Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Cleansing of Ziost | AC & EE junction of Ziost and Empty Hex


"I resigned" He explained, "In other words- I quit"

The High Lord's stature remained unmoving, his massive body placed firmly in his seat. Ingrid took the position he expected her to, the position everyone would expect her to. Absolute purity. It was a remarkable trait he had seen replicated countless times, by countless monarchs. L'lerim-Vandiir was not the only Emperor he served, nor was she the only ruler in the galaxy.

She faced stiff competition from the likes of Rurik Fel Rurik Fel and Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis . Equating her to the former might've been more correct, though Evore was intimately aware of the Empress' force potential. It concerned him. Always did.

"Arguing policy and procedure would be pointless. I have centuries of experience, you rule the Empire which charges me of treason" He paused. "However, it would be incredibly irresponsible- if not stupid - to forsake an alliance with the Crusade simply because of position within their ranks. The shadow of the Brotherhood the Maw hangs over us. Together, we can defeat them"

"Alone however..." His voice trailed off. They all knew what going it alone meant. Solipsis was ruthless in his campaign of intimidation across the Unknown Regions. His dominance and military power rivaled, if not surpassed that of the New Imperial Order and Galactic Alliance. Without additional support, everything he helped build on Ession would be torn away again.

He wouldn't allow that.

"My Lord, I offer a compromise" He explained, stretching his arms for emphasis "At the conclusion of the war, I will resign my position as High Lord and submit myself to your judgement" His eyes darted to the Baron, grimacing dead blue eyes boring into the soul of the Field Marshal. He held no real power in matters of foreign affairs, therefore the High Lord didn't respond to his comments. Evore would know afterall, he held a similar position.

Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Hunt down the Sith
Location: Surface, Ziost
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

"That won't be such a big deal anymore!" I said firmly.

Then I was hoping it would really be that way, and I’m not just talking unnecessarily. I didn’t want to bruise my ego again; the former was just enough for this millennium. I didn’t move while the enemy fired at us, I was still safe sitting like that. When Arturo finished shooting, I also heard voices talking about what they were talking about. I also nodded at my partner’s words as I got up and remained covered and pulled against the wall. I took the two pistols in my hands. In light of the above, it even came in handy, that is, what the enemy wanted.

<< Let them believe they are better than us and give them a try.>> I sent a message to my partner.

I already knew they would be in for a very unpleasant surprise after that if they really tried. Luckily, they couldn’t hear my words because I was still speaking in a closed channel. That is, in my case, it was only a "think", thanks to the biochip. Another nod when the data appeared on my retina as well, as the enemy was already within range. In any case, I followed Arutro so as not to blow up our cover for now, even though they could have been hit well from above with a jetpack. If I had one. I really need to get my own armor and the like.

I nodded at the request and then set off. Deliberately on the longer journey, so that the other three do not see me. So I had to get around the building through the little alley in the dark. The other three who were on the street were roughly in line with Braga and were looking towards him. They didn’t seem to really have scanners and only went after the shots because they didn’t notice I was approaching towards to them; that is, I rather left the previous place. I looked out from the side of the alley and fired at them with both guns. That is, to the one who was closest to me. I even managed to shoot this person.

He fell to the ground, but the other two noticed me and turned to me. At least they didn't try to catch Arturo anymore, they dealt with me. They immediately fired in my direction and headed for me. Because of this, I had to retreat back to cover because they were constantly firing. No problem, just come closer, I’ll have a little surprise for them and they can’t run away from me.


Objective- witch hunt
Tags - Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich Celeste Demici Celeste Demici

I only know their a powerful dark side abomination and for the empress herself to personally request my help on this matter means she needs it dealt with...urgently

Now that star thought about it everything listed about this armor when she picked it up was tailored to not only fighting those without the force but fighting those wih the force as well! Chuckling a little bit she rolled her shoulders ad they descended down into the spiraling and twisting maze. Glancing around the place she looked to he rnew companion

it means the field is leveled, we are on the same playing field as the witch

Further in they went, the scent of death and madness filled the air, even without the force her senses tingled with warning of danger and that she should turn away now. But instead she pressed on slowly only stopping when her companion had quite literally came to a illusion of sorts, star had seen it too...and if that meant the catacombs were shifting to the will of the witch they had a bigger issue

Sighing she took her ring off slowly and put it in a secure pouch, the air around her grew warm and her force signature soared like a massive dragon stalking the catacombs, she came up to her ally and gently placed a hand on her, the hand felt warm like the sun

keep calm and steady my friend, we are in the lair of the witch, she will try and mislead us or trap us

She moved ahead and lit her hand ablaze and formed the fire into a ball as she used it to light the way

but...the flames will guide us and burn the shadows away! Let all evil who dares face us see it and falter before our might!

