Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Darren Shaw

Factory Judge
  • Full name: Darren Naban Shaw
  • Preferred Name: Darren Shaw
  • Alias:
    Will Venza,
  • Dante Zankar,
  • Andras Caim,

  • Darth Solrune(former),
  • Darth Seraphiel(Current),
  • The Fallen Knight,
  • The Outcast

[*]Species: Near Human
[*]Race: Nearhuman / Echani
[*]Birthworld: Eshan
[*]Homeworld: Korriban/Eshan
  • ​The Sith Empire(Formerly)
  • The Jedi Order (Formerly)
  • Confederacy of Independent Systems(Formerly)
  • Independent(Currently)

[*]Rank(s): Neutral Master
  • Warrior,
  • Bladesmen,
  • Swordsman,
  • Lightsaber duelist

  • @Val'Sion,
  • [member="Spencer Varanin"],
  • [member="Ajira Cardei"] (As Ashin Varanin),

[*]Padawan(s): Many over the years

[*]Force Sensitive: Yes
[*]Force Alignment: True Neutral
  • Gender: Male
  • Age: Sixty - Seven Galactic Standard Years
  • Height: 6'11"
  • Weight: Approx. 270 lbs,
  • Complexion: ​Caucasian
  • Eye Color:
    Originally Electric blue with yellow flecks
  • Currently, Yellow tainted with Dark Side Corruption.

