing his mental fortitude begin to slip away. Illusions of his worst fears began manifesting themselves in his mind, rendering his body to tremble slightly and eventually dropping to his knees; and then came the nauseous feelings. "What are you doing to me," he implored earning a dark grin from Darth Kauha. "You fancy me with your tales of assumptions. What makes you think, I'm personally responsible for your current predicament?"

"Please, I can be your student. I can serve you, I can be of use to you,"
he begged as the pain and disorientation increased, hoping his pleas for his life to be sparred would be considered.

h you poor misguided boy, I do not seek an Apprentice. Especially one already infected with the corruption from their teachings. And besides, sweet one, you are a use to me. Your death will serve me far greater than your life!"

hipping her bionic tail around her body, she gripped the boy by his waist, wrapping the tail around him. First, through her cybernetic link to her tail, she began shocking him into convulsions; finally activating the retractable blades that cut through his soft flesh. His pain filled her with utter enjoyment, only fueled by the removing of his head from her two blades that criss-crossed his neck.






Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström Tristan Evore

Now that the uncomfortable situation was resolved, Isla was glad that the Empress wanted to quickly move on to actually forming the alliance, but not before flirting with Lord Demici it appeared. That would be an interesting match Isla thought to herself, Demici had made no secret of his suspicion of the Eternal Empire and its leader, but was honouring the wishes of Grayson. The man would poke and goad their head of stayed as was his way and see what the reaction was. Maybe this was just her reply to the game of politics. She eyed up the Baron too, he seemed strong and determined, a useful ally for Ingrid no doubt.

She was pleased to hear about Eina being given leave to stay with them, despite being named as the heir of the Eternal Empire, the Crusade needed their strength, and Eina had a lot of people that loved her personally her.

"I would welcome Lady Eina as an ambassador to our nation, I feel she has the strength to have shared loyalities, and I don't beleive she would have the desire to act as a spy, for either of our factions. The specifics of the role would have to be fleshed out fully though, just because of the political and legal ramifications of having foreign royalty working as an ambassador." She did wonder of Eina would want this at all, but Isla would do everything to make it easy and not leave any grey areas that her enemies may use to leverage against her.

"I will allow the Cardinal to address the issues of trade as it does not come under my remit, but for my part I would support it." This was yet another gap in her authority when speaking Isla had briefly mentioned to Pietro appointing her as his prime minister, due to the militant nature of their nation, she was essentially the second in command by the fact that she controlled the military, but formally she was not involved in several key, important areas.

"A mutual defence pact would be my preferred take away from this summit. The scope of obligations on both sides are my point of interest, for example, and attack on either by the Maw would absolutely warrant a mutal defence. Bur as you are aware, you share a border with the Galactic Alliance, would you wish the Ashlans be obliged to intervene in any future conflicts there? Not that I feel they are about to open hostilities, but I hope that our alliance will last a long time and will be fit for all eventualities."

Isla thought a few moments and SAINT showed her a few files that she would send to MANIAC to be shared with the Eternal delegates.

"As far as our specific aspirations, I have shared with you some information from our researchers of locations within your space where the Ashlan's would be allowed to build a significant military base as an outpost, this would be permanently staffed and have a fleet assigned to it. If you desire it, I would also like to extend a similar invitation to your own forces. There are obviously safeguards and limited oversights built into both proposals to prevent abuse, but you may read at your leisure."

The stated forced would allow the Ashlans a beach head to respond to Maw incursions into Imperial space without having to rely on Imperial infrastructure.

She nodded to Pietro as an indication that she had said her piece and that he should take the floor after her.