Her saber was drawn and ignited, standing tall and proud she looked to greer

with me friend! We shall push onwards without fear!


Tags: Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich , Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae , Celeste Demici Celeste Demici


Vaxis took care to pay close attention to every detailed shared by the Valkyrja. Any little piece of information could be the difference between life and death, and when confronting an unknown enemy, one had to be prepared. Vaxis had heard of the creation of the nexus on Ession, though he still hadn't heard the whole story. As Eina spoke of the parasite, he could already feel the unease creeping up the back of his neck. He quickly pushed it to the wayside; fear wouldn't serve him in this encounter. Fear was a weakness, a gateway to the Bogan, and he refused to let it take root. His response to her was cold and straightforward.

"I see."

He looked toward the horizon, gazing in the direction of the source of the dark energy emanating from beneath the city. What terrible horrors she must have endured at the hands of such a creature...

Such a sin was unforgivable.

His hand reached for his commlink, and he opened a channel to one of his fellow Jurors. Brother Ambrose had served the Crusade well in the past, managing to survive the attack upon the Jedi at the battle of Coruscant. Perhaps his services would be of use here as well.

<<Brother Ambrose, this is Brother Vaxis. I'm sending you my coordinates now. A high-risk threat is nearby, and I'm going to need back-up. Gather what Jurors we can spare and meet me here.>>

Turning his attention back to Eina, Vaxis began calculating the risk of her presence. She had a point; should she prove to be too weak, she could be a liability to the others. Nevertheless, she could still be a valuable asset. He needed to know more before proceeding further.

"You say she has terrific power. Tell me, should I encounter this creature, what can I expect? I'll stand a much better chance if I know what I'm dealing with."

Still going, despite everything.

Objective: Throw down or go down
Tags: Silhana Cadera Silhana Cadera
Kit: The Wolfhound, KC-77N Hybrid Pistol, Black Sun Armor Mark. I

Giving Silhanna the time she needed to work, Arturo did his best to keep the cultist's attention fixed solely on him. No doubt the shooters knew there were two of them, but so long as he continued to make a ruckus, he reckoned his smaller companion would be able to operate unhindered. Popping up, he would fire off a shot or two, then duck before they could think to do the same.

They went back and forth for a time, neither side budging unless the other did. Back and forth and back again. One of the cultists tried to press him and paid the ultimate price for his belligerence.

By the time Sil got into position, another had fallen, dropped by a bolt that he never saw coming. Four more cultists appeared from the shadows to avenge him, and support those still standing. Even so, for a single moment the fire coming towards Arturo slackened as they got into position. Vaulting the wall, the contractor made a mad dash for the nearest building, the heat of bolts whirring by enough to warm him even through his armor.

Slamming into cover, Arturo leant out to keep the enemy distracted. A bolt of red light smashed into the wall by his face, blinding him. He ducked down as the definition began to return to him. "Backup has arrived." He warned Sil over the closed channel. Firing into the street, he cursed as bolts overwhelmed him, forced him back. "The street's out," he continued, beginning to circle around towards Sil. "Hold ground. I'm coming to you. And for the love of God, don't blast me. I'll be a bit disappointed if you do."

Objective 2 - Hunt the Sith
Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Celeste Demici Celeste Demici

"That sounds good to me!" Smiled Greer, bathing in the warmth and the power now coming off of her ally, where had she been hiding that? The catacombs were dank and unpleasant, as you would expect from a catacomb on a world such as this. It was clear that someone had been through here and cleared it put, was it the creature they were facing? Greer looked at a large stature of a horned creature, both of its eyes were empty and chipped, as if someone had prized something out of them. Was there anything left down here.

"Do you suppose the monster would have taken treasures like that? Or do you think she is looked for something more?" The two women's sabers, and stars fire cast eerie shadows that only added to the foreboding nature of the place. The Sith knew spectacle, even long after death she could feel the fear they wished to evoke in their enemies. Another coffin, its lid open and the skeletal remains clearly disturbed.