[*]Hair Color: ​Pearl white, Silver tint.
[*]Distinguishing Marks: A cut across his back from right shoulder to left hip, Burn scar on his left shoulder from lightsaber, Blood tattoo center of chest of the symbol of Naga Sadow. A second tattoo on his back of a claymore sword, with Wings sprouting from the guard. Various other scars.
[*]Voice Sample: Geralt - Witcher Series.
[*]Appearance description: Standing well over two meters, Darren is a rather daunting person in physical form. With his ability to go toe to toe with Cyborgs in hand to hand combat, as well as force users, it can stand to reason he is a little beefy. Yet his body is lean to the point of looking chiseled. White/silver hair as accustomed to being an Echani, And an angular face to match. Darren takes very good care of his body, despite the markings across him.
|| Orientations ||
  • Marital Status: Single
  • Sexual Conduct: Heterosexual
  • Languages: Galactic Basic, Imperial Basic, Mando'a, Sith, Huttese
  • Occupation: Retired Blacksmith, Retired Sith Lord, Retired Alchemist. Explorer.
  • Residence: Eshan
  • Fear an Old man in a profession, where men die young: During a long life of warfare, fighting for a couple of factions, or people who were willing to pay, Darren is an older man who is still living well past his prime. That alone is a sign of his prowess in battle and fighting. Be it with your generic weapons around the galaxy, Echani Martial arts, Vibroblades and swords, or the iconic Lightsaber of the Force User religions. With plenty of years under his belt, and assumed more, hes one of the more knowledgeable people you can meet.
  • The Force has many aspects: Darren for a very long time trained in the usage and manipulation of electrical currents, Force Lightning, Electric Judgement, and Alter Environment based powers. Over the years of usage, The one blue eyes of the man have been corrupted to yellow due to the connection to the Dark Side of the force. While Darren rarely uses the Dark side now, it is still a part of his arsenal.
  • Mastersmith: Being a previous owner of a Blacksmithing company, and then handing it off to his daughter and nephew, Darren retired for a bit on Eshan to live out his days. However, staying in one place forever, is not his deal. During this time on Eshan, he has work to build many kinds of weapons and tools over the years.
|| Attributes ||
  • Hypersensitive: Darren is Hypersensitive, meaning that he can feel, touch, hear, see, and smell at lengths that would be considered abnormal. This allows him to have an edge in battle as well as in normal life. In battle he can see reactions faster than most, see further down the line, hear when people are coming up on him, and others that would take forever to list. While in his normal life, his feeling can be more sensitive and allow him to feel fine lines, But with all of this, A flash bang grenade or a sudden flash of light can stun him for a longer period of time than of normal humanoids.
  • Calm: Definition of calm is to be collected and to a point. Darren is much this way in battle. Longer a go when he was an apprentice he used emotions to fight. Finding that emotions don't help the situation and can sometimes make it worse, he learned to control his anger and emotions in a battle. Keeping calm and sometime considered an eerie calm when death is on the line.
|| Weaknesses ||
  • Dark Void: Darren as a child had the promptings of a voice in his mind. He has many names for it, but generally he calls it "Dark Void" "Dragon's heart" or "My Sithspawn". it was when he was an apprentice that it's powers became apparent in taking over his body in a fight with the Sith Emperor at the time Darth Moridin. He survived the encounter and since then has tried to sedate it. When he did, it popped up again when he was training an apprentice [member="Sadrion"] where he replaced his Jedi saber with a sith saber making a deal with the Void to leave him alone until Darren no longer wants his body.
  • Secluded: Darren keeps to himself. Generally he keeps all information about himself, to himself. he does not like to be exposed and will go through many hoops and trials just to cover up his life. He tries to ignore his past as it was filled with harsh times, and mistakes that he does not want to relive. When he goes alone, he stays alone. Leaving people in the dust so no body else can see who he really is.
  • Natural Independence: As much as Darren has been known to lead armies into battle, Take on many people at once, and fight people like none other, Darren does not like to be in a leadership position. he fears that being in a place of power puts him in the open to be exposed to everyone. This causes him to leave factions when people put him in situations that can show who he really is. Even when he believes that he does not know himself.
  • Colorblind: During the creation of a Mask for his Nephew, Darren had literally given up an aspect of his sight so that Shaun could see more clearly. So that the mask could be used by his Nephew and aid him with his own story. For this, Darren can barely see any form of colors or shades of colors. Some of the brighter colors can pop out at him, but otherwise, its very difficult for him to tell the differences between darker colors and the like.
  • Prime Years are Over: Old, and starting to show it, Darren has quite the number of scars over his body. Some even causing him some pain that he would otherwise not have as a youthful Warrior. Various times he has broken bones in his body or sustained damage to himself that would not heal in the correct way.
  • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: Carpal Tunnel is where a tightening of the nerve over the wrist causes your hand to feel pain, numbness, or even a tingling sensation. While its not often, it has happened a few times in the past. This also extends up to some of the nerves in his left shoulder. Causing his entire left arm to be in pain or differences in numbness over the arm.
  • Popping and Cracking: Sitting up, standing, or even moving suddenly from a set position is kind of painful at times. Sitting down for too long, and then standing up can cause some of the joints to pop, or even just doing physical exertion can pop a joint. Old age is not kind to those who have been in battle.

Birth of a Soldier
Darren Shaw was born on Eshan, and later moving to Korriban, his mother Maylee Shaw and a Sith apprentice named Jax Naban. He grew up in a very poor home. Beaten by his father on a daily basis. His father saw him as a weakling, and so to prove himself, Darren enlisted in the Sith army. Darren was put through training as a simple cadet when they saw his skills with weapons. He was then promoted up to the rank of Captain and was given advanced training as a Elite Stormtrooper for the Military. Even while he had good stats and skills, he was sent to simply guard the Sith Temple on Korriban. The year that he was there was a blur and not recorded as most of his time was spent at his home or at work. Most of the files he had indicated that he had fallen in love with a woman, but let her later on and no record of the woman was known as Darren kept himself and her out of the spotlight. During a confrontation with other stormtroopers he revealed himself as a force sensitive and became one of the many Sith Acolytes.

The Sith Acolyte
He was then trained as a Sith Working for many Sith Lords and Knights. Running simple errands and learning just about the basics. However, he was known as a very good fighter and having skilled prowess in melee combat. Rarely could people defeat him, let alone kill him. All the while in his training, Darren Shaw went with the name Dante Zankar to remove his name as a Sith. These years were also a blur as people didn't keep too many tabs on him as a Sith. Spending most of his time alone reading, and studying, or out on a mission within the Sith Empire. Once more, When he was going to be promoted to a Knight and become a First Apprentice of a Sith Lord, Darren left the Sith and roamed for a time of about 8 months before finding records of him with the Jedi.