Objective 2 - Hunt the Sith
Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Celeste Demici Celeste Demici

As Stardust walked forward clearing the path, Greer watched their backs, cutting down any that came too close. The darkness was growing, and she felt that familiar knaw at the back of her head as tendrils of eldritch energy began looking for chinks in her defenses, she grasped her Ashlan Rosary tight and recited the prayers meant to expel the darkness. She would not falter, she could not fall to this monster again. "how are you doing friend?" she asked to Stardust as another wave of fire bathed their foes in cleanisng heat. "My fear is that she aims to drain out strength with these creatures before she attempts to finish us off. I have a feeling in my gut that this route will only slow us down and waste more strength. But her call seems stronger from a different route, I feel like I can use her attack on me to our advantage."

She was not completely confident, but the attack seemed to be coming from a different direction, they could follow the slowly turning downward spiral of the catacombs, but there were grates on the floors which the dark energy flowed through. "on galidraan we used shafts like this to deliver bodies to the very deepest and hidden parts of our tombs. If we pick the right grate, it should lead us right to her?" Greer would start trying the sense the feeling from the grates, the personal familiarity of the attack from Celeste Demici Celeste Demici was enough to be felt over the cloying darkeness of this place. There was one grate, old and with its lettering worn. The eldritch flowed through it like a torrent. "I think it is this one."
Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Lock and load
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera / Open
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

Bounding around the collapsed tenement block, Arturo almost ran straight into Sil. His armor's HUD picked her up before his eyes did, a shimmer squatting against a nearby wall. The pistols in her hands were easy enough to identify, partly because they didn't have stealth field generators built into their grips, but mostly 'cause they were pointing straight at him. Arturo had stared down enough barrels to know what that looked like.

Skidding to a halt, Arturo waited for all of the second it took Sil to make up her mind.

"Don't you want me to take care of the wounds I accidentally could have caused you?"

She said to him, as if getting shot by her was something to look forward to. It definitely wasn't. Crouching down beside her, Arturo cast an eye towards the street. The angle from Sil's position was better than his old spot. He could see the reinforcements pouring from the complex clearly, his suit's tech acquiring targets as they appeared. He could also see the fresh corpses Sil had made, burning brightly in the dark, the smell of cooking flesh pervasive and sickening.

"After what happened to those guys, I'd rather you didn't do anything to me, accidental or otherwise." Bringing his Wolfhound up, Arturo gunned down a cultist as he rushed closer. Small caliber rounds peppered the cultist's torso, sent him sprawling in the dust. Arturo noted a flash of light reflecting off of plastoid armor as he fell. Chances were it had saved his life. Poor karker was probably in heaps of pain though.

Do you want a frontal attack, or do we attack them in the back?"

"How about neither?" Arturo said, his voice calm to his ears. "They have the numbers, Sil. Pushing them's a sure-fire way to meet God, and going around's no longer viable." Pointing towards the clearing off to their right, Arturo waited for Sil to understand before continuing, "How about we draw 'em to us? We've got the tech and the cover. All we gotta do is entice them." Smiling, Arturo glanced at Sil as a barrage of bolts tore into the buildings surrounding them. "Reckon you can do that?"


Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Tristan Evore, Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström


Pietro listened intently as the others spoke of treaty details, pouring over them in his mind just in case things were overlooked. He allowed the comment of arrests to go unanswered, as he was unsure as to Ingrid's aims. The cardinal mulled things over in his mind, weighing the pros of the alliance against his own apprehensions about the Empire. In the end, the threat of the Maw was the greatest the galaxy had to face, and as such, maintaining positive relations where they could would serve the Crusade well in the coming days.

"I would also welcome your daughter as the ambassador between our two nations. I'm sure there would be many others on both sides that would agree that she is a wise choice for such a position."

Eina's naive honesty would be perfect for such a role, as she would be the most honest of anyone. There would be no foul play from her, on either side's behalf.

"As far as trade goes, in short, I believe that opening the doors to trade will help build both of our nations. Furthermore, I am willing to allow a corporate presence within Ashlan borders, provided the organizations involved agree to a tax. In turn, we would do the same with any corporate holdings we are allowed to maintain within the Empire's borders. This exchange will allow for greater potential for innovation, and help to add yet another mutually beneficial aspect to our alliance."