Greer noticed something glisten at the waist of the skeleton and she picked it up, a coin, Electrum plated by the looks of it. She didn't recognise the date on it, clearly pre Yavin. It didn't feel dark in any way, just a coin, so she pocketed it and moved on. She was no thief, but the dead no longer needed the coin.

"Solus, wait!" She said, halting silently, ahead she could see movement again, there looked like a light source, maybe a torch moving at the end of the corridor, she couldn't see it as the darkness enveloped everything. She pointed ahead "you see that too?" It seemed real, as if someone was genuinely down there investigating something, but it was hard to tell, it could easily be another illusion. Greer gripped her Saber tight and prayed to Ashla as they continued, they were deep in the catacombs now and for better or worse they had to pass whatever was up ahead.

Location: just outside Adastra
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage

Ship: Tal'din
Tags: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

Another don't ask don't tell, it was very frustrating the cloak and dagger stuff, not knowing who was listening or who you could trust, was Kalic Daws Kalic Daws a spy for the Empress, could be? The paranoia surely wasn't healthy. She would take note of the area to avoid, she couldn't help but be curious why but she would need to trust him. Looking at it, it would interfere with the mission at hand.

She waited until he was in the speeder truck and they left the hangar out into the open space. There were two other of her vod in the front of the truck, but Anashja and Kalic were in the back alone, if either of them had anything go confess to the other now would be the time, but Ana would not make the first move, if he could tell from her plans, that was his assumption but she wouldn't utter anything that would damn her clan.

The journey was awful, how could a repulsor vehicle be so bumpy, she whipped her helmet off and was sick twice behind the console.

She looked at Kalic with fierce eyes, "if you utter a word of this to anyone o am sticking a bounty hunter on you, kay?" She smiled sheepishly and wiped herself down. By the time they had arrived at their destination, she had recomposed herself and replaced her helmet. "Come on then, there are nearly two dozen civis hear that for one reason or another took a beating from the security forces, a few nauts here too from an ambush that went south. We will set up the security devices while my men triage go see who needs fixing first."
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective II.: Make a treaty with the Ashlan Crusade
Location: Old Sith Senate, Ziost
Equipment: The Soulsabers (hidden) | Brynja coat | Hersir Imperial Uniform | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || ENS Crimson Empress (in space)
Writing With: Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Pietro Demici Pietro Demici | Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström | Tristan Evore Tristan Evore | Open
[ Rise of the Empire ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It was not in vain that one of the mottos of the Eternal Empire was, "We are the necessary evil", all of which were very true of the alliance with the TSE; especially after Adrian's death. By then, Bryn attacked the EE and the alliance had survived because of them. And to protect the civilians who were easily killed by both sides, the NIO and the TSE. Ingrid wanted to defeat them.

"Ironically, the Sith Pillars, the Dark Council, did not want a war. They wanted peace…" she said.

It might have sounded like she was protecting them, but it wasn't. The Empress only told facts. she had enough contact in the upper circles to know this. There was so much change of leadership and internal conflict that they wanted to reorganize their own values, there were many open-minded individuals in the leadership who did not want to follow the traditional Sith path. In fact, even Cara Dorniarn Cara Dorniarn was a member of the Pillars, though the woman was never a Sith, not even a member of the Dark Side. She could not have been one of the Baronesses in vain. Just ironically on Evore's former planet after she left the TSE, after their collapse. She didn't want to follow the Worm Emperor's way.

"However, the Eternal Empire will not continue the negotiations in his presence." the Empress stated in an ice-cold voice. "Even his presence is an insult in the room. The Eternal Empire sent the names of the delegates who will present here today, weeks ago, for the Ashlan Crusade. The traitor was not on your list. And I assume, through his previous position, you already know everything about the military and army of the Eternal Empire, so his presence is no longer necessary. I did not ask Lady Eina to accompany me to the negotiations either, because it would not have been appropriate because of her relationship with the Ashlans. However that relationship is positive, and friendly, not hostile."