The Jedi from within
Darren left the Sith. He had been found on many of the Jedi planets learning from some of the Greatest masters of that time. While there, he had received messages from an unknown source that his mother was taken hostage by the Sith. Even then, he force himself to train more and more. Wanting to become stronger so then he could take on the Sith and free his Mother. To prove that the was with the Jedi, they sent him on a mission to hunt down a Sith who went rouge and was destroying villages out of random. Darren looked for this man. many times the man escaped form him and somehow knew exactly who he was. Eventually Darren cornered the man and the engaged in a battle. As Darren faced the masked man, the man revealed himself to be his father. It was then that Darren had lost his control. Giving into the Dark side of the force, he defeated his father with skills of his Jar'kai lightsaber form and held him at saber-point.

Once defeating him, Darren talked to him about if his Mother really was captured. His father confirmed it and even stated that he was the one who turned Maylee in. Darren got mad and somehow controlled himself with rage and asked for his fathers help in rescuing their family. Giving Jax another chance to fix what he had. Instead he stated that if his son was not a Sith, then he was no longer his son. He disowned him and spat at his feet. Darren didn;t want to, but he was told to use force if necessary. Darren then killed his father. Taking the ship that his father owned, his fathers lightsaber and other things, he left to go back to the Jedi. However once more, he left without a trace and was found later on as a Dark Jedi on the look for his Mother.

The Fallen White Knight
Months later, Darren was looking for information on his Mother, and a way to strengthen himself. He returned home to Korriban to search the tombs. There he met Darren Onyx where the two worked together to decipher Sith runes, and to find the Tomb. In the tomb, a Sith Knight and apprentice was following them and attempted to kill them. However, by the fast acting of both of them, Onyx took the datapad stored in the tomb while Darren provided a distraction for the two to escape. The two came to meet up later on after the incident where Onyx felt within the force that Darren would need the datapad. Handing it over to him without having the information seen for his eyes, Darren then left Korriban to his secluded home on Kashyyyk. There he used the Datapad to create a Sith Sword made out of a Cortosis weave that could short out lightsabers.

Soon after, he created the New Rebel Alliance with and old friend when they had been in the Stormtrooper corps, Kodiak, and co led the faction. Going into a few major battles and a few duels. He had beaten the Sith rumored to hold his mom captive. Daxton Bane, and a draw with Verz Horak a Mandalorian Rally Master. Once more looking for a way to further himself, He met up with a fellow Dark Jedi Ashin to create armor that hide his signature, and could give him an advantage in battle. The armor helped him greatly and allowed him to further himself within the ranks of the Dark Jedi. Not soon after that, His friend Koltak was killed and the Alliance fell. After the fall, Darren was then Considered a Dark Jedi Knight.

The Coupe for an Empress
Darren created a relationship with the Dark Jedi Master Ashin Helping her take out planet after planet in her name. He became her right hand man and helped in many battles. With the promise of his aid to her, that she would help him later on as a favor, he followed every word she spoke. Eventually this led to the downfall of the Emperor Darth Moridin also known as The betrayer of Hope. He aided in the taking of the throne and fought to be her Champion, However as the fight came to a draw, he decided to call in his Favor and left. When he came to her for a second time, he desired the Release of his mother. Ashin already knew of this and had her prepared to him. He was also given the order that he could hunt down the Sith Responsible and confirmed to be Daxton Bane. However, he was to hunt him down without the destruction of the Sith Empire resources. Darren searched for the Sith for a time when Daxton dissipated from the spot light. The case went cold, and to discover who he was, Darren looked for his Father's past.