As the question of the defensive pact was raised, Pietro took a moment for thought. It was no secret that tensions between the various powers in the galaxy had been rising, and though the Crusade had been able to thread the needle, the cardinal knew that sooner or later, lines would be drawn in the sand.

"The defensive pact will certainly be helpful to all involved. I have faith in the Grand Admiral's decisions in this matter, and will be willing to adhere to her judgment."

There was still Isla's question about the Galactic Alliance, of course, but the cardinal would wait for the Empire's response before sharing his own.



Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici


Vaxis thought on Eina's words as she spoke of the padawan. There hadn't been many on Ziost, save for a few. Knowing what he did of the expedition to the dread planet of Wgah'nagl, Vaxis narrowed the list down to only one... Greer, the padawan he had sent brother Ambrose to assist during the attack on Coruscant. She was young, and entirely too eager to make her mark. Vaxis appreciated her drive, as he once had that same ambition. Ambition, however, can lead to an unclear head. He quickly turned to the other Jurors.

"Our mission is to eliminate the threat of an eldritch being, one of terrible power. However, our priority will be the safety of the padawan. Should we be forced to choose, we will choose the latter."

Brother Ambrose offered a nod in return.

"Very well, brother Vaxis. We will follow your lead."

He turned back toward Eina, thinking on her offer before he spoke.

"Only if you believe you won't be putting yourself at unnecessary risk. I don't want to put you into such a position without assurance."

Vaxis hadn't spoken with her before this day, but he understood the importance of Eina to many within the Crusade. As such, he wanted to make sure that she was safe as well. There could be no more haphazard maneuvers for the crusaders, especially not when dealing with such a powerful and mysterious entity.

"If you can assure me of your safety during the meditation, then we will be happy to have the help. We'll likely need it before the day is through."

Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: New Adasta, Ziost
Objective I.: Perform the ritual to cleanse Ziost and to put the dead souls to rest.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Vaxis Vaxis | Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich | Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae | Open
[ Flúgva valkyrjur á val ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina smiled kindly at Lord Vaxis' concern. Fortunately, she didn't think for a moment that this could happen. She means she would be in danger from afar. From the distance, she wasn't worried that that entity would be able to get into her mind or harm her. Otherwise, Eina would be able to take care of others. Even there, on that planet, dreaded, afraid, desperate, she was able to take care of Gei on some level, and accidentally Heinrich as well, she would be able to protect them. And she wasn't really conscious that time.

Now she may have been injured and not yet fully healed, but she was able to take care of others. With a clear mind, thoughts, and with the Force.

"Thank you for your concern, Lord Vaxis, but I am able to help you remotely. I will then stay here in the camp and start the battle meditation. By the time you get there, you will already feel the effects." she promised.

She looked around for a moment to see where she could do that. If she can’t find a place like this here, it’s also going to be good where she should originally perform her own ritual. She finally looked at Lord Vaxis and Brother Ambrose again.

"May Ashla take care of you during your mission!" she said as she reverently bowed her head to the two crusaders.

So, unless they had more to discuss, Eina set out to find a place for herself. She soon found all this because there were tents and places set up that were perfect for that purpose. Not to mention a nearby building that may have once been a museum. It was empty now, but it had a huge, empty interior.

At this point, she knelt down and sat on her heels. Eina touched her spear to the ground and began to concentrate with her eyes closed and with her hands squeeze the spear's grip, as if she prayed to Ashla. Throughout this situation, she concentrated on the minds of the others and focused on maintaining the battle meditation, so her physical body was quite vulnerable to attacks if someone wanted to hurt her. In any case, the Valkyrja kept what she promised. She reached out with her power in the direction of the crusaders, the padawan, Solus, and all those who went into battle against the eldritch monster.