Yes, Ingrid never liked anyone to betray her or the Empire. That is why she did the same with the Sith Empire at the negotiating table and not in any other way. Her gaze and eyes did not betray emotions, nor did her voice. Each was ice cold and emotionless. However, if one could have been killed someone with their gaze, Evore would surely be dead by now. She would have reacted to the cardinal's words by the time the baron preceded her. She looked at the former baron who was trying to defend himself…

"Resign means when you submit your official resignation and it is captured by the Commander-in-Chief of the Imperial Army and Navy or, in her absence, by the Overlord. Lord Tubrok, the Overlord, has not signed any resignation documents during my absence, during the war. Because no one leaves their position when an Empire, a state is at war with someone. You, right in the middle of a war, deserted into the enemy's army, during the captivity of your commander-in-chief, who was in captivity to finish the war and the entire galaxy turned their attention against the Bryn'adûl. There is no explanation to why you did it. You betrayed not only the people of Bakura, for whom you were responsible, but your own soldier, the Imperial Assembly, your superiors, the STRATCOM, and the Eternal Empire." she said in an ice-cold voice; she never called herself ruler, only the commander-in-chief of the army and navy.

Ingrid didn't react to the centuries of experience, she had centuries of experience as well. She completely ignored what the man had said. With his words, Evore managed to make the woman lose all the respect she felt for him and sink to roughly the level of a worm. However, she really refused to continue the trial while the man was in the room. For her, it was an insult and a disregard for upcoming relationships. The red-haired woman still turned to Isla and Pietro with a cold, emotionless look.

"Can we continue the summit in fours, as discussed in advance by the mediators? Or do we move this to another day? When is it more suitable for you." she asked.






Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström Tristan Evore Tristan Evore

For the love of Ashla! Isla thought to herself, if this goes south, the nearest moon better be karking uninhabited.

"Please, Your Highness, there is no need to end delay the negotiations further, I apologise for this breach of protocol and I respect that you have only attended with your official dignitaries." She looked at Tristan, it was hard not to know what to say but she needed to handle this now.

"I would request that you now take your leave, and return to your ship, I trust that you have the courtesy to follow this as a request, but if you are more comfortable I can issue an order as your Grand Admiral," pulling rank was not Isla's style and she hoped she wouldnt have to, but the situation was become precarious by the second.

"It is an unfortunate truth that your presence here complicates matters, even for the simple fact that with neither resignation or legal request for asylum, whilst in neutral space as we currently are, I cannot automatically assume that Ashlan Authority supercedes your previous commitments to the Eternal Empire." now for the really dicey part "however," and this time she spoke directly to Ingrid "Until this matter can be resolved at a later time, and in light of the Admiral's offer to hand himself over to you for judgement, I would currently consider him part of the Ashlan Sphere as is his current wish, and request that he be allowed to return to his own ship unhindered." she was becoming very aware of her own voice and the pressure building in her ears, she had been trying to remain composed and calm, after Ingrid had pointed out how obvious her feeling were, she was uncomfortable, but Tristan with 600 years experience would be a fool if he didn't see that it was either him leaving or a complete breakdown in negotiations.

"I would finally caution you against tring to run or leave your post Admiral, if we are basing Ashlan protection on your willingness to accept your fate, then trying to escape would make that argument null." this time maybe she was pleased her meaning was sometimes too obvious, she wished Ingrid to know 'if he runs he is yours'.

Isla was annoyed at this delay and she glanced at Pietro Demici Pietro Demici for acknowledgement of her words, she hoped the next string of conversation involved hunting down Mawites and not errant Admirals.



Tags: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim , Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana , Tristan Evore Tristan Evore , Baron Reinhardt Ström Baron Reinhardt Ström


The air in the room was growing thick with a palpable wave of tension, spreading across the assembly as each official spoke their peace. Pietro stood largely in silence as the others spoke, his eyes ever watchful of those in the room. As Tristan spoke of resignation, Pietro waved away the idea.

"While your proposal is valid, Lord Evore, I don't believe it will be necessary. That being said, we will have the opportunity to discuss our options once this meeting is concluded."

While he understood the reasoning behind punishing a deserter, Pietro simply would not allow the Crusade to appear weak at this meeting. After the fiasco that took place on Panatha, he would not allow another strict defeat. Tristan had proven to be a loyal friend to the Grayson family, and as such, Pietro was unwilling to turn him over...

In fact, he would not turn him over.

Once the order came from Isla for Tristan to return to his ship, Pietro begrudgingly nodded in agreement.

"The Grand Admiral is right. Since it is clear that we will not be moving forward in negotiations with your presence, perhaps it is best for you to return to your ship... for now."

Several murmurs could be heard as the conversation continued as whispers from the Ashlan side of the room began to grow louder. It was clear that Pietro wasn't the only one that wished to draw the line in the sand, though such an action would prove to be counterproductive at this meeting. Pietro took a moment to raise his voice for all to hear.