For Friends and Family.
Searching for more of his past, he came to discover that his father was not a Sith, but an undercover Jedi. When he entered an old cave because of a coming storm, he noticed that it was the old hideout for the Rebels during the Time of Galactic Empire Ruled by Darth Vader and Darth Sidious. He broke down the ice that had melted over the doors to lead into a room with a very large Holoprojector. Activating it, A figure showed up and began to speak about him hiding here from the Jedi, as a ruse, to Join the Sith in an undercover operation. When the man revealed himself, it was Darrens Father. As the holo went on, His father revealed to him that Under the Holoprojector was an Item that he would be looking for, and only he knew the words to unlock it. Darren searched his memories and what had just happened to find the password. Utilizing this, Darren opened the safe that was hidden under the projector. Inside was a Gold lightsaber hilt with a few lightsaber crystals. Taking a permafrost crystal, He made his own lightsaber from his father’s old one.

Darren then began to help his friend Darren (Dark) Onyx and was branded a target of the Sith Empire. As he was fighting Sith left and right Darren was captured, while Onyx left. Asking for a parley with the Empress, He bargained with Ashin and came to a deal. He was to kill his friend or be forever an enemy of the Sith. As an agreement came Ashin used her poisoned blood to mark a tattoo on his chest of Naga Sadow. As he was looking for Onyx so he could fulfill his promise He found a young man that he took as an Apprentice. Calum who he rescued from a bar fight and the slums of Coruscant.

Darren found his friend and was in the process of killing his friend Onyx when Onyx’s love killed Onyx before Darren could. Darren then took his friends body and his blue lightsaber for safekeeping. In the process of returning the body he met his Onyx's sister returning the dead body and the lightsaber. Darren then ventured on his own to meditate on the force when Ashin, who was supposedly dead, Came and offered an apology to him for the past. Darren then told her that he was here to learn about what the force was to him. She offered to train him in force judgment and the true lighting force. Darren then forced himself to Train harder after that meeting, making him very proficient in the lightning aspect of the force. During the training He also met Onyx there and they dealt with their past to come to a cease fire.

In the name of a Master
Darren became a Master in the force and would make his way around Training others. One of them he grew to have a crush on a woman. Later they met up to talk about this bond that they had. Darren went alone to Mustafar just to be there when he encountered his old friend, Zaiden now known as Darth Zados. He met Val'Sion an Echani rouge that talked to him about the meaning of the force. He also gave the cordinace to Eshan, to figure out more about his lost father and family. He was also recently invited to be a Co-owner of James armor Co and accepted the job as Zaiden was still friends with him, even after their battle.

Soon after Darren Joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Where he helped create with others in signing a document. Mission after mission with them, he was then claimed Senchenal (battle master). He was wanting to get a better understanding if he was to help other people turn away from the Darkness when he himself became dark when Fighting Darren Onyx once more. In the process of the fighting, his house was destroyed, friendship ruined, and he turned Onyx into a Cyborg. He created a New Sith sword named Despair as for he was Very dark at the time. He completely converted to the Dark with the help of Val’ryss, but now that he has gained a grip on the world he sees that he does not need to be a Sith anymore. In such he is waiting for his time to strike out against Val’ryss and free himself.

After freeing himself from the clutches of the woman, Darren made of to the New Order, an Empire that came to rise in the Ashes of the Sith Empire that had fallen. With the aid of them for a few months, Once more, he left to avoid being in the spotlight with the Order. he moved from place to place. Becoming a Vagabond, and taking up and Old name Dante Zankar to which he has gone off the grid.
Darren became a Master in the force and would make his way around Training others. One of them he grew to have a crush on a woman. Later they met up to talk about this bond that they had. Darren went alone to Mustafar just to be there when he encountered his old friend.

Zaiden now known as Darth Zados. He met Val'Sion an Echani rouge that talked to him about the meaning of the force. He also gave the cordinace to Eshan, to figure out more about his lost father and family. He was also recently invited to be a Co-owner of James armor Co and accepted the job as Zaiden was still friends with him, even after their battle.