A few minutes later, by the time Vaxis and Ambrose arrived near Greer and Solus, they could all feel the effects of Eina's battle meditation.


Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Hunt down the Sith
Location: Surface, Ziost
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"Oh, nothing?" I asked deliberately in an ambiguous emphasis, as if thinking of the date mentioned earlier as well.

In the meantime, I also took a position that seemed much safer than the previous one. By the way, in the picture projected on my retina, I also saw the reinforcement that had arrived. Did these Sith loyalists never want to run out? How many of them existed? The Sith Empire had been collapsing for a long time, I wanted to believe that they had long since left this area. What did they believe? How will they be able to fight the NIO and the Ashlans? Or against the Eternal Empire now. Overzealous fanatics.

In a situation like this, my weapons were less effective than the slugthrower, so I had to get closer. But then they didn’t have any chance anymore because I had better weapons than them, better armour, and more knowledge and experience. However, I got a surprising answer to my question. None of those? I looked at Arturo questioningly, though the questioning gaze could not see because of my helmet.

I followed his gaze as he pointed to an area nearby. It only took a few moments for me to see what he wanted. I nodded as I spoke.

"If I can’t do it, I’ll return my bounty hunter licence!" I grumbled.

Just because I'm going to be dead. This alley was the only way there, I had to lure them in here, and then Braga will take care of it. I waited until he went to the square and then I hurried out into the street, it wasn’t hard to be too conspicuous and loud. I went out with my shield activated, I didn’t really want to be a target, nor did I wantod to commit suicide. Anyway, it was good for them to notice me and they all wanted to kill me and they set off after me. So I ran back to the alley and fired at them from there.

They trusted in their numerical superiority as they came closer and closer. And that's exactly what I wanted them to do so. We played the cat-and-mouse game for a while before they gathered their courage and came after me. That’s when I turned around, directing all the energy into the personal shield, and as fast as I could I ran down the alley to the part where Arturo was already waiting for me and the enemy firing at me behind me.

I really hoped his plan would be successful if I wasn't going to ruin him in any case…

Provided I survive…




Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici


Vaxis still felt a bit uneasy with the idea of putting Eina at potential risk, but her confidence laid at least part of his concerns to rest. Vaxis wasn't one to needlessly put his comrades in danger, but he would also not turn down the assistance, especially considering that he had no experience with this foe they were about to face. He nodded as Eina spoke, finally accepting her help in the fight to come.

"Very well, Lady Eina. We'll attempt to make contact with the padawan, and Ashla willing, we will take care of this being that caused you so much pain. May Ashla guide you, and may we see you again once the deed is done."

With those words, Vaxis motioned for the other Jurors to follow. Falling into formation, they stayed close, each one with a hand on their weapon of choice as they began descending into the nearby darkness. As they pushed closer to the source of the entity's Force signature, Vaxis sent a transmission to the padawan, hoping that they weren't arriving too late.

<<Padawan Greer, this is brother Vaxis. I am heading to the entity's position with a group of Jurors. We will hopefully be able to rendezvous with you on the way. If you can hear me, we need your coordinates ASAP. Lady Eina will be assisting us from afar, so that we don't have a repeat of Wgah'nagl. But we will have to move fast.>>

As they descended deeper into the void of the catacombs, Vaxis felt the thick, lingering stench of the Bogan. Whatever awaited them was emitting a large amount of strange, dark energy, and Vaxis found himself having to take a deep breath...

This fight wouldn't be easy, but the Jurors were determined to see it done.

Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Lure and secure
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

"If I can’t do it, I’ll return my bounty hunter licence!" I grumbled.

"Don't go jinxing yourself now," Arturo warned, eyeing the cultists but talking to Sil. "I'd rather you made it back in one piece, not pieces." Grinning behind his darkened faceplate, he twisted to watch the cultists as they raced about. They had grown bold in his absence, and were getting closer with each passing second. That was okay. If all went to plan, the cultists would soon come to regret such boldness. If all goes to plan...