"This treaty is in all of our interests. With the threat of the Maw looming over our heads, we cannot afford such squabbles. This is a necessary step in bringing the galaxy to a more peaceful and prosperous place. The Crusade will do what is necessary to see it done."

The smug smile slowly returned to his face as he turned toward the empress, carrying all of he cheeky subtext it possibly could as his gaze met hers.

"Ashla wills it."

The words were echoed by the other Ashlan dignitaries, carrying the Ashlan rallying cry across the room.



Tags: Eina L'lerim-Vandiir Eina L'lerim-Vandiir


The crowd that had gathered for the event was even larger than Heinrich had anticipated. Though he didn't recognize many of them, it was becoming clear that this was an important day for many, no matter which flag they served. Imperial, Jedi, and others stood shoulder to shoulder, putting aside their differences in order to honor those that had given their lives upon the soil of New Adasta. Heinrich stepped up to the podium, taking a moment to simply enjoy this moment of unity. Since the suspension of the Bastion Pact, the forces that had once allied against a common enemy found themselves at odds with each other. In such turbulent times, it warmed Heinrich's heart to see so many come together, if even only for today.

Taking in a deep breath, Heinrich finally began to address the crowd.

"I need not tell you how much it means to see your faces on this day. We have entered dark and trying times, in recent years. Even as our enemies flee to the shadows, another arises in the darkest corners of space. But we are not here to address the threats of the future, but to remember those the victories of the past, and those that gave their lives to achieve those victories."

His eyes scanned the crowd, his words carrying a mixed sense of sadness and appreciation.

"Time after time we crashed against the walls of New Adasta, and each time we were beaten back. Despite this, we refused to relent. It is only due to the diligence and bravery of our forces that we were able to push the Sith from the Tingel Arm. Each of you standing here represents more than yourselves, your governments, or your ideologies. You represent the persevering memory of those that we lost with each battle. In order to honor those same lost soldiers, the Ashlan Crusade has taken upon itself to establish this structure as a way to keep the courageous fallen in the minds of all."

He turned toward the large platform behind him, motioning toward it as he spoke.

"I present to you, the Wall of the Resolute."

Suddenly, the platform came to life, forming into a massive holographic wall. Upon the wall was countless names and images; tributes to each individual that had given their lives in the name of liberating Ziost. The blue hue of the wall cascaded across the crowd, covering the gathered masses in the glow of the memorial.

"May this epitaph to the fallen serve as a reminder of those that gave their lives, so that the tales of our heroes may no longer go unsung."

There was a moment of silent reverence, which eventually gave way to cheers from across the crowd.

They once again had unity, if only for one day...



Rewoz Aubrohom was no stranger to exploration. In fact, he himself was a gifted armorer and blacksmith deeply skilled in the art of restoring old weapons and objects. His lightsaber was a work of art, deliberately designed to be every bit as beautiful as handy. In fact, the first thing he'd likely do when he came back was do a scientific analysis of a variety of old Sith armors located on Zionist.

The first part of the adventure would consist of him landing his shuttle on Ziost without being killed. An objective indeed.

As the shuttle exited out of hyperspace, Rewoz immediately sent a message to all AC frequencies that stated the following:

"This is Rewoz Aubrohom to all AC channels. I will be attempting to making a descent onto the planet. I request an escort to prevent my shuttle from being attacked. All interested parties respond.

OOC: Anyone who wants to participate can post a tag with me in it.
Eina L’lerim-Vandiir, the First
Princess of the Eternal Empire and Terraris; Angelic mascot and representative of the Ashlan Crusade
Matriarch of the Valkyrja; Leader of Sanctuary; Liaison of the Fjölkyngi Smiðr Guild
Location: New Adasta, Ziost
Objective I.: Perform the ritual to cleanse Ziost and to put the dead souls to rest.
Equipment: Sverð Fyrstr (swords) | Ljósspjót (spear) | Skrúð Engill Fyrstr (armour) || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m || Current appearance
Writing With: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust | Vaxis Vaxis | Open
[ Flúgva valkyrjur á val ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

Eina had to think for a moment what she knew about that woman. All of this was difficult, as she was unconscious for most of her time in captivity, or she was locked in her own mind by the parasite and did not perceive the outside world. But she wanted to help, but she was worried she might be giving false information, causing the jurors to get them in trouble and someone to die. Or worse; the worse was more realistic in terms of what she knew about that species. But the Valkyrja tried to think and tried to say what she knew.