The Exile Sith
Soon after Darren Joined the Confederacy of Independent Systems. Where he helped create with others in signing a document. Mission after mission with them, he was then claimed Senchenal (battle master). He was wanting to get a better understanding if he was to help other people turn away from the Darkness when he himself became dark when Fighting Darren Onyx once more. In the process of the fighting, his house was destroyed, friendship ruined, and he turned Onyx into a Cyborg. He created a New Sith sword named Despair as for he was Very dark at the time. He completely converted to the Dark with the help of Val’ryss, but now that he has gained a grip on the world he sees that he does not need to be a Sith anymore. In such he is waiting for his time to strike out against Val’ryss and free himself. With freeing himself, Darren stayed a little longer with the Confederacy and helped train a few others before he decided to leave. Now wondering around the Galaxy like he once did as an apprentice, Darren Is looking for new adventures. He comes to join the New Order and help in their aid of reclaiming the Lost Sith Empire.

The Echani Warrior
After the various wars, and battles, Darren left the spotlight. Drawing himself back to his home planet of Eshan. He moved to live with his mother. Helping her in life, while making a simple living off of being a weaponsmith for the Echani. Making their notable vibroblades, double-blades, and various armors for their "dances." Living with his mother was not all it seemed to be. She was passing from cancer. The doctors couldn't do anything to heal her, and she was not going to recover by any normal means. Darren wanted to use the force to keep her alive, but his mother, Maylee, refused.

He was heartbroken. Maylee had lived her life. She wanted to rest, yet show to her son that death is not the end, nor is it the beginning. Its just another path for her to take. Darren accepted this, and let his mother pass away. Now without a family other than a daughter he knew nothing about, he was alone. No allies, no friends. Yet he needed to do something. He made his mind. He found his purpose, and now he returns to the galaxy to bring to pass, his dreams.
Factory Judge
|| Force Skills: ||
Alter Environment/Force Lightning/Electric Judgment - Apex - Darren over years has learned how to use various lighting related force powers. Very powerful with such abilities allows him to spread lightning like a wall over the battlefield. Able to draw it from his own force potential, or alter the surrounding area's electromagnetic signatures to become lightning for him to use. He can draw upon the electromagnetic forces with ease.
Telekinesis - Master - As a Mastery over the force, Telekinesis comes as second nature to Darren. Able to perform rather powerful feats through the force.
Force Drain - Proficient - Able to release tendrils of black energy out from his hands, Darren can draw upon the strength of others. He can drain multiple people at once, but stretching his limit would be an entire crowd of people. Focusing upon one person to draw from makes the process faster, but not by much.
Revitalize - Proficient - Able to center upon himself, Darren can strengthen, or heal himself through the force. It requires the utmost concentration upon completing the task. Doing it in battle is possible, but takes much longer to do, and can take his concentration away from the battle. It's a double edged sword.
Consume Essence - Proficient - Darren's skill set relies on drawing upon other's abilities, or to heal himself through the force. As such, Drawing upon these emotions to power him has been known since he was an apprentice. However now, with much more control over his abilities, he can reasonably draw upon the strength of others.
Force Shield/Barrier - Adept - Building a shield completely out of the force, and use it to defend himself from various attacks, is quite a useful skill. Sometimes, the best offense, is a defense.
Force Destruction - Adept - A very powerful ability to create a ball of pure destructive energy. One that can vaporize enemies, and create holes in buildings, and blast doors. However, the size of these blasts are rather small compared to someone who has trained much more than himself. The biggest they can be is about the size of a basket ball.
Sith Alchemy - Adept - The altering of metal, creatures, or other textiles to become something else. Darren knows rudimentary ideas on how to create simple Sith swords, and alter armor. Otherwise, Darren knows nothing. Just like Jon Snow.