Twisting back, Arturo put a plug in it. Gallows humour would serve neither of them very well right now. Speed would. Speed and... "Luck to you, Silhanna," the contractor said, knuckling Lady Orchid's helmet in what was an obvious show of affection. Taking a breath, Arturo peered over the lip of the wall, his armor's imaging picking out hidden targets amongst the rubble mere moments before they appeared. Two cultists went down in the time it took to blink, and a third was well on his way to meeting his maker by the time they drove Arturo back into cover.

Turning on his heel, Arturo relocated deeper into the shadows of the alley. Bolts cut red streaks through the air, chewing away stone and mortar and shelves of dust. Silhanna, true to her word, had raced off in the other direction. From the echoing sounds of blasterfire, it seemed the ploy was working. The chance to kill off one of their enemies -one who seemed to be distancing herself from the others- was too great a temptation for the cultists to resist. Already they were beginning to move in, Silhanna's silhouette making an attractive target for men who had no qualms shooting her in the back.

Stopping at the end of the alley, Arturo spun around and took a knee. The darkness he had once occupied was now lit up by blaster bolts, red on black on white. Silhanna navigated her way through it all with a dancer's grace, somehow remaining untouched despite the intensity of the deluge falling all around her. Peeling two frags from his webbing, Arturo primed both 'nades with a click of his thumbs. His world narrowed as he sent the grenades arcing back down the alley, Silhanna bounding past as he completed the throw.

Three cultists strode into view, four. His imaging picked out three more behind them, out of sight.

"Sil! Down!" Arturo yelled, throwing himself flat as the grenades crumped, hurling shrapnel. The force of the blasts washed over Arturo, drowning out the screams of the cultists. Laying low in the alleyway, the contractor felt shards of what he hoped was stone pummel his shoulders and back as the deafening echoes began to fade. Looking up, Arturo stared into the gloom, all wide-eyed surprise. "Did it work?" He asked, unsure whether he was talking to himself or Sil.
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Hunt down the Sith
Location: Surface, Ziost
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"That's the plan!" I replied to do the thing in one piece. That's exactly what I wanted.

When he poked at my helmet, I smiled and nodded that I was trying. After all this, the action began. And not long after, I was already running back in the alley, followed by the cultists. I felt like my shield had been hit several times, but many times I had missed a target. I was usually lucky in all such situations. But I didn’t know how long I would be lucky now. I finally heard it "down." That was not something that had to be said twice.

I immediately did what he said. Since I was still in strong momentum, I slid all the way to the wall and only stopped there. The sound protection on my armour was partially activated, so I couldn’t hear so loud what was going on out there. I could still feel the air movement and vibrations in the air. The vibration stopped; I opened my eyes. Dust spread everywhere; debris lay everywhere. I haven't moved yet. Then I heard Arturo's voice on the communication channel.

I wasn’t sure if he asked me or himself. I instructed MANIAC to project the data from the scanners onto the inside of my helmet to see if they were alive. In the meantime, I sat up; I haven't said anything yet. Motion sensor did not indicate anything, most were negative. Three life signs. Of this I was one, an Arturo, and one under the ruins; weak sign, they may be severely injured.

"One is still alive, but I think under the ruins." I said. "Are you ok?" there was very little concern in my voice, after all, he was very close to the explosions


Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Get up, clean up
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

The dust was only beginning to settle when Arturo clambered to his feet. Patting himself down, he was relieved to see that he had come through the fighting relatively unscathed. His armor bore a few fresh scars; nothing that wouldn't buff out given time and the proper attention. When Silhanna asked if he was okay, Arturo nodded. "I'm fine," he replied, believing it to be true. "You did good, Sil. For a moment there, I thought this might be it."