"She is an eldritch being with tremendous mental power. I don’t know if she can fight properly, but she can penetrate other's minds very well with her power and manipulate everyone easily. To play with the feelings and thoughts of others. In addition, she can summon various demons and creatures I have never seen before. Although I haven't had much to do with eldritch creatures so far." she admitted bitterly.

She didn’t know if that would be enough, though she circumscribed things well because they shouldn’t go very close because she’s dangerous from a distance. But then suddenly one more thing came to her mind. Eina remembered something. And that could have been a big weapon in a Lightsider community.

"What I still know is that she is particularly sensitive to the Lightside of the Force, as she is an eldritch creature." she said. "I'm sorry, but I don't know much more. I hope all of this will be enough, even if it wasn’t too informative."

Eina looked at the man in vain, trying to think but unfortunately everything else did not come to her mind. She wished Lord Vaxis could have benefited more from her words. Ever since she was herself again and got rid of the parasite, she had felt herself as clumsy and unnecessary like she was good for nothing. She was weak, it was hard to help others, with the Force; because many times the words were not enough…


Silhana Lolaes'ra
Lynne Tal’kira aka Lady Orchid; The Angel-faced killer
Bounty Hunter, Verd'ika, member of the Clan Cadera; Headmistress of the House Orchid and The Hounty Hunters' Guild
Objective: Hunt down the Sith
Location: Surface, Ziost
Equipment: 2x PV-16 "Sunfury" Pulse Pistol | 2x Simple short sword | Light armour | Mandalorian vambrace || Stealth field generator || OPBC-01m
Tags: Arturo Braga Arturo Braga | Open
[ Mando music ]
"Galactic Basic" | <"Mandalorian"> | ~"Telepathic" communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

It took a few seconds for those two to get closer. They soon realized that I was not going to come forward, but I was waiting for them to do this favour to come to me. That’s why they went to the other side of the street so they could see me from a distance. To their dismay, however, I knew this was how they were moving and going. I don’t think they knew it all because then they won’t come any closer. Or my armour could have been deceptive and they wouldn’t have thought I was Mandalorian.

Whichever statement was correct, I just got out of the situation. I stepped a little further in, hiding behind one of the trash cans so they couldn’t see me. They arrived at the part where they should have seen, but they could not see because of the darkness. They had to come closer. Come on! Just a little closer. They fired several times into the alley; I think because they were trying to lure me out from hiding, but they were not having any luck, the more professional I was.

That’s why they had to come completely close, and when they both reached the edge of the alley, I also came out of cover. They fired at me right away, but I activated my shield so it "caught" the shots. The next moment I activated the flamethrower. The flames reached the cultists, who started running and screamed. After a few meters, they fell to the ground in flaming robes and armour, they could still live, but they would not last long. If they are lucky, they are already dead or it will be a painful death for them.

At that moment, I heard Arturo's voice on the communication channel that reinforcements had arrived. Then I saw movement on the sensors, a person. Since I didn’t know who it was, I picked up my pistols to shoot it, but it was Braga, so I turned back to the street where the reinforcement had to be there already, and they actually showed up on the HUD, and projected on my retina as well.

"Don't you want me to take care of the wounds I accidentally could have caused you?" I asked playfully and then proceeded more seriously. "Do you want a frontal attack, or do we attack them in the back?"


Greer Caimbeulaich Greer Caimbeulaich
Objective- witch hunt
Location, catacombs

She smiled to her new ally, couldn't blame the girl for being off put by these catacombs they even gave stardust a sense of caution the further and further they went into the darkness. Stardust kept her fireball however over her hand providing much needed light as they walked, looking to greer she shrugged

sith could've taken it when they left, I dont think witches quite care for worldly things, especially those that can cheat death

Stardust pointed out, glancing around the rear carefully as her sword cast a pale blue light mixing with the flames yellow flickering, moving further she stopped when greer said and went on alert as now she herself saw what was either a illusion or someone trying to pilfer the catacombs

stay on alert, I've a feeling it isnt friendly until otherwise shown

She held the fireball out in front of her ready to launch it at a moments noticed as she aomoadted it down to the sze of a marble. A bit further in noise reached her the sound of groaning dying breathes and the sound of animal like growling. Sure enough when the two turned a corner they were met with a larger room that was filled with the undead and demons alike, both which noticed the pair entered ana let a roar out as they started climbing over ne another to attack the new meat

remember when I said warm up?! Its here!