|| Lightsaber Combat ||
Niman - Legend - Niman is a lightsaber form completely based on other lightsaber forms. Having a mix of everything from Djem-so, Soresu, Shi-Cho, Juyo, and other lightsaber forms. Darren doesn't prefer one lightsaber form over the other, and molds them together into one. Using a Shien stance, while still using forms fro Shi-cho, or even Soresu. He can switch on a dime. It makes him very complicated in a lightsaber fight.
Djem-so/Shien - Master - To be able to switch from one lightsaber form to another. One needs to know various other lightsaber forms. While Darren does not tend to prefer one form over the other, He more notably uses Djem-So and Sith Shien forms within his own fighting style. He uses a lot of Djem-so with counter attacks, and using the other person's actions against them.
Soresu - Master - With Djem-so being all about counter attacks, Soresu is all about defense. Should Darren have to backstep in a fight, or fight someone who he feels could likely take him in a toe-to-toe fight, he might lean more heavily upon soresu and Djem-so.
Juyo/Vaapad - Proficient - A highly aggressive lightsaber form, Many Jedi were denied the right to learn this for the fact that it uses darker emotions. Limiting those who could learn it to prevent people from falling to the dark side. Darren has learned how to use this form earlier on in his career as a Sith, and later as a Dark Jedi. At first this was his primary form. Now, he uses it every once in a while.
Jar'kai - Proficient - Darren over various years has used lightsabers as his primary weapon. Learning to be a Master lightsaber duelist, Darren delved into the use of two lightsabers. Using them in conjunction with one another. He uses this every so often, however, tends to not use it to prevent dampening his force powers to focus upon being more versatile on the battlefield.
Trakata - Proficient - To be unpredictable, Darren sometimes shuts off his lightsaber in the middle of combat to make someone mess up, or to expose them. It can also be used to turn off the lightsaber, so he can focus more heavily upon the force. Allowing him to use his full strength.
Factory Judge
|| Notable Possessions: ||
Echani Vibroblade - A vibrosword that has been given to him from his mother after she was freed from the captivity of the Sith Empire before it's fall, and a useful tool that Darren uses in place of a lightsaber. It's also more accepted to be used than lightsabers on various planets. Its ornate design with his clothing makes him look rather official. It's a more widely used item on criminal planets, and even on Eshan, his homeworld.
Shaw's Double Brand - A sword created in the honor of his namesake, Auberon created a series of swords for the use of being concealable but allow the user to draw on a double bladed vibrosword should it be necessary. Perfect for a man who wanders the stars.
Shard of the Force - A sword once created by his Nephew, The Shard is a broken sword that has been given to Darren by Auberon. Invisible to the naked eye, when focused upon, the weapon can be in the shape of an arming sword, or that of a Longsword. Desirable for Darren as he travels the stars.
Dark Jedi Sabers - Very simple lightsabers that house Dantari Lightsaber crystals. They are his backup lightsabers, and will carry them every so often. However, hidden from view. Standard in length of around 140 cm, they are his old lightsabers that he had used after he fled from the Sith Empire.
Sadrion/Xander's Lightsaber - During the creation of a Lightsaber for his ally, friend, and apprentice, Darren had taken the lightsaber that the man wanted to destroy, only to keep it should the man understand the force. When the time comes, he will return it to him. Never using it.

Warden Cloak - Before Darren had dissipated from the galaxy, He had once used a set of phrik armor that was strong enough to hold up to even the most strongest of foes. However, the Netherworld had torn apart what was Darren's life. During the battle, he had lost the armor due to damage, and left it behind. As such, Darren now wears this armor. A cloak created to protect against lightsabers, and blasters alike.
Vondiranch Fiber Armor - A set of armor created by the Echani long ago, that has been updated with the use of Cortosis weave to better be used against Lightsaber wielders, and still be light enough for their various forms of martial arts, and bladed combat. Coming along side with some extra belts, and sheathes.
Leviathan Bracers - Another product to wear. Darren as a master leveled lightning user, is able to charge these gloves with his own lightning. Thus should he have to get into hand to hand combat with others, he can have a slight edge.

Rassilion-Class Elite Starfighter - Darren travels mostly alone. Thus he only needs one seat in his ship. Using a older vehicle, that is still up to par with the more faster starfighters, Darren, should he be in space, can handle his own if necessary.
YT-1300 Light Freighter - A light Freighter is available should Shaw have to carry multiple people, or have to go to places where an otherwise Starfighter that is quite unique, would give him away.

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