Shaking his head, the contractor began to make his way back down the alley. Slowly, steadily, he approached the fallen cultists. Their armor and cloaks had been shredded in the blast, and the air around their bodies was ripe with the smell of blood and cordite. Scorch marks stained the walls to either side of the alley; lingering signs of the firefight they had waged and won.

Stooping by the rubble, his Wolfhound held ready, Arturo hauled a slab of stone aside. Something groaned as he straightened. Looking down, he was unsurprised to find one of the cultists still clinging to life. "Looks like you were right," Arturo told Sil, turning to look at the twi'lek. In the flickering half-light of the alley, it was hard to tell what the cultist was. Human, perhaps. Or zabrak. Not long for this world is what he is, Arturo thought, nudging the cultist's foot with his boot.

The man was muttering to himself, pain and madness twisting his words, turning them into a gibberish no sane mind could translate. The only words Arturo could catch were 'ascension' and 'Hyrva'. The first he understood. The second sounded like a name. But who knew? Could've just been his fading mind talking.

"Have any idea what this corpse is saying?" Arturo asked his companion, wrinkling his nose at the stench.
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Hunt down the Sith
Location: Surface, Ziost
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Slowly, as I made sure everything was safe. He was fine; at least he said he was fine. I had no reason to doubt that would not be the truth. But I didn't know how I was. Because of this, I quickly asked for a medical scan of myself using the biochip. He found everything okay, showing only a very small injury inside my ear. Respectively, my shield was overheated, so it was not advisable to use it for the next half-hour. I grinned at the man's words for a moment, but then I realised he couldn't see her anyway.

"You did well too!" I replied. "Luckily they were aimed poorly!" I added to my words.

That, too, was part of the truth. I think I will need an armour update after that. A little more protection never really hurts. I took my two guns in my hand and followed him, covering him as he headed for the ruins. I held the two pistols in my hand to cover. I was a few steps behind him, but no one was in this place except us and the dying. The alley was quite damaged, it was ruined, and the wall had fallen in several places. The Sith did not seem to be particularly interested in keeping the place in good condition.

And for us, it came in very handy. Because there was no one here; I was hoping that there was no sniper or someone anywhere that the sensors did not detect. Anyway, I arrived next to Arutro too. I glanced at the body, which was still whining about something. I crouched down next to him, two words that I understood. The first thing said nothing, meant nothing. At least for me, the "ascension" is yes. I shook my head at the question.

"Ascension and Hyrva." I shrugged. "Maybe they wanted to summon some Sith deity here?"

I had no better idea. Anyway, I stood up and simply shot the last cultist in the head. I didn’t hesitate and didn’t feel anything. There are cases and targets where this is easy to do. That's what the situation is now. I looked out towards the other end of the alley, everything was quiet. Only the sound of the wind could be heard. Nothing else. There was no living creature near us. Our work is over here.

"Unless we also want to see the foul temple where they were, I think we did the job we were hired for." I said contentedly.


Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Wrap things up, head home
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

"Ascension and Hyrva." I shrugged. "Maybe they wanted to summon some Sith deity here?"

Arturo nodded. "Figures." Stooping, the mercenary picked up the surviving cultist's blasterpistol and threw it away. A precaution. The last thing he needed right now was for Sil to get shot because she had let her guard down. Or because he had.

Clawing at his ruined chest, the cultist didn't seem to mind being declawed. No. No, he went on muttering, completely oblivious of the two figures stood over him. 'Ascension' this and 'Hyrva' that. Again and again the words came. Frowning, Arturo raised his Wolfhound. One pull of the trigger was all it would take to wash this man's madness away, he knew. One squeeze and his enemy's pain would cease forever.

Sil beat him to the punch.

Easing his rifle down, Arturo let out a steady breath. "Well, that's that," he finally said, casting his gaze to the sky as Sil spoke. Taking off his helmet, the mercenary relaxed as he breathed in the night air. The stench of death was pervasive, true, but the mercenary didn't seem to mind. A lifetime of fighting and killing had prepared him well for this moment. Too well. "If it's all the same to you, I'd rather we didn't investigate the temple. Something tells me it'd be more trouble than we can handle alone. 'Sides, it's like you said. Our job's done."