Stardust let loose the marble sized fireball into the middle, making a small explosion of fire as she sliced down a enemy that came close and let a roar of her own out drawing her second saber and moved forward

send the undead back to rest! And th demons to the nether! Make them FEAR our faces!
Overseer of Imperial Armed Forces



OBJECTIVE: I - Cleanse, Commemorate, Concord
TAG: Pietro Demici Pietro Demici Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Tristan Evore Tristan Evore

Baron Ström's demeanor remained firm and implacable when 'Admiral' Evore seemingly ignored him, along with the remainder of the delegates from the Ashlan Crusade. By his bearing alone, he appeared to be a soldiers primed for war rather than diplomacy. Of course, it was but an act - Reinhardt was no belligerent fool like this former Baron of Bakura. The Baron knew how to manipulate his emotions for the desired effect upon those he met with. While he may not have been acknowledged by those who were meant to be his peers, he knew his seeming outrage at the 'Admiral's presence had the desired effect when coupled with the reaction of the woman who truly mattered in this situation; Empress L'lerim herself. Despite the posturing on the part of Evore, it appeared he would be forced to withdraw as the remainder of the delegation saw it would be futile to stand their ground on this issue. It was good - the Empire had an upper hand in this discussion early. He would have to play this balance on a knife's edge for the rest of this meeting, but having the tempo in one's favor was an important advantage in any diplomatic meeting.

After Admiral Drellix and Cardinal Demici spoke their insistence in support of the Evore's dismissal, the Baron's eyes switched from each delegate in turn until they rested again on Evore, the Baron remaining standing during the entirety of the exchange. A very subtle, hardly perceptible smile flashed on Ström's face, but disappeared as quickly as it appeared. Tristan had yet to respond to their insistence of his recusal, but the Baron felt it prudent to take advantage of the momentary pause:
"I think I speak for her Majesty when I say that we appreciate the Ashlan Crusade's gesture of respect to Imperial honor." Ström remained unabashed at Cardinal Demici's smug expression at the mention of 'Ashla Wills It'. If he felt it some victory to state such an unimaginative platitude in this setting, the Baron would not deprive him of that illusion.

Instead, the Baron merely stated:
"Indeed... I believe with this business concluded, we can continue?" Reinhardt turned to his Empress with a questioning look, and turned his gaze back at 'Admiral' Evore, giving him a gentle nod and a smile on his face as he politely stretched out his hand in the direction of the exit, as if beckoning a noble lady to enter a carriage. The gesture would seem innocent enough, save for the man with exceeding levels of wounded pride.

The irony was oh so delicious.


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Kalic nodded a little as he looked around, not sure what to do as they travelled to the location. He looked at her, notice she didn't seem to like him all that much, but then again they were both being careful right now. He took a breath before finally speaking up.

"Well, I think we'll do some good. Hopefully do some work the Empire can't really handle." He gave a smug look after that last part, hoping that he'd get the message of who's side he was on across. As they made it though, Anashja threw up, and before Kalic could even question it she told him to tell no one or.... well frack. "Trust me. I won't tell a soul. Just make sure you're ok to actually work." He would then follow the Mandaloian's lead as he grabbed a device.

"On it. This is my kind of work." He would then begin to set up one of the shields, making sure to listen carefully.

Anashja Tal Anashja Tal

Location: just outside Adastra
Equipment: Beskar'gam, lightsabers, healing supplies, 3 thermal detonators, EF-M401e Rampage

Ship: Tal'din
Tags: Kalic Daws Kalic Daws

As the shields crackled into life and the Skjöldr bubbles extended over their work space, anashja lifted her helmet off again and put and ear piece to her ear, she reached down and started adjusting a couple of dials, there was a crackle and a hiss and then she got what she was looking for. Foot steps, voices. It was mostly an inaudible mess at the moment, the passive sound capturing capturing every sound for hundreds of metres, but that was the point, it was meant to sound un-specific, the AI and techs would clean it up later. She looked over at Kalic Daws Kalic Daws
"Well, I think we'll do some good. Hopefully do some work the Empire can't really handle."
She grinned at him knowingly and put her fingers to her lips, as much as it was good to hear him say things like that, they weren't the only ones that might have listening devices about. "I was reading a couple of public reports recently, it's really frustrating though because the official stenographers just seek slopping and keep missing out important names and other details. The Empress must be furious when she reads those reports." And she laughed hoping it would be enough to get the message across without being alerting any listeners. "Well, the shields are up now, so we should be safe from snipers and the like." She looked over at one of her vod approaching.