And so it was.

Letting his gaze fall, Arturo turned to regard the beautiful, battle-worn twi'lek by his side. With the cultist presence wiped out, there was no real reason for the two of them to stay any longer than they had to. There wasn't much else to see on Ziost, after all. Or do. "Wanna go back to the ship, grab a bite? I'm famished."
Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Hunt down the Sith
Location: Surface, Ziost
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

This place really wasn’t very friendly, I didn’t particularly like the opportunity to stay here. But I think my teaching was already there in me when I thought about this. I looked around with a little anxiety and glanced at the scanners as Arturo took off his helmet. We were still on the battlefield, even when no one was in the area anymore. One of the most important and first lessons that I learned amongst the Mandalorians was that we should never take off a helmet in a place like this.

"I'd love it if you kept your helmet on your head until we got to the ships." I told him.

Yes, now it was just the Mandalorian talking, the warrior. I didn't care much about this before either. But it used to be. Okay, then he thought, as I did, that we'd better not disturb what we shouldn't. It is better if a group of Force Users do it. We also have our limitations and we better know them. I nodded at his words.

"I think the same and we'd better not go near it. I have a bad feeling." I agreed with him.

On the next question, I grinned under the helmet and finally laughed. I really hoped it was a joke... If not, yikes! He must have had a strong stomach and the smell of burning human flesh did not cause him any trouble before eating. Luckily, I don’t feel that smell because of the helmet. And it wasn’t even in my mind to take it off, only when we were safe. I hooked one arm in him playfully in Arturo if he let me, and then I started pulling in the direction of the ship.

"Let's go!" I said.

Last post.​

Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces



TAG: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

"I think I speak in support of the Empress by affirming our support for Lady Eina as Ambassador. We are glad that her appointment is agreeable on all sides. As the Empire's newly appointed Overseer of the Armed Forces, I will keep my comments focused primarily on the defensive pact, as I'm sure my Empress would have a keener eye for the needs of our Empire with regard to trade." Although the Empire had won much thus far within this conference, there was still a massive bantha in the room. The Ashlan Crusade obviously recognized it, but attempted to deflect from the issue by naming the 'Galactic Alliance' as the threat of interest in the form of a defensive pact. Ström would have to thread the needle here; if he was too harsh, the Empire risked losing much ground in this meeting. But if he was too lenient, the Empire's honor and credibility on the galactic stage was at risk of being undermined.

"Although I am not ignorant of the potential threat the Galactic Alliance may well pose to the Empire's sovereignty, they are not at the top of my radar either. The Maw easily takes that position with respect to our two great nations, but the Enclave is a steady second to us." He let his words hang in the air for a few moments to allow for the weight of them to hopefully measure against the two leaders. He spoke again, with a measured tone - for he knew well the next words he'd utter must be carefully crafted: "Panatha has once again been the focus of blatant and unwarranted aggression against the Eternal Empire's sovereignty. I do not bring up the issue to dredge up old slights, as the Empress in her infinite wisdom has seen fit to grant pardon to the Ashlan Crusade for their previous... incursion into our sphere of influence. Objectively, I will even admit that the Crusade's methods, despite the exceedingly ill-contrived nature of the event, were humane and in keeping with their stated intent of 'hunting' renegade Sith fugitives. I am glad to know that our strengthened relations will prohibit any further breaches in our sovereignty."

He had pushed through what he perceived to be the worst part of the situation, and he approached the actual point he was hoping to make. "The Enclave however, have proven themselves to be little more than barbaric terrorists who masquerade as defenders of Mandalorian honor. While their invasion held the benefit of purging many of the separatist forces on the planet that had been plaguing us for the past few months, their assault also resulted in the wholesale slaughter of tens of thousands of innocent civilians mixed in with the separatists. Had they been as methodical as your forces were, perhaps they would have avoided so much indiscriminate death and destruction. But they decided to bombard the capital city with their orbital cannons, laying waste to anyone unfortunate enough to not find shelter."

The Baron's expression contained very thinly veiled rage at the recounting of the Invasion of Panatha. His body still bore the rigors of enduring the same bombardment he referred to. He carried himself with a wounded dignity of a man who gave a piece of himself on that battlefield, but also with an indomitable will that bespoke the sheer resolve he carried with himself. He would see Panatha avenged. That vengeance wouldn't be at the expense of the Ashlan Crusade. No, it would be against the terrorists who had stepped too far from their perch across the galaxy.

"I would be interested to hear the Ashlan Crusade's stance on this development. As prospective allies, I think it would be most appropriate and welcome to receive a statement of solidarity. Surely, the Cardinal and High Admiral would not condone such wanton savagery to go unpunished?"


Last edited:
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective II.: Make a treaty with the Ashlan Crusade
Location: Old Sith Senate, Ziost
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || ENS Crimson Empress (in space)
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

She was pleased to learn that there was no problem with the appointment of Lady Eina and everyone supported it. Sooner or later, she will have an Ashlan husband anyway. Mean, because of the dyad, Ingrid was pretty sure it would happen sooner or later. But since in the future Lord Geiseric could not be an Eternal Emperor, only a Prince Consort like Adrian or Tubrok; so there was no obstacle on her part.

Of course, she noticed the little offended behaviour when Lady Isla gave the floor back to the cardinal. Maybe she wasn't happy with just managing the fleet? Does she want more power and influence? It was really interesting. Maybe without Lord Grayson they will soon collapse because there is no strong handed ruler to unite them? This problem was familiar to the woman as well, she also had to struggle with something similar after she ascended the throne. Ingrid had to prove that she was worthy and able to preserve the Empire.

The Ashlan Crusade was a more peaceful place than the Eternal Empire. Meanwhile, she got the data, then looked at the cardinal who spoke about the trade.

"Nothing is more natural; we do not expect various companies in our hands to be exempt from taxes. Trade doesn't work that way, even HPI pays taxes to the Eternal Empire in the same way as any other company." suggested that HPI is quite influential in the Empire, but the woman does not make an exception with her own company either. "We are delighted to see Ashlan Crusade's companies on any planet in the empire."

This was the standard procedure. She then looked back in the direction of Lady Isla, which planet to place a military base on against Maw led by Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis , this was important. But there was even the question of GA, but first Maw.

"We thought of the planet Odessen to offer you this place for this purpose. It will be the northernmost point of the Eternal Empire for the time being, bordering the Galactic Alliance and the Maw as well. There is no better place to launch attacks." she said.

GA, Ingrid, had a basically good relationship with Tithe, and most recently helped save the city from another Tegan's bomb. Though no one knew about it, and she wasn't that person who'd tell anyone this. Discretion, and she never boasted of her results. Meanwhile, she also listened intently to the Baron speaking.

"We made a truce with GA at the end of the war and our relationship is neutral. The embargo is over. I believe that the common enemy of all of us, the Maw, is more important now. But I don’t think we’re looking for any conflict with them. As the Baron says the Maw and the Enclave are the most important at the present moment. And, of course, the disappearance of the remnants of the Sith Empire. So we would be happy to have a similar military base close to the Sith Regions so that we can help you from there in these regions." she said.

She answered the baron's words with only a faintly noticeable nod. His question was great about how Ashlan Crusade would react to such a similar act. The Ashlan's attack was different, they just wanted to destroy Carnifex, but the Enclave wanted to destroy everything. That company in the eyes of the Empress was exactly the same as the Sith. Nor did they understand anything but to kill everyone and destroy everything.



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