"I suspect we are needed, let's go put some people back together. I want to show you a suturing technique I developed for those I WANT A SCAR type ultranauts. Leaves a grisly battle scar for them to show off but the work underneath," she made a gesture kissing her finger tips like an artist "beautiful, I get to maintain nearly all of the skins tensile strength and they get to look gruesome to their friends."

She clipped her helmet to her belt, she always worked better without it on, if it was appropriate she would rip the beskar'gam off too, but she needed to keep her body safe and there was still a genuine risk of disgruntled enemy actors attacking them.


Objective 2 - Hunt the Sith
Equipment: Lightsaber Claymore, explosives, Icarus gravpack, Ashlan Rosary, survival kit
Tags: Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae Celeste Demici Celeste Demici

The roar of the fireball exploding bathed greer in warmth and she launched herself at a nearby undead, she swung her double handed light saver in a wide arc bringing it up and across its torso in a single motion, cutting it in half. The long blade was enough to take a second by the arm, but that wasn't enough to stop it and she spun, first landing a punch that hit with a sickening crack against the rotten jaw. The undead barely flinched as its jaw hung lose and it came back. Using the force she slammed it backwards before decapitating it.

Greet squeezed the tension back out of her knuckles and looked at Stardust Solus Skirae Stardust Solus Skirae as she continued to fight, impressive indeed. Her admiration was cut short when the previously decapitated undead reanimated, writhing tentacles pulled their way out of the stump where its head should have been and dragged the corpse ever onwards like some kind of eldritch pilot. Again she swung with her sword, this time dividing the creature, along with whatever demonic entity was controlling it in half vertically.

"I hope you have plenty of that fire" she called, seeing more of the monsters coming from a side passage. She noticed roots from a tree that had infiltrated the catacombs and reaching deep into the living force she felt roots come alive, twisting and wrapping their way through the rock. At first merely tripping the lead creature, but as the roots continued to burrow the passage came crashing down in a cloud of rock, solid and dust. Greet spat some dirty air out and put her saver through the head of the one undead that had managed to half way make it through before the collapse.

She jogged to catch up with Solus who was making her way forward, the way behind was now secure so they had to press their advantage. The creatures were revolting and kept coming in waves, but the pair of Jedi would prevail, or so Greer hoped.
Objective- witch hunt

The mere demons and undead were easily felled by her blade, though their numbers seemed damn near endless. Where she sliced down two or three double nay triple took its place! She currently was fighting off three demons that kept testing her defense while scores of undead came to close their sense of self preservation long since gone, a saber deactivated as she grabbed a undead head and swing it into others before tossing them away with a roar.

The remons grew annoyed and attacked at once, her saber deactivated as she crouched low and a circle of fire formed around her then lasted out incinerating them and clearing around her. She looked at the masses coming and felt rage boiling more and more until she let out a a loud roar and formed two whips of fire

you want fire! I'LL GIVE YOU FIRE!

She raised one over head and spun it before she swung cutting through waves os the creatures, she started forth as the other whip grabbed a demon and dragged it across the ground before tossing it away like a old toy. The whips dissipated as she strode forth without much worry, allowing the undead to come around her before she lept into action once again wave of fire arcing out cuting many in half brutally. Star barely noticed the passage closing as dust covered her showing but a shadow illuminated ated by flames and enemies falling before its feet. The dust cleared with a blast of fire as stardust wore a wide grin on her face, absolutely in tune with the battlefield and its chaos and moved like a wild fire through the enemies that seemed so endless.

After a bit she backed off to be nex to greer, the sheer heat coming off of her felt like a furnace! She took a few breaths to control herself

the enemy is endless! I'm afraid being surgical will not do my friend, seems I'll have to get a bit more brutal. Get closer to me! I'm going to make a path and I'll need to handle any that get through

Popping her fingers she sighed, felt good to have REAL hands again. She stomped forward, hot fire carved a path to their next area, incinerating any in its path to ash or at very least burned them to a crisp. Focusing she started moving forward

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